The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 12, 1905, Image 8

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Items 'of News Found in The
Chief of Twenty Years Ago
This Week .
L. Bnum has opened ti notion and
clothing Btoro.
A Sohindlomeissor, h iImio tuner,
litis located hero.
Spring chickens lire hoIUiik for 50
cents each in Koil Cloud.
ExcavathiK for O. Wiener's now
ttore building h is betfiin.
Fred Main is assisting Station Agent
Durrio in tiio freight olllco.
Ortusby tfc Dickorson shippod a car
of eggs to Uoston tills wo k.
David Watson and Miss Emma Stef
fen woro ninrriod last weok.
A. S. Marsh purchased a stock of
furnituro in Lincoln this weok.
W. N. Klchardson shippod twenty
flvo cars of stock to Chicago Sunday.
II. B. Lutv. fc Co. havo opo- od a
grocery storo in the north end of town.
.Tononh Molkor. stonoaraphor f- r
Gregg & Hubbell, has gone to Boston.
Arrangements aro being made to put
up a tolophono from town to the depot
James Snodgrass and Miss Ada
Chance of Cowles were married Satur
day. Ilov. Ooorgo O Yolsor loft Tuesday
for a trip to the Exposition at Now
C. W. Kulny has invostod in a Texas
broncho. It can run faster than any
body's horso.
Miss Alice Hutchinson, daughtor of
Mr. and Mrs D. F. Trunkey, died
Monday afternoon.
Contracts have boon lot for the ex
tension of th Burlington road from
Republican City to Oborliu, Kansas
Henry Cook and Dr Shorer wont to
Omaha Tuesday to attend the mooting
of the State Pharmaceutical associa
tion. A tramp harness maker, who was
given work by Jake Miller loft without
notice, taking with him about 115
worth of tools.
Wednesday evening the incorpora
tors of the Building and Loun associa
tion met at the office of J. H. Kellogg
and elected the following directors:
W. D. Forrester, M. Biruoy, A. H
Kaley, L. H. Wallace, A. C. Hosmer
and D B. Spanogle.
Miss Nannie Cline, the cloven-year
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Cline of Clovorton, was burned to
death last Saturday. She was in the
Hold helping to burn stalks, when her
clothing caught fire and bofore help
reached her she was so badly burned
that death re-ulted soon after.
Jarret Cox, aged G7 years, was ac
cidentally killed while crossing the
railroad near Amboy. Mr. Cox and
wife had been making their home with
their nephew, C. C Cox Mr. Cox had
jut arisen from breakfast and started
for the home of Mr. Post, where his
wiie naa spent tne- ingot, and in cros
sing tho track ho was struck by the
bouthbound passenger train.
Scott Farmers aro slow about corn
planting S B. Kizer and wife
now ride in a new buggy.
Cowles A A. Pi ak is visiting this
weok with friends in Franklin county
A. Woolver has about 200 fat
cattle ready for shipment C W.
Fuller left lost week for 'a business
trip through eastern 'Nebraska and
western Iowa.
Catuehton- C. P. Cather is inclos
ing aXllno pasture Miss Sarah
Brown is' teaching the Plainview
school Lydia Lockhart, formerly
of this place, has bought John G.
Pottor's storo at Wells Lloyd
Crablll visited at C. H. Rust's Satur-
day Roche fort Edwards is having
u well put down
Wells -Sara Aultz has sold his
mail routo to S. Alexander Tho
G A R. camp lire was a success
G. W. Boyd 'is tho successor to Hoff
man & Co Dr. Kehler and wifo
were in Red Cloud this week
James Burden is clerking in Mrs.
Lookhart's store Dr. Monroe lost
a flue horse Saturday night Hark
Young's little son came near being
drowned by falling in a pond.
Inavale It is said we are to have a
saloon. There is no better place in
the valley for a saloon nan to starve
to death Mr. Sheldon of Jackson,.
Michigan has been visiting at the
home of L. O. Olmstead. . -...TJje la)
heavy frosts have killed nearly every
thing green except the Argus corres.
pondent Cheese making ii now
in full blasts The new lumber
yard, under the management of A. C.
Hale is a success Robert Cochran
visited his parents Sunday.
Cennlsstoerft' Preceedlifts.
May 1, 1905.
Board of county commissioners
mot pursuant to adjournment. Mom
bors all piosent.
In the matter of tho application to
have tho nHnoK im(l 80M ()f noM -l-1'2
appraised for tho purpose of sale
chairman appointed W. Richard, Joe
Fogel, and II G. Sawyer committee to
nppraiso same for purpose of alo.
Chairman also appointed P. II. Gor-
lach, W It Anderson and II G. Saw
yor committeo to appraiso w'noK 1C
4-12 for purpose of bhIo.
Board proceeded to open and inspect
bids for bridges as per advertisement,
and after careful inspection tho con
tract was lot to John W. Towlo, he
being tho lowest bidder.
Road ovor.soors woro appointed as
follows. B. F. .Hudson, district 1G;
.ToHonh Snhradcr. district i!l, and b'mil
lload ovcrseors woro appointed as
follows: Jamos Dority, district .'12;
Ellas Lockhart, district .'18; Jamos
Buckles, district 37; Jo n Hans n, dis
trict 35); W. E Bukor, district 5
The following oillcial bonds woro ap
proved: Josoph Goll, O II K D No UG;
W. E Buker, OUR D No 5; Jo-oph
Schroder, O II II D No 21; Fred Golf,
OIIRDNo 50; Josoph Hubacok, O
II R D No 49; E. R. Sheror, O H R D
No :i; Win. McCord, O H R D No .'U;
J. II. Mot tor, O II R D No 3G; Fred
Sampson, O H R D No 19.
Board udjourno 1 to Muy 2.
May 2. 1905.
Board mot pursuant to adjournment,
members nil present.
On motion, county clerk was in
structod to procure flag for county.
Sam Shirley was appointed a mem
ber of tho Soldiers' rolief commission
for east district.
Bridge petition of F. E Payno et al,
referred to Commissioners Sawyer
and Anderson.
Resolution offered by Commissioner
"Wheroas, It appears that the clerk
of the district court, county judgo and
several of tho justices of tho peace
have not made their reports according
to the statute, therefore bo it
o "Resolved, by the county board of
Wobstor county, that tho chairman
aud one other commissioner appointed
by tliH chairman, with tho assistance
of the county attorney, bo a committee
to investigate the records of said
officers and report to the board their
fludings at the next mooting."
On motion the resolution whs adopt
ed and Commissioner Gerlach was ap
pointed to act with chairman and
county attorney.
John F. Kuiggo was appointed jus
tice of tho oaco for Stillwater pre
cinct. Resignation of Frank A. Kuehn as
county surveyor was accepted.
Minutes read and approved and
board adjourned tdne die.
Real Estate transfers.
Transfers for week ending Wednes
day, May 10, furnished by J. H. Bailey
of Webster County Abstract company.
Seth Stiuson to Blanche I Hall
lot 12 block .11 Blue Hill wd. .$ 550
Fred Maurer et al Referees to
Seth Stinson, same qcd 425
L H Fort et al Referoes to Jos
Freudenstein e2 ue4 12-19 qcd. 2G00
Melchair Volk to Hans Skjelver
part w2 pe4 32-3 12 qcd ,.. 150
C F Gund and wife to Morgan H
Davis" w4 ne2 8-2-10 wd
C E Paul and wife to Olive A
Rltchey lots a and 4 block 10
CowIcb wd 400
Chas A Davis to John Martin H
lots 14 and 15 block 3 Rohrora
add to Blue Hill d 100
Fred E MuKooby to Eniauuol
Pit, and W J Scrivnor lots 1
to 4 block 7 Rod Cloud wd . . . . 350
W J Scrivnor to Emanuel Pitz
lots 3 aud 4 block 7 Red Cloud
qcd 350
W J Scrlvner and, wife to E Pita
lots 3 and 4 block 7,Red Cloud
qcd ." , 200
L C Bloom to Minuie M Bloom
e2 s 4 uw4 se4 and se4 ne4 22-1-9
wd 8000
E Fitz to W J Scrivnor lots land
2 block 7 Rod Cloud qcd
O D Hedge to Melissa Hedse n'2
86423211 wd 3000
Mary F Reed to Rosa Francis
lots 16 to 24 block 13' Red
Cloud qcd IBOO
Blanche E Beauchampo JohnS i J
Marsh part n ai nw4 Jfi-J-ll . wd 100 '
Lincoln Lmd Co to M Eevett
lot 10 bolck 9 Vance add to 1 r
Guide Rook wd 125
Total 123400
Mortgages filed 12500
Mortgages releasod 16000
Interesting Items Gathered
by Our County Reporters
A. McCord returned from Iowa last
C. E Keith, tho dontiat was in town
the first of tho weok.
Dr. Wegman and wifo drovo over to
Blue Hill last Tuesday.
Floyd Willinnis returned from Hast
ings Saturday evening.
W. W. Keith of llnstings was in
town tho firstof the week.
Mr. Albright of Red Cloud was in
town the first of tho weok.
Mrs. Joe Chevaliur of (Jump be 1 1 was
visiting in this city ono day this week.
Miss DuMars and Miss Perkins went
to Campbell Friday evening returning
Mrs. Hurkoy and children visited at
the homo of her sister, Mrs. Will
Dtivis, last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Chevalier drove
nvor to Campbell Sunday and spent
the day at that place.
Mrs. Chovalior of CtmplHl visited
at the homo of her son K. C. Chevalier
at this place Wednesday.
Mrs. Byrd Kyle roturnnd from Rod
Cloud list Monday, after visiting at
th it pine for a couplo of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Vaunehten and F. S.
Vaunghten and wifo of Holstoin were
visiting at tho homo of A. Rood's last
Miss Mamie Householder was a pas
senger for Rosemont last Tuesday,
where sho gee to visit hor sister, who
is teaching school at that place.
Corn planting is the order of
day, but it had to bo laid aside for
A great many people of this locality
went to town after the rain and there
attended the telephone meeting.
Bonnie Beardslee is not improving as
rapidly as we wish he would, but still
we aro in hopes of a change for the
better soon.
One of the old settlers of our lo
cality passed away on Monday evening,
after suffering a great deal from para
lysis. Mrs. Nancy Hilton was esteem
ed by all who knew her and her life
wab a well written book. She is
mourned by five daughters, two sons
and a great community of friends aud
neighbors. Her five daughters have
been presont for the last two weeks
and one son who lived with her wai
present at the time of her death. An.
other son in Oregon failed to roach the
death bed or attend the funeral. Rev.
G. W. Hummell of Blue Hill preached
the funeral sermon to a largo concourse
of neighbors and friends of the do
ceased. She was buried in the Webb
cemttery Wednesday.
The farmers are busy listing corn
A good deal of wind Tuesday,
little rain.
John Sutton lost a valuable mare
last weok.
Guy Tennant loat a yearling on the
alfalfa last week.
Guy Tennant has his new barn
.Unished and is bavin', his kitchen en
larged and a parch'builfw
Norman Farnbam, who has been
visiting at home tor a few days re
turned to Bjitwick Tuesday.
G. N. Biankenbaker has a U. S
separator. A number of families are
sending cream to Red Cloud.
Lulu ltinker celebrated her twolth
birthday, Monday, May 8. A number
of little girls woie present. A line sup
per wa) served and a happy time
enjoyed by the young folks.
.Mrd.4ouUa Ailes is on .the sick liat
this week.
Mrs. Ollle Monger is quito seriously
ill at this writing.
Lloyd Araack and A. W. Shipman
were dipping hogs Wednesday.
Miss Myrtle Smith was visiting Mrs.
Bradahaw in Kansas last week.
Mrs. Emma Smith was visiting Mrs.
Ollle Munger the first of the week.
Mrs. M. A; "Amsok had
nother at
tack of neuralg ja Jaet
is a llMttifcrrW$.
Saturday. She
The Est uarneld telephono com
pane's lines, after a locg wait, were
connected to central last Saturday.
Last Tuesday evening bail stones fell
arouud here like huge chunks of ice.
The Secret of Good Coffee
Evon the best housekeepers cannot make n good cup of
coffeo without good material. Dirty, adulterated and queorly
blended coffeo Buck as unscrupulouH dealers shovel over their
counters won't do. But take tho pure, clean, natural flavored
LION COFFEE, the leader of all packaae coflees-
tbo coffeo that for over a quarter of a century has been daily
welcomed in millions of homos and you will make a drink fit
for a king in this way :
Use LION COFFBK, because to get tCBt rennKn you must use tho bo t coffee.
Grind your LION CUFFEK rnthcr flno. Uso "a tnblcspoonful to each cup, and one
extra for the pot." First mix It with a little cold water, enough to tnako n thick paste, and
add w liltc of an cgc (If egg Ib to bo used aB a settler), then follow ono of tho follow mu rules :
Int. WITH BOILING WATER. Add bolltna water, and let It boll
TIIItEE MINUTES ONLY. Add a little cold water and act aside live
mlnutcn to Mettle. Serve promptly.
2d. WITH COLD WATER. Add your cold water to the paste and
bring It to a boll. Then act aside, add a little cold water, and In live
minutes It's ready to serve.
Q (Don't boll It too long.
-Don't lot It stand more than ten mlnutos before serving.
DONTS (.Don't use water that has boon boiled before.
1st With Eft. Use part of the white of an a'K. mixing It with the ground LION
COFFEE beforeTjolllng.
2d. With Cold Water Inatead of eggs. After boiling add a dath of cold water, and set
aside for eight or ten minutes, then sero through a strainer.
Insist on getttno a package of genuine LION COFFEE,
prepare It according to this recipe and you will only use
LION COFFEE In future. (Sold only in 1 lb. sealed packages.)
(Lion-uend on every package.)
(Save these Lion-beii(bi for valuable premium.)
WOOLSON 8PIOE CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Consign Your Live Stock To
W alto have- our own house at
ad our market Utttr In this paper. Writ ui for my tpiclal Information dtttrtd.
Ono weiphed 0 ounces and nnoth r
measured 0 inches around one way and
11 inches the other. A number of win
clow lights were broken out. S C.
Mungt r had a shout killed by the hail
and another badly hurt.
Kansas Citt, May 9 Receipts of
cattle Monday were G691 consisting
largely of butcher stock and stockors.
Light beeves were steady; heavies
mostly 10 cents lower. Best cow an-1
heifers wero steady; others 10 cents
lower. Best stockers and feeders were
steady; others weak to 10 cents lower.
Receipts today were 9,000 The sup
ply of heavv well finished beef steers
was the largest in months Best ones
sold weak to 10 cents lower; others 10
to 15 cents lower. Best cows and
heifers were 5 to 10 cents lower;
others 10 to 20 cents off. Stock cows
and heifers were mostly 15 cents
lower. Veals dropped 25 cents. Best
stockers and feeders were quiet but
steady: others weak to 10 cents lower.
The following table gives quotations
now ruling:
Extra pritpo corn-fed steers. .15 85-6 25
Good corn fed steers 0 40-5 85
Ordinary corn fed steers .... 4 65-5 40
Choice corn fed beifors 5 00-5 40
Good corn fed heifers 4 50-5 00
Medium corn fod heifers. ... 4 00-4 50
Choice corn fed cows 4 50-4 85
Good 375-450
Medium 325-375
runners 200-300
Choice stass 4 50-5 00
Choice fed bulls 4 00-4 50
Good 300-400
Bologna bulls 2 25-3 00
Veal calves 5 25-0 25
Good to choice native or
western stockors 4 25-4 80
Fair 375-4,25
Common 3 25-3 75
Good to choice heavy native
feeders 4 50-5 00
Fair 375-450
Good to choice heavy brand
ed horned feeders 4 00-4 75
Fair 400-475
Common 3 50-4 00
Good to choice stock heifers 3 25-3 50
I air j uuo t&U
Good to choice stock calves,
steers 250-300
Fair 4 450500
Good to choice stock calves,
heifers 325-3 75
Fair 275-325
Receipts of hogs Monday were 7954
and the market generally 10 oe ts
I fRWer. Receipts today were $,30Qnd
ihn NinaUAr r -s-k III A4n Baif il
bulk of sales 15.15 to 5.27; top 0 82.
This makes a drop of 20 to 25 cents
from last week's high p 'int.
Receipts of sheep Monday were 0535.
Quality of offerings was good and
trade was strong and acive for every
thing. Receipts today were 7C00 alt
but 6 double decks being southern
grass sheep Lambs on account of
their scat city held t-teady but sh'fp
; dropped 10 to 15 cents. We quote
Choice lambs (5.60 to 5 75: choice
yeirlings, 15.25 to 5.50; choice wethers
14.75 to 4.85; choice ewes, 94.25 to 4.50.
For wooled stock add 75 cents per cwt
Here Is Relief Tr Wenei.
Mother Gray, a nurse in New York,
discovered an aromatic pleasant herb
drink for women's ills, called AUS
TRALIAN LEAF. It is the only cer
tain monthly regulator. Cures female
weaknesses and backache, kidney,
bladder and urinary troubles. At all
druggists or by mail 50 cents. Sample
FREE. Address The Mother Gray
Co , LeRoy, N. Y.
An Only Daughter
Cured of Consumption
Wben death was hourly ex
epicted, an rem
dies iiavlnir failed, and Dr. II. James was ex
Derlmcntlne with the many herbs of Calcium.
lit accidentally made a preparation whlcti
cured his only child of Consuiaptlon His child
Is now in this country and enjovltiK the beet of
health Ho has proved to the world that Con
Mimptlon can re positively and permanently
cured. The doctor now Rives this recipe I e.
only askliiK two 3 cent stamptt to pay expenses.
This herb also cures night sweats, naukea at the
stomach, and will break up a fresh cold In
twenty four hours. Address CKADDOCK k.
CO.KXt'Kace St.. Philadelphia, naming thN
Sheriff's Site.
Notice Is hereby Riven, that
under and by
virtue of an order of sale Issued from the office
of Groree W.
Hutchison. Clerk of the District
Court of the Tenth Judicial DUtrlct. within and
for Webster county. Nebraska, upon a decree In
an action pending therein, wherein Harriett A.
MIllKar. Ib plaintiff, and against lots numbered
I. 2. 3, 4 and f of block number 10, in Kaley C
Jackson's addition to the town, now city, of
Red Cloud, Nebraska, the unknown heirs of
Stephen W. Coon and Rebecca Coon, decerned.
John Doe and Mary Itoe. real names unknown ;
tho occupants of said lots. S. G, Dorr aud tho
First National Hank of Lincoln, Nebraska, de
fendants. I shall nITer for sale nt public vendue,
to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at tho
east noor 01 tneumnt-nouse. at ited Cloud. In
said Webster county. Nebraska, (and that belnir
the building wherein the last term of said court
was boldcn . on the 31st day of May. A. D.
1005. at to o'clock p. m. of (aid day, the fol
lowing described property, to wit: Luts nmn
bered l.'2.3. 4 and 6 of block number 10. in
Kaley A Jackson's addition to the town now
city of lied Cloud, Nebraska.
(liven under my hand this Mb. day of My,
A.D. 1905
J. A. McAiiTiiim. Sheriff.
L. II. Ulackiedge, Plaintiff's Attorney,
Mystic Cure for Rhtnaaatisaa and Neuraltfa
radically cures In t to 9 dayt. Its acUon cpon
the system la remarkable and mysterious It
removes at once ta causa and the disease im
mediately disappears. The Orst (on greatly
baatsHa. 7a cent and 11.00. Bcldiby U.K.
Grtoe OroffaiM. Red Clood
Call Phone 75 or 52.
Heavy DrayM Specialty