The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 23, 1905, Image 2

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Paul C. Piiakks
Gemkor Nkwiiousk
One your...
Ix month
Kn tercd At Uio poit ntnco at Hod Cloud, Nob.M
ooondclaiNinnll matter,
FurnlHlicil on iippllciitlon.
Items of Nows Found In Tho
Clilof of Twenty Ycnrs Arfo
This Week Tr
L II. Wallace 1ms none to Now Vork.
(iooiKo Holland was in Denver this
Tho sidewalk to tho depot is Hearing
Miner lhos,are fencing their ranch
woal of town.
Miss Cook or Iowa is u guest or Mrs.
M. K Uuiilluy.
A. .1. Kcnuuy has added a now porch
to his residence.
JJoni, Monday, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Highland, a hoy.
Geo. Nowhouso has returned from
tho academy at Franklin.
Tho masonry work on C. Wiener's
new building has been begun.
C. Bu chow, secretary of tho rail
way commission, is in Lincoln.
"Dick" Gray is now holding down u
position in tho Uurlington yards.
Red Cloud has gained nearly 100 in
population in tho last ten months.
Henry Poor had a sot of harness
stolen from his stable Friday night.
Al Aultz is acting as under seer, tury
to tho Lut. shoot sprinkli g legation.
Al Gulusha's family will bo hero this
week. Wo welcome thorn to lied
Wo are indebted to J 13 Stansor for
a Hno piece of cheeso from his Hicks
Henry Elder's homo was nmdo
happy Tuesday, by tho advent of a
John Garbor has opened a jowolry
store on Fourth avonuo near tho Gard
ner House.
Tho Inavalo chooso factory is run
ning again, under tho Miporviiion of
E. II. Joties.
. Morhart & Fulton and 1J. F. Minor
lmvo begun work on their now opera
houso block.
"Cash" L. Mather, founder of The
Ciiikf, is now a compositor on tho
Atchison Globe.
"! 1 1.. ll L .. .1 ...ill.
tjniHi' on s uay was coieuraieu wan
appropriate oxoreios at tho M. E.
churca Sunday, Juno 11.
Belva Lockwood, tho famous f male
lawyer of Washingt n, will deliver a
lecture hero next mouth.
K. D. Carrier of Cowles has pro
souted this otllco w.tli a hen egg,
which measures 77x8Js inches.
Ludlow it Co, aro furnishing tho
brick for tho uow buildings. They
lmvo 125,000 in one kiln at present.
Almizo Cure and Win. Uritton of
Cathertoa have taken tho prairio
schooner route for Oborliu, Kansas.
M. S.Uallard and David Lut. made
an exchange of business, and tha lat
ter is now driving tho street sprinkler.
Dr. Patten's barn at Gu do Rock
wiib burnod, consuming two Hno
teams of horses and a largo quantity
of other valuable stuir Tho flro was
tho work of an incen tiary.
W. N. Riohard-ou shipped a thous
and head of cattle this w. ok, or about
slxty carloads 'l no cattle win m-lug
in tho noighborhood of e.r)0,00() and tho
fi eight will amount to ovor ?.")000.
Tho following was furnished by D.
Lut.: "David Lut'. in y bo an alliter
ation ilond, Hnds funny feubtings
fanojing follow feolings, and, euro
fully considering charaotors, con
eludes Caso can cut quite a ilguro in
another's "Holmot "
Tho Rod Cloud Holmot mado its first
appearance this week. Wo oxtond its
editor tho right hand of fellowship
and wish him success. Six weeks
lator, as old subscribers will remem
ber, tho battlo was 'on" and the
"right hand of fellowship" was en
gaged in slinging mud. Kd.
Plkasant Hill Last Monday Mr.
and Mrs. F. N. Richardson celebrated
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There is ft disease prevailing in this
country most dangerous because so decep
tive, immysuuiicu
deaths are caused
by it heart dis
ease, pneumonia,
heart failure or
apoplexy are often
the result of kid
ney disease. If
kidney trouble is
allowed toad vance
blood will at
tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of
the bladder, or tho kidneys themselves
break down and waste away cell by cell.
lllatlder troubles almost alwaysresuH
from a derangement of the kidneys and
a cure is obtained ouiokest by a proper
treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel
ing badly you can make no mistake by
taking Dr.' Kilmer's SvampRoot, the
great kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
It corrects inability to hold urine and
scalding pain in passing it, and over
comes that unpleasant necessity of being
I compelled to go often through the day,
and to get up many times during the
night. The mild and the extraordinai v
effec of Swamp-Root is soon realized.
It stands the highest for its wonderful
cures of the most distressing cases.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is
sold bv all druggists in fifty-cent and
one-dollar si.e bottles. You may have a
sample bottle of tins wondeiful new dis
covery and a book that tells all about it,
both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil
mer & Co., Itinghainton, X. Y. When
writing mention leading this generous
olTer in this paper. Don't make any
mistake, but remember the nanie.Swamp
Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the
addiess, Binghamton, N. Y., on cveiy
their twentieth wedding anniversary
with a supper and party in (ho even
ing John Miller of Indiana is
visiting his brother Samuel.
Plkasast HoiiK C. P. Norris is
putting out about .seven acres of fruit
trees on his farm A. C. llagau
and brother lmvo bought a now twino
binder Thomas Thorno is still
breaking prairio for his neighbors....
Father Noiris says that if wo do not
stop breaking prairio wo will not lmvo
enough grass to pasture a gooso.
Stillwatmi D M. Hunter has had
a well put down on his farm J
Mcintyro has a now windmill
Stillwater precinct lias three base ball
clubs Robert Crozier of Alio
gheny, Pa , is visiting his brother
Samuel Mrs. Ida M. Wells died
on tho evening on May IK) Tho
tree agents aro abroad in tho land.
Guide Rock Dean Smith has re
turned from Lincoln, where ho has
boon attending school Wo will
liaco a now street sprinkler soon
A. (). Berg expects to move to Rod
Cloud soon W. S. Knapp has
moved into his now store Dr.
Moranvillo has several Hno horsos in
his new iwrii J. Garbor and
family visited at A. Garbor's Sunday
Elsam Held for Wife Murder.
Mlnden, Neb., June 19. A largo
crowd, testing the capacity of the
court room, was present at the pre
liminary hearing In the caso against
George W. Klsnm charged with killing
his wife at their home on a farm near
xtoH, june
imn the
G. Ho wns held without
district court, which will
sit in September.
Lambert Is Found Guilty.
Omaha, June 21. 1-flgnn Lambort
of Homer wns found guilty of taking
liquor onto tho Omaha Indian reserva
tion. Lnmbort nlso was Indicted for
selling liquor without a license from
the government. To this count of tho
Indictment he withdrew his former
plea of not guilty, changing it to a
plea of guilty. The change of plea
was admitted because it was shown J
that while he had a license to soil
liquor In the village of Homer up to
tho end of tho fiscal year, ho was not ,
entitled to dispose of intoxicants else-1
where than at Homer. Iambert was
sentenced to ono year In tho Sioux
Falls penitentiary and fined $100.
Land Fence Trials Stop.
Omaha. June 21. It now boclne to
look ns If there will not bo any more I
t.lnlo r..- Illnnnl fnnl., f 1 1. ,. ....1.11.. I
2kfelAfa,aMM ; if
lands at this term of tho federal IWf. O, 9 f lf1fOJC;fC
court. Tho reasons given aro that ogont for tho Farmers Union Insur
the Indictments of inn:i nrn iiofootlvn ' anco Co.. Lincoln. Neb., the best in-
un(er nuw con,iitIons, resulting from
the Kinknld law. It Is held by rwj
uty District Attorney Rush that tho
moral effect of tho conviction of John
and Herman Krause of illegal fencing
will have a deterrent Influence upon
other cattlemen charged with tho vio
lation of the law, and that tho fences
will be taken down. But should they
show an Indisposition to take down
their fences on government lands,
prosecution will follow.
Hessian Fly Falling Away and Wheat
Ready for Harvest.
Lincoln, Juno 21. Winter wheat
has continued to grow well generally. '
The damage caused by tho Hessian
fly does not soem to be materially In
creasing. In a fow count Iob consider
able, wheat was. Injured by hall. , Tho
crop Jb ripening" In southeastern
counties and will he ready for harvest
In a week or ten days. Spring wheat
Is doing well, but (lie acreage Is less
than Inst year. Potatoes continue
very promising. Oats arc heading
with very short straw.
Corn Is small but healthy and grow
Inc nicely. Cultivation hns progressed
rapidly nnd a large portion of tho crop
In southern counties hns received tho
second cultivation. Com Is generally
free of weeds. Apples continue to
drop badly and will be a very light
crop In most places.
Funeral Replete With Demonstrations
In Honor of Dead General.
Havana, Juno 20. The body or Gen
eral Maximo Gomez was Interred alter
a funeral service so replete with dem
onstrations In honor of the dead gen
oral as to lead in several Instances to
scenes of disoider. The most serious
trouble occuried while the great pro
cession was passing Central paik,
when some reckless young Cubans
rushed toward the Held gun calhson,
on which the general's remains weie
borne, demanding permission to carry
the body. They were thrust back and
then u bluger ciowd lushed lorwaid
and swayed back and forth acioss tho
broad street temporarily disorganizing
the piocossion.
At the cemetery there was consider
able disorder. The bulk of the great
crowd was restrained from passing
tliiough the cemetery gates until the
ill rival of the procession, and this re
sulted in much ciowdiug and pushing
and In several sharp chatges by
mounted police with no worse result,
however, than some bruised heads and
bodies. The arrival of big forces of
rural guards soon resulted In tho
restoration of order, and tho burial
of tho remains of General Gomez wns
accomplished just before sunset in tho
presence of a great, but quiet and
reverent, crowd.
Weaver Rescinds Big Contract.
Philadelphia, June 21. Tin arrest
of John W. Hill, who resigned last
week as chief of the bureau of filtra
tion, on tho charge of forgery nnd
falsity ing certain books and papers
belonging to tho city, and the annul
ment or a $700,000 contract held by
I). J. McNichol & Co., wore tho dra
matic developments In Philadelphia's
sensational upheaval. Tho arrest of
Ilfll Is tho third that has occurred In
connection with city contracts since
tho mayor began his fight for munici
pal reform.
Agreement Is Reached on All but the
Union Pacific.
Lincoln, Juno 20. With Galusha ab
sent the state board of assessment
fixed tho valuation of tho Burlington,
finally and Irrevocably, at tho samo fig
ures as last year, $38,750 a mile, or nn
assessed valuation of $7,750 a mile.
A final assessment was also made on
the nock Island, Missouri Pacific,
Northwestern, Chicago, St. Paul. Min
neapolis and Omaha and the Great
Northern. All or these roads were
Increased over tho figures of last
year. Two attempts were mnde to as
sess the Union Pacific, but both
failed. Mortensen moved as a com
promise to assess tho Union Pacific
at $12,500 a mile. This motion xvra
lost, with Searlo and Eaton voting in
the negative. Eaton then moved to as
sess the road at $11,(500 a mile, but
this was lost, with Mickey and Mor
tensen voting In tho negatlrc.
Killed oy Trolley Car.
New York, June IS. In a trolley
car collision Miss Sadie Michaels was
almost Instantly killed, her sister Es
sie badly bruised, her father Injured
about the face and back and her moth
er 0 seriously injured that she may
die at any moment They were run
down by the enr while returning fiom
Gravosend in an open carriage at a
against Fire, Lightning, Cy
clones and Windstorms, soo
surance company intho sto.
Call Phone 75 on 52.
Heavy Draylnft a Specialty
Clrantri and txamiriei the hair,
l'romotfi ltumlaiit RTowth.
Never Fail to neatore Oray
llnlr to if Youthful Color.
Cum uralp uiwant It hair tailing.
tOe, and 1 1 HO at DraggliU
ft ' "" ' J ja. vj s j 25
.'9' ?2 -"25 -35 5 ?J5 - 55 5 ?9
-The Kodak Way"
i limn j i'i t'wi""i wtwiih '';"" ''
Kodaks and Kodak
Bring in Your Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing.
We do It right.
SI Persian Lawns,
SI LK TISSUES, per yd 25 and 50c
RIBBON, per yard 20c
.per pair 50c
Eggs Taken In Exchange for Merchandise
City Dray and
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lost
Residence iSS.
j jfc jg ifc ;S J Jj j,J2j ft V ,
& k - CS.
Express Line.
Office 119