The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 19, 1905, Image 4

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.. f. .
I Jf;r
w nair is
Do you like it? Then why
be contented with it? Have
to be? Oh, no! Just put on
Ayer's Hair Vi'eor and have
long, thick hair; soft, even
hair; beautiful hair, without a
single gray line in it. Have a
little pride. Keep young just
as long as you can. '
" I am flfty-ieen ye n old, and until re
cently my hlr w terr (fray. Hut In a few
weeki Ayer'o Hnlr Vigor rratnrnl I ho natural
color to my hair no now ttinre I not a Kruy
hair to be ieen."-.l. W. llANBON, Itouldur
Creek. Cal.
BCad bT J, o. Ayer Co., Lowell, X ass.
aiio manuiaciurera 01
Frank Barker Requests Privilege of
Belnft His Own Executioner.
Lincoln, Nob , May 15.- Frank Bar
ker, murderor of his brother and sister-in-law,
near Inavale, iu Webster
county, is to bo his own hangman.
His execution is to occur on Juno
10. Tho law requires that all legal
executions in Nebraska shall bo
held at tho penitentiary, under tho
biiporvisiou of tho warden, it does
not spoblfy, however, that tho warden
or any other person shall spring tho
trap. In Barker's caso, Warden
Boomer shrinks from tho duty, as do
other olllolals at tho penitentiary.
But Barker has stopped into tho
breach and informed tho warden that
he will bo his own hangmau. Barkor
has frankly confessed that heisguilty.
Tho warden was not satisilod that
huch a proceeding would bo legal, and
ho accordingly presentod tho niattor
to tho oillco of attorney general for a
legal opinion.
Doputy Attorney General Thonip
sou gave tho subject thoughtful con
sideration and liuully advised tho
warden that tho law merely made it
mandatory upon tho latter to see to it
that Barkor is haugoil upon tho day
llxed by tho cour'ts decree, and that
there was nothiug whatever to pro
hibit Barkor from acting as his own
executioner if ho saw lit.
Thoarrangomonts for tho execution
provido that ouo of the warden's as
histants is to adjust tho black cap
over Barker's head and pluco tho ropo
about tho condemned man's neck.
An olectricol contrivance is to con
trol the trap, counoctod up with a
wire running Into Barkers hands
The latter will bo strapped to his hips,
but Barker wlM have froo uso of his
fingers and will push tho button re
. leasing, tho trap.
Ou 'Wednesday Attorney F. G.
Humor requested permission to Hie a
motion for a rehearing In tho case of
Frank Barkor. It Is not thought tho
request will be granted. Frank has
been placed in solitary confinement,
and ho is just beginning to realize
that ho has but a short timo to livo.
Attorney Humor has not Riven up all
hope of saving Frank's neck.
Lincoln, Nob, May 17. The su
premo court has overruled tho motion
for a rehearing tiled by tho attorneys
for Frank Barkor, tho Webster
county doublo murderer. Tho forty.
day limit iu which tho motion could
have been tiled expired Tuesday.
This morning counsel for Barker sub
mitted an application for leave to tilo
a motion for rehearing The court
allowed tho application to bo tiled,
but overruled It as intending to delay
the carrying out of tho former deci
sion. Siuoo being confined in an isolated
cell Barker has bocome gloomy and is
a trillo despondent. Juno IU is tho
dato of tho execution and tho hang
ing will tako pluco between tho hours
of 11 a. in. undU p m.
A. 0. I), W.
Members of Red Cloud lodgo No. 00,
arc requested to attend tho regular
meeting Tuesday, May 2.'!. 'I ho report
of the delegates to tin grand lodgo '
will bo u part of tho program for tho
evening. Members desiring to bo cor
rectly informed of the proceedings of
the sjrand lodgo regarding rates and
all other matters should mako special
effort to attend.
Yours in C, II and P ,
Wm. MoKimmky, M W.
-- j, - VfjiuiUdi'r,
AjN Uncle of Mrs. A. D. Brown of
This City Passes Away. .
Utica, N. Y., May 13. -Hiram Cronk,
tho last survivor of the war of 1812,
who two wooks ago celebrated his 105th
birthday, died at Sun Brook this
morning. Ho served as a private in
Capt. Fuller's company of tho One
Hundred and Fifty-seventh regiment
in defense of Sackott's Harbor.
New York, May 17. The body of
Hiram Cronk, who lived to bo tho last
survivor of tho war of 18112, was
brought hero today from Boonoville,
N V., and will bo laid away in Cypress
Hills cemetery with full military
honors. Tho funeral will be hold to
morrow and in the meantime tho body
will lio in stato in tho city hall.
Accompanying tho body were Mr.
Crouk's tin eo surviving sons and one
daughter. They wero Philander
Cronk, 81 years old; William, 72; John
CA) and tho daughter, Mrs. Sarah Raw
U y, 71 years old.
Mr. Cronk was an undo of Mrs. A.
1). Brown of this city. A few months
ago tho board of alderman of New
York city passed a resolution to give
Mr. Cronk a public funeral when
death should finally overtake him, and
also allow his body to lio iu stato in
tho Now York city hall.
Heath's Shorthorn Sale.
Wednesday. May .'11, 1!K)3, is tho dato
of the sixth annual salo of Shorthorns
from the Heath Ranch herd at Repub
lican, Neb In this salo thoy consign
thirty head, of which nineteen are
young bulls, mostly Scotch topped,
and eleven young cows and heifers of
tho useful sort bred to tho Scotch herd
bulls Golden Victor Jr. 17.11(5-1 and
Lancaster Royal 1(58270 by Imp. Prince
Odorlo (7.'K!89) l.J(Kl!)8. While this of
foriug is not a large ouo tho cattle
woro nearly all bred on tho Heath
Ranch, are fully acclimated to western
conditions and are from good ances
try, mainly of Scotch breeding. Tho
boys have boon liberal buyers at many
of tho best western sales aud it is
hoped that their sale will bo well at
tended by those interested in tho pro
duction of milk, butter and beef. Of
tho Shorthorns it has been said, tho
cattle that ' food more babies, school
Dove-tailed, good roomy
Hives, well fitted, set up
and painted.
We have extra Supers,
Sections, Smokers, Foun
dation Comb, etc., a good
stock of first class goods
and the
are Right
Come to us
Bee Supplies.
for your
, Hardware Co.
more children and lift more mortgages
than all other breeds of cattle com
bined." Ono of tho attractive bull of
ferings of this salo is tho four-yoar-old
Scotch herd bull Golden Victor J r
175404 by Victor of Wildwood. This Is
a well-bred bull, a good Individual and
hits proven to bo a good breodor and
will go to tho highest bidder without
reserve. Tho Heath boys have estab
lished a reputation as roliablo aud
careful breeders of good Shorthorn
cattle and it is known by all who have
attended their previous sales, or
bouaht.htock of them that thoy never
back down or stop a sale on account
of low prices, as long as there are any
bidders for tho stock. Write thorn for
salo catalogue and mako your plans to
attend their salo as their guest and seo
how thoy do things at tho Heath
Council Meeting
Last Thursday night there was a
called meeting of tho city council.
C'luncilmeu presout, Cathor, Parker
aud Warren.
J. W. Kinsol, water commissioner,
mado the following report of tho re.
coipts and expenses of tho water sys
tem for tho past year:
Roeolved from B & M It It $1000 .'11
Received from others 717 11
Total $178.'! 42
Coal and freight $993 09
Hepair'g staudpipo aud motors 2110 .11
Engineers salary 480 00
Water commissioner 150.00
Total 81850.4:1
Total receipts 178:145
Dollcit $ 175 98
Less seven motors on hand. . 47 75
Net shortage 8128 1.1
On motion tho report of the water
commissioner was placed ou tile
On motion tho water commissioner
was instructed under no circumstances
to turn on water for auv person unless
said party has placed a water meter on
tho lino to bo used, except by consent
of the mayor and council.
On motion tho street commissioner
was instructed to mako tho waterway
between the Minor and Peterson
buildings in a straight line with the
L. M. Crabill was ordered to place
his street car lino ou a grado on Web
ster street and Fourth avenue and put
iu stone crossings to conform to tho
permanent walks now being put in.
A cement crossing was ordered put
iu at Fourth avenue aud Walnut
street, north sido of Fourth avenue.
Street commissioner was ordered to
till in and put in culverts for walk to
bo built ou east side of block I, (i ar
bor's second additon.
Decoration Day Program.
Members of tho Grand Army, sold
i rs of Spanish-American war, ex
(oldieis and Woman's Relief Corps
will meet at G. A. K hull at 1 o'clock
p. m , Tuesday, May 30.
Lluo of march will form on Webster
street at 1:30 p. in , commanded by D.
L. G'out, mirshul of the day.
Column will march west ou Fourth
avonue to Walnut s root, tlienco south
and west to cemetery, proceeding iu
liuo of march through cemetery.
Details will bo assigned by post
commander and president of Relief
Corp to decorate graves of dead com
rades and members of the corps.
Following the decora' ion of tho
graves tho lino of nnrch will form in
hollow square at tho monument to
tho unknown dead, whero tho follow
ing program will bo can led out:
Exorcises of Relief Corps.
Exorcises of G. A. R.
Ten minutes talk -"Tho Unknown
Dead," Rov. Bates.
Benediction Rev. G. H. Rico.
Column march to speakers' stand.
Fliig drill by kindergarten pupils.
Song "My Country Tis of Thoo,"
by tho audience.
Invocation -Rov. Davis.
Singing by quartet
Reading list of dead comrades.
Oiation Hov. Mrs. Phillips, Omaha.
Memorial Sunday.
On Sunday, May 28, all soldiers and
sailors of tho civil and Spanish-Amor-ican
wars and mombo's' of Woman's"
Roliof Corps are roquosted to meet at
G. A. R Imll at ton o'clock, aud from
there march to tho Christian church,
whore' services will bo hold.
By icqucst of
.Toskpii Gaiuieii
Post Commandor.
Hay and teed at Plumb's.
No line in my store has
(f than my SHOE STOCK. It is kept full of "up-to- fll
9 the-minute" styles and is composed ot the very best to
to goods bought of the manufacturers at cash prices. to
I believe I can save you
(ft give you more GOOD SHOES to select from than fljl
f(jl any other store in Red Cloud. J
1 Red Cloud, -
ji nnttHA ttTnTTiVritTifti fill MTrfT ,,il "l,1,ilim
Deaths and Funerals.
MimiHui'mi"TTii'"ii ff'ii'B'mi'iPU
John L. Shlfttey.
John L. Shlgley, aged 8.1 years, 7
months and 15 days, died Monduy,
Moy 15, at tho homo of his son, John
Shigley, a milo and a half northwest
of Inuvalo. Funeral services wero
held at the stoue chapel May 1(1, at 2
o'clock, conducted by W. T. Taylor.
Interment iu cemotory at tho chapel.
John L. Shigley, was born in Greon
county, Ohio, September 30, 1811). At
an farly age ho removed with his
parents to Ohio, whore his youth was
spent On Juno 4, 1814, he was uinr.
riod to Martha Foster, who died in
1847 April 19, 1840, ho was married to
Margaret Moore, aud iu 1851 thoy re
moved to Iowa, whero thoy resided for
twonty-oight years. In 1882 tho family
removed to Jewell county, Kansas,
locating a few miles west of North
Branch His second wife died Sep
tember 9, 1881. Eight children sur
vivo tho deceased, four of whom woro
present at the funeral There are also
thirty grandchildren and eight great
grand children.
Mr. Shigley had boon a member of
tho M E. church from his youth. Ho
lovod tho old hymns, and each night
he olfored up prayer before retiring.
At Superior, Neb., May 25,
The ottering consists of 10 registered
bulls ranging iu ages from ! to 20
months These are richly bred, two
of then being straight Scotch There
will bo, also, 50 hoad of high grado
cows and hoifors, all of breeding aco,
safo in calf or with calves at foot by
Scotch Short Horn bulls
For further particulars address
Koui:rt Gi'thiuk,
Superior, Neb.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tab
Idts. All druggists refund tho moiioy
if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signa
ture is on each box. 25c.
HBw ((tfBflLgy
mSm v9 to
received more attention f
I have the agency for the to
Harlan Shoe, the Peters
Shoe Co.'s line, the Watson- jJJ
Plummer line (successors ;L
to C. M. Henderson), the jL
manufacturers of the fam- fj
ous "Red School House" (f
Shoes. to
money on Shoes and m
M. A. Albright, I
T5he Grocer
First Quality Goods
Reasonable 3 I
D. L. 6roat Takes a Wife.
On Wednesday at high noon, at tho
residence of Mr. aud Mrs Nathan
Glick, David Groat of Red Cloud to
Mrs Hattlo Dodd, of Fort Atkinson,
Iowa. Mr. David Groat is Gl years of
ago and was a pioneer in these parts in
tho early 0s, also a soldier iu tho
early GO's. Tho bride is a handsome
portly lady 57 years old, is a sister of
George Scarf, a well-known farmer
living southwest of town. Mr. Nathau
Glickjustico of tho peace, pronounced
them man and wife. Mrs. Glick pre
pared tho diuner. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Scarf, Mr. and Mrs. Nnthun Glick aud
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Glick constituted
tho guests.
After diuner was served the bride
and groom departed for Rod Cloud,
their futuro homo, where tho groom
has a neat little two story brick cot
tage awaiting tho arrival of tho bride.
The Review aud many friends ex
tend congratu'ations Uiverton Re
view. Dt-n't let tho children suffer. If thoy
are fieiful, peevish and cross give them
Hollhtor's Rocky Mountain tea. Tho
best baby tonic known. Strength and
hoalth follow Its uso. 35 cents. O. L.
Kansas & Nebraska
I don't ask you to see all
other town agents first and
then drop them cold.
If you choose, see me
FIRST or LAST, and I
think we can deal.
-v i&m-r; i.tsuimaxWmtm