The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 23, 1905, Image 6

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Accepts Invitation to Send Delegates
to International Conference for Con
3lderatlon of Moroccan Affairs Ami
cable Adjustment Near at Hand.
TarlH, Juno 20. An International
;nferonco for tho consideration of tlio
affairs of Morocco Is now practically
-.insured as the result of the conversa
tion between Premier Rouvlor and
I'rinco Ilailolln, the German ainbas
.widor, and attention is now directed
to defining tliu scope of tho confer
ence. Details are bolus rapidly ar
ranged and the olllclals expect to ho
aible to announce tlio plans for the
conference In tho course of four or
Ave days. This result, after the se
vere strain which tested the diplomat
ic resources of both governments, has
the effect or relieving tho tension, tho
olllclals of tho foreign otllco and tho
diplomats of tho German embassy
agreeing that an amicable adjustment
is near at hand.
Although tho acceptance of the con
ference gives a certain measuro of
success to German diplomacy, yet M.
Itouvlor emerges from tho controversy
tvith tho advantage of having brought
Ormnny to exactly define tho scope
of the conference and so to rid It of
tho objection to being 'a menace to
French Interests.
With both governments favorablo
to tho soveieignty of Morocco and to
her pollticnl status quo it remains for
the conference to adjust the equality
of commercial rights, ns Germany de
sires this assurance from an interna
tional conference instead or through
tho operations of tiie Anglo-French
agreement. Therefore the conferonco
is not likely to consider changes In
the political status of Morocco, but
rather International reforms and com
mercial privileges.
A dispatch from Mctz says that tho
Sixteenth German army corps Is
.showing less nctivity than the Twen
tieth and Sixth French army corps, as
the Sixteenth German army corps has
been continually on a war footing and
is prepared for Immediate moblllza
.tlon. The dispatch says that the In
spection of troops has been nctlvo on
Loth hides. However, this activity has
been less marked recently ns all eyes
have boon turned toward Paris in tho
expectation of a favorable result of
the diplomatic negotiations.
-Adheres to Its Action in Dissolving
the Union.
Christ Inula, Norwjiy, June 20. The
storthing replied to the long letter
which King Oscar sent on Juno 13 to
3d. nemer, its president, In the form
nt an address to the king and tho
Swedish people. Tho reply, while ex
pressing the utmost good will, adheres
to tho action taken by the storthing
in dissolving the union.
A great meeting of representatives
-of Swedish residents of Norway was
held hero. It adopted an lmpresslvo
.-address to King Oscar, requesting him
to uho every iulluenco to secure a
peaceful settlement, with tho view of
maintaining the fiiondly relations of
all Scandinavian peoples. The address
points out that Swedes residing In
Norway enjoy tho best treatment at
the hands of the Norwegian people,
and says that tho vast Interstate In
terests Involved demand an amicable
adjustment of the differences between
1he two countries.
It is believed here that an extraor
dinary session of the riksdag, to lv
Hi old tomorrow, will tnke action look
tug to prevention of a further inplure.
American Boycott Growing.
Tien Tsin, June 20. Two Important
jiicetlngs were held In tho native city
in connection with the nnti-Aiuerlcnn
.propaganda Tho meetings were at
tended by (100 students, tepresentlng
twenty-six colleges. Ten resolution
were passed, of which the most Im
portant were the following: To boy
cott American goods; to clrculato ant!
Amoiican literature and to lecord re
sults. Other bodies repieseutlng 200
members fiom the commercial guilds
of seventeen provinces have signed
an agreement under a mutual bond to
, forfeit 50,000 tnols If any member Is
reported purchasing American goods.
Court Refuses Brlggs' Appeal.
Springfield, 111., June 20. In tho
case of "Jocko" Rriggs. sentenced to
bang In Ch'-ngo next Friday for tho
murder of Hans P. Peterson, the su
preme court denied the petition for a
writ to compel Judgo Harnes to allow
a bill of exceptions in order that tho
case might bo taken to the supremo
court.. Governor Donoon will probably
1)0 askuVl to commute Urlggs' sentenco
to life imprisonment.
Cossacks and Socialists Clash.
"Warsaw, Kusslan PolnntI, Juno 20.
Two persons were killed and thlrty
JBlx wero woundod In a contllct be
tween troops nnd socialists at Lodz.
procession of 2,000 socialists, carry
fing red flags, was stopped by Cos
rciclts. The socialists thereupon flrcl
and tho Cossacks replied and thou
charged with drawn swohIb Into tho
thick of the procession.
Swedish Papers Advocate War.
London, June 20. The correspond
ent or tho Standard at Stockholm
says that the Swedish conservative
papers now openly advocate war.
They urge mobilization of the troops
and demand the cession of northern
Norway as compensation to the Swed
ish people for tho dissolution of the
President and Attorney General Hold
Conference on Santa Fe Affair.
Washington, June 20. A conference
was held at tho white house between
the president and Attorney General
Moody with respect to the policy to bo
pursued in the Santa Fe rebate case,
with which Secretary Morton Is con
nected. At the conclusion of the con
ference, which lnsted more than an
hour, Mr. Moody said he was not In a
position yet to discuss the matter.
The president has agreed with the
attorney general as to tho publication
of the details of tho correspondence
and It is expected he will supplement
In an oillclal announcement the state
ment mndo In the letters which have
passed between Measis. Harmon and
Judson and tho department of justice.
Writ for Condemned Woman.
Windsor, Vt., Juno 20. It is report
ed hero that a writ of habeas corpus
In behalf of Mrs. Mary M. Rogers,
whose execution for tho murder of
her husband Is lixed for Friday next,
has been granted at Hrattleboro by
Judge Wheeler of tho United States
district court. According to tho re
port tho prison olllclals will be re
quired to produce tho womnn In court
In this town at 2 o'clock tomorrow,
only forty-eight hours before the time
set for her execution. It is said that
the state will bo required to show that
Mrs. Rogers is not illegally restrained
of her liberty.
Sheepman Killed by Lightning.
Kimball, Neb., June 17. Thomas
Dlnsdalo, a prominent sheep owner
living In tho southern part of this
county, was Instantly killed by light
ning on his much.
Mrs. Nelson Held
Beatrice, Neb., Juno lU.-Mrs. Mary
Nelson, charged with throwing con
ccntrateil lye upon Mrs. Martin Os
sowskl, a neighbor, with intent to' do
great bodily Injury, was given her pre
liminary hearing in the county court
At tho conclusion of the hearing Judge
Bourne bound her over to the district
court and fixed her bond at $500, which
she gave.
Man and Team Killed by Train.
Columbus, Neb., June 20.CInud Sut
ton, was Instantly killed at Silver
Creek, fifteen miles west. Sutton wns
crossing the Union Pacific tracks and
was struck by the Fast Mall. Both ho
and tho team were killed outright. Sut
ton wns thrown high In tho air and fell
about sixty feet from where he was
struck. One of tho horses was thrown
over 100 feet.
vfcO(afcvfckAiA AAfcfcVvtvfcvliJU(VfciivAvbiUvfcifcvr!4)fcUUUU(Ufcaivb Uifc
Do you know that it will pay YOU, as
well as US, to buy your Building Ma
terial and Uoal at our yards? Not only
that our prices avekaue lower, or at
least as low, as tlioso of our competit
ors, but because wo tako especial caro
of and protect all can bo classed as
Coal. Lumber.
was whispered about the
Lake Steamer Sunk in Collision.
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., June 19.
During a thick fog, which has pre
vailed on the upper lakes for the past
week, the steel freight steamers
Ktrurla and Amasa Stone collided ten
miles off Presquo Isle light, in Lake
Huron. Tho Ftruria was damaged so
badly that she sank within a few min
utes, her crew narrowly escaping with
their lives. The lost stenmer was one
or tho largest typo of lake carriers.
She was owned by the Hawgoods of
Cleveland nnd was valued at $210,000.
Senator Mitchell in Court.
Portland, Ore., June 20. For tho
purpose of insuring tho government
against any technical objections to tho
plea of United States Senator John II.
Mitchell of not guilty as enteied by
bis attorneys last week, District At
torney Honey had Senator Mitchell
appear in court In person to make the
plea. Tho senator pleaded not guilty
to tho charges preferred against him
in connection with tho land fraud
cases in this stnte.
Barker Hanging Delayed.
Lincoln, Juno 1C Frank Barker
will not bo hanged today. The ru
prcme court reversed tho decision of
Judge Holmes, who held that ho had
no jurisdiction to order a hearing as
to Barker's sanity, nnd ordered tho
district court to grant tho hearing.
Governor Mickey granted the pris
oner a reprieve for two years, pending
tho determination of tho sanity ques
tion. Fatal Accident at Millard.
Millard, Neb., June 10. Lars John
son, an old resident of this place, was
instantly killed by tho cars hero. Mr.
Johnson wns crossing tho tracks when
train No. 4 on tho Union Pacific was
pulling out of tho station. Ho wns
struck by the engine nnd fell on tho
tracks, tho cars passing over him,
breaking his shoulder blade, collar
bone and mangling his face in a horri
ble manner.
Three Years for Klrkman.
Washington, Juno 17. Tho presi
dent has approved tho findings In two
trials of Captain George W. Klrkman
of the Twenty-fifth Infantry, sentenc
ing him to dismissal from tho army
and confinement In tho penitentiary
at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., for threo
years. Klrumnn was conneciea witn
tho sensational case resulting In the
suicide of tho wife of Lieutenant
Chandler at Omaha.
Max Ploehn Is Captured.
Plattsmouth, Nob., June 16. Max
PJoohn, who murdered his cousin,
Alma Goos. nnd shot her sister, has
been captured and Is now in jail to
answer a charge of murder. Peter
Mumm, a cousin of the murderer and
of the murdered girl, heard a noise In
his house during the night and In tho
morning found that some food had
been stolen. In making an investiga
tion ho found Ploehn concealed In a
barn on the farm a short distance
from the scene of the crime. Although
armed with a rifle, Ploehn made no
resistance and submitted to arrest, be
ing brought to Plattsmouth by his
captor. Sheriff McBrlde took Ploehn
to Omaha for safety. Ploehn will bo
kept In the Douglas county jail until
tho feeling at Pluttsmoutb has quletd
Tornado In Wisconsin.
Blue Mounds, Wis., June 20. A
young German tanner was killed on
tho farm of Charles Collins while
milking, much damage was done to
buildings and scores of head of stock
were destroyed by a tornado that
passed thiough Dane and Iowa coun
ties and over the townships of Barne
veld and Blue Mounds. Telephone
and telegraph wires are down and the
full account of tho damage can only
bo estlmnted.
Pest of Caterpillars in Texas.
Houston, Tex., Juno 19. Through
out the enstern and southeastern sec
tions of Texas there Is a pest of cater
pillars, and Indications are that they
are doing great damage to fruit trees,
corn and truck gardens. State En
tomologist Conrad says that while
the pests are usually controlled by
natural enemies, all specimens exam
'nod by him this year are free from
the usual parasites.
Lightning's Fatal Stroke.
Kalamazoo, Mich., June 20. Light
ning struck a wagon In which em
ployes of a circus wore sleeping at
Augusta, killing Advance Agent W. J.
Currier of Flint, Mich., and Injuring
live other men. All of the Injured
wero badly shocked, but will recover.
Throe of them, John C. Figrist, S. M.
Kenzie and Roy Weatherby, arc par
ulyzed. Farley on Divorce Evil.
New York, June 20. Archbishop
Farley declared at Carnegie hall, at
the commencement exercises of tho
College of St. Francis Xavler, thav
the evils of divorce wero fast under-'
mining the walls of our society and
that the whole structure would shortly
collapse should no hand bo raised to
ward off tho advance of this tendencj.
Allege Elevator Trust.
Blair, Neb., Juno 17. Suit was com
menced In the district court by tho
Worrall Grain company of Omaha
against the Omaha Elevator company,
et al, claiming tho amount of $128,000
damages. Tho Worrall company
claims that the Omaha Elevator com
pnny nnd other firms and Individuals
named In the petition have formed a
trust and thereby damaged them In
the grain business to tho amount of
the above sum.
Kidnaps His Two Little Girls.
Omaha, Juno 10. Following tho un
successful attempts of Dr. Frank E.
Coulter to obtain a divorce from his
wife, Mrs. Alice W. Coulter, comes
now tho disappearance of the two
little girls, Marion, aged ten, and Ru-
berta, aged seven, the children of tho
couple. They were taken Wednesday
by their father from the Lake school,
where they were pupils, and have not
since been heard from. The mother,
in whose custody they were placed by
order of the court, is overcome with
Flag Law Case In Supreme Court.
Lincoln, Juno 20. Attorney Gen
eral Brown filed In the supreme court
a brief in support of the law to pro
vent tho desecration of the American
Hag. A brewery firm has attacked tho
constitutionality of the law, and tho
attorney general makes extended ar
gument In its support. One of his
contentions Is that Its desecration
tends to stimulate disorder and oven
riot, Inasmuch as Grand Army men
will not tolerate the use of the Hag
or emblem for the purpose of adver
tising Intoxicants or other wares.
Bloodhounds Track Girl's Assailant.
Beatrice, Nob., Juno 19. Alter an
exciting chase last night by a posse,
headed by a pair of bloodhounds, Law
renco McConnell, who Is charged with
attempting to criminally assault tho
six-year-old daughter of Conrad Bar
nard, a farmer living near Fllloy, wns
captured mar his home in this city
and lodged In jail. Tho girl's condl
tlon Is not seiious The feeling In
Filley and vicinity is bitter ngainst
tho young man. Many residents of
that section were In town and mob
Teamsters Make Final Effort to Bring
About Settlement.
Chicago, June 20. Another effort Is
to bo made by the teamsters to bring
about a settlement of their strike. At
a meeting of tho teamsters' joint coun
cil, called to consider the best motu-
oa ot bringing about tno ternunaiion
of the trouble, It wns decided to ap
point a committee which is to confer
with the executive committee of tho
International Brotherhood of Team
sters and decide upon terms to bo of
fered to the employers.
The meeting between these two
committees will be held tomorrow, i
President Shea of the teamsters' union
doclnred that ho would not Interfere
in any manner with the work of either
of tho committees and If they bring
about a settlement of the strike it
will be binding upon tho teamsters.
Tho situation is rapidly improving
from tho standpoint of the employers
and they have reached almost normal
conditions in making deliveries.
Policeman Ault Convicted.
Norfolk, Nob., June 20. A Dally
News special says that Policeman Ault,
who killed "Kid" English at Bone
steel, S. D., last summer, has been
convicted of manslaughter and was
taken to Sioux Falls to servo two
years at hard labor. Tho trial was
hold at Fairfax.
lee Gream
Gool Drinks
15c MEAL
Damcrcll Block.
Of tlio Kansas City Veter
inary College Oillco at E.
Johnston's, tlio Brick linru.
Telephone 82.
At Blue Hill ilrst Tuesday in each
When you are hungry and
want somothlg nice in the
meat lino, drop into my
market. Wo have tlio nicest
kind of
and meats, fish, and gamo
in season. Wo think, and
almost know, that wo t an
please you. Give us a
Bioon Bros.,
Successors to
Hard Hitting and Shoot True.'
That Is th universal verdict of nmrtntntn In all iMtlonnof
inn pintM in rninmnuinf;our hrrftrim. riuipt-d with a
"8TKVKN8" mean If ynu point theweaixm right, ou
cannot help hitting tho mark !
Wo manufacture a complete lino of i ,
RIFLES, from $3 to $150
PISTOLS, from $2.50 to $50
SHOTGUNS, from 87.50 to ft
Semi for Illustrated rnlaloj; ilwcrlhlni; entire output, hints
on ihootinir, ammunition, etc.
Ask your dealer for our products
and insist on cettlng them.
It U lota of fun hut will maVe Jim think hard while trying
It. Send 1 cent In tamp fnrour Itifnnhnii Hlrle l'imic
Clilroiieo FuIIh, Mnsx., U.S.A.
Fredonla Bank Falls.
Washington, Juno 20. Tho Fre
donla National bank, Fiedonla, N. Y
was closed by order of the comp
troller of tho currency on Information
received from tho examiner that It Is
insolvent. J. W. Suholleld ias been
appointed receiver.
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A 3asy Medlolne for Busy People.
Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor.
A snclflo for Constipation, Intllcoitlon, Llvo
anil Kidney Trouble. Pimples. Kczemn, Impure
Dlooa, nail Hrenth, Slnccrlsh PowoW, Heiulnehe
anil UivWcnrho. It's Rocky Mountain Ten in tlio
lot form, 31 pent n box. nennlmt made by
Hor.MBTEn Dttvn Company, MimIIsou, K
Popular Flavors in
Ice Cream
The Bon Ton
W. S. BGNSB, Proprietor.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Cures Grip
In Two Days.
Tate Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. nJ,
seven miiuon ow oi i ..,
This signature,
on every
frznr cox. 25Ca
S' 6-
ami iuia. v.