fm i-','W; fr .',-. lr J&7kXiittfte(ti&&<f(X NvfcrMAMf7i,M'rttaVateV I Subscription THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Eight Pages All Home Print $1 a Year in Advance iV !.t 'ftsism&xsfstT&i'Wf ZWiWWmXW!mi&i3i9iK VOLUME XXXI I . RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JULY 7, 1905. NUMBER 27 . MINER BROS. The Big Daylight Store MINER BROS. The Big Daylight Store CLEARING SALE of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes v V In filling in sizes in our stock of Ladies' Shoes, we find that we have about 7 styles shoes, or 50 pair, that we do not expect to carry again, having pur chased other patterns in their place. These patterns are all Green-Wheeler Shoes and price will apply only to the goods marked in BLUE PENCIL. The styles as attractive as the latest. Light and heavy sole turn, Goodyear welt, pat ent kid turn, patent kid welts. $3.00 Shoes, June Clearing Underprice S2.00 S2.50 Shoes, June Clearing Undcrprlcc $2. 50 The splendid values in Wolfe Bros.' medium priced Shoes, to close, are being eagerly taken. Assostments are being rapidly broken. All $1.10 to $1.50 Shoes, $1.00 pair. All $1.65 to $2.00 Shoes, $1.25 pair. Ui tb lb i tt tfc tt ii it b tt i kb lb l it lb b lb i ti vk lb ki vl vl i ti vi lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb b lb lb lb U vV lb lb ib lb lb U id lb A frlantl of th hom-) A foe of the Trust Neiusy Jiotes prom Neighboring Towns j QftlliniQt Baking a GATHERED FROM OUR EXCHANGES SILK GLOVES Tho Elsmero double finder tip ped Silk Glove, a great favorite. Another largo assortment just received by express Colors, white, black, blue, pon gee, brown, tan and grey. Other grades at 15, 20, 23, 3'ic. FURNITURE DEPT. A largo Hardwood Dining Ta ble; 42 inch s-quaro top extends to 10 foot, 5 iuch leg. Juuo price, $8.95. Solid Oak Diner, cane seat Juuo price, S5. SO. Set of six. SEWING MACHINES A guaranteed machine, oak case, complete set of attach ments box head. Juuo special, St 2.98 RUGS 9x12 feet all wool Smyrna, re versible. 2 patterns, 1 green, 1 red, worth ?25. June special underprice, 914.08 0x12 feet Juto reversible, 2 patterns, 1 green, 1 red, value 812.00 June special underprice, $0.25 SUPERIOR (From the Exuross.) Aithur Bossernian wont to Chicago Tuesday, where ho has a position with a transfer company. A Jowell county man measured his corn, and found it had been growing about 21j inches a day. Mrs. J. H. Uedburg and son John left Monday for a month's outing and visit at Groon Bay, Wig. Corn is stretching skyward at a rapid gait. Miny tiulds aru waist high and some will bo laid by this weeK. F B. Dysart is in Cnicapo this week on business connected with his cement block making, which lie has recently pateutud. The Masonic Order has moved their effects from the I. O. O. F. hall over tho llrst National Hank to the now MuEonic hall. Nniiinn Hick took the Knight Temp lar degree in Masonry at Rod Cloud Saturday night. Accompanying him were A. E. Hunter. John Robins' and Geo. Spohn. Charley Day of Clareinont, Colo., who has been visiting his father-in-law, A M. Kern, a fow days, returned Tues day. Ho is in the cattlo business out there and is doing well. Superior' ball team metits Waterloo yesterday when it bumoed up against the husky Sweden in the Webber team in a game on our dinmond. It wsis a lino gtimo and evenly contested throughout. Tno scoro resulted in favor of Webber, 5 to 8. There was a good turnout at tho Memorial day nxercisos by tho Odd Fellows and Rebokah lodges of tliis city Sunday. A largo number of tho members of the order met at the hall and formed a lino of march to tho coin ery, followed by a long lino of vehicles. A great variety of flowers and wreaths were gathered and spread on the graves of dead members. long in locating tho over and sticky lingered roustabout, thought ho hint use for it. lMTI?l) 'A . O TV t T M t I "" 1 OHIHU lIMN 1 ILK. (From the Messenger ) K. Foihuche. living two miles south of town, had a cow killed last Thursday by lightning. A freight train going west struck a cow nt tho crossing just west of the de pot, killing her instantly. Ex county Tioasuror S. M.Crook is building one of the goo. I, substantial resident properties of the city. Miss Florence Nina Harger and Mr. Joseph August Hrnudt were married I jesterdny morning at 7 o'clock Fred Patrick went to Juliettit, Idaho, for his health this week. Fredhas vety weak lungs and goes with the intention of trying to beuelit them. TnomiiH Hardline, of tho tribe the faithful in Washington town ship, was on the market Saturday with 48 line Diiioc hogs that brought him the nice little sum of $525. Twentj -one harvest lnnds were on the loeiil passenger wist called, ''Jer sov" Tuesday morning ticketed from Katisns City to Kensington. Wheat hat vest, we judge from this, is oni 1 all its beauty over on the west side. Charles Boyee, a boy living near Bol lairu, ran a pitchfork through his foot last Saturday, and was hurriedly brought ovir to Dr. D. W. Rolihan, w ith 83 mpti ms of what might termin ate in a case of lockjaw. Nothing seri ous has resulted however. A young man, sixtoon years ol age, named Ferman Land, is stopping with Sheriff Helfenstino temporarily on a charge of bu-ghiry said to have boon committed in Dannor township a fow days ago. A shot gun and a sin all sum of money woro tho articlos purloined. Powder Compiles with the Pure Food Lew of all Stataa. attending medical colli g.i at Nashville, T01111 , nrrived in Lebanon Saturday night and left Tutsday for Covert, where ho will practice medicine this summer. Last Sunday a family reunion was hold at tho home of 13 I Hales. Among the out of town uuests were W. D. IIiiIoh of Cli.yton, Kan , J. K. Williams and wife of Ni rcitur and Mrs. Vella Win otl of Topeka. II. D. RngoiB f Dj Witt, Neb , cum.) down Widnesday evening to visit his brothers, Washington Rogers, of this city, and W. L., who lives north of town. Mr. Rogers is a very old man. of r but still not too old to run his newspa per at Do Witt. New Line of Premium Pishes. MINER BROS. "The Big Daylight Store." Council Proceedln&s. Tho city council mot in regul r session Wednesday evening, Mayor Dickenson presiding. All tho coun oilmon woro present. Minutes of provious meeting road and approved. Tho application of W. II Taber for nrmi5ion to build a frame building to bo covered with sheet steel, on tho lot south of tho old Farmers and Mer chants bank building, was refusod after duo consideration. Tho petition of R. 13 Kummor for a rranehiso for an oloctrio light and power plant was laid over until tho sentiment of tho taxpayers on tho sub ject could bo ascertained. ' Tho proposition to buy a now Twen tieth Century street grader, price 675, was rejected. Councilman Cathor introduced a resolution, which was adopted, pro viding that no stroot crossings bo al lowed to oxtend moro than three inohos above grado, and that all gut ters and culverts have not loss than an 18 inch opening, unless otherwise provided by ordinance. Tho following claims were allowed ad warrnnts ordered drawn on tho vijius funds: C' a'K Bros., c vof I OOF, hall rout 80 00 Dickenson & Sou, blacksmith- ing 1 80 G W Hutchison, copying papers in F & M bank case 1 50 George Clauson, labor 15 00 M C Sherman, labor 0 00 Buffalo Meter Co , motors and repairs 44 88 L II Fort, salary as city clerk, first (piarter 25 00 Nation, publishing ordinance, reduced from 812 to 10 R0 John Tomlinson, surveying .... 20 00 JO Caldwell, coal 7 20 J W Kinsel,water commissioner 12 50 J M Sellars, engineer of water works 40 75 A Fountain, labor I) 00 Orra Ulbby, moor y vu Hollister & Ross, labor a 50 T W Kinsel, night watch 12 50 William Dedrick, labor 11150 T J Ward, labor 1 . . . . 39 00 Council adjourned. crossing and cul- . mi.i-.i ....,1 uri,,.,,,. ftinn no at. niim mm uwniu. . . ,v " Odd Fellows Install Officers. Bon Adhom lodge No. 180, I. O. O. F., installed the following olllcers last Monday evening, District Deputy Grand Master George II. Overing act ing as installing olllcor: Noble Grand Josoph Fogol. Vice Grand G A. Person. Warden-C. W. Grout. L. S. N. G -C H. Hale. l.G.-M. B Corner. O. G -G. A. Roby. FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) Lauren Hutchinb' pony was so badly hooked by a bull the other day that it is not expected it can live. A nico 8-year-old colt, belonging to Earl Roams, was shot and died from tho effects of blood poison last weok. Dr. W. H. Hyorly was called to Min den Tuesdy to assist Dr. Htpeman in performing au operation for appendi citis. Mrs. W. S. Blako and daughter, Miss Edns, loftTui8day evoning for an ex tended visit with rolatlvos at' C.mon City, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hildreth are in Omaha and Chicago this week buying now furniture for their mansion which will soon bo completed. The Quaker Mudicino Show, which is giving nightly performances in this city, is ono of tho best entertainments of tho kind wo havo over soon. Chas. Hnfllno and family, who wont to Oregon about two months ngo, r turned last Friday evening satisfied that dear old Nebraska is good enough for them. A pretty wedding was solemnized at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Lynch in this city Wednesday at high noon, when their only daughter, Miss Hei t'm M , became tho bride of Mr. Albert E Elliot ' Campbell. Geo. Clapp and dsuighter, of Turkey Creek township, were down Suturday last. Aftor seeing Representative Livengood's big now house, Mr. Clapp n quested us to announce that ho was a standing cat didato for tho legislature. Some of tho roustabouts with Hall's show purloined a stack cover, near Riverton, belonging to Johnny Fulton, who phoned to Cniuf of Police Smith of this city to rocover tho sstmo if it could bo found. Tho chief wus not BLOOMINGTON (From tho Advocate.) C E. Helffeiich has just completed a 124 foot walk in frontof his hotel. 1). (i. Rubv has safely arrived in Parif, France, where has gone to pur 1 huso thoroughbred horses. Ho writes homo glowing accounts of his trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ermst Arrold wont to Oxford last Sunday to attend tho fu neral of his old friend, Jacob Struve, who was ono of tho first settlors of Harhn county. Post fllco Inspector St. Clair was in Bloomington Wednesday and it only took him about tn minutes to check up Postmaster Huber and find that everything was all right. Hugh Taylor, a missionary from Siam, visited last week with George Gessford. Mr Tajler formerly lived south of town, hut has been in Shun for a number of years. Real Estate Transfers. Transfers for week ending Wednes day, July 5, furnished by J. II. Bailey of Webster County Abstract compauy. Alico M Morso ot ul to E U Over man nwl n2 nol 4-1-1 and v2 awl :i2-2-ll wd 12000 Bon Anderson and wifo to C F Gund n2 nol and nw4 1-4-12 wd 450 Marion G Richard ot nl to Asa Richard nol 20-4-12 wd 5000 Jacob Froy ot al to William Froy s2 ho4 0 2 9 wd Amos Dlllion and wifo to Henry G and Mary E Hubbard part lot G resurvoy add to Guido Rock wd F C Emick mid wife to Frank O Dolohoydo ot al lot .J block 0 Rohror add to Blue Hill wd. . . C E Hicks and wifo to Mabel A S doman lot 1 block 1 first add to Bladen wd Margaret Brltton ot al to Chas Borgor nol 21-11 10 wd Wm G Kopisch to'Wm C Frahm lot 28 block 0 Blue Hill wd . . . . Christian Kopisch to Wm O Frahm sumo qcu 100 00 05 50 4G00 C50 Total Si!3Gli;. Mortgages filed 81800 Mortgages released 14150 Card of Thanks. Wo wish to oxtend to all of tho many friends and neighbors our sin cere heartfelt thanks for tho many tokens of esteem and kind words of sympathy so generously given in con nection with tho sudden death of our bolovod wifo and mother. F. E. Goiilk Mr. and Miis. V. B. Fulton Mit. and Mks. Haijuy Goiilk Mn. and Mas. Fiiank Goulk LEBANON. (Fiom the Times ) Mr6. Georce Wo'don has gono to Harrison, Ark., for a visit with her parents. Dr II A Dykes purchased tho old nntiool house and eight lots, paying 11500 for tho smino. Tho suprJor last Thursday night for the benefit of tho band was a deoided success, tho proceeds being $72 Georgo and Dill Amis of Webster township marketed forty four head of hogs 708terday that averaged 278 llJs. Mr. and Mrs. Cliet Goodo, who havo been residing in Fiiirhury. Neb., for tho past year, arrived in Lebanon Tut miny, and havo taken charge of the Goodo hotel. M'inday, Henry Churchill brought to this ollice ti bunch of clover and timo thy grown on his farm west of town. The clover whs three feet in length and tho timothy three and a halt. Dr. Charles O Mays, who bus been Stabbed In the Hand. Roy Garbor got a slight stab in the loft hand at Inavalo on tho Fourth. Somo tough from up in that neighbor hood nindo an insulting remark to a young lady with whom Roy was talk ing, and when ho started to rosont tho insult the follow slashed at him with a knife, cutting a gash in the ball of his thumb. Bystandors interfered and prevented further trouble. m m A Guaranteed Cure For Plies. Itching, blind, bleeding or protrud ing Piles. Drugiiists refund money if Puzo Ointment fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in G to 14 days. First application gives easo and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn't it send 50t in stumps, and it will be for warded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co. St. Louis, Mo. HHKUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. Mystlo Cure for Kliciimallun and Ncuralcla radically fiiri-B In 1 to Sdayn Itn action upon tho H-btem Ih rermirlnble and inybtorlnua It removeH at onco tlru ciuifo and the dlteato tnv med'siely dlNHpiiearx. Tho rim doso BrPRW bonelliN. 7f re 11 1 8 and f 1,00. &cld by H. it Qnco DruKb'lBt. Iteil Cloud H' f K5 i j7