The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 23, 1905, Image 4

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Buy Hair
at Auction?
At any rate, you seem to be
getting rid of it on auction-sale
principles: "going, going,
g-o-n-e!" Stop the auction
with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It
checksfallinghair, and always
restores color to gray hair. A
splendid dressing also. Sold
for over sixty years.
' M j hnlr Minn nut roIiaiIIt I nearly Iotlt
nil I liml lii'iinl inncli iiliniit Aycr't lliilr
Vigor I tlioiiKlit I uoulit Klvti It a trlil. I tilt!
ri iitii It rnliipli-Uily Moppi'il tlio fulllliu, mid
iniiilniiiv linlrurnn- vrry ratililly." MAUV II.
Mi:i.l, Nortlilk'lil, Mum.
g Jk I
xi niers
Mtdo by J. O. Aynr Co., Lowell. MaaJ.
aiio mnnuiaoiurori or
Perverted Justice.
Folinmy 1, 11)01, near Jimvalo, in
Wobstor county, Nebraska, Frank
Uarkcr committed u premeditated,
cold bloodod and most brutal murder
of his brother and brother's wife.
The execution and attempt od conceal
ment of tliu crime woro attended with
acts evincing a maliciousness and
brutality seldom equaled.
The murderer was arrosted and hold
to the district court, wherein, after a
trial lasting several days in which he
was vigorously prosecuted and ably
defended. Ho was found of
guilty of murder in the first degroo
and sentenced to bo bunged.
On behalf of the convicted man, his
case was removed by error proceed
ings of tho supremo court, wherein it
was carefully examined and reviewed,
resulting in a finding by that court
that he had had a fair and impartial
trial in which no error was committed
and tho sonteuco of tho district court
was atllrmod, Juno 1(5, lOOTi, being llxod
for tho execution.
Vet more ponding theso proceed
ings tho murderer on moio than ono
occasion confessed tho commission of
the crime, and related its horrible de
tails, admitting that in giving his evi
denco at tho trial he had freely
perjured himself.
An attorney interested himself in
tho caso on behalf of tho confessed
and convicted perjurer and double
murderer and sought to have him
declared insane, in order to prevent
bhe execution of tho death sentence.
Tho governor of tho sttto and the
warden of tho penitentiary, who had
powor to institute proceedings to
detormine tho sanity of such criminals
with the assistance of some of tho best
physicians in tho statu investigated
tho matter thoroughly, tho governor
says, and concluded that Barker was
sane and there wms no cause for such
proceedings, nor to delay tho execu
tion or sentence
Notwithstanding this, tho attorney
sought a hearing over tho heads of
these olllcials, which was denied him
by tho district court of Lancaster
county, but upon application to tho
supreme court it held such denial to
be error, and that the hearing should
yrocoud to dotormiuu the present
sanity or insanity of. tho murderer.
Thereupon tho governor, apparent
ly in a tit of potulnnc", granted a
reprieve of two years to tho con
demned man. Tho purposo theieof is
not stated in tho ofllcial doeuinont,
but it is stated in tho public press,
that by that time tho governor's term
of olllco will have expired and ho neod
not bo bothered more about tho caso.
nil.,. I.. .. i i....i i
jiiuiu in iiu itiiisuu wiiy -uurKCl S
sanity may not bo determined within
a few days.
Attempt to concoal it as wo may, it
is truth that "tho laws delay" in pun
ishment of crime, and tho uncertainty
whether crimo will bo punishod, aro
the principal causes of resort to lynch
and mob law; breed contempt of tho
law, and encourage criminals in tho
commission of crimo by inculcatim:
the belief that they can successfully
evade tho law.
This has boon amply demonstrated
in every community whoro lynching1
has taken place, with all its train of
degrading and demoralizing results.
Tho fault does not lio in tho law,
which must bo framed to meet all
wses It lies with those whoso duty it
is to administer and executo tho law.
That, instead of looking to tho en
forcement of tho law as it oxists, and
the protection and
solves in etfoct tho benefactors of
criminals, by taking such stops as
assist them in owuling tho just and
full punishment attachod by tho law
to their crimo.
They thus mako tho whole judicial
system, which is tho bulwark of our
protection as well as our liberties, a
HllllJCUb Ul JUIIj Ul IllUl.tlll, II IllJb III UKII-
tomnt. and destroy conlldonco in its
oflieaoy ns tho protector of tho prop
erty and life or citizens.
Tho governor is committed to tho
statemont that Darker is sano and
thattiioro is no reason to Tlelay tho
execution. If that is correct there is
no ground for tho roprievo. IJurkor's
attorney claims Uarkor to bo insane,
and tho supremo court has said there
should bo a hearing to determine
that question. 'I hat could have been
done before now and could yet bo
done within a few weeks time. Ilenco
this furnishes no ground for tho two
year's reprieve. What thon is tho real
ground or motive actuating tho gov
ernor, tho chief oxecutive ollicor of tho
state in thus preventing duo execution
of tho law?
It is stated in tho public press, that
tho move was mado because tho gov
ernor and warden had previously mado
statements respecting Marker's sanity
in conflict with their ailldavits subse
quently Hied, which would bo brought
out at tho hearing, should one bo had
Whether this is true, we do not know.
It is plain however, that the law
does not contemplate the granting of
u reprieve without some good reason
as a basis for the action, and that, so
far as has been mado public, no reason
good or bad, has boon advanced by tho
governor in this instance.
Considering the enormity and bru
tality oT tho crime, tho certainty that
exists as to tho ono who perpetrated
it, and tho fooling naturally resulting
in tiio community, the people of the
vicinity of Inavalo aro entitled to
groat credit for remaining law abid
ing citizens and trusting to tho of 11
cacy of tho law and honesty, its
ollioors to accomplish their protection
and tho punishment of tho criminal.
Mut what it blow their faith has now
received! When, by all tho courts tho
criminal lias been condemned to the
puuihmcut provided by law, tho cliiof
executive ollicor of tho state, without
so much as. hinting at any ground or
reason for his action, arbitrarily and
apparently only to prevent his own
vacillations and conflicting statements
or those of his warden, from becoming
generally known, flagrantly violates
tho spirit and intent of tho law ho has
sworn to uphold and enforce, and in
effect nullifies its provisions for tlio
protection of human life.
Such doings mako peace loving, law
abiding citizens hang their heads in
shamo; oncourago crimo and criminals
aro allasting stain upon tlio fair famo
of our beloved stato and institutions,
and convict our governor of a weak
ness and vacillation, if nothing moro
which render him ontiroly unlit for
his high olllce.
On Thursday tho Supremo Court
handod down a decision declaring tho
new biennial oioct ion law unconstitu
tional. Tho election for .judge of tho
supremo court, regents of tlio uni
versify and all county officers provid
ed Tor by tho constitution, whoso
terms expire this fall, will bo held as
usual this fall.
- n f i" - i r3 S rS .
(f It's a strange fact
?i theU a. man who
Fort Gardner.
A very pretty wedding occurred
Wo'nosdny afternoon at 1 o'clock at
tho homo of Mr and Mrs. L. II. Fort
on South Soward street, when iheir
daughter Nolle was united in marriage f
10 ur. amort. J Gardner, of Wymorp. ' fl
V I. A til . . , . ... ',..
nuu. .ii uiiu appointed Hour tho bride
and groom entered tho room to tho
strains of Mendelssohn's wedding
march, played by Miss Ireno Minor,
and took thoir places in tho bay win
dow, whoro How B. C. Davis pro
nouncod the solemn words which mado
them ono. Tho bride was gowned in a
plain white organdie, and tho groom
woro tho conventional black. Only
relatives of tho bride and groom were
present, with two exceptions.
Following tho ceremony a three
course luncheon was served by Mrs.
J. O. Wiles and Miss Sadie Bvans, and
in tho evening tho bridal party drove
to Inavalo, whoro tho happy couple
took tho evening train for a honey
moon trip to Hot Springs and Sylvan
hake, South Dakota. They will bo at
homo at Wymoro after .July t.". Tho
bride and groom rccoived many useful
and beautiful presents.
Tho out-of-town guests were: Mrs.
Leroy Noll, of Duluth, Minn, Mrs.
Thomas Wilkinson, of St. Louis, Mo.,
Mrs. J. C Gardner and son, R S.
Gardner, of Mrookflold, Mo; Mrs. Geo
Rogers and two sous of Omaha; Mrs.
B.J. Culbortson, of Peru, Nob; Mrs.
J. O. Wiles and son of Orleans; Carl
Ferguson of Orleans and Charles Fort
of Omaha.
Tho bride is ono of tho most popu
lar young ladios of Rod Cloud, whoro
sho has lived practically all hor
life, and has a host of friends who
join in wishing her a long and happy
wedded life.
Tho groom is ono of tho rising
young physicians of Wymoro, and is
tho Murlington surgeon at that placo.
Ho is well and favorably known in
this city.
Wo extend congratulations.
would throw your gold brick
at your head if you tried to
soil him ono will walk into a
clothing store and calmly
pay tho price or all-wool-and-silk
and accept tho "mecer
izd cotton" client.
Tho clothier may plainly
toll him it contains "mercer
ized cotton "; "a few threads;
they look just like silk"; ac
tually mako him think it's all
right, and pockets tho added
piollt cheerfully.
Or tho buyer may take the
"mercerized cotton" adulter
ation ignorautly; there are
some dealois who will let him
do so.
In ei hor caso tho result is
tlio sumo; the wearer gets
loft. Mut ho doosn't deserve
any sympathy; lie can have
all-wool if ho wants it; no
body feols sorry Tor a man
who gets "Him flammed."
Our label means all-wool;
it's .a small thing to look for,
a big thing to Hud.
Hart Schaffner it.Marx
Good Clothes Makers
; So r - - ' "v
dm w x
JeL w
$& W &b Mill OT' "
s& fix
pmmW mi
Warn Wwiwn
Copyright 1905 by
Hart Scliaflher & Marx
M. A. Albrightp
15he Grocer
tiUlbllvkilbtltiLilliLittibll(Vliliibtl)t)Lilil)tivlil't()l tbtblvblltU(tiibilllilittitliittlilvll4t-
First ' Quality ? Goods
Reasonable 3 Prices
Red Cloud, - Nebraska
This is tho last c ill to delinquent
subscribers. Wo havo roachod tho
conclusion that ."00 paying subscribers
are a bettor investment than 1,.")00 who
do not pay. Tho now stato law which
goes into effect July 1st makes it op
tional with a subscriber whether ho
pays or not, unless ho explicitly orders
tho papor continued to his address,
find wo havo decided to adopt the
strictly pay in advanco system. Mo-
ginning with July 1st our subscription
books will bo gono over and all ac
counts will bo placed in tho hands of
an attorney for collection. Tho now
law is not rotroaotivo and doos not ap
ply to accounts which havo accumu
lated prior to July 1, 1905. It makes no
difference how "good" you aro, unless
wo hoar from you immediately tho ac
count will go into tlio hands of tho at
tornoy. You pay in advanco for your
daily papors, and t hero is no reason
why you should not do tho samo with
your homo papor.
Wo havo hoavy obligations to moot,
wo need tho money and will havo it if
tlioro is any way of gotting it.
Pay now and avoid extra oxponso.
Bicycle Stolen.
Glon Walker is loser a bicyclo
Last week thoro was hanging around
Rod Cloud a young man named J. W
Harms, who gavo his rosidonco as Hub
boll, Nob Two or threo times during
tho early part of tho weok ho borrowed
Glen Walker's whool to go tho depot.
On Wednesday ho hired a livery horse
for the ostensible purpose of driving
to Inavalo, saying ho would bo back
before noon. Tlio horso was driven to
Uivorton and back, and came into tho
barn in a badly used up condition
Mr. Slaby was not at tho barn
and Harms said ho would soo Slaby
and sottlo with him.
Ho did not show up at tho barn.
however, and Thursday morning ho
again borrowed Glon's wheel to go to
tlio depot. As ho has not yet returned
tho wheel, it is presumed ho meant
tho depot at Portland, Oro , as tho last
placo ho was soon was in tho neighbor
hood of Campbell, and ho was then
headed in tho direction of tho Lowis
and Clark exposition.
The New Lumberman.
Are You Usln& Allen's Foot-Ease?
Shako into your shoos Allen's Foot-
good of society, ICaso, a powder. It. euros Corns, Hun.
The Fourth at Covtlcs.
For tlio union Sunday school cole
brat ion at Cowlos on tho Fourth the
president has appointed the following
Program Hov. Hutchins, Cowlos.
Music L. P. Albright, Red Cloud.
Stands A. II. Mowman,.Mluo Hill.
Sports K.J. Butler, Cowlos.
Among tho speakers from abroad
will bo L. B. Parker, Wymoro; Ira
McConaughy, Fairmount, and local
talent from Rod Cloud. Tho commit
tee and schools will moot tho train
from tho north and lod, by tho Guide
Rock band march to tho grovo. Tho
ground is in excellent shapo; lino
shade, plenty of running water, and is
tho finest picnic ground iu tho county.
Thoro will bo fireworks at night.
Consign Your Live Stock To
We also havo our own houses at
Bead our market lettor In this paper. Wrlto us for any spoclal Information desired.
bo very weak.
About tho only thing loft for tho
peoplo of Wobstor county to do is to
ask tho governor to grant Marker a
full pardon, then arrest him and try
him on tho charge of having murdered
Alico Barker, as ho was only triod
upon tho ono charge of having mur
dered his brother Dan While this
would bo a rather expensive mothod of
gaining tho ends of justico, it is about
tlio only hopo wo havo left.
Laprobcs Stolen.
Al Slaby is mourning tho disappear,
unco of half a dozen good laprobos
valued at about B'2?. On a recent Sat
urday, when a rain storm camo up
suddenly, quite a number of persons
took thoir teams to tlio barn for torn
porary housing, and whou the storm
Will Not Rescind Reprieve. was over and they had gone homo six
Tho Lincoln Star caused a sensation good laprobts had disappeared from
I am well prepared
to make Farm Loans
in Webster, Smith and
Jewell counties at low
est rates, either for five
or ten years, with best
of options.
Loans safely and
carefully made for par
ties having private
hero tho first of tho week by printing
a lengthy article alleging that Govor-
tho barn. Mr. Slaby know somo of
tho persons who took laprobos and
IV ..... . i
wpj ioi no apparent reason, joso sight ions, I'aintul, Smarting, Hot, Swollen nor Mickey had decided to rescind supposed they would return them
f theso and of tho main fact and pur- foot. At all druggists and ahoo stores,' tho ropriovo of Frank Barker. Tho but up to-dato nono of tho lap robes'
fo$e involved, and constitute thorn- STio. j reasons given by tho governor seem to havo mado thoir reappearance.
That Settle's It.
When a Colorado gaud stone walk i
Inid that si tiles it. See Overing Bros,
&Oo. for prices.