The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 19, 1905, Image 1

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VHhlrilrirfrifc--it i
I Subscription
$1 a Year
1 in Advaunce
Eight Pages
Home Print
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The Big Day light Store 1 1 The Big Daylight Btore
Carpets and Curtains
You can save almost as ranch
as you pay during this salo.
Wo have takon every single
pair lace curtains in stock and
marked them exactly half price.
$5.00 Curtains, $2 50 pair
$1.50 Curtains, 75c pair
All single Curtains almost like
giving them away. If you have
a single window that needs n
curtain, attend this sale.
Single Curtain, $5 per pair.
The Curtain costs you. . . .$1.25
Single Curtain, $1 por pair.
The Curtain costs you .... 25c
All Wool Ingrains,
50, 60, 75c made
Axminster, 90, $1,
$1.10, $1.25 made
All Ingrains sewed on ma
chine. You can order a Carpet
and got it in one hour's time.
We sorgo nil ends, making a per
fect selvedge.
All lit and work guaranteed.
No charge for waste.
Sewing Chair, solid oak,
cane seat, each $1.35
6 ft. hard-wood Table 6.50
3-spindle Kitchen Chair,
each 50
Solid oak Cobbler seat
rocker, like cut, each 2.00
A splendid cloth Shade, mounted on best Harts
horn rollers. Strictly firsts in quality.
6 ft., no fringe, cut to fit , 30c each
7 ft., 3 inch fringe 50c each
Colors carried in stock: White, Blue, Light Green, Medium
Green, Dark Green, Pea Green, Red, Cream, Yellow, Greys.
The sale on Wolfe
Bros.' Shoes will con
tinue till the stock is ex
hausted. We will not fill
in sizes on the numbers
we have in stock. They
must all go.
fl.lOtollGOper pair,
Mow fl.OO
$1.00 to 12.00 per pair,
Now 1.2S
New fabric Gloves are
here in great profusion.
Colors: Tan, Blue, Black,
Cream, White.
20c Pair
60c Pair
Biipii pi
The new Field Ro
tary Shuttle. Simple,
durable, noiseless, ef
fective. Two to three
times the. capacity of
any vibratingjphuttle
for work. Price,
.. $32.50
Other grades $15;
$iS, $20, $22 50, $25,
1 ?
Nemsy Notes from Neighboring Tomns
(From tlio Messenger )
T ho mill will t-loso down a couple of
days to put in a now ninety horso
power engine and a pair of dump scales
Owen Konnnrd loft for On k land,
California, last night for a summer's
visit among fonner friends, who now
reside in that country.
Tho twenty ninth annual session of
the Smith county Normal-Institute will
bo hold in Smith Center from Juno 5
to Juno 21), inclusive.
Dr. Clyde Dual and wifo wore in
Lebanon visiting tho Linton family
Tuesday and on their return woro
entertained at the homo of J. N. Heal
of this city,
This cilice is going through tho
press days with a gasolino engine. It
is ono of tho best engines inado and
can't go wrong, so tho directors say,
but four boys, eleven men and two
engineers were lixing it for two hours
last Wednesday night, and finally got
it to combust audibly. It is a high
pressure, non-stinker and an anti-pro
fanity machine and ought to run right.
We sent for L. J. Brown, ho has as
(From the Sentinel.)
Ezra N. Fagor has bought tho Fisher
bakery and ristnurant, taking posses
sion tho tin-1 of tho wook.
Charley Uodsey, who is working in a
barbershop at Alma, was home tho
foro part of tho week.
With favorable woiithnr Mr. Mont
gomery informs us that they hope to
connect witti tho now switohboaid in
another week.
Ch ment L. Wilson of Colby, Knnsah,
via t-tl his wifo and baby horo Monday,
lie started in tho evening on a two
wcoks' trip through New Mexico and
and Texas.
Win. Anderson says that he is going
to lit up a rig, buy a shot gun and fish
ing rod, take his family and leave on a
summer's outing for the Rosebud
Mrs. George Masor was taken before
tho insanity board at Bloomingtnn last
Wednesday and after an examination
lasting several hours wai declared in
sine. Mrs. Mnsei had for a long time
shown signs of insanity, and last Sat
urday she bocatue violent. One by
ami hold revival meetings all tho pres
ent week at the Chiistliut church.
Mrs Irene Douglas lolt Inst Friday
night for Dig Springs, via Brush, Colo.,
whore her husband will join her.
Sheriir Walrath and County Attorn
ey Byruin spent a few days tho llrst of
tho week in the north part of tho
county on business.
II. J. Quinn. who lives west of town,
has prepared a lino pond for tish which
is fed by spring water. Ho expects to
stock it with black bass.
Hen Shcfllitld, who was arrested here
some ago and takon to Black Hiver
Falls, Wis., plead guilty as charged and
was given throe years in tho peniten
tiary. Editor Hnddon of tho Froo Press in
commenting on tho :oaht given him by
tho Uivorlon Review denies that he
over saw tho color of tho MS he was
alleged to have frozen onto. Ho has
tho draft to show tho monoy was Bent
directly by tho lodgo to parties in tho
dlDlAl ...,....Ltl
3m.-:u ovcij nuiuuiuuue man in me r . , ., . . .,,,-, .
ountry a dozen times apiece six children had all left home,
saved several of them from suicide.
Ljss restored tho outside "kapuuker"
which restored the inside 'kHpeeter"
and confidence was immediately re
stored. A gasoline et""' !s just as
simple as pulling turnips as soon as
you get onto the curves. But our ex
perience is that no gasoline engine can
"kapeet, kapeet" when it is bunged
up in tbe-8noi z'e.
(From the Times.)
W. L. Hogors fell and broke his col
lar bone last Saturday.
Adams Bros, shipped four carloads
of fat cattle Wednesday to Kansas
D. E Fulton has completed his new
bouse in the north part of town and it
will be occupied by Geo. White, the
Mr. and Mrs. John Dickson started
Tuesday for Seattle, Wash. They will
be gone for a year and may decide to
make that their future home.
Geo. Eply has sold his druar stock
and fixtures to Messrs. Leonard and
Grissell, who will continue the business
in ihe same building as heretofore.
W. H. Mopper was struck in the eye
with a piece of steel last Friday, which
penetrated the bull and permitted the
escape of the aqueous humor and part
of the vitreous.
W. E. Kimsey wjth wagon and team
started today for Jennings, where he
will join his wife and they will go from
there to Colorado, whore they will
spend the summer.
Will Olliff, Dr. J. B. and Mrs. Dykes
wont down to Topeka Monday night
where Mr. Olliff will bo operated on for
a mastoid abscess in the right ear. Mrs.
Dykes will visit her mother at that
place for a few days.
Mrs. James Braden of Gates, Orn.,
arrived in Lebanon Tuesday, to visit
her father, V. W. Pennington and
other relatives this summir. IV v. and
Mrs. Brnden were residents of Smith
and Jewel counties until a few yours
Arthur Smith shot a bird Tucsdny t
his father's farm 'west of town. Ft was
almost n largo 11s 11 gooso. Some
claimed tint it win 11 goose mid others
that it was not. After a consultation
with Noah Webster it was named n
loon, ami every wt vo.nt home happy.
I'Jdgar Bate and family, who loft
'this county last full in search of a bet
tor loculon 011 the Puoilio coast, are
now living at Davenport, Oregon, In
a recent, letter to Kph Bates, his
father, Edgar states that they will
start home as sot n as tho members of
thef amily arc utile to travel.
tho last two because they feared -their
The Scheuneman boys areably main
taining tho tli leas the champion wolf
catchers of Franklin oounty and if
they or the wolvei don t let up protty
soon we fear tho treasury will be
depleted to such extent that it will be
necessary to add a few mills to next
year's levy. Last week Henry cap
tured ten little fellows and one day
thi week Will and Lew dug out an
other litter of nine.
(From tho Advocate.)
P. F. Petersen has made his borne
boautitul by neatly painting his house
and other buildings.
Mrs. Clara Hazelrigg, remained over
(From the Exuross.)
Dr. Bock and F. J. Lionherger will
install hot water heating plants in their
dwelling this summer.
Mrs. Q. S. Ontc.hdal came home from
California Friday evoning. where she
has been for the past four months.
F. 11. Stubbs has graduated in the
newspaper business and sold his Intel -eats
in the Journal to L. T. Brodstone.
Alexander 'Hunter and wife and
granadaugntor Mabel, left Wednesday
evening over the Burlington for their
long contemplated trip to the coast.
Dr. Powell has boon very ill tho past
week from ptomaine poisoning sup
posed to have been taken in his system
by eating canned tomatoes at the hotel
in Diller.
Abe Roe, southwest of Superior,
brought in an arm full of four foot
rhubarb stalks the other day that
would make good cord wood if they
weie not so juicy.
One of W. A. Diehl's hens has ben
experimenting on what she can do lay
ing soft shelled eggs. Her latest effort
was one without any hard shell at all,
(Continued on Last Page.)
.. (.j ,..
Baking Powder
Used in Millions of Homes,
40 Years the Standard. A
Pure Cream of Tartar Pow
der. Superior to every other
known. Makes finest cake
' and pastry; light, flaky bis-
' . cuit, delicious griddle cakes
-palatable and wholesome.'
' - -&&:
Pnicr. Bakinq
Powder Co
Noti!. A void baking powders made from
nhim. Tliev look like mire nowdurs.
ami may raise the cuke, but alum
is a noison mid no nm nan cat fnrwl
mixed with it without injury to health,'
1. .