The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 19, 1905, Image 8

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(Coneludod from First 1'ugo.
went to
Items of News Found In The
Chief of Twenty Years Ago
This Week V
Mrs. J. H. Gruvoa and son
Chicago Saturday.
John Storey, tho Wells druggist,
was In town Wednesday.
A lodgo of tho Knights of Labor was
Instituted In this city this weok.
John D. Fulton was down from Rlv
erton this weok.
John and Win Parkes worn called to
McCook Saturday by tho serious Ill
ness of their mother.
Preparations are now tinder way for
a big Fourth of July colobratlon.
F. N. Robinson and Mattlo Mahard
were married Wednesday.
F. Klott was down from Blooming
ton Wednesday.
Yoo Lung will start a laundry In
Hod Cloud.
Excavation for a now opera house
blook will begin next Monday.
Lou Konuoy ontortainod a numbor
of his young frionds Wednesday night
Sam Hayes of Hastings will go into
the laundry business in Rod Cloud.
G R Chanoy is preparing to build a
residenco in tho northwest part of
J. C. Warnor sold 19 head of cattle
to W. N. Richardson for $1100.
Tub Chiek building now sports a
brand now lightning rod.
Tho commission firm of Ormsby &
Dickorsou have dissolved partnership,
Mr. Ormsby retiring.
Van Benson has been on tho sick
list for a tew days.
Peter Conovor has bought Curt
Evans1 draying outfit.
T. J. Ward of Cowlos was in Red
Cloud on his way to Hitchcock county
to look after his land interests.
A U. Bocker is building a new
house on his farm.
Complaints are being made against
using tho court house park for grazing
The building association has elected
the following officers: M. B. MoNitt,
president; A. H. Kaloy. treasurer, and
A. C. Hostaer, secretary.
Dr. Short? has bought a pair of
brouchos for his boys.
Smith Bros.Jformerly of Rod Cloud,
'havo increased the capital stock of
their bank at Beatrice to 9100,000.
Cathkrtok PatO'Burn lost a valu
able horse last week Mr. Burnett
of Red Cloud is uulshing James Lock-
hart's new residence . . .. .Nelson Bart
lett's team ran away Sunday, throwing
his little girl from the buxgy The
M. E. church at Now Virginia has
secured an able minister...... Wilson
Rice is building a new housa on his
farm. V
Guide Rook J. Redden has post
poned his departure for Oregom
Saarlatinu is prevalent here Xaw-
with a six inch attachment, a poition
of which looked liko a tightly rolled
c.garolte. Mrs. Hen had probably
been reading of tho baneful effects of
tlio cigarette habit ami became a vic
tim of pro-natal inilucnco.
The evangelist mooting closed Sun
day night. Tho sum of 8C60G5 was
raised by donation and subscription for
Dr Williams. Thoro were about two
hundred conversions during the three
Tho State Sunday School Convention
will moot in Superior Juno 13, 14 and
15th. Tiiore will bo about three hun
dred dok'gatec, and they will have to
ho entertained by tho people of
(From tho Review.)
Randy Hnrwood started Tuesday
night for Cody, Wyoming, where ho
intends to remain this tuunmor.
Snow Williams is in Loxington, Mo.,
"on business," so he said. But wo
proMtmo tho best girl in tho world lives
U. Onstot was suddenly called to
Des Moines, Iowa, Tuesday, by tho
death of his father who was a resident
of that place.
A misshap. While the barber wns
shaving J. D. Fulton his rtvor blippid
and extracted all tho hair from his
upper lip, which makes John look like
a school boy.
Willie Robinson and a young friend
rode down from Franklin Sunday, and
took the passenger for heme, having
decided it was poor sledding on punc
tured tire.
Mrs. Mary Kincaid arrived hero Fri
day night from Lcavitsburg, Ohio,
where she has boon making her home,
ninco she loft here a few years ago
with her son Ralph.
Bert and Geo. Harwood went to
Superior, Mondav, where tho latter
has recured a position in a meat mar
ket nt a better salary than he was
receiving while at Franklin.
Interesting Items Gathered
by Our County Reporters
D. II. Clark of Campbell was in town
Bladen is going to havo a celebration
this year
The farmers aro busy planting corn
these days.
D. Greig is having a now well put
down on his place.
V. S. Hull and family havo moved in
their new residence.
Mrs. Grill'utli visited over Sunday
with her (laughter, Mrs. Mend.
Mrs. Joe Krall and son Frank re.
turned from Kotittho Saturday.
Miss Bessie Strycker closed her
school in Plaiuview district last Friday.
Mr. find Mrs. U. S Macklin ato the
proud parents of a baby girl born, May
Wash Reed has purchased tho V S"
Hall property and is moving in this
Mr. and Mrs. Thomtis visited at the
homo of J. M. Lockbart in this city
Jacob Crone of Stlino county U visit
ing his brothers Davo and Just Crone
near this place.
Mrs. Buchtol of Marysvillo, Kannns,
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. U. S.
Macklin at this place.
Mrs. E. W. Tuttlo returned from
Kearney last Saturdiiy evening, where
she has been visiting relatives the past
two weoks.
The Secret of Good Cottee
Even tho beflt housekeepers cannot mako a good cup of
coffeo without good nmtorinl. Dirty, adulterated and quecrly
blended coffeo hucU na unBcnipuloua dealers shovel over their
counters won't do. But take the puro, clean, natural flavored
LION COFFEE, the leader ! all package cellecs-
tho coffeo that for over a quarter of a century has been daily
welcomed in millions of homos and you will make a drink fit
for a king in this way :
Use I.ION COFFEE, becanio to get best results you must uso tho bent coffee.
Orlnd your LION COKFKK rather fine. Uso "a tablcoonfiil to each cup, and one
extra for tho pot." Firnt mix It with a little cold water, ennuph to make a thick paste, and
add white of an crr (If egg la to be used an a settler), then follow one of tho follow lng rules :
la. WITH BOILING WATER. Add boiling water, end let It boll
THREE MINUTES ONLY. Add a little cold water and act aside live
mtautca to nettle. Serve pronptly.
2d. WITH COLD WATER. Add your cold water to the Mate and
bring It to a boll. Then act aside, add a little cold water, and In live
minutes It'a ready to acrvc.
3 (Don't boll It too tongr. A. , , .
i Don't let It stand more than ton mlnutoB before serving.
DONTS (.Don't use water that has boon boiled before.
tat. With Eift. Tie part of the white of an egg, mixing ltwlth the ground LION
ad. With CoW Water Instead of eggs. After boiling add a dash of cold water, and tet
aalde for eight or ten minutes, then serve through it atralner.
Insist on getting a package ol genuine LION COFFEE
prepare It according to this recipe and yon will only use
LION COFFEE in future. (Sold only in 1 lb. sealed packages.)
(Lion-head on erery package)
(Save theso Lion-heads for valuable premiums.)
WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Editor Rosewater of the Omaha Boo
has beou made tho victim of tho old
and almost worn-out "badger" game,
by which ho was induced to give up
I2.r)0 to avoid a scandal It would
naturally be supposed that Editor
Rosewator's long connection with the
newspaper work would have armed
him against being made the victim of
a trick which has been exposed in his
own newspapers dozens of times
Along in March a woman named Algoe
applied to him for permission to run a
stand in the Bee building, and she
made frequent trips to the oditors's
rooms to make arrangements. Editor
Rosewater was Anally entrapped into
visiting tho woman at her room in tho
Murray hotel, und had hot been in the
room five minutes when the "injured
husband1' made his appearance and
created a scene, winding up by de
manding 12000 from Rosewater as the
price of avoiding being made co-res-
Mr. Iloughuling and lady spent Sun
day with Mr. Barker of Jewell county.
llnin of last week did considerable
dam ago to listed corn and ploughed
Mr. and Mm. Shannon spent Sunday
with Mr. Beauchxmp.
Carl Rudd and lady were calling on
his father Sunday.
A brand new boy has come to board
with James Tanquary and wife. All
doing well.
Douglas Davis hauled hogs to town
on Saturday, for fear it would be too
hot for them.
Rainy days are good for calling and
horse trading.
Preaching next Sunday unless it
rains too bard. Quarterly conference
in our school house on May 27 and 28.
Preaching Friday and Saturday nights,
and Sunday morning and evening. All
are invited to attend.
Consign Your Live Stock To
Wo also havo our own houtos at
Raid eur mirkat lattar In this pipir. Writs us for any spiclal Information doilrod.
yer ChatHn has received an order for pondent in a divorce suit. The feeble
three tons of mineral from tho rock
across the river to be manufactured
into paint Jack Hayes has au in
jured baud as the result of a game of
baseball I W. Crary is Improv
ing his residence J A. Hayes aud
Miss Eda (Jarbor visited friends lu
Kansas this week
Wheatland Wm. Patterson has
inclosed his lino residonce with a
fence Geo Roberts has built a
new house on his claim Tho new
school house is lluished M. Ran
dall has sold his school land lease to
Floyd Burt A Scott recently had
a narrow escape from a vicious bull.
Cowlks A. J. Horton has a new
teum and buggy Gilford & Bus-
lok shipped u car of hogs to Kansas
City this weok E H Koonoy is
building a now residenco on his farm
Cowlos recently had a Miracle. I
V. A Miracle, who worked on thoi
section bought a now suit of clothes I
on time, drew his pay and skipped'
out, leaving a few old clothes for tho
benefit of his creditors Tho skat
ing rink is being torn down this week
for tho purpose of rumodcliug und en-
lurgiug Tlio Uongregutioiiulists
aro endeavoring to raio money to
build a ohm oh
was in Riverton
old man, fearing a scandal, gave the
blackmailer t2T0, and lator, when
Algoe visited Rosewater at his edi
torial roomu in nn effort to squeeze
tho balance of the t'2000 out of him, he
was arrosted on tho charge of black
mail by tho Omaha chief of police,
who was concealed behiud u curtain in
the room. Algoe and his wife . are
now on trial for blackmailing, i.nd a
telegram from tho chiof of polUqf
Jackson, Mich., says thoy are black
muilors and that their reputation is
Next to the man who circulates
false and dumuging stories concerning
innocent people, tl o blackmailer is
tho lowest typo of cr initial The ono
sots about to injuro his victim with no
possible excuse for doing so. Tho
other so ects what he considers . an
J. O. Holcomb
Sara Arneson spent several days
with Beulah Fulton.
Mr. Knenon is visiting with bis
niece, Mrs Krout.
Mr. and Mrs. Krout spent Sunday
and Monday with Mre. Krout's father.
Corn planting in slow especially on
the creek and river bottom farms,
owing to the heavy rains.
Our genial assessor, Win. ttonkel,
wai-Jtround taking an inventory of our
worldly goods last Wednesday.
Peach trees are nearly killed by the
severe cold winter. Trees on tho bot
tonr land suffered tho most. Apples
and plums promise an abundant
Quarterly Conference.
The third quarterly conference for
Inavulo and Ash Creek charge will bo
held at Red Cloud in the Damerell
hull, Monday, May 20, at '.) o'clock.
W. T. Taylor
feeders were scarce and generally U) to
15 cents higher. Receipts today were
7750. There was a liberal supply of
beef steers, but tho Inquiry was excel
lent and desirable kinds of all weights
sold readily at 5 to 10 cents higher
figures; others steady to strong.
Prices for good cows and heifers were
mo-tly 10 cents higher or 15 to 20
cents higher than late last weok
Medium kinds were steady to strong.
Bulls and veals wore steady. The
supply of stockers and feeders wis
light and tho market for them was
active at llrm to a shade hluher quota
talons. Tho following table gives quotations
now ruling:
Extra prime corn-fed steers. .f5 85-6 25
Good corn fed steers 5 40-5 85
Ordirmrv norn fed Steers. . . . 4 65-5 40
Choice corn fed heifers 6 00-5 40
Good corn fed heifers 4 50-5 00
Medium corn fed heifers. ... 4 00-4 50
Choice corn fed cows 4 50-4 85
Good 375-450
iVi.ii. i nR.i ir.
itlc Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia
tho avstem Is remarkable and mysterious II
removes at once the cause and the disease Im
mediately disappears. The Um done greatlr
benentH. 76 cents and 11.00. ScldibyH.K
Grico Druggist. Red Cloud
An Only Daughter
Cured of Consumption
When death wan hourly
pacteu, an rem
die having failed, and Dr. II. James was ex
perimenting with the many herba of Calcutta,
(10 accidentally made a prepaid tlonwhlclt
cured his only child of Consumption Ills child
la now lu this country and enjoying the best oC
health Ho has proved to tho world that Con
sumption can bo positively and permanently
cured. The doctor now gives this recipe frc.
only asking twos cent stamps to pay expenses.
This herb also cures night sweats, nausea at the
stomach, and will break up a fresh cold i:i
twenty four hourB. Address CRADDOCK .
CO.. 10! Race St.. Philadelphia, earning thin
"easy mark." with plenty of moiioy,
and with tho aid of some shutnoUss
woman, who may or may not bo llis
wife, succeeds in getting his victim in
a compromising position and then,
proceeds to bleed him " Such com
suieiicolovt and shameless people as
t e AlgooV. should be place i safely bo
hiii'l prison bars and kept thoro. We
hopo Brother Ros-owutor will succeed
in landing this pair where they be
Local drain Market.
(Funii.-hutl by J. 1. OMuucy )
Friday,' lay 1!)
Wliuut iih! drink for women
White shelled corn .'HM-Vcs TIIAL1AN LKF.
Mixed shelled Corn :!(i.o
Yellow Corn aOJjju
Eur Corn Hjo
Oats 2!lo
Kje 52j
Barley l8o
Here Is Relief for Women,
Mother (hay, a nurse in Now York,
discovered an aromatic nleiisuiit herb
ills, called A US
It is tlio only cur
tain monthly regulator. Cures I'oinalo
weaknesses aud backache, kidney,
bladder and urinary troubles. At all
druggists or by mail 50 cents Sample
KK13W Addiess Tho Mother Gray
Co.LoKoy, N. Y.
1CNS.sCirv May lu.- Ili'i-lipts of
cattle ror tho llrbt two days th's week
were li200; last week, 1(1,700; list year,
H.IjyO. Tho supply of bueC st'ors was
liberal Monday und tho proportion of
heavy weights largo Lig'it steers
hold steady to strong huivy ones,
mostly 10 cents lower Host cows and
hoifors were strong to a sludo higher;
nth' Htmulv. Hulls staady. veals
MncHiim :jyo-;jvo
dinners 2 00-3 00
Cholcestans 450-500
Choice fed bulls 4 00-4 50
Good 3 60-4 00
BoloKnabulls 2 25-3 00
Veal culves 5 25-0 25
(inod to choice native or
western stockers 4 25-4 80
Pair 3 7o-4'Jf
Common 325-3 75
Good to choice heavy native
feeder? ,u-o w
puir 3 75-4 50
Good to choice heavy brand
ed horned feeders 4UU-4 to
Pair 350-400
Common :jr,0i92
Good to choice stock heifers 3 25-3 50
Fair 300-325
Good to choice stock calves, .
steers' .250-300
Fujr 450500
Good to choice stock calves,
heifers 375-4 50
Pair 275-325
Receipts of lios tlms far this week,
17,900 last week, 27,200; last year, 20,
900. Buyers were bearish Monday,
augmenting thoir argument by point
ing to tho run of 52,000 nt Chicago.
Tlin mnrkot was 5 to 10 cents lower.
I Salesmen had their turn today, how
ever, as puckers wanted supplies and
while a few early sales wore made at
2lj to f cents higher rates, trade soon
developed to a 5 to 10 cent libber
basis. Bulk of sales wero from $5.23
to 5. '13; top 5.10
Receipts of sheep Monday wero 5 100
mntiilv southwestern grassors Values
' were mostly 10 cents higher Receipts
1 today wore SIJC0, 0 por cent of which
i were' Texas and Arizona grasscrs
The inquiry was brisk and va'uus
strong. o tpiote: choice lambs stli
to 8(5 25; choice yearlings, 55 50 to 45
75; choice wetbt'is, SI 75 to 5 00; choice
ewes. $4 f.O to ! 03 For wooled stock
add .V) cents per cwt.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby Riven, that under and by
virtue of an order of sale 1 untied from the office
of GeorRO W. Hutchison. Clerk of tho District
Court of the Tenth Judicial District, within and
for Webster county. Nebraska, upon a decree In
an action pendlun therein, wherein Harriett A.
Mlllgan Is plaintiff, and aKalnrt lots numbered
1, 2, 8. 4 and ft of block number 10, In Kaley t
.Jackson' addition to the town, now city, or
Red Cloud, Nebraska, the unknown heirs of
Stephen W. Coon and Rebecca Coon, deceased.
John Doe and Mary Roe. real names unknown;
the occupants of said lots. 8. O. Dorr and tho
First National Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska, de
fendants, I shall offer for sale at public vendue,
to the highest bidder for cash In hand, at the
east door of the Ceuit-house. at Red Cloud, in
said Webster county. Nebraska, (and that belnir
the building wherein the last term of aald court
was holden-. on the 31st day of May. A. D.
1905. at to o'clock p.m. of tald day. thefo
lowliiR described property, to wit: Lota num
bered I. a. 3. 4 and 6 of block number 10. in
Kaley A Jackson's aauiuon 10 mo town uuw
city of Hed Cloud, Nebra'ka.
(liven under my hand thla ftth day or May,
A. D. 1905
J. A. McAhtiiub. Sheriff.
L. II. Hlackledge, Plaintiff's Attorney.
MtlceofPuMlcattotiferPrMf of Will.
State of Kansas, I In the Probate Court of
Smith Countv. f said County,
In the mattor of the estate of Nancy Hilton,
To George R. Hilton, Julia Myers. Charles K.
Hilton. Ellen M. t eggett. Ada K. Wolfe. Cora
It. Leonard. Eva Craig, and Lola Hilton, minor
heir of William U. Hilton, deceased, known
heirs at law of Nancy Hilton, late of said
county, d ceahed, and all others concerned:
You aro hereby notified, that at a renular
term of the Prohxte Court of Smith county,
Kansas, held on tho 13th day of May, 1005. there
was opened and publicly read an instrument of
writing purporting- to be tn last will and testa
meat of Nancy Hilton. late of said county de
nnmixi! mill tun urn furihcr notified that tho
0th dav of Juno. IB 5, has been set ok the day
fo' final hearing and proof of ald will, at
which time nil pcrhons Intfrcsted may appear
ami show cause why thu samo should not bo
admitted to probate.
jiin'j Probate Judge.
Arc You tslnS Allen's Foot-Ease?
Shako into your shoos .Allen' Foot
Kasu, a powder. It euros Corns. Bun
ions, Painful, Smarting. Hot, Swollou
fvet. At all druggi-ts and shoo stoics,
mostly 125 cents higher. .Stockers and ( -JCt
Order to Show Cause.
Slate of Nobniskn. I
Webster County, f
At a eotuitv court held at tho county court
room lu iiiu'l lor said county, .Monday. May 15,
A. 1. l'.05.
Ill tlio matter uf Hie ctato of Henry Wher
ley, di-eeii'iil. . . , ,.
on rending and llllng the petition f Mary
Moiiberger praying that ndinlulbtriulou of calil
ola e may be nr.iuted to Andrew Wheiley, nH
iiilmlnlttriitur. ....
Ordertd, thai Tuesday, tho bill dav of
June, A II lWi5.iit lo'clodUp. iii.,UinMgiiedft r
healing ald KilUim when all pornous Interest
ed lu m.IiI matter inn) appear at n enmity court
to bu held lu and lor .iilit loiiiny und Miow
caiisii h pra)or of pollilonur thotilil not bo
granted; and tluil iiuili'ti of ilie pendency of
mid pull Ion iiiulilic Hearing thea-of bu glea
to all porMiiiM interested In Mild matt r, by nub
llr-lilnu in op) nl tills oilier In tho lied Cloud
Chief, a wkly Mt-nhimiior pilntcd In tnld
eoii'ity. lor threu coiihveuilvo weeks prior to
mi lil day of heaiiii.'.
(Skal) A. H. KurNBV.
Jiuii County wiidge,
iagiifM - jws3
; -Htukwt,..
" ,t i X'" 'M" y r