.' LOOMS EXONERATED THE GR E MT J- A HERBERT W. BOWEN DISMISSED FROM HIS POST. President Roosevelt Approves Secre tary Taft's Report on Controversy and Scathingly Arraigns Former United States Minister to Venezuela. Washington, Juno 21. The dis missal of HorhiMt W. Howcii, lor sonic yonrsi United Status minister to one zuola, and tho exoneration of Assist ant Sec-rotary of State Francis H. Loo nils of the allegations brought against hi tn by Mr. Howen, are the outcome ot thu Loonils-Howon controversy, which lias attracted wide attention lor many mouths past. This disposition or tin case Is made by President Roosevelt in a letter addressed to Secretary Taft, approving Mr. Taft's leport on his findings and conclusions In the case. The piesldcut scathingly ar laigiib Minister Ilowen, di elating that his conduct is "especially repiohensi hie;" that Mr. Howon ashed one of his witnesses to enter the employ ol a certain company for the purpose, "In plain words, of stealing" docu ments which he honed might incrim inate Mr. l.oomis and that Mr. Itowon has "evidently for many months. In deed for the las-t two yeais, devoted himself" to hunting up scandal and gossip until it became a monomania and caused him "to show complete dis loyalty" to the country he represent ed. The president says he had hoped to promote Mr. Howon, as during much of his service ho had done good work, but that his usefulness In the diplo matic service Is now at an end. The piosldent adds that he would direct that Mr. Ho wen's resignation be re quested, but for his statement that he would consider that loslgnatlon an admission of misconduct and the dis missal Is therefore ordered. The let ter quotes correspondence and tests. The president states that it appears that Mr. Bowen, while minister, se cured the publication of attacks on Mr. U)omis and furnished to the press documents pending before the state denartment for approval and that his conduct is inexcusable and shows his "entire unfitness" for the service. Even If Mr. Ixomis had been guilty, says the president, Mr. Howcn's con duct would be unpardonable. The let ter quotes certain correspondence and testimony. The report of Secretary Taft on the case, on which the presi dent's action Is based, is a voluminous document, reviewing the charges and the evidence taken. In his report Secretary Taft says that there was nothing dishonorable in the transaction In which Mr. Loo mis figured, but that he was not dis creet. This report says that Mr. Loo mls was not justified In becoming per sonally Interested in any of the schemes either with a mere nominal ininwci nr substantial Interest. He holds, however, that Mr. Loomls has been "most cruelly slandered," com mands him for the self restraint with which he has met the charges and points out that Mr. loomls' bitter ex perience In this case makes It unnec essary to point out the moral that a minister cannot afford In the country to which he Is accredited to make per sonal Investments, etc. Twenty-eight Killed In Train Wreck. Baltimore, Juue 19 The death roll of Saturday night's wreck on the Western Maryland railroad now foots up twenty-eight and this number Is likely to be increased from among the list of those grievously mangiuu. n the dead were employes of the rail road, returning to their homes in the small towns along the railroad to spend Sunday. The train, which was No. 5, passenger westbound, carried a large number of passengers, all the coaches being filled, mo exini iruiKi". made up of heavy coal and provision cars, was running east. It should bave taken a siding to allow No. 5 to pass. Such were the orders. Why they wero disregarded will never be known, for those who should have seen they wero obeyed are dead. Secretary Hay at His Desk. Washington, Jnne 21. Secretary vinv who returned to Washington nfter a prolonged absence abroad, was nt hlB desk in the state department. The secretary attended to a large amount of correspondence which had accumulated during his absence. He expects to leave In a short time foi his New Hampshire home. Sheriff Slays Ex-Sheriff. Cameron, Tex., June 21. Sheriff Todd shot and killed ex-Sheriff Giles Everett. The shooting wu the out growth of a political feud. South Omaha Live Stock. ...i. fiMinim. .lime i!0.-CilttlP-KeeelntH, noon- Mow. KXfllT.c Idwit; nutlve HteiTH, International Gorrespondenee Schools MGSEXSESSSSnSS&'T jirtsjsj...-. International Textbook Go., Proprietors, J&jwaK I,.,U.,k.JII V" 1st Giving a Display at Gotting's Drag Store UL'P . i fit .T. n 1- ' ;7 OPPORTUNITY iS KNOCKING. K20UEKHMSaS&S33SD tJm'iiJ-iZ k . ,'VS-f'i'. tlTT71 Why is America called "The Land ofbppor- tunity"'? Because horo the man of DKI2DS is supreme A lack of money, f uionds or inlluenco does not bar his path to success. If you learn to no one tiling well bettor Hum most peoplo do it opportunity will knock, not once, but nmny times. Never before has there boon such u demand for trained men and women in business, tho arts, the trades, and in engineering professions. Olllces. factories und streets are- crowded with half-skilled, hali'-paip people, struggling to get and hold their places against unending competition, Not so with tho skilled specialist. Brains Wanted Everywhere Only yesterday an employer said to us: "Soo the stream of incompetent people going from door to door in search of work! Yet hero urn I, like many othor employers, losing money ovory day, and working myself half to death for tho lack of a few really capable men. Why don't those- job huuto'S learn to do souiotliini?? Why inu-t an em ployer search tho country with a lino tooth comb to get a man capable of earning $23 to $50 u week ?" We Have Opened the Door to Thousands You do not need brilliancy of intellect, a col logo education or a "pull" to get theso high-salaried positions Just plain energy, ambition and a "know bow " Knowledge- is what employers want. Then why starve through life ou 810 a week, when it is easy to got $20? Why sot your own limit at 2." a week, whon ?50 positions aro going begging? Tho International Correspondonco Schools is not a college, but ii business institution that trains people to earn moic, and qualities ordinary people for extraordinary positions. If its training did not produce the results do siied, it would not bo in existence today Its four teen years of uninterrupted success prove thar.it does all is claims. What is Your Ambition? Do you want to climb higher in your profes sion? We can teach you how, and help you? Oo you want to enter some paying trade or profession? Wo can qualify yau to start nt good wages and rise rapidly. If you are a young manor woman just starting to earn your own living, determine to earn u good one. We can prepare you for Opportunity. If a business careor attracts you, wo cm qu il ify you to start as a stenographer, book-koopotyid-writor, show-card writer, or window trimmer; or for tho Civil Sorvico. If you prefer a technical profession, wo can train you as a mechanical, architectural, or shoot metal draughtsman, or as a machine designer, electrician, surveyor, assayor, or mapper. All these positions pay well and are stepping stone-' to tho highest salaried places, to which we can help you climb. If you aro dissatisllod with your present occu pation, wo can qualify you in sparo time, without loss of present employment, to chango to a salar ied position in a more congenial lino, wboro your natural taste and talent will be available. If you are working in tho profession or trado of your choice, and want advancement, we offer tho surest and quickest means to get it. Our Students' Aid Department will assist you (free of charge) to promotion or a now position. If you aro roaliy ambitious, you will recogni.o in our otfer tho Knock of Opportunity. Call and see us today. !T Vt t READ WHAT MR. GARBER HAS TO SAY. .-vr-' Bsirji MiSJUiX. Red CLOUD,nNiiii.,?JuNE 20, 1905. t jwu, t iWo fnnnom. T Vinir. Vin QtnrUJncr with the I nternationalSJCorresoondenc Schools for ... J. U vv liuill u iiicijr Vum.v.111. - v-w.. uwv.w.j ...D - . . some time and have almost finished my course in Book-keeping. Am well satisfied and have always found the schols to be exactly as represented. To any of our young people wishing to learn a profession, 1 can unhesitatingly recommend them. (Signed) J. J. GARBER. . KnVcowh nn.l h.irur. W.W4W.MI; fii3.; Htm-mrH and fwiliTH, $-'.7.fi-l.7. i-IllWB. $.t.H)Qll.O"; imilN, MUKr-, i-i.- --... u. V-S noc: HiwIPt". 12.0H0; He Uiwit; S,",tf,5.iWifi.w: I'lK". ?.jnn.on; bulk of ?t wiily wi'htVriiH. $4.7MiS.W; withers. l.:o SalS; '-, SJ.ooiii.uuj imuU 5.no&o.a3. rf"tfj i 20per cent discount on all Courses until June 24th If you ever intend to take course, now is the time to save money. Though you do not study it till fall, contract for your course at this greatly reduced rate EVERYBODY WELCOME TO OUR LITERATURE AND TIME R. SUBMITT TAYLOR, Division Superintendent, SIOUX CITY, IOWA A. C. CRONK, Local Representative, CONCORDIA, - KANSAS . ,i A Tl r M U WB3 g-t-WM.! IPfilnli ill "i" ri IMMH