! HMHHBtMKMbiys Wh,.. j,IWWMWJjUiiHWnrir.iminfclliMilL 1 finill "" - ' "'" ""' WMWWHii'" " mvtMWHMm .. -;u,l. -!, friwHtfwummmnnKiiHWWB "WW MW'lWBMlWMW HWt- ;. 1 I ; 1 amn-.-. - I a t-. fcr r. .y.:s fife Wings of the m 4 V.r.'A.'.M ra m. ; mm ijiuriiiii!2 Ill ICOmiNUED. "In the cave." he said, "you are ab solutely sheltered t'ruin till tho whuU (hat blow or ralu that falls. Our villa, however, Is painfully leaky and tlrafty at present. When asleep. tl,e whole body Is relaxed, and you are then most open to the attacks of eold or fever. In which ease, Miss Deane, I shall bo re luctantly obliged to i' e you with a concoction of that tree f'c-o." lie pointed to a neighboring clncho na. and Iris naturally asked why he selected that particular brand. "Hecattsc It Is quinine, not made up In nice little tabloids, but nu naturel. It will not be a bad plan if we prepare a strong Infusion and take a small quantity every morning on the excel lent principle that prevention Is bettor than cure." The girl laughed. . Curiously enough, the lifting of the veil upon the man's earlier history made these two much better friends. With more complete acquaintance there was far less tendency toward cer tain passages which under ordinary conditions could be construed as noth ing else than downright flirtation. Thenceforth for ten days they labored unceasingly, starting work at daybreak and stopping only when the light failed, llnding the long hours of sunshine all too short for the manifold tasks de manded of them, yet thankful that the night brought rest. The sailor made out a programme to which he rigidly jidhered. In the tlrst place, ho com pleted the house, which had two com partments an Inner room, In which Iris slept, and an outer, which served as a shelter for their meals and provided a bedroom for the man. . Then he constructed a gigantic sky sign on Summit rock, the small cluster of bowlders on top of the cliff. Ills chief difficulty was to hoist Into placo the tall poles he needed, and for this purpose he had to again visit Palm Tree rock in order to secure the pulley. By exercising much Ingenuity In devis ing shear-legs he at last succeeded In .lifting the masts into their allotted re ceptacles, where they were firmly se cured. Finally he was able to swing Into air, high above the tops of the neighboring trees, the loftiest of which lie felled In order to clear the view on Jill sides, the name of the ship Sirdar, Tho name of the hlp. fashioned lu six foot letters nailed and spliced together In sections and made from the timbers of that ill fated ves sel. .Meanwhile he taught Iris how to weave a net out of the strands of un raveled cordage. With this, weighted by bullets, he contrived a casting net niid caught a lot of small fish lu the lagoon. Among the fish caught they hit upon two species which most re sembled whiting and haddock, and these turned out to bo very pulatablo and wholesome. Jenks knew a good deal of botany and enough about birds to differentiate between carnivorous species and those lit for human food, while tho salt in their most fortunate supply of hams rendered their meals almost epicurean. Fromthe rusty lilies on the reef Jenks brought away tho bayonets and M'cured all the screws, bolts and other small odds and ends which might bo serviceable. From the barrels he built n handy grate to facilitate. Iris' cook vtoVS:::?,:::::. liHi'HiKlTffl la "1 ft 'iK"Ti V LJ fe KfSb " lift w aN . By LOUIS TRACY Copyright, 1903, by I ! Edwtrd J. Clode ing operations, and a careful search eath morning amid the ashes of any burned wreckage accumulated a store of most useful nulls. The pressing need for a safe yet ac cessible bathing place led him and the girl to devote one afternoon to a com plete survey of the const line. Ily this lime they had given names to all the chief localities. The northerly promon tory was naturally christened North cepe; the western. Kttropa point: the portion of the reef between their hab itation and Palm Tree rock became Filey I.rlg; the other section Northwest reef. The tint sandy passage across th" Island, containing the cave, house and well, was named Prospect park, and the extefislvo stretch of sand on the southeast, with Its guard of brokon reefs, was at once dubbed Turtle beach when Jenks discovered that an Immense number of green turtles were paying their spring visit to the Island to bury their eggs In the sand. The two began their tour of Inspec tion by passing the scene of the first desperate struggle to escape from the clutch of the typhoon. Iris would not be content until the sailor showed her the rock behind which he placed her for shelter while he searched for water. For a moment the recollection of their unfortunate companions on board ship brought a lump into her throat and dimmed her eyes. "1 remember them in my prayers every night," she confided to him. "It seems so unutterably sad that they should be lost while wo are alive and happy." The man distracted her attention by pointing out the embers of their first fire. It was the only way to choke back the tumultuous feelings that sud denly stormed his heart. Happy! Yes, he had never before known such hap piness. How long would It last? High up on the cliff swung the signal to anx ious searchers of the sea that here would be found the survivors of the Sirdar. And then when rescue came, when Miss Deane became once more the daughter of a wealthy baronet and he a disgraced and nameless outcast! lie set his teeth and savagely struck at a full cup of the pitcher plant which had so providentially relieved their killing thirst. "Oh, why did you do that?" pouted Iris. "Poor thing; It was a true friend In need. I wish I could do something for it to make It the best and leafiest plant of Its kind on the island." "Very well," he answered, "you can gratify your wish. A tlnful of fresh water from the well applied daily to Its roots will quickly achieve that end." The moroseness of his tone and man ner surprised her. For once her quick Intuition failed to divine the source of his Irritation. "You give your ndvlce ungraciously," she said, "but I will adopt It neverthe less." A harmless Incident, n kindly and quite feminine resolve, yet big with fate for both of them. Jenks' unwonted 111 humor for the passage of days had driven from his face all Its harshness and from his tongue all Its assumed bitterness created a passing cloud until the phys ical exertion of scrambling over the rocks to round the North cape restored their normal relations. At last they reached the south side, and hero they at once found them selves In a delightfully secluded and tiny bayi sandy, tree lined, sheltered on three sides by cliffs and rocks. "Oh," cried Iris excitedly, "what a lovely spot, a perfect Smugglers' cove!" "Charming enough to look at," was the answering comment, "but open to the sea. If you look at the smooth ri band of water out there you will per ceive a passage through the reef. A great placo for sharks, Miss Deane, but no place for bathers." They passed on. While traversing the coral strewn south beach, with Its patches of white soft sand baking In the direct rays of the sun, Jenks per ceived traces of the turtle which swarmed in the neighboring sea. "Delicious eggs and turtle soup!" ho announced when Iris asked him why he was so lutently studying certain marks on the sand, caused by the great Bea tortoise during their nocturnal vis Its to the breeding ground. "If they are green turtle," he con tinued, "we are In the lap of luxury. They lard the alderman and Inspire the poet. When a ship comes to our assistance I will persuade the captain to freight the vessel with them and make my fortune." "I suppose, under the circumstances, you wore not a rich man, Mr. Jenks," said Iris timidly. "I possess a wealthy bachelor uncle who made mo his heir and allowed mo tour IjuiulreiLa-S'car. so I was a sort of '... fc .?:::: t..: Croesus among stalT corps ofllcers When the smash came he disowned me by cable. Iy selling my ponies and my other belonglngB I was able to walk out of my quarters penniless, btit free from debt." "And all through a deceitful wo man!" "Yes." She ventured a further step. "Was she very bad to you, Mr. Jenks?" He stopped and laughed actually roared at the suggestion. "Dad to me!" he repeated. "I had nothing to do with her. She was hum bugging her husband, not me. Fool that I was, I could not mind my own business." So Mrs. Costobell was not lllrtlug with the man who suffered on her ac count. It Is a regrettable but true statement that Iris would willingly have hugged Mrs. Costobell at that mo ment. Hounding Kuropa point, the sailor's eyes were fixed on their immediate sunoundlngs, but Iris gazed dreamily ahead. Hence It was that she was the first to cry In amirement: "A boat! See, there! On the rocks!" There was no mistake. A shin's boat was perched high and dry on the ' north side of the cape. Even as they j pciauiiiicu toward ii mmiks uiiuersiooo how It had come there. When the Sirdar parted amidships the' uftor section fell back Into W"1 depths beyond the reef, and this boat must have broken loose from Its dnvi and been driven ashore here by the force of tin1 western current. Was It intact? Could they escape? Was this ark stranded on the island for their benefit? If It were seaworthy, whither should they steer to those is lands whose blue outlines were visible on the horizon V These and a hundred other questions coursed through his brain during the race over the rocks, but all such wild speculations were promptly settled when they reached the craft, for the keel and the whole of the lower tim bers were smashed into match wood. lint there were stores on board. Jenks remembered that Captain Koss foresight had secured the provisioning of all the ship's boats soon after the llrst wild rush to steady the vessel after the propeller was lost. Masts, sails, oars, seats all save two water casks had gone, but Jenks, with eager hands, unfastened the lockers, and here he found a good supply of tinned meats and biscuits. They had barely recovered from the excitement of this find when the sailor noticed that be hind the rocks on which the craft was llrmly lodged lay a small natural basin full of salt water, replenished and freshened by the spray of every gale and completely shut oft from all sea ward access. It was not more than four feet deep, beautifully carpeted with sand and so eluded by rocks on all sides. Not the tiniest crab or Ush was to be seen. It provided an Ideal bath. Iris was overjoyed. She po'uted to ward their habitation. "Mr. Jenks." she said, "I will be with you at teatlme." lie gathered all the tins he was able to carry and strode off, enjoining her to fire her revolver If for the slightest reason she wanted assistance, and giv ing a parting warning that If she de layed too long he would come and shout to her. "I wonder," said the girl to herself, watching his retreating figure, "what he Is afraid of. Surely by this time wp have exhausted the unpleasant sur prises of the Island. Anyhow, now for a splash!" She was hardly in the water before she began to be afraid on account of Jenks. Suppose anything happened to him while she was thoughtlessly enjoy Ing herself here! So strongly did the thought possess her that she hurriedly dressed again and ran off to find him. He was engaged in fastening a num ber of bayonets transversely to a long piece of timber. "What are you doing that for?" she asked. , "Why did you return so soon? Did anything alarm you?" "I thought you might get into mis chief," she confessed. "No. On the other hand, I am trying to make trouble for any unwelcome visitors," he replied. "I Intend to set this up lu front of our cave in case we are compelled to defend ourselves against an attack by savages. With this bariing the way they cannot rush the position." On the nineteenth day of their resi dence on tho Island the sailor climbed, as was his Invariable habit, to tho Summit rock while Iris prepared break fast. At this early hour the horizon was clearly cut as the rim of a sap-j phlre. He examined the whole are of, tho sea with his glasses, but not a sail was In sight. According to his calcu-j latlons the growing anxiety as to the , fato of the Sirdar must long ere this, have culminated lu the dispatch from Hongkong or Singapore of n special search vessel, while British warships In tho China sea would be warned to keep a close lookout for any traces of the steamer, to visit all Islands on their route and to question fishermen whom they encountered. So help might como any day or It might be long deferred. He could not pierce tho future, and It Was useless to vex his. gquj with quos- iTTTn Frm Here to There On First and Third Tuesdays OPi May, June, July, August, September, October and November - TO Missouri, Arkansas, Territory One Fare Plus $2 .1. C. LOVKK1.V, Ass'l, CSon'l Passenger Agent, Kansas City, Mo. A.B.(HASE For "INW Durhurall theso voars have boon acknowledged grade. Tho most critical them unsurpassed in Tone, Action and Durability Wo aro district distributors rianos, ami win giaoiy put, you i. i in ii our representatives, or mail and opecial prices. 0LNEY-GAST0N A1USIC CO. St. Joseph, Successor tn T. J. WASMIIUKN. Ustal)lllicd In 18A8. tionlngs "as to what mlghl Tiitppcn next week. The great certainty of the hour was Iris the blue eyed, smiling divin ity who had come Into his life wait ing for him down there beyond the trees, waiting to welcome him with a swot voiced greeting, and he knew, with a tierce devouring Joy, that her cheek would not pale nor her lip trem ble when he announced that at least another sun must set before the ex pected relief reached them. He replaced the glasses In their case and dived Into the wood, giving a pass ing thought to the fact that the wind, after blowing steadily from the south for nearly a week, had veered round to the northeast during the night. Did the change portend a storm? Well, they were now prepared for all such eventualities, and he had not forgot ten that they possessed, among other treasures, a box of books for rainy days. And a rainy day with Iris for company! What gale that ever blew could offer such compensation for en forced Idleness? The morning sped In uneventful work. Iris did not neglect her cherish ed pitcher plant. After luncheon It was her custom now to carry a dish ful of water to Its apparently arid roots, and she rose to fulllll her self Im posed task. "Let me help you," said Jenks. "I am not very busy this afternoon." "No, thank you. I simply won't al low you to touch that shrub. The dear thing looks quite glad to see me. It drinks up the water, as greedily as a thirsty animal." Iris had been gone perhaps five mill utes when ho heard a distant shriek, twioc repeated, and then there came faintly to his ears his own name, not "Jenks," but "Robert," In the girl's voice. Something terrible had hap pened. It was a cry of supreme dis tress. Mortal agony or overwhelming terror alone could wring that namo from her lips. Precisely In such mo ments this man acted with the deci sion, the unerring judgment, the In stantaneous acceptance of great risk to accomplish great results, that marked hhu out as a born soldier. He rushed Into tho house and snatched from the rack one of the rl lies reposing there In apple pie order, each with a tilled magazine attached and a cartridge already In position. Then ho ran with long strides not through the trees, where he could see nothing, but toward the be ' whence In forty yards the place where Iris probably was would become visible. At once he saw her struggling in tho grasp of two ferocious looking Dyaks, iu by his garments a person of conse quence, tho other a half naked savage, hideous and rcpulsic In appearance. Around .them seven men armed with Homeseekers Excursions Oklahoma, Indian and Texas for Round Trip A. HILTON, Cloii'l Passengor Agent, Sr. Loims, Mo. Send for nur convincing booklet, WHY." Twenty Years... A. B. OHArilD Pianos to bo of tho very highest and export musicians llnd of tho A. tt. CIIASIS i i ii t. in toucn witn ono 01 you catalogues Mo. -- U -, guns and 7irangs were dancing with excitement. Iris' captors were endeavoring to tlo her arms, but she was a strong and ac tive Hngllshwoiiiiiii, with muscles well knit by the constant labor of recent busy days and a frame developed by years of horse riding and tennis play ing. The pair evidently found her a tough handful, and the Inferior Dyak, either to stop her screams for she was Bhrleklng, "Robert, come to me!" with all her might - or to stifle her Into sub mission, roughly placed his huge hand over her mouth. These things the sailor noticed In stantly. Some men, brave to rashness, ready as he to give his life to save her, would have raced madly over the Inter vening ground, scarce a furlong, and attempted a heroic combat of ono ngaiust nlMt Not so Jenks. With the methodical exnetness of tho parade ground he settled down on ono knee and leveled the rifle. None of the Dyaks saw him. All were Intent on the sensational piizo Ck v. In the yrasp of two ferocious looklnu they had secured, a young and beauti ful white woman so contentedly roam ing about, tho shores of this fetish ls- (Continued on Sixth Pago ) XWJ -" ' ITI J r. .w . il JJL- - - - it f. tt(U m . i.'tkitigfk)agfr5:-