.?4 ..1 i.MmH ffW I , V ' " L Li ' V t I V .M,i. ia&v - t - I 4- "If N You always get Wearing Results if you get the genuine DAIN STACKERS or SWEEPS. They are STRONG and have been tried. I have the genuine DA IN goods. Anyone else in this town claiming to have the Dain goods is imposing on you. See that it reads "Dain Mfg. Co." on your stacker when you buy one and you will have the BEST. I J AMIS PETERSON. 'tomwwmmwtotoWM&l&- Brothers, wont to Milwaukee, Wednrs dny morning, whoro alio will sponil tho summer visiting. Prof. Unsel'l, Hownrd Wilson, Geo Simpson, Missus Lirgont, Hughe and Tompkins of Guide Hock attended tho institute this week. Elinor Kaley returned to his homo in Denver Tuesday owning. His sister, Miss Myrtle, wunt with him, whoio sho will losido for some time. Mrs. Hurt Hntliold and daughter Voru returned to their homo in Com eordiu, Kansas, Tuesday, after a visit with relatives in this city. Misses Griuo and Gertrude Hunt arrived Wednesday morning from Montgomery City, Mo., for visit with their aunt, Mrs. Kilns Goble. Postmaster Hiieker wont to Lincoln Saturday night, where ho attended the nmoral of his old friend, ex-Governor Robert V. Furnas, on Sunday. It is said that Charley Campbell has become religious sinco his incarcera tion in tho county jail and has been baptized in tho Catholic church. Editor Train of tho Oxnard (Till.) Cornier, business partner of U. G Knight, was in Red Cloud this week and made this ollleo a pleasant cull. A 11. Kaley wuit to Hastings Wed nesday noon, where ho will tako treat limit at tho sanitarium. His sou Waltor went with him for a few days Thr crushed rock for tho now ce ment walk around tho Miner building is on tho ground. Tho curbing for the walk around tho Bontloy building is in position. At tho Congregational church Sun day morning the pastor will speak on the theme: "A Congregational Pioneer;" evening theme, "Waiting to bo Gracious. " i LOGALETTES Hay and teed at Plumb's. Plumb has Red Cloud Hour. Try that calf meal at Caldwell's. Go to Fred Plumb's for Hour or feed Dr. E. A. Thomas, dentist, Damerell block. Ernest Starke was visiting in Kansas Sunday. Mrs. C. F. Evans wasaCowles visitor Wednesday. J. A. Crawford was here from Belvi lore this week. George VanCamp was down from Hustings Sunday. E Horpolshoimer of Blue Hill was in town Wednesday. .Imiinu Burden went to St. Joo tho iirst of the week. Miss Fannie Bentley returned Tues day from Omaha. W. R. Parker is in Wichita, Kinsae, m a business trip. Warren Thomas of Cowles was in town Wednesday. Mro. Patrick Gilroy of Inavale was in town Saturday. Mrs. G. W. Francis is homo from 4ior visit at Hastings. Face massage nnd ladies' shampoo at Hayes' barber shop. Commissioner Richard was up from Juide Rook Wednesday. Mis C. H. Potter and daughter Dorothy are in Lincoln. Wanted Girl for housework. In quire of E H Newhouse. Mis. S. Reiglo has gone to Hebron for a visit with relatives'. Take your poultry and hides to Plumb. Top pricos paid. C BUY A FLEMING SWINGING STACKER This Stacker will elevate hay 28 feet high and place it anywhere on an 18x10 rick. A horse wnlks half tho distance loss than on an overshot stacker. This is not a hay dumper, as most stackers nro, but will put your hay where you want it, and saves one man on tho stack. POPE BROS. Mr. S. R. McBride has gono to Ina vale for a couple of weeks. C. E Vaughan and wife were up from Guide Rock Wednesday. Rev. J. M. Bates arrived homo the first of tho week from St Paul, Neb. The Red Cloud baso ball team plays in Smith Center today and tomorrow. Maurice Groat, "Dusty" Burden and Bruce Frame were in Blue Hill Sun day. Dr. II. E Ashor went to Superior yes'erday morning to tako in the street fair. Miss Ada Schultz leaves for Hastings totnoriow for a short visit with rela tives. F. W. Cowdon wont to Omaha this week as a delegate to the Masonic grand lodge. Plumb the feed man will pay you the highest price for poultry, eggs and hides. Johnny Woods of McCook is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. nnd Mrs J. O. Lindloy. Win, Burnett and family of McCook are in Red Cloud this week visiting at E. B. Smith's. R B. Payne and wife, who spont the winter at Tercio, Colo., are now locat ed in Denver. Mrs. J. O. Lindley went to Riverton Wednesday evening for a visit with her son Cnaries. Walter Kaley is home from Chester, having been called here by tho death of his mother. Miss Georgia Gard arrived hornet Saturday night from Boloit, Kansas, for a ftw days visit. Miss R'ise Schultz went to Burr Oak Wednesday, where sho will spend the summer with relatives. C. L. Anderson of tho Woodman Accident Association was hero from Grand Island this week. You can now take your annual bath. Tho tubs it Manspoaker's barber shop are again in working order. For rent After July 1, residenso, o rner Cedar street and Third avtnuo. Inquire at Nowhouso's store. V. G. Bohanan, assistant special stttto agont for the Columbia Life In surance Co., was in town this week. Feis & Sears will soon build a render ing establishment to be operated in connection with their meat market. Don't forget to insure your property aeainst lire, lightniDg and cyclones with L. H. Fort, agont, Daniorell block. Mr. and Mr?. V. Liggitt and son of Hebron wore in tho city Sunday at tending tLo funeral of Mrs. A. H. Kaley. Mrs. Jamos Kidd and children of Sedalia, Mo., arrived in Red Cloud Saturday sor a visit with relatives and friends. Misses Dnisy and Flora Sollars of St Joseph, Mo., arrived in Red Cloud Tuesday night for a short visit with relatives. Mrs. James, mother of tho Turnuro John Rutledge returned homo Wod nesJay night. Ho was accompanied homo by his daughter, Nellie, who has been attending school in Omaha the past year. Wanted Bright honost young man over 18 from Red Cloud to preparo for position in Government Sorvico Good pay and chance for promotion Ad dress immediately W., box ono, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Nick" Thomap, who was sevorely injured by tho falling of a scaffold at BEE HIVES Dove-tailed, good roomy Hives, well fitted, set up and painted. We have extra Supers, Sections, Smokers, Foun dation Comb, etc., a good stock of first class goods and the Prices are Right Come to us for your Bee Supplies. MORHARI BROS. Hardware Co. m hV m "vwrl m Have Yovi a Boy Between 8 and 16? If so, we're right after him. We want to put him inside one of our Spring Suits, just for a trial. Our Hoys' Suits are nothing short of perfect Suits, and we know I le'll like them. We Sell No Trash Good cloth and good making in Hoys' Suits earn their cost every time. They cost a little more per Suit, but less per year, and look better. Hoys' Suits in Worsteds, Cheviots and Scotches, two or three piece, $2.00, $2.50 to $6.50. Our guarantee back of every Suit. Gomden-Kaley dotting Go. one price ano always reliable First door north of Post office, Rod Cloud tho now M. K. church building a short time ago, is rapidly recovering, nnd is ablo to be around. 7 Dih. Weirick & Riddilo of Hastings will meet oyo.oar, nose and throat pa tients and those needing glasses titted, in Dr. Croigliton's oilico la Red Cloud, Thursday, Juno 16 Koon Bros. delivery horse hecamo frightened at Peterson's auto Wednes day and took a spin, spilling part of the load, breaking tho shafts and other wise damaging tho vehicle. Dr. Warrick, lato of New York eye and oar hospital, will ho at Dr. Damer ell s oflicc, Tuesday, Juno 87, to moot eyo, oar, nose and throat patients and thoso needing glasses correctly titted. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Doling, who have been in tho city several months, visit- ing with Mrs. Doliug's parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. B Smith, loturned to their homo in Lincoln Saturday night. If you want a pretty face and delight ful air, Rosy cheeks and lovely hair, Wedding trip across tho sea, Put your faith in Rocky Mountain Tea. C. L. Cotting. Tho members of tho Homo Taiont Dramatic club held a banquet at Hale's restaurant Monday evening There were numerous toasts and "roasts" and those present had a good time. Tired out, worn out woman cannot, eat or work; seems as if she would tly to pieces. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes strong nerves and rich blood. 3T cents, Tea or Tablets. C. L. Cottlng. Mrs. Joseph Fogel and Miss Viola Ward leavo soon for Portland, Oregon, to take in the exposition. Mrs. Fogel will visit with her brother, O.ivor Downs, and other relatives while on tho coast. Mrs. Altu Frink and Mrs. Ida Wilson came over from Lebanon Saturday, where they hid been visiting their sister, Mrs. Durrett, who is not recov ering from her recent illness is rapidly as hoped for. Makes digestion and assimilation perfect. Makes new red blood and bone. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. A tonic for the sick aud weak. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. C L Cotting. Sheriff McArthur broke up a quiot littlo poker gamo in tho McGuire building Sunday evening. Complaint had been made to tho owner of the building, and he secured tho assistance of tho sheriff in broikingup tho game. Mrs. J. B. Cleghorn of Omaha ar rived in Rod Cloud Monday to visit her son, Floyd Pitney, and wifo. Her mother, Mrs. C. G. Taber, came with her nnd she will remain in Red Cloud this summer with her son, W. II, Tabor and family. Mr. and Mrs. T. MoCluro and (laugh, tor, Miss Daisy, of Elk Crook, arrived in Ityd Cloud Friday night, in respouse to n messago announcing tho death of Mrs. A. H. Kaley. They returned to their home Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs. Nollio McCluro aud son. Some puoplo mo expressing sympa thy for Argarbright because so many gave orders to tho Chicago picture agents. Argabright doesn't feel that way at all. Ho has been in tho busi ness long enough to know that tho man who goos aftor an order reaps tho reward. His agents are now at work in other parts of Nebraska and Kan sas. Thoso agents don't make such a big thing out of tho pictures, but look out for the frames! Climb tho stairs, Potter building and prico Argabright's frames, before you buy. Ho will bo just as glad to see you as if ho sold you tho picture, and can save you dollars. Got "Ten and Costs." "Buldy" Vest and "Bill" Snundor son got into it Kcrap Monday as a result, of taking aboard too much of "tho cup that cheers." Tho trouble) commenced when Bill attempted to take Baldy homo, and lusted until Marshall Kiusoll landed them in jail. Tuesday morning they wore brought boforo Police Judge Reed nnd each was fined 810 aud costs, bringing their tines tip to $17 upioeo. They were given their choice of paying tho flue or working until Saturday noon on tho streets, and accoptod tho latter altor nativo, going to work Wednesday morning. However, they did not work long, and took the first opportunity of giving "leg-bail," and their where abouts are uow unknown. Teachers' Institute. The Webster County Teachers' In stitute has boon in session at the high school building this week, with nearly one hundred teachers enrolled. The lecture at tho Congregational church Tuesday evening by Prof. Abbott was very interesting and tho church was crowdod to its utmost capacity. Tho iustituto has boon a very decided suc cess and will no doubt result in a groat deal of benefit to all who liavo nttondod. To the Public Having purchased' Chas. Wadoll's moat market, we extend to you a hearty iu vitation 'visit us and become better acquainted and also, when looking for good first class meat, we ask you to give us a trial. We are satisfied wo can we can please you. Yours for business, FEIS & SEARS l t i t ft tit 0 1 f v: v W ' t