I '4 I Hi SEWS' OF NEBJRASKA. Jury Secured In the Hana Case, J.'.nsworth, Neb., Miy (J. Tho sc I.ting of a Jury and openir.B address er, of counsel oecuplo.l the Hist clay or court In the Hnnc-Luse murder cuto. May Assess FraternalB. Lincoln. May 10. Attorney General n-own has decided tlmt it Is legnl lor al.e hUite board of ouutiilzatlon to tR :e the assessment of propoity, lU'Heys and credits belonRlnj; lo fra tcr.al and mutual Insurance com pa r..is Cattle Stealing Case On. n:oliiMi How. .May !). John H Chandler, alleged to bo Implicated in v ( b'.g cattle steal In this county last November, is on trial before Jude UoMitlur in the district court here. Nearly the whole day was consumed In jcctirliiK a Jury. Huffman, the main o.'c Implicated, who Jumped his bonds if me time iujo, Is still at larRC. Fox 5s here and will stand trial Immediate Iv after Chandler. Governor Commutes Life Sentence. Lincoln, May 8. Governor Mickey commuted the life sentence of George Washington Davis, the negro convict ed of wrecking a Hock Island train inenr this city in 1894. The man will 2jc released from the penitentiary to day. Ho was found guilty of murder, the wreck having resulted in tlie lcath of eleven persons. The gov ernor stated there were grave doubts iis to the guilt of the man. Editor Razee Gets New Trial. Lincoln, May I. The supreme court Ceclded that Sanford It. Razee, editor of the Curtis Courier of Frontier county, is entitled to a now trial. Ho "as sentenced to a year in the peni tentiary for crlmlnul libel. The- court nakes the ground that the lower trib vnal made an error in allowing the prosecution to question tho newspaper man as to tho number of times he J nd been married, whether his first Jfe was living and many other ques tions which the court says tended to llsgrnce him In the eyes of the Jury. Telephone Company Merger. Nebraska City, May D. All of the independent telephone companies of ssouthenst Nebraska, northeast Kan sas, southwest Iowa nn.l northwest IvIisMHU'l have been combined into one company. All agreed to the combine itnil tho promoters are endeavoring lo iloat bonds to the amount of more "than $.'00,000. Tho promoters do not C ny that a merger has been com pleted, but refuse to give any of the particulars.. Tho now company will control all the independent lines be fwoon Lincoln, Omahu, Kansas City .end ited Oak. r 'New Roads on Tax List. Lincoln. May 0. Attorney General Tlrown has ruled that the state board tn equalization has the right to assess rnilumds which enter Nebraska over Seated lines, on their leases, fran chises, rolling stock, money, etc., and that the board has the right to com pel tho roads to tile a report giving nie valuation of these Items The iIilnlon was filed with the board in response to a request to tho attorney xenernl several days ago. The result will be that for the first time tho Wa inash, Great Western, Milwaukee, Illi nois Central and other roads doing (business in tho state on leased lines will be taxed. PAT CROWE VISITS OMAHA. Alleged Kidnaper of Cudahy 0oy Calls at Newspaper Office. Omahn, May U. Fat Crowe, the alleged kidnaper of Eddie Cudahy, visited Omahn last night and by tele aihone arranged for an Interview at he World-Hcrnld olllco. Clowe looks somewhat older than he did in Decern- .erlSUO, at the time of the kidnap insT"HJs hair Is now silver gray and Sjo is mut'U.t stouter. When nsked to explain his 'object in asking for the interview, he said: "I am weary of ifce life I have been living. 1 want to come in and give myself up and begin ny life anew. I ask for this opportun ity because I really mean to reform If I thought that this boon would be lenled mo 1 would place a gun to my i'cad and blow out my brnius. It Is n old and well established fact that the offspring of honest parents, no matter how far he or she may wander irora the straight and narrow pnth, will ultimately seek out the footsteps ol the parents. It Is so with me. I Imve led a wild life, but the horror of it has grown upon me so that 1 would rather die than continue to live as I 1 avo Thero Is nothing to It. Tho troublo Is Just this. They want me to come In and plead guilty to the kid naping and take n year In the pen Jftut no more of thnt for me. I am esperatc. I will not go to tho peni tentiary, but I am eager to live right if I am given a chance. I would like to como In and surrender myself. 1 would plead guilty If they would sen Hence me and then parole me. One thing is certain, If I went to trial on r&tn charge of kidnaping Eddio Cudu fcy I could not bo convlcHod." Crowe was nsked to stnte whoro he Lad 1 con since his nbruut departure from Omaha In 1899. "Oh, f havo been In ac many places It would bo difficult to tell them. I was in the iloer army, but only for thrco weeks. 1 was shot In tho loft nrm while nlnv Inp my rlllo I mnde my way to Dur ban and snlled for London, where I rpent n few weeks. I then came bnck to tho United Stntes and spent three . weeks In New York. From there I Went to Chicago, where I have been living quietly In a furnished flat for three years." Says Darker Is an Imbecile. Lincoln, May 8. Warden Heemer Rthted that ho Is convinced that Flunk Darker, tho Webster county murderer, sentenced to hang Juno 1C, Is a con finned imbecile. He stnted that ho would not take any action to secure p commission to look Into tho man's condition In view of the general de mand for his execution. He said that the man had received the news of the court's decision nfllrmlng tho cnpltal sentence without any display of Inter est, and docs not show any concern In his appronching fate. Storms In Nebraska. Lincoln, May 5. Severe storms of wind, rain and hall prevailed In Ne braska. Near Lincoln the only dam age of consequence was tho blowing off of a part of the roof of an addition to tho state penitentiary. At Cnr roll heavy hall and wind combined to do considerable damage. A wind storm, reaching the proportions of a tornndo, visited Akron. In the ex treme northwestern part of the state siiow Is falling, driven by n high wind, and the temperature In eastern Ne braska Indicates frost. Wind Demolishes Casket Factory, Omnha, May !. A terrific wind passed over the northern part of tho city yesterday afternoon. Tho Omaha Casket company's factory was in tho path of tho storm. Tho four-story brick structure, sltuntcd at Thirteenth and Grace streets, was completely de bt royed. Three people in the building were instantly killed and six injured. The dead: Jacob Kirschner, assist ant shipping clerk, leaves wife and five children; Henry Dietl, foreman, lenves wife; L. Mon Martin, collector for Collier & Son, publishers, wns In office at time making collections. Tho structure was reduced to a mass of ruins. s - Beef Trust Inquiry at Omaha. Omaha, May 8. The federal grand Jury now in session In this city will become the storm center of the beef trust investigation this week. Fifty five witnesses connected with tho packing industries havo been sub subpoenaed before the grand jury to tell what they know about the mntter. The Inst of these subpoenas were fcerved upon 'tho cattle salesmen of the various South Omaha commission houses. Tho presence of Judge Hurch or Washington, assistant attorney gen oral of tho United Stntes, in confer ence with District Attorney Baxter, gives additional credence to the im portance oj tho investigations to bo undertaken this week. Shunned by His Offspring. Omnha, May 10. At the death of his wife, thirty-one years ago, Gotlieb Fellmeth deserted his family of four small girls and has since led a roving life. Today he Is reaping In bitter ness the harvest of his neglect. Old and Infirm, applying for admission to the poor farm, his story wrings no sympathy from his daughters' hearts, who are now married and well-to-do, and It Is only with great difficulty that he has persuaded them to glvo him any sort of home. "Where Is our sis ter you took away?" is, the constant cry of all of them, for one girl was placed In the enre of a home-finding sorMy and never has been found. His memory wns becoming poor and he could not recnll the name of the In stitution in which he placed her. NEBRASKA CROP CONDITIONS. Apple Prospects Are Bright, Cherries Less Favorable. Lincoln, May 10. Tho cool nnd gen erally wet weather or the past week has been favorable for wheat nnd ryo nnd they continue in excellent condi tion. Oats havo grown fairly well, but the stand Is somewhat thin In places. Hnln would be beneficial to all grain and grass In southeastern counties. (Irnss continues to grow slowly. Some progress was mnde with corn planting In southern nnd southeastern counties, in most or ttie state very little corn was ulnnted durlnir the week. Apple trees are In full bloom and nrnmlsp a cood cron. Chnrrv tros nro blooming loss full and were probably damaged some by tho frosts early In tho season. Frost nnd low temperature this week damaged fruit In northwestern counties. Strawber ries are In bloom In southeastern counties and promise a full crop. ROUNDUP OF FIELD HANDS. Last Demand of Season Being Made by Colorado for Sugar Beet Harvest. Omaha, May 'J. J. 11. Patterson of Lovelnnd, Colo., Is hero making a llnal loundup of workers for tho beet 'sugar Holds of Colorado and Wyom ing. Jlo represents the Great West- ern Sugar company, which controls nlno districts and seven factories In northern Colorado. Pour tralnloads ol passengers and their household ef fects already havo been shipped and a train of loO workers will leave over the IJurllngton tomorrow morning for fho snme fields Over 1,500 workers havo been shipped west this spring, besides the largo demands made upon Nebraska for laborers In the fields of Michigan and northern Ohio. These laborers nro paid $20 per acre for hand work In the fields, and besides the company furnishes trans portation to the plnce of work and houses, water and fuel for the labor ers. This gives them n chnnco to save piactlcally nil of their wages, and mo family of seven from Hnstlngs last year saved $1,300 on the season All return to Nebraska to winter, so that while the state loses the labor rf these men, they return In the fall with their summer's wnges and spend the same In the stnte. ' PcciiliiirltleM of McIiciik. The llehon Is remarkable for tho great ago to which It liven, there being good grounds for believing tlmt they endure as loti as u hundred years. Their growth Is exceedingly slow, almost be yond belief, Indicating that only u little nourishment Is necessary to keep them alive. In n dry time they lmve the pow er to suspend growth altogether, ro'iow ing it iigiilu at the fall of rain. This peculiarity nlono is enough to make the lichen a vegetable wonder, as It Is a property possessed by no other species of plant. Another Interesting fact about lichens Is tlmt they grow only where the air Is free from dust und smoke They may be said to be a sure ludicii tlon of the purity of the ulr, as they art. never found growing In cities and towns, where the atmosphere Is impreg nated with dust, soot, smoke and other Impurities. A lllrtl'N AVaiiin. Birds while still in tho egg lmve a sharp, horny spike attached to the up per part of the beak, by means of which they ure assisted In breaking out of the shell. This prominence be comes opposed to the shell at various points In a line extending all around the egg at about one-third of the egg't length from the lnrge end. It makes a aeries of little holes, thus weakening the shell, and wh l the chick arrives at a certain stage of strength nnd de velopment It has no dlllleulty In break ing out. In the common fowl this little weapon drops off a day or two after It is hatched, but on the pigeon und birds that are fed by their parent It some times remains for two weeks. SlIllKITH Of liVl'Vl'C. The Acarnanians wore considered the most skillful sllngers of Greece. Theso weapons were used not only to throw stones, but balls of load, and In some localities, especially In the plain of Marathon, many of these metal projec tiles have been found. The relics ure interesting from the Inscriptions and devices out upon them, which consist of the names of persons and appropri ate epithets, the legend In many cases meaning when fully translated "Look out!" When n IIor.se In Down. When u witness in an English court the other day icinarkod that It was necessary to sit on a horse's head when he was down to keep him quiet the Judge replied: "Nothing of the kind. People don't seem to understand that ihe only thing necessary Is to got hold of his ear and keep bis nose up In the air. I have seen a lady keep a horse quiet in that way without soiling her gloves." Satlftfnctlon. "Too bad about Dingmnn going wrong, Isn't It?" "Yes, but I haven't boon grieving much about It. My wife always hold him up to me as a model." Detroit Tribune. A Common Trait. "I havo noticed," says the Hon. Alex Appleby, "that everybody who has it tooth pulled says It was one of the most stubborn tho dentist over extract ed." Kansas City Times. Tho View. The Lover There Is nothing sweeter than making up a lovers' (pmrrel. Mar ried Cynic-Well, It's different after you're married. Then It generally means millinery. Tin- Kxplumitloii. "Oh, no, she Isn't going to accept him." "Then, why does she encoura? hlmV" "Why. because there Isn't any one , clsu t0 '"courago. -.ew ioik iress. When a wan seeks your advice ho generally wants your praise. Chesterfield. Take Laxative Brcmo Quinine Tablets. Seven Million boxes sold In past 1 2 months. ThiS Signature, M LIVE GROWING PLANTS Ng Ng FOR SALE Ng N? PANSIES, VERBENAS, CANNAS, GERANIUMS, and many kinds of Shrubs and Greenhouse Plants for sale at reasonable prices. 30 Hinds of Roses, 10c Each Call at Shoe Store, east of Miner Bros., and see them, as now is the time to plant them. to to to to to to .to to to to to to to to to to to to A Mrs. Henry BOX ISO, RED 4JbMbbvbUUvUtfaibtfct'"IJiifcifcxlvfcUfVl,Utib SAY, niSTER! Do you know that it will pay YOU. as well as US, to buy your Building Ma terial tiutl (jonl at ouryanls? Not only that our prices averaok lowor, or at least as low, as those of our competit ors, but because wo take especial caro of and protect all can bo classed as U E G U L A U C U S T O M E It S . PL ATT Coat. pifii)iTMmii''iviiTT'r'Pii'r'iv'Pvivi'iv'Pi,'r'r't BEST 15c MEAL IN THE CITY Oysters in Any Style HPlLBS R.ESTAURAN T Damcrcll Block. Do You Eat Meat? When you nro hungry nnd want sonicthig nice in the meat line, drop into my market. Wo havo tho nicest kind of Home-made Sausages and meats, iish, and game in season. Wo think, und almost know, that wo can please you. Givo us a trial. Koon Bros., Successors to ROBINSON & BURDEN. HOLUSTER'a Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Baiy Mediolnc for Baiy People. Brings Qoldin Health and Renewed Vigor. speclilo for Constipation, IndlNon, Live nnd Klilney Troubles, l'lmplen. Eozeinn, Impure Blooa, Und Urenth, SnieclBh Bowels, Itciulache and UiK-knche. It's Rocltv Mountain Ten In tao let form, 35 cents a bok. Gentilno mnde by Hou.ifiTEn Dnrn CowPAjff, Miullson, Wis. OLDEN NUGGETS FOTt SALLOW PEOPLE To Cure a Cold in One Day $r- ! t m m to to to to to to to to to to m Diederich, CLOUD, NEB. -? e- c- r c- c-s-s- 6- e-e- 6- 6 C- e- i-9- FREES CO. Lumber. . H. B. ASHBR, VETERINARIAN Of tho Kansas City Veter inary College Olllce at B. dohnstou's, tho Brick Barn. ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED Telephone 82. RED CLOUD, - - NEB. At Bine Hill first Tuesday in each month. "Hard Hitting and Sh6ot True. That It the unlrenwl venllct of fporturarn In nil eel lonn of inn inrnmmrnninj.-our nrmrmn. r.quipfMMi wun a EVENS" mrarulf 7011 point tho weapon rlifht, you We mnufdur a complrtn line Of i RIFLES, from $3 to $150 PISTOLS, from $3.50 to $50 SHOTGUNS, from $7.50 to $35 Sfnil for lllmtrateilrnuloBiirKTllilnKHitlre output, hints on hootlnir, ammunition, rtr. Ask your dealer for our products and insist on eetting them. It U lotn of fun lmt will male 7ml think hanl while trying It. Send 4 crnU In atampt for our lnt,-rnloui Itlllo I'unlr, J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO., I'. O. Box SOW Clilcnprn rails, MttNH,, U.S.A. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE ISo Meals, Lunches and Short Orders v Candles, Nuts, Pics, Cakes, fresh Bread. The Bon Ton W. S. BENSE, Proprietor. Cures Crip in Two Days. mA '. XKx on every DOX.25C. ! 25?9 I MraBKfl i c