The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 09, 1905, Image 8

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'iJEXx:l-li '2-Ml --- mmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmm
i 'in hip.t ' u, nfw i
' '
Conviction Follows Trial
"When buying looso coffoo or anything your grocer happens
to havo in hit bin, how do you know what you ar
MCtting ? Somo quoer BtoricH about coffeo that i Hold m bulk,
could bo told, if tho peoplo who handlo it (grocers), cared to
speak out. , .
Could any amount of moro talk havo persuaded millions ol
housekeeper", to ubo
Lion Coffee,
She leader ol all package coffees for over a quarter
of a century, if they had not found it superior to all other brands in
Purity, Strength, Flavor and Uniformity?
Thin popular ucce of LION COFFEE
can be due only 1o Inherent merit. There
la no atronger proof ol merit than con
tinued and Incrcaalnfi popularity.
If the verdict ol MILLIONS OF
HOUSEKEEPERS does not convince
you ol the merits ol LION COFFEE,
It costs you but a trifle to buy a
nackane. It Is the easiest way to
I convince yourself, and to make
LION COKKKK In sold only In 1 11). srnlcd pscUagef,
and rescues you as pure anil clean an wheu It left oux
Lion-head on every package.
Bare thcoo Lion-heads for valnable premium!
Allon Carpenter was on our stroets
Joo Snlntlon Jr. visited with rela
tives Sunday.
Jiuiics Doyle shipped two carloads of
hogs and cattle Mondny.
Mr. and Mm. C. W Prink spent
Suiidty lit A. it. Saladon's.
Tho Union society will meot with
Mrs. Krrnk Ilines Wednesday.
Myrtlo Carpenter is spending tho
week with her little cousin, IW.ul Sal-I
Miss I'ostlowaito of Guide Rock is
teaching u music class hero with good
Tho Ambny Sunday school will ob
serve the third Sunday iu .Juno as
children's day.
Mrs. Clnrenco Cox gave a dinner
Tuesday to a unmoor of friends in
honor of Mrs. C. C. Cox. All enjoyed
a sumptuous dinner.
Interesting Items Gathered
by Our County Heporters
Great corn growing weather now.
N. E. Harvey wont to Kansas City
.7. U. Meyer is hauling lumbor for a
now barn.
Will Cooper was hauling corn to
I navalo Tuesday.
II. PoBruner was in Red Cloud on
business Tuesday.
Krio Uergtnan has gone for a trip
out in Koith county.
Cyrus Harnnum and family wero in
Riverton Thursday.
William Pearson's wero visiting at
Mr. liringleson's Sunday.
About twenty attended tho dance at
J. DoUrunner's Friday night.
O. P. Harvey and family were visit
ing at N E. riarvey'd Sunday.
Mrs. Elmer Harvey was calling on
Mrs. Hannura ono day last week.
Mrs. Mattisnn was visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Bergman, Tuesday.
Misses Anna and Millie Schatfl were
visiting relatives in Upland last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Pegu were visiting
near Red Cloud two or three days last
Several of our young ladies are at
tending institute in Red Cloud this
Tho phones are being plared rapidly.
Mr. Whittaker of Red Cloud is doing
the work.
of tho littlo hoys jumped from tho rear
end of tho wagon, and his foot became
fastened in tho wheel, breaking his
log. Tno doctors from Cum obeli set
tho leg and tho little follow will no
doubt got along nicely.
Ernest MoCord is hauling lumber for
There will be a mpoting of the
Farmers' Creok Mutual Telephono Co ,
at Mt. Hope sohoolhouo.
Next Sunday will bo observed as
Children's D.iv by the Mi. Hope Sun
day school. Exorcises at 3 o'clock.
Everybody invited.
C. L. Herrick, ono of our most
popular young business men, was in
these parts this woek and bought live
carloads of fat cattle and hogs.
Whllo Pete O'Borg and family were
returning homo from Campbell, where
they had been to do their trading, one
his now house.
Mr. and Mrs R. C. Chevalier droye
to Campbell Sunday.
Mrs. Kvlo is visiting at' tho homo of
Chnrh'B Dtvis this woek.
Miss Mabol Boyd spent Sunday with
Miss Estoll Rnchendifers.
R. N. Moore is having his house
treated to a now coat of paint.
Mrs. L C. Cutter was a passenger for
Campbell Monday, returning Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bird Kyle visited at
tho home of Will Kyle's, west of town
Mrs. Crowley visited at the homo of
her son, Charley Crowley's, the firt of
the wenk.
Mr. and Mrs. Kudorah of Cowleswere
visiting at the home of J. W. MiCory
A. H. Alexander's have moved in the
Austin property, which he purchased a
few weeks ago.
Fred Reed and family spent Sunday
at tho home of his brother, Wayne
Reed of this place.
A. Waffel has moved his bouse back
and intends to build ah soon as he can
got tho carpenters.
O. Ivereon shipped a car load of cat
tie to St. Joe Tuesday. He was also
a passenger for that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin left for Mis
souri last Wednesday, where they will
make their tuturo nome,
Miosis Pearl nnd Flo Heshner ie-
turned trom Oregou Tuesday, where
they have been tho p'ist year.
A. Reed drove to Blue Hill Saturday
and wns accompanied home bv his
daughter, Grace, who has been attend
ing school at Grand Island.
The Misses Bessie Strycker, Grace
Meed, and Elsie Hoffman are attending
the Institute at Red Cloud this week.
"Hank" Richmond of tho World
Herald enmo down fro.n Omaha yes
turdav for a visit with friends
Richmond is ono of tho instructors at
tho inisliiuto.
Miss Stella Ducker is homo from
Cliuioko", Iowa, whero she has boon
teaching school tho past year.
Will Ovotman rcturucd home from
Lincoln this morning.
Miss Buelah Koon of Red Oak, Iowa,
arrived in Red Cloud this week for a
visit with bor brothers, Wiil and
Elmer Koon.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Knee were down
from Franklin Thursday.
The homo talont play at the opera
house last Friday night was a decided
success and was highly enjoyed by all
who were prosont.
( On Sunday, at tho homo of the
bride's paronts in Wymore, will take
place the wedding of Miss Maudo
Stewart and Mr. Lawrence McCall of
Red Cloud.
Trade was steady for best offerings;
others weak to 10 cents lower. Best
cows and heifers wore steady, but hulk
sold weak to 10 cents lower; canncrs
dull and weak. Bulls wero slow; veals
Hteady. Stockcrs nnd fenders sold
slowly nt weak to 10 cents lower rates,
. glit stock stufr baing dead dull" Tho
supply of hooves today was moderate
but the demand not urgent nnd best
grades wero fi to 10 cents lower; oth"is
10 to 15 cents lower. Toppy fed cows
and heifers wero steady to 10 cents low
er; medium to good grades 10 to lfi
ecus lower nnd grassy stuff into IK
cents lower. Country cows and heifers
broke 10 to lfi cents. Bulls wero dull
and weak Veals wero weak to lower.
Prices for stockors and feeders were
about steady but common lights wero
very slow.
Tho following table gives quotations
now ruling:
Extra prime corn-fed steers. ,$o To (5 00
Good corn fed steers 0 10 Ti SO
Ordinary corn fed steers.... 1 (-f 10
Choice corn fed heifers 4 8."-t 2Ti
Good corn fed heifers.
Medium corn'fod heifers.
Choice corn fed cows..
4 HO
4 00-1 50
4 o0-4 So
Mrs. 'Good
T- 4 no
('aimers 2 00 :t 00 1
Choice staus 4 30-5 00
Choice fed bulls 4 00-4 ."0
3 r.o-4 oo
Marrlafte Licenses.
The following licenses have been
issued by Judge Keeney this weak;
Edward A. Johnson of Bladen and
Miss Carrie Marker of Innvale. June 21
Isaac R. Caster of Burr Oak and
Miss Bertha Spaulding of Otego, Kan
sas. Married by Judge Keeney
Albert E. Strohm and Miss Lillian
E. Siel, both of Riverton. Married at
the Royal Hotel Wednesday no- n
Judge Keeney performing the cere
mony. Are Yau Uslift Allen's Fort-Ease?
Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder. It cures Corns, Bun
ions, Painful, Smarting, Hot, Swollen
feet. At all druggists and shoe stores,
Bologna bulls 2 'J5-3 00
Veal calves 5 00 5 50
Good to choice native or
western stockors 4 25-4 80
Pair 3 75-4 25
Common 3 23-3 75
Good to choice heavy native
feeders 4 50-5 00
Fair 1175-4 50
Good to choice heavy brand
ed horned feeders 4 00-4 oO
Fair 'I 50-4 00
Common 3 25-1150
Good to choice stock heifers 3 25-3 50
Fair 300-325
Good to choice stock calves,
steers 2 50-3 00
Fair 4 50 5 00
Good to choice stock calves,
heifers 3 25-4 75
Fair 275-325
Receipts of hogs thus far this week
are 10,8oo; last week, 20,300; last year,
15,000. Monday's market was generally
steady. Trade today opened strong to
5 cents higher, but closed with all ad
vance lost. Bulk of pales were from $5
.30 to 85.30 top 85.10.
Receipts of sheep thus far this week
are 14,300; last week 10.200; last year,
5200. Monday's market was 10 cents
lower on sheep but lambs held steady.
Today's market was active and steady
to 10 cents higher for everything. We
quoie: Choice lambs, 15.85 to $0.00;
choice. yearlings, $5 40 to $5 50: choice
wethers, 84 75 to 84.85; choice ewes 84 35
to 850.
Sonic Advice to Follow If They Mart
I'm- the Weed.
Very few people arc aware how much
harm is done to young men by the al
most universal habit of cigarette smok
ing. Tho man who smokes cigarettes
has one always in his mouth and Is con
tinually inhaling nicotine until the sys
tem Is saturated with the poison.
The result of this practice is a ca
tarrhal condition of the nose, throat
nnd bronchi, a disordered and very ir
ritable state of the nerves, a weak and
rapid action of the heart and indiges
tion. Thin, anaemic, weak, with clammy
hands ssVned with nicotine poison, un
strung nerves and degenerated mus
cles, the youth of the land go on Igno
rantly suffering the consequences of a
pernicious habit until attacks of heart
trouble, nervous prostration, melan
cholia, etc., bring their condition to the
attention of the physician.
If a man must smoke and we admit
the charm of the habit to those who
have become accustomed to Its sooth
ing Influences let him choose a mild
cigar and have certain set times for In
dulging. If he puts a certain restraint
upon himself from the start in the mat
ter of smoking, he will not overdo it,
nnd there are few men who can smoke
more than three cigars a day without
Injury. Medical Brief.
Conger Arrives In Mexico City.
Mexico City, Juno 5. Edwin H.
Conger, the new American ambassa
dor, arrived from California. He was
met at the railway station by Senor
Tomes Rivas, introducer of ambassa
dors. Officers of the Society of the
American colony went in a body to
the ambassador's hotel to welcomo
him. The official presentation will
take place shortly. The ambassador
is In good health.
Submarines Were Used.
London, June 7. The correspondent
at Tokio of tho Dally Telegraph says:
"It Is officially stated that submarines
actually were used in the Tsu straits
battle. It transpires that after the
Russian battleship Orel surrendered
some Russian officers and sailors tried
to blow up the vessel. The Japanese
discovered the attempt and eight of
the ringleaders were shot."
An Only Daughter
Cured of Consumption
When death was hourly expected, nil remit
dlen having fulled, nnd Or. II. James was ex
Kerlmentlng with the many herbs of Calcutta,
e accidentally made a prepartlon whlol
cured his only child of Consumption HIh child
Is now Iu this country and enjoying tho bv or
health Ho has proved to tho world that Con
Mimptlon can be positively and permanently
cured The doctor now Rives this recipe frc.
only asking two a cent stamp to pay expenses.
This herb also cures night sweats, nausea at the
stomach, and will break up a fresh cold lit
twenty four hours. Address CRADDOOK k
CO.lUtt Kace St.. Philadelphia, naming thltt
U Cure a Geld la One Day.
Tak; Laxative Bromo Quinine tab
lots. All druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa
ture is on each box. 25c.
live stock markets at
knss city.
local drain Market.
(Furnished by J. P. Delaney.)
Friday, June fl
Wheat 83o
White shelled corn 38o
Mixed shelled Corn 38o
Tellow Corn 38c
Ear Corn
Oats 24u
Rje 52o
Barley 28c
Kansas City, June G Receipts of
cattle thus far this week are 23,200 com-
That Settle's It pared with 12,483 last wosk and ll.olH)
When n Colorado sand stone walk is during the corresponding time a year
laid that set! les it. See Overing Bron. aK- The supply of beef steers Mon
& Co. for pneof). day was moderate and good ones scarce.
Netlce ? AffllcatlM far Sate
Notice is hereby given that A. D. Oruben hate
filed In the office of the county clerk of W!t
ster county. Hebraska. his petition signed bj n
majority of the resident freeholders of Oak:
Creek precinct praying for a saloon license to
be Rrairt-d by tho board of commissioners of
said county, authorizing the sale of malt, splr
Itous and vinous Honor in tho town of Hone
mom ror one year from and after July 1.
Hearing of .ald application will be bold at the-
meeting of the board of county commlssionorK.
to be held Monday June in. 1905.
E. S. UAitnER, County Clerk.
Order to Show Cause.
Stato of Nebraska, i
Webster County, f
I"" tuuuiv tuun jibuj hi mo county court
room In and for said county, Monday. May lf.
ReiKlnm Lave Center.
Belgium has long been an Important
center of the lace industry.
The art of making lace spread
through Flanders from France and
Italy In the middle centuries owlnc to ' A. D. nxw.
the splendid qualities of Belgian tlax, i . 'n1,t1h, mntterof the estate of Henry Wher-
"Jt v .-..
and It was there that tho wonderful
duchesso lace was originated. Much
of the so called Spanish lace black,
with Its large roses and trailing de
sign wns also made In Flnnders, and
for the last hundred years the cities of
Bruges, Ghent nnd Ypres have put on
the market the three best grades of the
modern valenclcnnes lace, each city
having a distinct variation In design
due to the differences In workmanship
gradually introduced In the course of
years In the three localities.
On reading and llllni? tlm nntninn nf ..-,-
Lionberger praying that administration of said
csta'o may be granted to Andrew Wherley, u
Ordered, that Tuesday, tho 0th day of
June. A. D. 1005. at 1 o'clock p. m.. Is assigned for
hearing said petition when all persons interest
ed in said matter may appear at a county court
to be held In and for ald county and show
cause why prayer of petitioner thould not be
granted; and that notice of tho pendency of
said petl'lou and iho hearing thoteof bo given
to all persona interested In said malt-r, by pub
llshlng a copy of this order iu the- d Cloud
Chief, a weekly newspaper printed in ssld
county, for three consecutive wetks prior to
Bald day of hearing,
JSbal) a. II. Kbeney.
Jun2 County Judge.
i m w a rw f-refrtBfx9
? Out of 50 Insurance Companies doing1 business in Webster County the German
? of Preeport pays one-third of the taxes and has over 500 policies in force. The
? Farmers' Mutual of Nebraska is the largest Mutual in the state, with over three-
? quarters of a million dollars insurance in Webster county.
0. G. TEEIi, Red Gload