The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 30, 1905, Image 8

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Baking' Powder
The only high grade
B&King Powder sold at a
moderate price. Com
1 plies with the pure food
laws of all states.
Trust Unking Porrders tell for 45 or
SO cents per pound and may bo Iden
tified by this exorbitant price.
Thoy aro a menace to public health,
s food prepared from them con
tains large quantities of Kochcllo
salts, a dangerous cathartic drug.
Mrs. Will Muuntford Sunday, near
I. Frisbio is still confined to tho
houso but is nblo to walk about.
Ncllio C"ary of (juido Hook has boon
spending a few days with May Frisbio.
Mrs. Miles Doylo and Mr?. Charles
Hushoo we to visiting Mrs. Matt Dean
(Joorgo Chioksring and Miss Maty
Yergor of Illinois, nro visiting at tho
homo of Cling. Swart, and family.
Mrs. Howard Wort of Jefferson. In.,
has boon visiting with old friends in
our villneo and with hor paronts in
Uuldo Hock.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Baker returned
homo Tuesday night, after a six weoks'
viit to their old homo and other points
in Iowa. Thoy also attended tho old
Soldiers' reunion at Oskaloosa.
Tho Ladies Union society hold tholr
second h'Htso picnic Wedno9day after
noon at tho home of Mrs. Al Docker
and a bounteous luncheon served. All
enjoyhd themselves t tho utmost.
The Chief
Interesting Items Gathered X
5 by Our County R-eportcrs i
Mr. Harney is on tho sick list.
Mr. Han nu m was in Campbell on
business Tuesday.
Alico Fogg was visiting near Red
Cloud last Sunday.
Perry Dennett and wife attended the
show at Uiverton Monday.
Mrs. I. O. Walker called on Mrs
KudRcrs tho unit of tho week.
Mrs. E E Harvey was calling on
Aunt Kill is Harvey Monday aflornoon.
Elinor Harvey and family wero cal
ling at Eric Bergman's Sunday even
ing. Mrs. Cyrus Hannum was calling at
N. E. Harvey's tho latter part of tho
Tho Swedes aro holding tabornaclo
camp meetings near Mr. O'Burg's this
Tho phono mooting on Tuesday was
a failure, owing to tho inclemency of
tho weather.
Four of tho young nion of this
vicinity bought new buggies last
week. Girls, watch out.
Aoout twenty of tho young pooplo
of the neighborhood took supper at
J. UeBrunnor's Sunday evening.
Tho school meeting at district 11
was not well attended. Mr. Fogg was
oleotod director to succeed Mr. De-Brunuor.
'Where aro you going to celobrnuw
the Fourth?" is the question that is
agitating tho minds of tho joung poo
plo at present.
Miss Sirnn Harvey returned from
her visit to Franklin Fddiy, accom
panied by her sister Nettie, who has
just (luiMu'd another years' work at
tho academy.
J. U Meyers' son Willio has boon
quito sick, threatened with typhoid
f-vor, but with the eflloiont caro of
Dr. Townsond, tho boy is apparently
w II again.
Heavy rainp, streams full to over
ilowing, budges gone, fences washed
away and cuttle and hoes roaming
everywhere; this has been tho record
for tho last week, making plenty of
extr.i work for tho "fat and sassy"
road boss; also for tho poor tired
farmer, already overtaxed with work
to get tho weeds out of his corn.
Fred Forner sold some Huo hogs last
Mrs. Charles Oglovio is some hotter
at this writing.
Mrs. Fred Fornor visited in Guide
Rock Tuesday.
C W. Frink and wife woro visiting
nt Loster Sunday.
Miss Ortha Cox was visiting south of
Guide Sunday.
Mr. R'jtsol's barn was struck by
lightniug ono day last week.
A. J. Bragg, wito and daughtor wero
guests of Charles Motley Sunday.
Miss Clara Moiley and Miss Katie
Brain? attended Childrons' day exor
cises at Guide Rock Sunday ovoning.
G. M. Albin is having his house, in
which Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Frink aro
living, repainted. Claud Martin is
doing the work.
Wheat promises a big jiuld.
John Sutton commenced harvesting
Frank Vandyko, who was so badly
hurt, is improving rapidly.
Harry Chaplain shipped somo lino
fat cattle the first of tho week.
Miss Bessie Whitely is homo for a
short visit. She will start for Idaho
the fifth of July, to visit relatives.
W. G. Blankonhaker finished stack
ing ulfalfa Tuesday. Ho had four
mowers at work part of lint week.
Ivan and Elmer wero each running a
Rain and more rnin. Tho river ovor
llowod enough to mnko the roads still
worse than usual. Thero aro soveral
places in tho bottom that aro almost
Mr. and Mrs. John Sut'on visited
witli Frank Siboris last Sunday. Littlo
Loyd Siborts fell from a buggy a fow
days ago, tho wheel passing over him.
He was uninjured except a slight bruise
on his arm.
The bowling nlloy is now open and
doing business.
Parties nro offering 8100 por aero for
lnnd adj-dning town.
I. B. Colvin expects to conduct somo
land excursions west soon.
Two men from Pennsylvania weroi
prospecting horo last wook.
Tho Odd Fallows hail, wo under
stand, will bo 40 foot high when com
pletod. Tho Guido Rock bull club nnd tho
band will both play an Cowlos tho
Fred Zioger is in Kansas City this
week and C. C. Chaso is holping at
tho store during his absence.
Maniio Tompkins and Molissa Lam
bort aro attonding school nt Kearney,
and boarding ut Ora Montgomery 'h.
A man by tho name of Anderson
from Mt. Claro stnrted to tho show at
Guide Rock last Friday with a horse
and buggy and drove into Beaver
crook and tho herso was drowned.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Hagnn will start
Friday evening for Dtcatur county,
Kansas, to visit nnd help their Bons
harvest tho big erop of wheat. The
wheat in that vicinity is estimated at
80 bushels per aero on an average.
and the
A Contemptible Govcrncr.
Gov. Mickey has granted Bnrkor.tlio
incarnate fiend who was to hang to-day,
u reprieve of two years. This is ono of
tho most dnmnnblo outrages on justice
for the safety of human life that has
happened in tho state for years. Gov.
Mickey ought to be hung in ofllgy in
every town in tho state. Wo would
not support him for refereo in n dog
light. Just such contomptiblo pro
ceedingsns these is what instigates
mob law nnd it is to bo profored to
such a deflnnco of justice Contempt
is a fooblo word for such n governor.-
Riverton Review
one year for
Wlini She Mcnnt.
"Is yo' got enny halh fo' Bale, boss?"
"Any what, aunty?"
"Iltiih, boss."
Tuhsuu; hnlh lak' yo'- got oa jo
"Oh, hair!"
"Yussuh; halh."
"Why, no, aunty; this Is n dry goods
tore, not a hair store."
"Dat's wuut Ah 'lowed, boss. But
missus tole me to cum yeah nn' got
free yahds mo' halh lak she done got
"Oh, you mean 'mohnlr!' "
"Tussuh; mo' halh." Houston Post
Tree That Make a Koine.
A curiosity Is known In the tropics
as the sand bark tree nnd also as the
monkey's dinner bell. It has a round,
hard shelled fruit about the size of an
orange, which when ripe nnd dry
bursts open with n sharp noise Ilk
the report of a pistol. Its Juice Is
poisonous. The South American trum
pet tree might furnish a band with
musical Instruments, Inasmuch as Its
hollow branches are utilized for horua
and Also for drums.
"Consider the porous plnstcr, my
son,' remnrked the philosopher, "nnd
don't get discouraged. Everybody
turns his back on It, yet It hnngs on
nnd eventually achieves auccesa by
close application."
Toledo Blende
Mystic Curo for Rheumatism and Neuralgia
radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon
the system is remarkable and mysterious It
removeR at once the cause and the dlscaso im
mediately disappears. The first dose greatly;
benefits. 76 cents and 1 1. 00. Scldby 11. B
Grice Druggist. Red Cloud
Picture agents aro Rolling too num
erous to mention.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Frink woro in
our village Sunday.
Joe Saladoii, Jr., was in our village
Monday on business.
Oscar Emick and family spent Sun
day at John Salnden's.
Alf Saladnn and family and Dot Sal-
nden and family visited with Mr. nnd
Dr. Koohlor drove over to Blue Hill
V. S. Hall was over from Blue Hill
Mrs. R. C. Chevalier is visiting in
Campbell this week.
Miss Ruth Householder returned
from Illinois Tuesday.
C. C. Keith, tho dentist of Hastings,
is in town this week.
Miss Erma Johnson spent last Sun
day with Miss Mabel Boyd.
Mr. and Mrs. Joo Krall returned
from a visit in Illinois last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mis. Ernest Reed wero vis
iting at the homo of A. Reed's Sunday.
Miss Bessie Strieker and Miss Grace
Reed drove over to Blue Hill ono day
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hnrtmnn wero
visiting at tho homo of Mrs. btryor on
Quito a number from hero attended
tho baptising down at Mr. McCallum's
last Sunday.
Mr. Harding returned from Cam
bridge Tuesday, whero ho has been
visiting roiatlves and friends.
C. W. McDonald nnd son returned
from Chicago Tuesday, where ho visit
ed his paronts the past weok.
The Chief
$1.25 PER YEAR.
The Toledo Blade is the best known
aawspaper in the United States. Cir
culation 171,000. Popular in every
The Toledo Blade is now installed in
its nTr building, with a modern plait
nnd f quipment, and facilities equal to
ny publication between New York
and Chicago. It is the only weekly
Mewspaper edited expressly for every
tat and territory. The News of the
World so arranged that busy ptoplt
can more easily comprehend than by
reading cumbersome columns of the
dailies. All current topics made plain
in each issue by special editorial mat
ter written from inception down to
date. The only paper published espec
ially for people who do or do not read
daily newspapers, and yet thirst for
plain facts. That this kind of nT news
paper is popular is proven by the fact
that the Weekly Blado now has over
170,000 yearly subscribers, and is cir
culated in all parts of the U S. In ad
dition to the news, the Blade, publishes
hort and serial stories and many de
partments of mntter suited to every
number of the family. One dollar a
year. Write for free specimen copy.
Address THE BLADE.
Toledo, Ohio.
Annual Estimate of Expenses and Re
port of Revenue Received.
The following Is tho annual estltnato of ox
penses, of the probable amount of money nee
csfary for all purposes to b) raised In the city
of Red Cloud. Nebraska, during tho eubiilng.
fUcal year, to-wlt:
For officers' salaries ... $tf80
For streets and alleys lftoo
for costs and expenses of litigation noo-
Por supplies and printing no
For maintenance and care of water works 2(00
Kor Intercut on water bonds loot
For interest on electric light bonds U."(l
For contingent nnd Incidental expenses.... 100
For health protection against contagious
diseases . 2(0
Total-. P73.K
Tho following Is a statement of the entire
revenue of said city for tho past fiscal year:
Collected on general fund 11100 0(
Occupation tax collected 81K9 2.'?.
From Judgment fund 644
From watei fund ... 1E0O m
From Insurance companies .. lift U)
From water lovy fund oho 00
Total..... .
Approved Juno 19, 1005.
C. T.
Attest: L. II. Foiit.
(Seal) City Clerk.
W798 1T
Dickenson, Mayor.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, I
Webster County. )
In the matter of tho estate of Henry Wchr
ly, deceased.
Notlco Is horcby given to all persons having;
claims and demands agalnkt Henry Wehrly.
lato of Webster county, deceased, thai tho
time fixed for filing claims against said estatt 1
six mouths from the. 10th day of June, 1005.
All such persona are required to present their
claims with the the County Judge or
said county, at his ofllco therein, on or before
the 30th dny or December. 1005; and all claims
so filed will bo heard before the Bald judgo on
the 3d day of January. 1008. at one o'clouk p.
m.; and that tho administrator Is allowed one
year from the 14th dny of -tune. 1005. in which
to pay the debts allowed against said estate, and
Bottle tho same.
. "AiO A. II. Kkenkt,
County Judgo.
Out of 50 Insurance Companies doing business in Webster County the German
of Freeport pays one-third of the taxes and has over 500 policies in force. The
Farmers' Mutual of Nebraska is the largest Mutual in the state, with over three
quarters of a million dollars insurance in Webster county.
0. G. TEEIi, Ked Cload