TJmaw Pbwm! :vv f f iGiGi&sifFifiK aim SuMfiW tnittiiffff rftftrfirft atia At Eight Pages THE RED CLOU) CHIEF Subscription $1 a Year in Advance Home Print S!&l9i3i!3i9m7l VfS&llJt.y.'XSPXWftWtiWi-'i VOLUME XXXI It. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. .JUISE 30, 1905. NUMBER 2 VnKn i ? y . i 1 it t. ii MINER BROS The Big Day light Store MINER BROS. The Big Daylight Store 9 fr ! Hewsy Jlotes prom Neighboring Towns I CLEARING SALE of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes ?y In filling in sizes in our stock of Ladies' Shoes, we find that we have about 7 styles shoes, or 50 pair, that we do not expect to carry again, having pur chased other patterns in their place. These patterns are all Green-Wheeler Shoes and price will apply only to the goods marked in BLUE PENCIL. The styles as attractive as the latest. Light and heavy sole turn, Goodyear welt, pat ent kid turn, patent kid we'its. $3.00 Shoes, Juno Clearing Undcrprlco S2.00 $2.SO Shoes, June Clearing Undcrprlcc S2.SO The splendid values in Wolfe Bros.' medium priced Shoes, to close, are being eagerly taken. Assostments are being rapidly broken. All to Shoes. $1.00 nair. All $1.65 to $2.00 Shoes, $1.25 pair. GATHERED FROM OUR EXCHANGES hud never run iiwny with him, and bo. tore bo hardly trot through tolling it the team started. Mr. Fish hung on to them as tenaciously ns a bulldog until everything seemed round j him when it was better part of vn'or to scparato c mipany with them, which ho did without thought. Mr. Fish is now training them to havo bettor manners. FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) Claudo Francisco and Noblo Owon, who started in hot pursuit of Damo Fortuno a couple of weoks ago, aro working on n farm north of Naponee. Tho Adolphio debating club and adios to tho number of twenty-four en j yod their annual breakfast at tho Commercial hotel Wednesday morning. Prnf. anil Mrs. G. II Aller loavo to day for Crote, where tho latter will spend tho summer. The Prof, will spend his vacation on tho road with Chautauqua companies. Mrs. Hertba Blatherwlok and Mis Lnnv Pnnlc of Evorsdalo. Minn . and David E Pock of Grinr.oll, Iowa, aro visiting their parents, Mr. and Mis. Albort II. Peck, in this city. ? Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Boll of the City of Mexico arrived Monday ovoning on their return homo from a six week' visit in New York and Pennsylvania. Mr. Boll is a brother of our hardwaro dealer and is also twin brother of happy Job Boll. Arrangements aro being rapidly com pleted for one of tho very host celobra tinns ever attempted in this part of Nebraska. Everythibg will bo on a grand sca'oand Franklin will bo "wide open" from early dawn until tho next break of day. - - for BLUE HILL (From tho Lender. E S. Lohr and wtfo left Mondny their Colorado homo. There aro twenty-one subscribers for tho new telephone exchange. The Blue Hill team was defeated by tho Lawrence team last Sunday, llto-1 Siohrapa' blacksmith and machine Hhop was destroyed by lire Juno 18 Loss about 85000. Ho will rebuild. Bliio Hill Irish school has been placed n tho accredited li-a of four year high school?, giving graduates the right to enter tho State University without examination. Friday evening. Ho drew n gold mcrfiE in a debate which took place in tho In ter society. Mrs. Marsh of Kansas City, Kinm& and Miss Potter of Berlin, Wis,, arrlvil in Lebanon Saturday evening for ko extended visit with their cousin, Mt Clara Hall. Tho liny nt No'ghbors of Lebnnrw? hold their ritualictio and dceonttrwr exorcisos over tho grave of Mm Kate Scrlvon at tho Sweet Homo cemetery last Sunday. Wednesday evening at the home oT tho bride's parenta, Miss Kill Stout of Auburn, Neb, and trod Andrews oz. this city, wore linked togother in tbv holy bonds of matrimony. Tho b?Stf could not llnd a bettor husband tbn our short stop, Fred Andrews. LIVE STOCK MARKETS IT KANSAS CITY. THE WEEK'S TRADE REPORTED BV CLAY. ROBINSON A COMPANY, LIVE STOCK OOMMISSIOH MEROHANTS. SILK GLOVES Tho Elsmero double finger tip ped Silk Glove, a greut favorite. Another large assortment just received by ox press Colors, white, black, blue, pon gee, brown, tan and grey. Other grades nt 15, 20, 2.1, 35c. FURNITURE DEPT. A largo Hardwood Dining Ta ble; 12 inch square top extends to 10 foot, r inch leg. Juno price, $895 Solid Oak Diner, cane seat June price, S&.SO. Sot of six. SEWING MACHINES A guaranteed machine, case, complete set of ments, box head. June 912.98 onk nttach- special, RUGS 9x12 feet all wool Smyrna, To- vorsible. 2 patterns, 1 greon, 1 red, worth 825. Juno special uuderprice, $1-1.08 0x12 feet Jute reversible, 2 patterns, 1 green, 1 rod, value $12.00 Juno special underprice, 89.25 New Line of Premium Pishes, MINER BROS. "The Big Daylight Store. ?? fm.aftjl'1mffJf'f'tFf0$ I G. looking for Stolen Horses. G. Allen arrived Friday from Manvillo, Wyo., in searcu 01 mmhu borsos which ho believed to hnye boon shipped to Rod Cloud and sold by C E Shippon when tho latter was hero last winter. Tho Allen and Ship on ranches in Wyoming adjoin each other nnd a couple of Allen's horses got mixed in with tho bunch which Shippon brought uoro ior . .. tho government inspector at the shipping point Inspected tho load ho did not look carefully at the brands, and Shippon did not rend tho Alien brand to him Allen found one of tho horses in tho possession of Ray Gard, but could Hud no trace of tho other Matters looked a little dark for Shippon for a time, as cattle or horso "rustling" is a very serious oironso up in that country. However, Mr. Allen received a telegram from 1.: ' ..n,r Tuesday saying that tho matter had boon settled, and for him to come homo. He isit iur u, Wednesday. v A Preacher-lawyer. Rov. William Hauptmauu, former pastor of tho Congregational church in this city and later of Alma, has lo cated at Searchlight, Nevada, whero ho will preach aud practico law. Mr. Hauptmann tired of tho ministry and . wautod to enter law and, casting ubout for a location, finally lauded in Searchlight. Tho town was without a minister nnd was also bhort of lawyers, so Mr. Hauptmann agreed to supply both "long felt wants." Wo wish him success. Real Estate Transfers. Transfers for week ending Wednes day, Juno 28, furnished by J. H. Baiioy or woostor uounty Aostrnct company. Edwin E Burr to Alico A Myors art sol nel .'1G-2-11 wd John Tolksdorf to Peter Luhn so4 22-1-10 wd Sarah A Fuller nnd husbnnd to Jacob Bon. n2 sw4 17-4-12 wd SMITH CENTER. (From tho Messenger ) Jewett Gorman of Blaino has a pic ture of up to date farming in Kansas twelve horses hltohod abreast pulling six dic cuLivators and driven by ono man. A very painful aroident happened f Paul Arnold Tuesday wbilo working raa of town erecting a bridge. A piece of tho bridge fell on him break ing his j-iw in three places besides other injuries. Frank May's barn, in C ra township, during thd storm last Thursday even ing, was struck by lightning nnd to tally destroyed by lire. Eight horses perished in tho flame. Tho Hfton months old daughter of Clifford Innis died yesterday aftor noon from being sovorly ocalded Inst Tuesday. She pulled tho plug out of tho wnhine machino her mother was uting, and tho hot water scalded her right sldo from tho faco downward. Georgo and Dink Picklor aro home for tho summer vacation. Gtorgo has just finished a courso in tho Blips Elec trical school in Washington, D C , and Di, k has ono moro year at Kirksvillo, Mo , before ho will bo graduated from tho school of osteopathy nt that placo. RIVERTON (From the Review.) E B. Perry, our now station agent, arrived here Wtdnesday to relievo J. L. Mageo. J. L. D-iy and Miss Edna Duncan drove to Smith Center, Ka. sas, and woro quietly married. John Evnns, carrier on rural route 1, had a runaway Monday No serious damage was dono. J. L. Mapeo departed Wednesday night, for his homo nt Caldwell, Idaho. Mrs. Mngco j lined him at Culbertson, Nebraska. A telegram was rocoivod yesterday from Eu8tis,Nob.,announcingtlio death of Mr. J. L Whaliy's father. Mr. Whaloy left for tho bedsldeof bis father several days ago. Tiirsiiiv n B. Siol, carrier on mute 2, had a runaway just south of tho river bridge, on his return trip. Somo dam ago to his carriage and harness and 11 few scratches ou the horses wub all of his misfortune. OFFIOEC AT OHIOAOO, KAN8A8 OITV OMAHA, BIOUX OITY, ST. JOSEPH AND DENVER. K'ansas City, Juno 27. Receipts ' cattlo for tho first two days of tin wook aro 10,100; last week 15,800, Mon day's supply consisted mainly of quar antine offerings. There was a scarcity of desirable boof and competition was koou for them, making trading active and prices 10 to 15 cts higher. Flin. grades did not movo so briskly aa wont ut steady to 10 cts. bettor rate. Bost cows and heifers sold 10 to 15 ctR higher; others steady aud bIow. Bollm woro unohauKod; voals steady to BtroBR The bulk of tho run toduv win bf steers, including many good ones. A few early sales woro stoady to strong but tho general market was slow and stoady with tho day before, exceptions bolnir weak to a shado lower. Choiw hoifors woro strong to 10 cts. highw. cholco cows strong. Others steady. Bulls nnd voals woro dull. Monday's--stockor and feeder trade was fairly active with prices steady. Tho following table gives quotations. now ruling: Extra prime corn-fed steers. .85 )-5iJS Good corn fed stcors 5 00-EV U Ordinary corn fod steers.... 4 2r-'E Cholco corn fed heifers 4 (55-4 7J5- Good corn fod hoifors 4 00-4 W) Medium corn fod hoifors. . . . II 50-4 Ui Choico corn fod cows 4 00-4 v Rnn,l fiO-4V.r Medium IKXKU. Canuers 80-2 M Choico stuns 4 w- i Cholco fed bulls . . . . a-.i t Good 2 25-3 00 Bologna bulls 2 2r-:i (XJ Veal calvos 5 00-5 50 Good to cholco native or western stockors 3 7f-4 50 W..I- :i 2.r- TO Common 2 15V-32S 50 0100 3500 Total 815494 Mortgages filed $7000 Mortgages released 14350 Here Is Relief for Women. Mother Gray, a nurse in Now York discovered an nromatio pleasant horb drink for women's ills, called AUS TRALIAN-LEAF. It is tho only cer tain monthly regulator. Cures female weaknesses and bnoknche, kidney, bladdor and urinary troubles. At all drnugists or by mnil 50 cents Sample FREE. Address Tho Mother Grny Co , LeRoy, N. Y. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Tak: Laxative Bronio Quinine tab lets. All druggists refund tho money if it fnils to cure. E. W. Grovo'd sigua tuio is on each box. 25c. CAMPBELL (From tho Citiz'n ) An adjuster was hero this week to ad just six losses by hail in the hail district south west of hero, iubured by L. E. Pa-quit). llonry Albors and wifo returned Monday night from Hallam, Nob., whero they went to attind tho funeral of a sister-in-law and to visit his folks. A. G. Hunt took tho taln Tuesday evening for Lincoln and Omaha, where he goes to confer with capitalists in re gard to tho purchase of Campbell waterworks bonds. In an endeavor to secure a library for tho school a numbor of tho young scholars of tho high school havo pen ned a request to Andrew Ctrnegio for tho gift of a fow dollars. Davo Beanohone, who came hero last fall in search of hoalth, nnd had re gained it so far as to look and feol buoy ait Hguin, returned to his homo in Lnko Linden, Mich , last Saturday. It was quite humilating when one day this week J. E. Fiah was tolling a party of gentlomeu that his dray team SUPERIOR (From tho Exoross.) Tho city is experimenting with a co ntent crossing fr m the Union Hotel to tho North wo-uorn sidewalk. Miss Ciona Colleto lonvos soon for Billings, Mont, 10 accept a good pay infrnnsition in tho railroad office. n r- 1 iuimiiuu Superior is going to do nerself proud Q0od to cholco heavy native with her Fall Fiesta Septemuer 11 10 i. The plans nro now under way for a gmnd time. Paul P.po of Red Cloud was the Kuestof Miss MhIo G tings over Sun dny. Hoh a prominent implomont man of Red C.oud. G. C. Gatos ban bought the threo corner lots juft foulb of tho Fogel block, nnd as oon ns ho finds a tenant will put up a bull ling. Mrs J. H B u nurd and little son came homo from Chicago Tuesday night, and will keep house for hor father, W. W. Hiwley. Miss Ina Gittings cmo homo Friday night for her summer vi cation. Miss Ina was one of the foremost athletes at tho university tho past year, and won several lino medals. fun,1nrn 4 2o-4 TTi i? 3 75-4 !" Good to choico heavy brand ed horned loeuors auu-,wj Fair 350-4 00 Common ... ?50 Good to choico stock hoifors 2 75-3 00 Pair 2 2.V3 2i Good to choico stock calves, steers ?MS Pair 3 60-4 tt Good to cholco stock calvos, nttmr. hoifors USiSSU Fair 25O30M- LEBANON. (From tho Times.) Mrs. Wilson, stop-mother of Tom Wilson of Stuart vicinby, dropped dead yoitorday morning about 8 o'clock. Last Friday about 8:30 p. m an eight pound carpenter made his uppearanco at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrc J. Waddle. Two knots wero tied in Esbon Wed nesday. Jess Duncan and Dalle Hersh nor; W. E Sleeper and Myrtle L unbort. Motts Harnett returned from hmporia Receipts of hogs this weol lUJOO lust wook 2,800; last year 17,0J0. Mon day's market was 5 to 10 ts. higher and today 5 to 10 cts. highor with bnlftr of sales from e5.42 to 4.174; top, 5X Receipts of sheep this week 10,203; last wook 12,200; last year 0.100. Mon day's market was 10 cts. higher aad today active and firm. Wo qrrote-r cholco lambs, $7.00 to 7.25; choico year lings, 8550 to 5.75; cholco wethers, 51.75 to 4.85; choico owos, $4.55 to 4.G0. A Guaranteed Cure ftr Piles. Itching, blind, bleeding or proirwtf ing Piles. "Druggists refund money W Pazo Ointment fails to cure any ea. no matter of how long standing, in Cto 14 days. First application gives ewii and rest. 50o. If your druggist bast It send 60j in stamps, and it will befair wnrded post-paid by Paris Medicia. St. Luuis, Mo. I M n a yto"-rfi frJ riTf