rTn'fiii-niwiiiwuKni i'tmiiHdpnn 1. i -.. li H in V f I mi, -wiiir.mwt Come Now Own Up You don't like those gray hairs, do you? And your hus band certainly doesn't like them. Then why not try a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor? It restores color to pray hair every time, all the deep, rich color of early life. And it cures dandruff also. " I certainly liollovc tlint Ajrcr'n Hair Vlcor It ti iiilt'iiillil ircmriitl(iM fur tlio lialr and raltiifor I Iiiivii iimmI It more or It'" for lx jears. I ran olivet fully rocniiitni'lKl It to mix nun In iiiumI nf Mich h iiri'pnraUuii." Mlta. Katk IIovt, MIimhhoIIs, Minn. A Uado by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, Man. Alio tuAnufaoturora or SAKSAI'ARILLA. ISPPQ PILLS. L4't O chew CHERRY PECTORAL EHSDRWrWJI TWENTY YEARS AGO ) Items of News Found In Tho J Chief of Twenty Ycjvrs Atfo This Week v v v D F Scott is ill Iowa on business F. E. Coble has returned from Chi cago. Id Smith of Ulootniiigton is in Red Cloud. .1. II Format! and wife went to Crete this week. Miss Myra Brewer is in Hastings attending college. C. W. Kaloy and wife entertained friends Friday night. Mrs Potor Conovor wont to Lin coln Friday on a visit. The Odd Fellows installed their o Ulcers last Tuesday night. K. Skeeu is building an addition to his residence near the mill. J. L. Miner is surrounding his resi dence property with a now fence. A now lodge of Knights of Pythias was instituted at McCook last week. Audy Berg and family have moved into A S. Marsh's property on Seward street. Aaron Conover and Will Mitchell took in tho sights at Lincoln th Fourth. Mrs. A C Hosiuor leaves next Sun day font few weeks visit in Mis ouri and Illinois. Miss Freddie Richardson is enjoy ing a few weeks' vacation in tlio city, vis ting her father and friends. Married, .Inly i, by Row Coo O. Yo'ser, Mr. .John A. Harkley and Miss Tilla Hat Held, both of Rod Cloud L. C. Olmstead says ho had tho pleasure of naming ono baby in Inu valo precinct while taking the census L. Ci. I'arkor, a legal light of Obor lin, Kansas, an old friend of M. W and F M. .Dickorson. was in Red Cloud Saturday Married, at Red Cloud, JunoIlO, 188.), by Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser, Mr. Ceo. W. liojd and Miss .Josephine Spry, both of Webster county. Belva Lockwood, tlio renowned Washington lawyer, hold forth at tho rink Wednesday night to a full houso. Belva is indeed a "silvery tongued orator. After tho most tender euro and care ful nursing for many weary months past, tho Red Cloud National bank boys have at last induced their olean der to blossom In tho sweet subsequently when Tim Chiki" shall have died, will our democratic contemporary please sit on our.gravo that wo may havo some thing green above us. Faith Rebekali lodo No. 181 I. O. 0. F elected the following otllcers last Tuesday evening: , Mrs. M. W. Dickorson, N. C. Mrs. R. P. Hutchinson, V G , Mrs. G N. McDaniels. It. S. ) Pleasant Hill More rain, moro rain .7. W. Polly got tho lingers of his right hand badly mashed iu tho smutter of his mill last week School will closo Friday with a piunic, and a general good time is anticipated Cox's havo their corn laid by. Wklls-Plenty of rain Fine growing weather Harvost will soon bo hero J. D. Storey has commenced tlio erection of a now dwelling houso G. P Cnther was around last week engaged in taking tlio census of Harmony precinct J. I") Crosby's houso was struck by lightning Saturday night Fortunately 110 dlltllllgO was doiio, Happy Hollow Tlio groat and glorious Hollow is improving so fast Unit ono van hardly keop up with tho times Tho Slator Bros., Mr Don son, Mr N'ollson and othors liavo boon turning over sod and making othor improvements Tlio latest arrival in tho Hollow wo havo hoard of is a son born to Mr. and Mrs. H. M Slator Horn, co Mr. and Mrs. Jouson, n daughter Charley Howo is going io build a houso this fall Mr. Crash's now houso is being treated to a coat of paint. N'oitTii East Smith Woathor hoi and dry W. K. Lewis is worth WOO more now than ho was a fow days ago, in tho shape of a bmiid now girl Vo seo that Mrs Sollars of Bloomingtoti is visiting her parents, A. I). Downs and wife Cleo. Wat son lost a line colt tho other day Grant Lewis returned homo tho othor day from tho west Small grain is short this season. Wo guess wo will havo to got a self binder to bind the oats, one that binds under tho ground. Pleasant Homk Wo are sorry to say that wo are going to lose F. M. Shular from our midst. Ho is going to locate eight miles oast of Chariton, Iowa, on tho old homestead where ho spent his boyhood days Albert Horn says ho will gvie any one three dozen eggs that will bring his hired hand back. Wo believe Perry Norris and some others would give more than that The 1th and the rain at (initio Rock wore ahead. Tho liveliest and largest crowd that was over in (iuide Rock Wheat, corn and oats are doing splendid ). C. Barons is still improving his farm. . .. Wo notice W. II. Harcus still buying calves and selling cows and old corn Clover in this part, looks very well. New N, E. Church Finances. The handsome new M. E church building is rapidly approaching com pletion and when lluished it will bo a credit to the membership, to architect, to tlio contractor and to tho town. However, such splendid additions to tlio substantial welfare and architect ural beauty of the city can not bo made except at heavy exponso to somo one. Tho membership of tho Method ist church in this vicinity is none too wealthy and they ask all tho people to aid them iu their endeavor to raise funds to pay for the building before tho time come- for dedicating it. Ah tlio result of the tlrst canvass for subscriptions to tho now church fund pledges amounting to $.'!,: WO. 1.") were secured. Of this amount t'J,!5.'J8.1,'l was collected and paid out for work by tho old board last year, leaving a balance of $l.:U8:i2 uncollected. Work on the building was discon tinued during the winter, and this spring tho now board let the contract for the completion of tho building to Mr. Chambers, tho stipulated prico boing $(5,r00. A second subscription was takon this spring, 52,.r)28.:U being secured. Of this latter subscription 910 has been paid in, leaving a bal ance of $l,.r)88.:i2 uncollected and a de ficiency of $:,'.'"'- wholly unprovided for. When the contract fur tho comple tion of the building was lot this spring L. L. Boron, John Coon and L. II. Rii'-t obligatod themselves to see tho work was paid for. Tlio old subscrip tion is now being collected in, and a now list will soon bo started in tho hope of securing sullicieut pledges to wipe out tho indebtedness. River Bridie Damaged. Tho exceedingly high water of tlio past fow days caused great incon vonienco to travelers and business men who had freight iu transit. Tho river at this point was tlio highest iu many years, somo even going so far as to claim it was tho highest ovor known hero. All tratllo on tho Burlington east and west was abandoned from Sat urday morning until Wednesday morning. Trains were sent around by way of Hastings and their arrival and departure wore very uncertain. Tho bridge across tho Republican river south of town has been declared iiusafo and closed to travel. Tho south pior has sottled about two feet, and that end of tho bridge is sagging bad ly. Tho work of repairing tlio bridgo has already boon begun and it will bo but a short time until it is again open ed for tralllu, The State Convention. Tho Republican stato convetion for the nomination of justices of tlio su promo court and regents of the unl vernity will bo held in Lincoln Sop- j tembor 11. Webster county will bo entitled to fourteen dologatos. Shall the City Own Its Lights? At tho mooting of tho city council Wednesday evening H. D. Kumnier, proprietor of tho Rod Cloud Mills, again asked for a franchise which would enable him to establish an oloc- trio light and power plant in connec tion with his mill. After a brief dis cussion tho matter was laid over. Tlio majority of the council is opposed to granting a franchise to any privato individual or corporation, being in hopes that some plan can bo devised by which tho city may own and opor ato its own olootrio light plant. Yet if tho citizens desire that a franchiso should bo granted to Mr. Hummer the council will probably not stand in tho way of this much needed public im provement, and for tlio purpose of ascertaining the trend of public .sen timent in the matter a mass meeting of citizens will soon bo called to dis cuss the various phases of tho ques tion. It is certain that tho question must eventually be decided ono way or the other, and in fairness to Mr. Kummor tho decision should bo de layed no longer than is absolutely necessary. Antl-Snlttlni Ordinance. Now that wo are beginning J.o put on metropolitan airs with our tine new cement and brick sidewalks, lot's try to keop them clean. Probably tho worst nuisanco wo havo to contend witli is the man wlio chows tobacco, stands around on the street corner and --quirts tho juice in gieat big gobs all over the pawmient. Let's havo an anti spitting ordinance one that will do away witli those puddles of tobacco juice through which the ladies have trail their skirts when they havo any shopping to do. Tho legislature has passed a law which practically abol ishes the obnoxious cigaret, and it is up to the city council to pass an ordi nance which will regulate the tlltliy "chewing" habit. As for tlio smoking of "rank" pipes ami cigars in public places, wo aro willing to leave it to the good judgment of tlio city council to decide what action should be taken. Each of those habits is much filthier than cigaret smoking and fully as of fensive to u largo percentage of tho people. The Fourth. Tlioro was not much doing iu Red Cloud on the Fourth. A few lire crackers wore exploded, and lato in tlio afternoon a stranded aeronaut gave a successful balloon ascension and parachuto drop. Soon after tlio ascension there was an impromptu foot nice which livened up tho spec tators and caused considerable amuse ineiit The courso of the race was west on Fourth avenue from tlio neighborhood of tho Holland House and north on Webster street as far as tlio oyo could reach. Odds wore of forotl that A I Slaby would bo unable to overtake the streak of Green which bo was pursuing. Tlio loader in tho raco lost his hat and shoes, but sue t ceded in making his "get-away." Ono of the shoos can be had upon applica tion at this olllco. Cowlos, Bludon and Blue' Hill each had successful celebrations, and most of tlio peoplo of lied Cloud who could get conveyances celebrated at one or the other of those places. Bladen Celebrates. Quito a nuuibor of our peoplo cele brated at Bladen on tho Fourth, the editor of this paper bein among them. A good program was given, consisting of speaking, music, liorso and foot racing, boxing contests, a base ball game between Five Star and Bladen which was won by tho latter by a score of 8 to .", tho entertaiuiuont closing with a display of llroworks in tlio oven ing. It was our first trip to Bladen, and wo enjoyed it immensely. So far as dwolliugs and farm buildings aro con cerned, the farmers in that part of the county aro considerably ahead of their brothers in the southern part of the county Tlio crops aro looking Hue, tho corn being cleaner, while wheat and oats aro much heavier and of more oven growth than that farther south. It is worth ono's time and trouble to take tho trip and enjoy the sight of the uiaguiHcout crops and tlio splendid homos along tho routo. A Mean Joke. How would you liko to havo about a quai t of ico water" squirted up your pajits leg when your thoughts woro miles away, on othor and moro pleas ant tilings! Woll, that is what hap pened to Ward Hayes, tho tonsorinlist. tho othor day. It was this way: Ward went into Grico's drug storo to got a pauo of glass. This necessitated a trip skyward for a fow foot on tlio olova- tor, and Ward accompaniod Mr. Grico K m f$ It's a strange fact jj thact 3l macn who " ..f..11 tit.nttf i ttrA vnr W 1TUI11U l-llIt JWIU fiwut " at your head if you tried to soil him ono will walk into a clothing store and; calmly pay tho prico of all-wool-aud-silk and accept tho "niecer iz d cotton" clioat. Tho clothier may plainly tell him it contains "mercor ized cotton'; "a few threads; they look just like silk"; ac tually make him think it's all right, and pockets the added piolit cheerfully. Or the buyer may take the "mercerized cotton" adulter ation ignorant ly; there aro some dealers who will let him do so. In el her caso the result is tho same; tho wearer gets left, lint ho doesn't deserve any sympathy; ho can havo all-wool if ho wants it; no body feels sorry for a man who gets "Him Hammed." Our label means all-wool; it's a small thing to look for, a big thing to Hud. Hart Schalfner it Marx m (0 Good Clothes Makers s "V L STOREY Xvltlttjtljvlvlvbtltbil't)lli)b)li)lvbtlll(lbilUilbiblivblllillkavlUtllbiiblt)liaiUlvtlitl4(- ctff-'Az Red Cloud, iiii.tTiimiiiii'iiii'iiamif(fii(iiq(((jq()p BEFORE YOU BUILD That Hniixe nr 13 irn, or store that Coal, it will siivh you money and give you a lot of satisfaction if you will cull and get prices and see the stock of SAUNDERS BROTHERS, PHONE do. RED CLOUD, NEB. Dry Lumber and Gennlnc Maitland Coal a Specialty Consign Your CLAY, ROBINSON & GO. STOGK YARDS, KANSAS CITY, MO. We also have our own houses at CHICAGO SOUTH OMAHA SIOUX CITY SOUTH ST. JOSEPH DENVER Read our market letter In this paper. Write us tor any special Information desired. on tho trip. When tho elevator had ascended to a sullicieut height, pre scription clerk Frank Reynolds slip ped around with a liorso syringe filled with ice water and shot it up his vic tim's trnuser leg. Ward's head hit the ceiling, and when ho finally camo down on tho lloor of the elevator ho did not know whether ho had been bitten by a rattlesnake, stabbed by a Russian or shot by a Jap. This is an ontiroly now way of "getting oven with a barber " Unsafe Crossings. Last Sunday evening as Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Frink were on their way homo, thoy undertook to cross Willow crook in Oscar Etnick's, whore tho bridgo had boon washed out Tho creek was up and had cut a deep channel near the o st side. The team went under, but witli hard struggling they managed to got out Tho crossing is clangorous when tlio crook is up. Tho road commissioners should look after and llx tho' "bridge There aro no safe crossings on Willow c',eok f01' ,nil0;5 during lih waters. f iff V jFii &? s Ik cJQsP?! vflj wft Copyright 1905 by Hart Schaflhcr &" Marx .f T3he CLOTHIER 6- f e- mr K- s- c-c- - M. A. Alblightp T5he Grocer SELLS First ' Quality ' Goods AT Reasonable 3 Prices Nebraska E-f- e-s- s- -C-E-E-E-fi- Live Stock To FAEM LOANS I am well prepared to make Farm Loans in Webster, Smith and Jewell counties at low est rates, either for five or ten years, with best of options. Loans safely and carefully made for par ties having private funds. J. H. BAILEY, RED CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA That Settle's It When a Colorado fimuI stono walk is laid that settles it. Seo Ovoring Brod. &Co, for pneod. h x (