H 1 Red Cloud Will Celebrate. I A t i You always get Wearing Results if you get the : genuine DAIN STACKERS or SWEEPS. They fc are STRONG and have been tried. I have the Us genuine DAIN goods. Anyone else in this town 1 JAMS PETERSON. I l A I FTTFtt n . m Try that calf meal at Caldwell's. Go to Fred Plumb's for Hour or feed. Dr. E. A. Thomas, dentist, Damerell block. Hugh Boal is home from Omaha for a visit. Elmer Crone was down from Orleans Sunday. I. U. Thomas was down fromBladon Tuesday. Ed Taylor went to Lincoln Tuesday morning. Ray Nelson of Blue Hill Sundayed in lied Cloud. Dr. A. J. Gardner was up from Wy more Sunday. A. H. Brinkman of Orleans was in town Tuesday. Mrs. A. T. Walker wont to Superior Tites-day morning. John Rmlcdgu returned to Hebron Tuesday morning. Mrs. Goorgo Nowhouso is visiting in Bladen this week. H. E. Grico his had his store build' ing newly painted. Misses Frances and Nell Nesbit were in Iuavalo Tuesday. M. R. Bontley of Hot Springs, Ark., is in town this week. Face massage and ladies' shampoo at Hayes' barber shop. Will Morris and family wero down from Cowlos Thursday. E. E. Harvey and family of Iuavalo wore in town Tuesday. Miss Goorpia Card returned to Ueloit, Kansas, Monday. Wanted-Girl for housework. In quire of E H. Nowhousi'. BUY A, FLEMING SWINGING STACKER This Stacker will olovato haj 28 feet high and placo it anywhere on an 18x10 rick. A horso walks half tho distance loss thau on an overshot stackor. This is not a hay dumper, as most stackers nro, but will put your hay where you want it, and saves ouo man ou tho stack. POPE BROS. Plumb has Red Cloud Hour. Adair Galusha was down from Lin coln tho first of tho week. Tako your poultry and hides to Plumb. Top prices paid. By Shopardson of Rivorton was in town tho first of tho week. Wednesday was Flag day, but not many Hags wore displayed. Mrs. J. M. Cirnahan was down f lorn Rivorton Wednesday. Ancil Crabill returned homo from Lincoln tho first of tho week. Miss Edith MoKeighan wont to Hustings Tuesday for a visit. W. R Andorson was down from Bladen tho lirst of tho week. The cement walk around tho Bent ley block is nearly completed. Vaughn Smith returned homo from Lincoln the middle of tho week. W. N. B lynton of Manchester was in Red Cloud the first of tho wcok. Wanted A girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. M Gilroy. Miles Putnam and Warren Thomas wore down from Cowles Sunday. Floyd Stainor of McCook is bore this week visiting with relatives. Miss Bertha Potter is homo from Lincoln for hor summer vacation. Wnlter Elliott of Norton, Kansas, was in town the close of last week. Mrs. Robert Fortuno is in Hebron this week visiting with hor parents. Geortro Hadell returned from his trip in tho west Wodnosday morning. Miss Mary Jensen went to Ilirdy Thursday morning to viMt hor sister. Joo.Horbu gor has painted his rest aurant and will put up a now awning. Mrs. J. T. Bomford wont to Wilber Saturday morning for a fow days' visit Mrs. Howard Doisloy and daughter Stella wore down from Inalo Mon day. John Shooloy, tho Guido Rock under taker, was in town Wodnosday on busi ness. Editor Tait and wife visited with Miss Cora Garber in Lincoln this week. F. E. Goblo returned from Fort Cobb, OkIb., this wook for a visit at homo. Plumb tho feed man will pay you tho highest prico for poultry, eggs and hides. Tho county commissioners aro in session this wook as a board of cquali zation. Mrs. C. T. Sieffen and children dp parted for Hastings Thursday noon for a visit. Misses Mattio and Clara Anol will leave Sunday for a short visit in Chicago. Miss Kuthoryn Morra of Chicago is a guost at tho Mandovillo residence this wcok. Mrs. C. C. Cox has purchased tho J. R. Mercer property in tho west part of tho city. A committee wont tho rounds of t ho business houses this morning and secured plodgos amounting to sovoral hundred dollars for a Fourth of July colobtution. Mrs. Ward Hays and children intend to leave Saturday morning for a visit at Western. Mrs. A P Ely of M.-Ceok is in the city visiting her parents', Mr. and Mis. E. B Smitn. Will Dtmkin of Omaha was in the city Saturday, visiting with his cousin, Judge Keeney. Roscoe Cather is homo from Oxford, whero he has been the past year teaching school. L'ifo Boyd of Bladen was in Red Cloud Tuesday visiting with his brother George. Mrs. Frank Smith is o joying a visit from Misses Inez, and Peiirl Hancock of Olathc, Kansas. W. Richards, Floyd B.iyles, I. B. Col- vin and Clarence Crary wero up from Guido Rock Tuesday. Rpv. Maze of Dawson will pronch at Damerell hall. Sunday tho 18th, morning and evening. Mrs. N. S. Rants departed Tuesday morning for Lincoln, whero sho will undergo an operation Mrs. P. Horigstad and children arrived homo Sunday morning from a month's visit in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. E 1 Smith and children of SaltLako City aro in Red Cloud this week visiting with friends. Mrs. Lucy Fair of Surprise, Neb, is visiting at the homo of her father, Alf McCall south of tho river. Miss Matio Yerger and Geo. Chick- oriug of Oquawka, III., aro visiting at tho homo of C. R. Swartz. Mrs. Charles Lippman of Marysville, Mo., is in Red Cloud this week visit ing with Mrs. Belle Tavlor. E S. Garber departed Wednesday evening for Boulder, Colorado, where his son Anson is very sick. You can now tako your annual bath. The tubs at Manspoaker's barber shop aro again in working order. Mower Knives Sections Guards and Guai d Plates We carry a complete line to fit all Mowers. These are A No. i goods and will give the best of satisfaction. We have also a Sickle Grinder that is a sickle grinder in every sense of the word. It grinds the heel as well as the point of the section; will sharpen old sickles good as new. Ask to see it and you will be con vinced. Our PRICES on sickle and sections are RIGHT. We mean what we say. MORHABT BROS. Hardware Co. Com fort able Summer Clothes We have loads of Summer Com lort in store for the man who comes to us for relief. SERGE COATS and VESTS ALPACA COATS TWO-PIECE STRAW HATS NEGLIGEE SHIRTS COOL UNDERWEAR Prices reasonable for everything always accompanied by our regular guarantee. eCOWDEN-KALEY CLOTHING COMP'NY ALWAYS RELIABLE First Door North of P. 0.f Rod Cloud ,ssJrSjJrf',J'KrsJ For rent Af tor July 1, rosidonuo, corner Cedar street and Third avenue. Inquire at Nowhouso's store. Walter Carnahan arrived in tho oity Wednesday from Decatur, III., on routo to his homo in Rivorton. Quito a number of Rod Cloud pooplo attended the state Sunday school con vention at Superior this week. Mrs. Paul Storoy and daughter Vor lion wont to Chicago tho close of last week for a several weeks visit. Mrs. Win. Waller and Mrs. John Waller of Cowles were in tho city Sat urday on their way to Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. L 1'. Albtlght and Mrs. I. H. Holmes attended tho con vention in Superior Wednesday. Tho "kids" baso ball toam went to Franklin Wednosday and lost to tho latter toam by a score of 10 to 9. Mrs. Caso leaves for Kearney this week, whero sho been appointed pre ceptress of tho Kenrnoy Normal. 11 B. Clemmons of tho Nation forco leaves in tho morning for a month's visit with his parents in Chicago. Cli s. Matthowson, ono of tho pro prietors of Iho short order house at Bluo Hill, was in town Thursday. Don't forgot to insuro your proporty against iiro, lightning and cyclones with L. H. Fort, agent, Damoroll block. Tho ice cream social given by Tho Ladies Guild at tho homo of Mrs Roby Thursday evening was a pleasant affair. M. M. Fearn of Fountain, Okla , arrived in tho city Sunday to visit his brother Ed Foam and family for a fow weeks. Mrs. C. P. Evans and daughters Alice and Myra went to Guide Rook Sunday morning for a fow days visit with relatives, R. S. Taylor, division suporintondont of tho International Correspondence schools of Suranton, Pa., was in Rod Cloud Thursday. Work on tho comont walk around tho Minor block and in front of tho postoflico and Cowdon-Kaloy's was begun this wook. Mrs Hattio Emick and hor sistors, Misses Daisy and Flora Sellars, loft Thursday noon for a visit with rela tives at Iloldrego. Mrs. S. Rife, Mrs. E. W. Ross and daughter Maria dopaitod Thursday morning for Courtland, Kansas, to visit with rolativo3. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brown and littlo daughter aro homo from York, whoro tho7 havo boon visiting with rolativos for a couple of woeks. Mrs. V. Liggitt anil son roturned to their homo in Hebron Thursday morn ing. Sho was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. S Roiglo. County Commissioner Josoph Fogol and O. C. Tool wire in Smith Contor last Friday on business connected with tho Hilton cstato. Mrs. A. Conover and childron do- parted Monday morning for Salt Lako City to visit with Mr. Cjnovor and SUITS remain theie during tho summer months. , Tho county commissioners woro un able to oomploto tho levy this wcok, owing to tho failure of tho ntato board to corlify tho railroad assessment. Mrs. J. V. Hill of Seward is in tho city visiting with hor daughter, Mrs. P. R. Mandovillo. Sho was accom panied by her young daughter Flossio. Jesse Baker rotui nod to Rid Cloud Sunday, after a Foveral months stay in Bird City, Kansas. Ho departed for Lincoln Wednesday morning to visit his sistor. Mr.'and Mrs. Chris Nelson and two children left yesterday for a sixty milo mile drive to Woodruff, Kan., whero thoy will visit with Mrs. Nelson's sis ter for a fow days. At tho Congregational chinch Sun day morning tho pastor will present tho following theme, 4,Tho Sifting of Satan." Evening service at 8 o'clock. Everybody invited. Cirds nro out announcing tho com ing wedding of Mr. Edgar L. Cutting, formerly of this city, to Miss Graco Perry of Edgorton, Wisconsin, which ovont will take placo Juno 22. Tirod out, worn out woman cannot, eat or work; seems as if sho would lly to piecos. Hollistei's Rocky Mountain Tea makes strong nerves and rich blood. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. C. L. Cotting. R. Submitt Taylor, division superin tondent Internatlonational Correspon dence Schools of Scrauton, Pa., was registered at tho Royal Thursday. Ho has arrangod for an exhibit in Cot ting's drug store from Juno 10 to 21, designed to convor an idea of what a grand work this institution is doing among tho young mon of tho world, do will bo assisted by A. C. Cronk of Concordia, Knnsas, tho local represen tative, during tho display. To the Public Having purchasod'Chas. WadolPs meat market, wo oxtoud to you a hoarty iu vitatlon visit us and become bottor acquainted and ulso, when looking for good first class moat, wo ask you to givo us a trial. Wo aro satisflod wo can wo can ploaso you. Yours for business, FEIS & SEARS V 41 1 - -KJgWXm, . Vlg-.HXilMHf