fa. I Ul N fflSAftai I Subscription THE RED CLOUD CHIEF GMM&(mi&,1faxtieiitiisit'j Eight Pages All Home Print $1 a Year in Advaunce remEmwssmeisia iWfWXWWMWMtSliK 1 4 '' VOLUME XXXII E. RED CLOUD, NEMiASKA, J UTs 13 2, 1005. NUMJiEK 25 -TT MINER BROS. The Big Daylight Store MINER BROS. The Big Daylight Store s lieuisy Jiotes prom JieighboFing Tomns I JUNE GLEASIGNG SALE V of Ladies', Misses' and EasaaaaasEflgBsaB whhmmhwihii ihh minim Children's Shoes V V In filling in sizes in our stock of Ladies' Shoes, we find that we have about 7 styles shoes, or 50 pair, that we do not exnect to carrv atrain. havinir nur- chased other patterns in their place. These patterns are all Green-Wheeler Shoes and price will apply only to the goods marked in BLUE PENCIL. The styles as attractive as the latest. Light and heavy sole turn, Goodyear welt, pat ent kid turn, patent kid welts. S3. OO Shoes, June Clearing Undcrprlcc $2. OO S2.50 Shoes, June Clearing Undcrprlcc $2. GO The splendid values in Wolfe Bros.' medium priced Shoes, to close, are being eagerly taken. Assostments are being rapidly broken. All $1.10 to $1.50 Shoes, $1.00 pair. All $1.65 to $2.00 Shoes, $1.25 pair. SUPERIOR GATHERED FROM OUR EXCHANGES I south east of Lebanon u few iiioiiiIh ago uitli tlid intention of going I iu-k lo Marshall county, decided after visiting his nine county, that Smith county suited linn lictlci, so he putcluiscd one of Hi 11 Tlw uipson's ft.nu-, Tuoday, paying $11501) tor same. i-M.N ,1 it. niui 11. a. ijyuc.s were 1 nlliil to Hcllt villn Sunday night, to pcif utn mi operation on their cousin, Tolhcit Shipley. When tliey ariivod they louml U ut an operation would not benefit linn as lie was too near mine. Hiidiid Monday afternoon ahout two o'clock. Toll.eit Was the son of Dr. Tolb,;rt Shipley hn did at Salem scveial years ago SILK GLOVES Tho Elsmero double finger tip ped Silk Glove, a grout favorite. Another largo assortment just received by express Colors, white, black, blue, pon gee, brown, tau and grey. Other grades at 15, 20, 25, 35c. FURNITURE DEPT. A largo Hardwood Dining Tn blo; 12 inch square top extendr to 10 feet, 5 inch log. June price, S8.95. Solid Oak Diner, cuno seat Juno price, $5. SO. Sot of six. SEWING MACHINES A guaranteed machine, onk case, coniploto set of attach ments, box head. Juno special, SI 2.98 RUGS 9x12 feet all wool Smyrna, re versible. 2 patterns, 1 greeu, 1 rod, worth 325. June special undorprice, $14.98 9x12 feet Jute reversible, 2 patterns, 1 green, 1 rod, value $12.00 June special undorprice, 9.25 New Line of Premium Dishes. MINER BROS. "The Big Daylight Store." 'rJJsJSJ" Real Estate Iransfcrs. Transfers for week ending Wednos- day, Juno 21 furnished by J. H. Bailey of Webster County Abstract company . Sarah A Bailey to M R Bontloy swl 22-1-10 qcd $ 1 M R Bontloy and wife to N B Wagoner sw4 22-1-10 vd ft50 Catharino A Flint to ot al to Noj zchlob uel 12 1-9 wd 5000 Lawronco Farroll to E J Kolly sw4 7-2-12 wd 20 Jamos W Reod and wife to Win J Rood e2 so 1 22 2 9 qcd 400 Win G Kopisch to Thomas W McCluro lot 33 block 11 Blue Hill wd CO Hannah Currant to Win S Bakor lot 4 block 11 Bluo Hill wd .... 15 Annio M Whitton to Chas Schubkeall lots 5 and G block 0 Uohror add to Bluo Hill wd 050 Edward S Hodgson and wifo to John W Gravus all seo 20-20 wd 2500 Elizabeth Bosso to R S Baker lot 1 to 4 block 0 R R add to Bluo Hill wd 0000 . J A MoArthtir, sheriff, to Edwin s- E Burr, lots 1 to 5 block 0 Kal- ov and Jackson add to Bluo , 142 wd " Francis Boitlor and wifo to W B Saunders n2 lots 20 to 21 block 2GRod Cloud 3500 c"ll Sohlossor to Thomas M Warnock sw4 20-2-10 wd 3300 Fred M Sleeper et al to Thomas M Wark net 30-2-10 wd 3000 Mary C Hummoll and husband to II II Holdrego part ne4 w4 of swl 30 2-12 wd 25 II II Holdrego and wifo to D J Myers same wd 35 Lostor Cone and wifo to J II Mc Crary ad in part,s2 sw4 3-1 9 wd 1 C A Kehlor and wifo to J M Lockhart lots 1 to G block 13 and lot 7 block 11 Bladen nnd sol 3-4-12 wd 1 James M Lockhart to Chas F Kehlor'samo wd 1 k Guaranteed Cure Fr Piles. Itching, blind, bleeding or protrud ing Piles. Druggists refund money if Puzo Ointment fails to euro Any case, no matter of how long standing, in G to 14 days. First application gives east and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn't it send 50o in stamps, and it will be for warded post-paid by Paris Modicino Co. St. Louis, Mo. m Omaha Buslnsss Men Coming The Omaha Commercial club will soon mako a tour of tho southern part of tho stato. Tho club will arrive in Rod Cloud Wednesday evening, July 14, and spend tho night hero. Thurs day they will go east, then double back, passing through Rod Cloud again that oveuing. (From the Exnross ) Geo. Brown has been again unani mously chosen by the Nebraska State Fiuoial Diicctor.s Assocation as its Hiicreiary. Charley Coppock went to Lincoln Wo'liiesday to the t oinim nceinent ex I'M'ises of the University. His s stcr, M ss Grace, graduates this jcar. Mrs. Mae l)u Mello and brother, Will Ester, have signed with the Di.x.e Car nival Co , and will join them soon. They will do slack wire and trapeze work. Missus Carrie and Maude Beach left Wednesday noon for Springfield, Hi., to make their future homo. Their fa ther has had a nice cottage built there, and they will keep house for hi.n. Mrs. Abo Rowley had the misfortuno to stumble over a piece of gas pipe in the yard at their homo south of Super ior, Tuesday, causing her to fall, and a fractured wrist is the result. Mrs Volbohr went to Omaha Sat urday, where she will accept a position as stenographer and typewriter in tho New York Life Building instead of teaching in Villisca, as she intended. The now city hall is about ready for occupancy, and tho city oll'iecrs will move in as soon as the paint is dry. Tho lire bill was put in tho lowur yes terday, and a Hag staff will be placed on tho cupola. Tho advertising grafter who wotked this town for ads for a directory and time table about throe weeks ago, worked Red Cloud last week. He caught pixtecn there and only ten hero. The next grafter will bo shy tho ten we think. retor bchleiger has neon coming up town of late in his now invalid chair. Peter's nviny friends aro glad to see him about again and have him visit with them. Ho is ono of the most pa tient and cheerful of invalids. Billio Bliven caught a five pound cit fish Tuesday in Mr. Hun tin's pasture. Next riso in tho river we aro going to mini; snmo larnit topes and see if wo can't lasso some of tho big ones and pick them out for use whenever wo aro hungry. E S. Jones and hrothor, W. R Jones with their wives were down to Harry Lile'8 placo near Webber, Wednesday, Mr. Lilo has two whistling wells on his placo, and W R. Jones, who is from l;o oil and gas regions of Missouri, says tho whistling is caused by a flow of gas. uaiumei Baking IBmwfioi ill wti! Porfoct In qunltty. Hlodorato In prlco. hat means success. Walter Ctrnahaii returned homo Wediiesdav fiom D.citur, III , where ho has lieeii f r I lie past two yoais in employ of a transfer company. I ho LEBANON. (From the Times.) Jake Waddlo was very badly poisoned the til st of the week and had lo call n doctor in Wednesday. Mrs. Will Kitusey returned from Falcon, Colo., Monday. She w accompanied homo by Mrs. Lostor B tbcock of that citv. Mrs. W. S Aydolott wontto Mnnkato yesterday morning to begin taking treatment at the Abraham sanitarium. Stella Wright camo up from Emporia whore sho has been attending school, to seo her baother .Lafo, but lo was dead and buried before her arrival Sunday night. Uncle Sammy Hall's dog returned homo Tuesday evening after a six weeks' visit with relatives in tho conn try or soino town. Uncle Sammy folt so good over his return that ho immed iately purchased a dime's worth of lice killer. Misses Lorn Weesner and Botnict Potter wero shopping in Lebanon Tuesday, and whilo in town did not forget to call on the Times people. Miss Potter lives in Red Cloud and she ahd her sister Miss Florence, aro visit ing at Weesner farm north of Stlem. C. L Traveluto, who Hold his farm BLOOM1NGTON (From the Advocate.) i ne local teiepnoiii) Hue is being ex tended horn Riveitoti to Franklin. J. 11 Boswell on the 15 gr.nl uauel fit in Niuthwesteiii Medical Col lege at Chicago. 'lie fust pei son to a buy ticket at this place for the Poitland Exposition was Mr G. W. Dennis of Summer, Kansas. A severe hail storm passed thiough the central part of (he county liiit Fri day light doing ci nsiderable damage to gtowirg crops. During the high wind one night re cently the engine house at Blooming ton pumping station was blown away. No di mage was done to the plant. Two of our citizens one day thi week settled their dispute according to pugilistic rules. Neither party was hurt much, but tiny probably both fool better now. In April a gentltman at Wilcox bought the Tom Mullaly taiich of 1720 aeios foi $31,500 and last week he sold 1,500 acres, or all but one quai tor of it, for $40 per acre, making a net piolit to him of $30,900. Not a bad investment for so short a time. CAMPBELL (From the Citizen ) M. Kinney and wife, after several mouths of residence in Cleveland Okl., returned hero again last Friday Mrs. Davo OConners arrived on tho evening train yedterday from St Louip, where she had been to get her little girl, who has been in a hospital in that city. Mrs . Wm. Burden departed yesterday morning for Cleveland. Okla., from which place sho goes to the hot springs in Indian Territory in search of a cure for rheumatism. Jos. Cory hns a curiosity or a freak, as you may teim it, in his orchard in a pear tree which already has an, abund ance of pears f good size but refuses to stop at this and each day produces more blossoms. Claud Gicene is carrying ono arm in n sling by reason of a sprained wrist. Claud was exorcising feline abilities when ovorbalar ocd and his front feet worn not enable to catch a limb to stay his llight which lestilled as above staled FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) Miss Ruby White is giving us spl oil did set vice as "hello" girl for the local telephone lines'. Chas. Godsey of Alma and Miss Elti Schegg of Blooniington visited in ihia city last Sunday. Mrs. Win. Bernhard returned Sunday ev niug fiom Kansas City, wheto sho nad heeii takii g tun tmeiit in a hospital lor the past eight weeks. A A. Peak is oi'joying a visit from hi- uncle t lid aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. M, Holmes ol near Topi ka, Kan , and hid sister, Mis. Geo. Latin ol Cowlrs. AichitectC. W. Way was down to Guide Rock yesterday to deliver tho plans for the g7,000 opera house which will be built at that place this summer. A pretty wedding wa s solemnize! at Cm lis, Frontier county, last evening at 8 o'clock, when Rev. Gardiner sum the words which made Mr. A. C Dill of this cily and Miss Gussio Rielg way of that place husband and wife. RIVERTON (From the Review.) D. W. Pomroy caught a a x and one half pound catfish Monday night in the river. Nate Gliek caived his shin with a pruning hook Tuesday while trimming his hedge. Phil Z-dglor wns called to Rook Island III , Saturday night by the death of his sister at his old home in that city. John Meade's horse broke loose Tues day alten noon and ran south to the Catholic church, badly breaking the buggy and harness. Riverlon will not celebrate the Fourth of July but sho is going to havo n street fair July 2(1, 20, and 27. h. The whole town is united iu this and State Fair News. At a meeting of the board of man agers on Juno 10th, President Mellor notified the board that ho bad ap pointed S. C. Bassott secretary, to fill the vacancy occaisoned by the death of Hon. Robert W. Furnas, also that W.C. Caloy of Creighton,Knox county, had been appointed a member of the state board to till the vacancy. Contracts havo been signed for exhi bition i aces during the fair with tho owner of tho Guidtlcth Wonder, Cute," a horse that without a driver trots against time and has a record of 2:01?.i on a mile track and 2.09 on a half mile track; also tho trotting steer, "San Antonio Pete." This bteer has a half mile- record of 2:520. Tho fish exhibit by the Stato Fish commission will again be an interesting feature at tho Stato Fair, $250 having boon appropriated to piy expenses of making such exhibit. The secretary's ofllco of tho stato Board of Agriculture has been removed from Brownvillo to Lincoln aud now occupies rooms on the first floor in tho capitol building whore all interested, aud especially those iu tho stato fair and matters pertaining to agriculture will bo most cordially welcome. Tho loss of ono so experienced and ofllcieut us tho lire secretary, Hon. Robert W. Furnas, is irreparable both to the stato and Board of Agriculture, aud a seri us handicap in tho making of tho coming Stato Fair, but tho Stato Fair maiiageiiient will sparo neither timo nor effort to carry out tho plant arranged by tho late sccietary and to this end invito tho action and henrty co-operation of all well wishers of tho fair. Stato Fair dates ate Sept. 1st to 8th. For premium lists or other informa tion address S. C. Basset, Secretary, Lincoln, Nebraska. May Lose an Eye. Riley Carpenter, 14-year-old son of Allen Carpouter, rocoived an injury to ono of his eyes Tuosday which may io sult in loss of sight of tho eye. To and Tom Mackey woro throwing clods at. birds, whon Mackoy accidentally struck him iu tho eye, inflicting u very painful and dangerous Injury which it is fcired will cnusou total loss of sight iu one eyo I t fo W I ft. f n i