paijijMijajjjjjjjMijjj - 'TPrSETi .,Hfl ' 'ffWft jSgM:,1 b Subscription $1 a Year in Advance THE RED GLOID CHIEF afcMssaafvfrvfc Eight Pages All Home Print 4 wme3mw5 mwm.msereefcn VOLUME XX XI I L RED CLOUD, NE HI? ASK A. JU7SE !, 1005. NUMBER 2 MINER BROS. The Big Daylight Store JUfNE CLEARING SALE of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes V V In filling in sizes in our stock of Ladies' Shoes, we find that we have about 7 styles shoes, or 50 pair, that we do not expect to carry again, having pur chased other patterns in their place. These patterns are all Green-Wheeler Shoes and price will apply only to the goods marked in BLUE PENCIL. The styles as attractive as the latest. Light and heavy sole turn, Goodyear welt, pat ent kid turn, patent kid welts. $3.00 Shoes, June Clearing Underprlcc S2.00 S2.SO Shoes, June Clearing Underprlcc S2.SO The splendid values in Wolfe Bros.' medium priced Shoes, to close, are being eagerly taken. Assostments are being rapidly broken. All $1.10 to $1.50 Shoes, $1.00 pair. All $1.65 to $2.00 Shoes, $1.25 pair. SILK CLOVES Tho Elsmere double finger tip ped Silk Glove, a grout favorite. Another large assortment just received by express Colors, white, black, blue, pon gee, brown, tan and grey. Other grades at 15, 20, 25, 35c. FURNITURE DERT. A large Hardwood Dining Ta ble; 42 inch square top extends to 10 feet, 5 iuch leg. June price, SS.95. Solid Oak Diner, cane seat New Line of Premium Dishes. MINER BROS. "The Big Daylight Store." aAVV'aX'aV'Vi Murder In Nelstn. The quiet little village of Nelson was rudely shaken up Wednesday morning by the finding of the body of a - dead man in the stairway leading over a rts taurant. Billie Evans was the victim, and it is supposed be had mixed with some one ovor the game and met Lis death by a blow on tho side of the head aud throwu down stairs. Tho paities to the crime made themselves scarce. A coronet 's inpuest was hold yester day and today but at the time of going to press wo are not able to learn if a verdict has been reacned. The report that a mau had confessed to the killing is said to be a mistake by those who camo from Nelson this morning. The victim had been dead only a short time when found, as his body was limp and warm Superior Eipress. Mm WIlMfl Mured. L John Wilson, who lives just south of e river, was taking out a new stacker Wednesday and when near the river bridge tho machine caught on a tele, phone wire and was overturned Mr. Wilson was walking beside tho ma ,.M,.n nnri when it fell it struck him- He vaR pretty badly bruised up) but! the injury to tho stacker was siigns. --- Petersen's New Ante. L .Tnmos Peterson's now automoouo has arrived, aud is the first ono to be ' MINER BROS. The Big Daylight Store June price, S9.SO. Set of six. SEWINQ MACHINES A guaranteed machine, oak case, complete set of attach ments, box head. June special, SI 2.99 RUQS 9x12 feet all wool Smyrna, re versible. 2 patterns, 1 green, 1 red, worth 125. June special uuderprice, 114.08 9x12 feet Jute reversible, 2 patterns, 1 green, 1 red, value 812.00 Juno special underprice, 19.25 owned by a citizen of Red Cloud. It is an 18-horse-power "Rambler," with a seating capacity for five persons. Many of our citizens have this week enjoyod the sensation of riding in an automobile for the. first time, and we may look for more autos in the nea future. ) m No Pardon for Barker. Prank Barker's attorney called Monday on Governor Mickey and re quested a hearing; today one week before the date of the hanging set by tho supreme court. The gover nor indicated that no amount of hear ings would serve to prevent the hang ing. One week from today Frank Barker will pay the penalty for bis dastardly crime, and the people of this county will breathe a nigh of re lief. Card f Thasks. We desire to extend our thanks to the kind friends and community for their loving 6ymyathy and the assist ance rondered us in our great bereave mentthe death of our dear wife and mother. A. H. Kaley and Children ij r Card eT Thanks. The children of the Mrs. Martha Hard desire to thank their neighbors and friends for their kind sympathy and assistance during tho illness and uf ter the death of their mother. j Neuisy Notes from GATHERED FROM LEBANON. (From tho Times.) Dave Hell returned from Kansas City Thursday where lie hud been with his stock. Mr and Mrs. Hoy Snow are now at homo in Lebanon. Thoy completed their "honeymoon" Thursday. Bert Wan or had to move to Lebanon Tuesday, on account of his house on thu farm being twisted oil of tho foun dation, Sunday. A few of Sam Waddle's neighbors surprised him Friday morning by going into his corn field and replanting about t'llrty-live acres of corn. Miss Gladys MuArdle leaves tonight for Portland, Oie. where she will spend a month uisiiing her mother and sister and taking in tho sights of the Exposi tion. Sheriff Helfonstineatui T. C. Jones of Smith Center were in our town yester day, nnd while here Mr. Jones pnid O B. Buchanan the neat sum of S90 for a team of horses. Hatmon and Arthur Hnrtmnn and their families started overland Tuesday tor a two or three months trip and a visit in the western part of this state and Colorado. Undo Billy Gcodo returned last Thursday from his Oklahoma visit. He looks as hale and hearty as ever but says he has been troubled with a severe cold while down there. Sam Waddle returned tnis morning from Topeka where he had taken his wife to be operated on for appendicitis. He reports theoperation successful and that she is getting along tine. She ex pects to bo there four weeks yet. A man who gave his htvt name as Leonard and worked for Dr. Hislop Friday and Saturday, left without do munding His wages, but Sunday morn ing the D-. discovered that the sum of forty dollars had been taken out of his trunk. While Dr. Hislop Is very liberal and always pays good wages, he thinks twenty dollars a day a little too much to pay for unskilled labor. SUPERIOR (From tho ExDress.) Miss Merle Gittings came home from Red Cloud Sunday morning, having finished her term in the city schools. Marriott, Suuday May 28, at tho home of the bride's mother, Miss Edith Eyre to Mr. Milton O.Goostmttn of Republic City, Kansas. Miss Pearl Green and Mr. Earl Gra ham of Edgar, will be married at tho borne of the biide's parents in this city on the morning of June 7. Prof. Durham, who finished tho Boat wick schools last week', expects to lit himself for the legal profession and will take a course at Ann Arbor, Micb. soon Sunday evening about live o'clock Superior was visited by one of tbo worst wind and rain storms in her history. A cloud came zigzaging down from the southwest, and while it lacked the funnel shape, it had all the other cyclono cbai acteristics. Mrs. Mary R. Morgan of Alma, came in Monday on her way to Davenport, whore she deliverd the address on Decoration day. Sbo is quite a noted member and officer of the W. R. O. and is said to be tbo originator of the idea of an American fUg on every school bouse. She was the guest of Mrs. C. E. Adams Monday. RIVERTON (From the Review.) N. Glick and wife and Mrs. C. Glick went to Red Cloud Thursday. J. M. Carnahan is building a large new barn on bis farm one mile oast of town. Miss Neuman and Miss Stewart re. turned to their homes last Saturday, to spend their summer vacation. Both Neighboring Towns I OUR EXCHANGES have been engaged lo teach hero again next year in our school. Mif-s Francos Carl, of Long Island, is visiting hero with her sister Mrs. B. (J. Liudluy Nine ears of stock were sliippod from here Sunday. H. L. Tilers wont to Kansas City with thorn. Bom A son to Dr. and Mrs. Town send, Saturday morning. Dr. Cook of Ked Cloud was in attendence. Nettie Moore, daughter of Mr and Mrs. John V. Mooro. wont to Cnov. ennu Sunday to reside with her sister. Ono of Lou Kuglor's sons had tho misfortune to cut oil' tho end of his lin ger Tuesday while playing with somo machinery. Friday, Willio Smith and his pal Frank Shephcrdson went to Bed Cloud to see Kiugling Bros, circus, which is probably now in Enropo. Jim Brown and family of Sheridan, Wyoming, who havoheen visiting hero for a fow weeks, returned to their homo the foi e pat t of tho wt ek. Geo. W. Wilmot,whoownsa 040 acre farm a few miles from Hi Id roth in tho n r.h western part ul thu oouutry, has refused 132,000 cash for tho land. A. J. Wnldeck hauled out some ce ment blocks this week, from the lum ber yard, which he will use in laying a foundation for his new dwelling on his farm. BLOOMINGTON (From tho Advocate.) J. F. Hester and son Bert went to Kansas City one da; this week with a shipment of fat cattle. The village has received the Olds gan oline engine and it has been tried nnd proven to be a tip top engine. Ceo. R. Cole is conttmplating an early trip to tho Portland exposition, and at the same time with a sister in Idaho. The Chrietain church people have re ceived tho new pews for the church, making it a very pretty and comfor tablo church-home. Dre. Sumner report the arrival of a baby boy at Matt Frteden's home, a girl at Mr. and Mrs. KidglyV, and a girl at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. John Percell. A little son of Win, Reigle, who has boon living with tbo family uf T. Peter- uon, was irampieu anu kigkou uy a mule one day last week and died from the injuries. Announcements have been received in this city of the marriage at the bi ide's home in University Place, on the 24th of las', month, of Herman Soripps Kirkbrido and Miss Florence Clark. Old Mr. Brinson died May 30th, at his homo in Smith county, where ho has resided for manv yearB, interment being made in Bloomington cemetery, Mr. Brinson would have boon 95 years old in July, and his lifo was as bonorablo as long. FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) Miss Ruby White has beon suffering this week from a one-sided attack of the mumps. The new Franklin switchboard is in place and all of the phones are now conncoted. Wm. H. Arnold is building that long contemplated addition to the front of bis residenoe on Etst avenue. Miss Ada Patterson has begun the erection of a neat residence to rent on her lota west of Harrison Hall. Wm. Bernhard is in Kansas City this week visiting Mrs. Bernhard, who is taking treatment at tho hospital. Acnoiding to the Bakerstield (Cal.) Daily Echo, Miss D.dsy Belle Carpenter, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. W. B. Car- A friend of the home' A foe of the Trust . (J9milt Baking ?( & Powder Compile with the Pure Food Lawa of oil states. punter of this city, win married to Mr. Chas. E Thonnonof Kern City, May 24. Mrs. Perry Uildrolh of Bloomington is thu ''hollo girl" at the telephone oillcer today on account of tho illness of Mrs. P. 11. llaydon. Mrs. J. J. Burton wont to Chester Su.iday to visit with her husband, who is doing somo grading for tho railroad near that place. J. 11. Noad left last night for Colora do Spring, Colo , to ho present at tho graduation of his son Walter from Colorado College. Mrs. C W. Waddell and children left Tuesday night for Eustice, where Mr. Waddell is in businuss and whore they will make their home. Miss Virginia Byerly and sister Mrs. C. L. Wilson entertained the few re- maining memhot h of the Ailatnlosh Club' at the Bjilv homo TueMlttj evening. M K. Peek, who accopted a position in the U. S patent olllco at Washington, D. C, a couple of years ago, has evi-' dently been improving bis leisure time, as he graduated from the National Uui--versity Law School June 1st. 'I' n Tlnl. u l.l -!. .. Li. x. it. uiimn, nun ibiui nmu nut UI9 mercantile business at Macon, was in town yesterday and informed us that her intonded building a large brick Ptoro building to bo occupied by himself wltbr a huge stock of general merchandise. Real Estate IransTers. Transfers for week ending Wednes day, May 24, furnished by J. H. Bailey of Webster County Abstract company Lincoln Land Co to Trustees Piatt river oonf lot 0 block 7 Rosemont wd t 1 Challenge Windmill Co to It Willson lots 6 and G block G Sweozy add to Blue Hill wd . . . 20 Dorra Rose and husband to L E Buzzard lots 1 and 2 block 4 Hoovor add ta Bluo Hill wd. . . 750 F. T. Hopka to T T Tobin ne4 20. 3-9 wd 4700 Lincolu Land Co to Isaac Fish lot G block G Bladen wd 7G- Wm A Garrison to C II Schuoso nw4 10-4-10 wd 8000' Fred Frahm to Henry Arends sw4 26.4-10 wd 4900- Frodorioka Brctthauer to Ed C Bretthauor so 1 25-3-12 qcd .... 5- Ed C Bretthauor to Andrew Erickson so4 25-3 12 qcd 520' Clark M Storey to J R Green- halgh lots 9 to 12 block 8 and lots 2 and 3 block 19 Cowles, . 1000' Mary J Kaloy to A H Kaley n2 sol and no4 14 and se4 and nw4 and south 13 20 2-11 1500 Thos B Butter to Frances E Has- selbuckor lots 3 and 4 in 7-1-10 wd ncoa Total 125071 Mortgages tiled i8G0(y Mortgages released ?5500- Here Is Relief for Wnen. Mother Gray, a nurse in New York discovered an aromatic pleasant herb' drink for wonjen's ills, called AUS- TRALIAN LEAF. It is tho only cer tain monthly regulator. Cures female' weaknesses aud"; Ibaokache, kidney,, bladder.and urinary troubles. At all druggists or by mail 50 cents. Sample FREE. Address The Mother Gray Co., LoRoy, N. Y. Rebekah fitters. Faith Rebekah lodge No. 19 elected' the following officers at its meeting; last Thursday evening. Noblo Grand Mrs. C. F. McKelglmi Vlqo Grand -Mrs. G. H. HolllBtor. Treasurer Mrs. Fannie Spiers. Secretary Mrs. Christie Patmor, m K'M DM V M V 1 I' rt 1! It. I .? vJ ft m U 11 M it ;