The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 05, 1905, Image 8

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Items ol News Found in Tlio
Chief of Twenty Years Atfo
This Weok
Mrs. Win. Parka Is on tlio sick list
Horn, to Dr. mitl Mrs. Homy Cook,
u dnughtor.
Potor Conovor has opened u Hour
and food store.
Wtu. Gates was In Kansas City with
cattle this wook.
.1. II Koinsburg is improving his
new ro.sldoima property.
Friable t Skeen aro planning to put
in a now dam at the mill.
Uassor Hros. shipped two ears of
stock to Chicago Saturday.
C. H. HiiHt or Cathorton Is (ho liappv
fathorof a bouncing baby boy.
Hanuey McNltt captured
hcreeoh owls otio day this wook.
A lodiro of tlio Eastern Star
boon bo organized in Rod Cloud.
C. L Cotting is renovating his store
uud treating it to a coat of paint.
Halo Bros, of lnavalo will add a
stock of lumber to thoir business.
Mr Duckor and family havo moved
hero from Iroquois county, Illinois
A.J Welch, station agont, has pur
chasod tho Milliard rosidonco for $850
A Turkish prcachor was on our
streets this week nnd crcatod a sensa
tion. L. A. llnsklns has n colt a few days
old that measures !) fcot 2 inches in
Mr and Mrs. J. II. Forinan colobrat
ed thoir tin wedding anniversary Mon
day evening.
Tho G. A. R , Relief Corps and Sons
of Veterans aro planning to colobrate
Decoration day.
A. A. Popo has eleven carloads of
farm machinery of various kinds on
routo to Rod Cloud.
Mrs. Dr McKooby has presented tho
Prosbytoriau church with a handsome
pulpit Bible and collection baskots
Arrangements aro boing mado to
move Lotson's and Mister's stororoomsi
preparatory to making room for tho
new opera, houso building.
Sheriff Warren and Deputy Bull
arrested a horsethiof last Saturday,
who had stolen a colt at Beatrice
Tho follow gavo up tho colt uud an
other horso to avoid prosecution.
Among tho pupils on tho roll of
honor for tho month of April woro:
Myrtle Kuloy, Herman Birkuer, Geo
Morhart, Hugh Miner, Will Tulloys.
Barbara Nowhouso and John Tulloys-
East Wkbsteu Mary Mcintosh is
teaching in district 17 Gray
wolves uro numerous on Boayor creek
R. B. Eaton is putting out tim
ber on his claim.
Stillwateu-J. W. Smith has fenced
a pasture uud garden C. Johnson
lias built u now houso C. N Do
Nolf is building a new houso Tho
Reformed Presbyterians aro making tin
effort to build u now church
Guide Rook -A number of ladies
wout to Superior Thursday to organ
ize a W. O. T. U Jamos Lovitt
has just completed a now burn, 21x110
feet P. S. McGuiro is building a
house west of tho M. E church.
Pleasant Hill-Mi- Hurd i bu Id
ing u burn C. C. Cox i Kivinc his
barn n coat of paint Mr. Post hm
loturnod from Arkansas and is well
ploasod with tho country Agnes
Shular will go to southern Kansas in
hopes of regaining hor hoalth
Alico Hutchison is vo y ill.
South Side D. S Helvorn has re
turned from Arkansas, sick with "Ar-" fever Kldgo Leggott has
tweuty acres of ground llstod and
plntod Jim Wall is through
plowing nnd will soon linish planting
o rn Kuohn and sons have
fenced up tho divide road L
Lunger win culled away by sicknoss of
Scott Grandma Mitchell has boon
sick Llttlo John Hutchison, old
est con of Mr and Mrs F D. Hutohl-
non, died May 1. Rev. Hnmmell con-
ductod tho S'-rvicos Tho young
ladies of this neighborhood uro greatly
torment d with wood-ticks Mrs.
C Noblo gavo a party for tho little
girls on tho '28th in honor or Lillio
Jones' eleventh birthday J. L
Lancaster is now consoled for tho
deith of his ox, as he has very lately
found what ho h .a long soughta wifo
and stepson.
(Concluded from First Pago.
Kansas City, Muv 2 -Tho wock clood
histSiturday with prices f r killing
catt't- (K) cotts to $1 lower limn tho
high limo of April 12th. Receipts
Monday woro 723. mostly stockors
and feeders. Tradtt was s'ow but
steady on des rablo killers, others
weak. Stockors anil feeders sold
briskly and steady to strong. Receipts
t-iilay urn filUO. H of offerings wore
moderate in number anil mostly
medium quail y. Trade opened steady
but cosed 10 cents higher. Toppy
cows and heifers were strong to 10
cents higlior; others steady but dull
Stockors and feeders sold aotlvi ly and
strong to 10 conts higlior.
Tho following table gives quotations
now ruling:
Extra prime corn-rod steers. .?G 00 (5 fiO
Good corn fed steers 5 40-0 00
Ordinary corn fed stoors. . . . 4 (W-r 10
Choico corn fed heifers fi 00 fi 00
(iood corn fed heifers 4 50-5 00
Medium corn fod hoifors. ... 4 00-4 CO
Choico corn fod cows 4 50-4 85
Good :J75-4r0
Medium 15 25-.J 70
dinners 200-.'100
Choico stags 4 50-5 00
Choico fod bulls 4 00-1 50
Good UfiO-lOO
Bolognabulls 2 85-3 (X)
Veal calvos 5 25-G 25
Good to choico nativo or
western stockors 4 25-4 80
Common .,125-.,175
Good to choico heavy nativo
feeders 4 50-5 00
Fair 3 75-4 50
Good to clioico heavy brand'
od horned feeders 4 00-4 75
Fair 4 00-4 75
Common ') 50-4 00
Good to choico stock hoifors .'1 25-.'l 50
Fair :i00-.'J25
Good to clioico stock calves,
stoors 250-3 00
Fair 375-4 50
Good to clioico stock calvos,
hoifors 2i)-.j 75
Fair 275-325
Monday's hog market was linn with
receipt- of 5130 Tho run today was
8300 and tho market active at strong
to 5c higher rates. Bulk of sales were
from 15.15 to 5 25; top 5.27.
Receipts of sheop thus far this weok
uro lOGOO against 0400 last weok and
13.")00 last year. Monday's market was
active aud rices strong to a shade
higlior. Trade today opened early and
fully steady, but closed with 5 to 10
cents decline quotable. Wo quote:
Choice lambs, 26 75 to 0.85; choico
yearlings, $G.2i to 0 35; choico wethers,
ib 25 to 5.50; choico owes, 85 00 to 5.25.
Clippoii stock 75 cents per cwt. 1 ss.
that after tho frosts of 74 winters had
settled upon his head ho would cut up
such a caper as wooing a wife. He
was mairied on tho 18 h to Mrs Liuna
Hood, from Kansas, Judge Hoffman
ollloiuting. Tho Advocate hopes that
Uncle John may live to eolebruto his
golden wedding anniversary.
(From tho Journal.)
Born, April 2, to Mr. nnd
W. Stubba at Kansas City,
Fred Cronkite, of Butte, Mont ,
hero visiting relatives. Mrs. Cronkite
has been hero since her sister's wed.
Dave McAdums left this morning for
Fairbnry, where ho will j tin the C imp
licit Bros.' circus band for tho coming
Grant Ushor and Miss AddraKini?
returned homo Monday morning, after
spending Sunday with relatives and
fi lends in Red Cloud.
Miss Ada Long has secured posses
sion of tho photogrnph car north of the
postollico and has oponed up a gallery
for all kinds of picture work.
Master Ray Goodhue mot with a
vory serious accident Saturday even
ing. Ho was riding a bicycio, tho
handle bar of which broko and tho boy
hail a bad full.
Edward E. Horgan of Butte, Mont,
and Miss Dorothea Henningson were
united in marriago Monday afternoun
at tho homo of tho bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Henningson, Father
Lougnot officiating. Mr. nnd Mrs
Horgan loft for Denver Monday evening.
The Secret of Good Coffee
Even tlio best housekeepers cannot mnko a good cup of
coflfeo without good material. Dirty, adulterated and queerly
blondod coflco micli iib unscrupulous dealers shovel over their
counters won't do. But tako tho puro, clean, natural flavored
LION COFFEE, the leader of all package coffees
tho coffoo that for over a quarter of a century has boon daily
welcomed in millions of homes and you -will make a drink lit
for ft king in this way :
Use I.ION COKFKK, bocntioo to net best result you must line tlio bent coffee.
Grind your LION COKFKK rather flue. Uso "ti tablcsponiiful to each flip, and one
extra for the pot." Klrst mix It with n little cold water, enough tu mako a thick paste, and
odd white of nn egg (If ecu In to bo used as a settler), then follow one of tho following rules :
Int. WITH BOILING WATER. Add boiling water, end let It boll
THREE MINUTES ONLY. Add a little cold water and act aside live
minute to nettle. Serve promptly.
2d. WITH COLD WATER. Add your cold water to tbc ptiste nnd
brtnn It to a boll. Then net aside, add a little cold water, and In live
minutes It's ready to serve.
3 (Don't boll It too lortfir.
" A Don't lot It stand moro than ton mlnutosboforo sorvlnrc.
DONTS (.Don't use wator that has boon boiled botoro.
1st. With Eqgs. Uso part of the white of an egg, mixing It with tho ground LION
COFKKE before boiling.
Vd. With Cold Water Instead of eggi. After boiling add a dash of cold w ater, and act
aside for eight or ten minutes, then serve through a strainer.
Insist on getting a package ol genuine LION COFFEE,
prepare It according to this recipe and yon will only use
LION COFFEE In future. (Sold only in 1 lb. scaled packages.)
(Lion-ltcnd on every package.)
(Save these Lion-heads for valuable premiums.)
WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio.
(Continued from First Pago.)
Androws. in Okliihnmi. Mr. Androws
was a former resident of this neighbor
hood, having livi-d on tho place now
oicupiud by Mrs. Stvre.
Will Dahlon has a new lister.
Farmers nre busy lifting corn this
Mrs. .1. C. Fox is tho owner of a new
S. C. Shuck went to Auburn Thurs
day on business.
Mr. Dickenson of lied Cloud visited
friends in Line this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. V. J. Haskina wore
guests nt tho homo of Dan Norris Sun
S C Shuck and wifo were theguostR
(of Mr. Stanley at Lgun, Kansas, las.t
School closed with an entertainment
which was largely attened; all report a
good time.
It. is exppotnd th phono lino from
Lelmnon to Red Cloud will bo com
pleted next weoK.
(From tho Review.)
Max Hobart received an automobile
this weok, but. has not had if out vet.
Tho now rural routo south has been
established and those on tho routo are
ordoring mail boxes.
G. T. Hannum and family loft for
Denver Thursday night, where they
will reside in tho future.
Fred Taylor has been consulting the
business men of Franklin in regard to
his operating a creamery at that place
for them.
Havo yon noticed that smile on
Frank Crosby s countenance ? It ap
peared Thursday night when a nino
pound boy arrived at his bouse. All
parties doing well.
H. Hinkins stinted Wednesday night
for Albany, Oregon, where ho expects
to spend the summer with relatives and
incidentally tako in the exposition at
A remarkably old couple, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Middaugh, arrived here Monday
night from Clarinda, Iowa. They woro
00 ami 89 years old respectively. They
will visit with their children in the
vicinity of R-nnisvillo, Kintas.
Consign Your Live Stock To
W also have our own houses at
Rud our marktt Utttr In this paper. Writs ut for any spsclsl Information datlrod.
Here Is Relief for Women.
Mother Gray, u nurse in New York,
discovered an aromatic pleasant horb
drink for women's ills, called AUS
TRALIAN LEAR It is tho only cer
tain monthly regulator. Cures female
weaknesses and backache, kidney,
bladder aud urinary troubles. At all l
druggists or by mail 50 conts Sample i
TJ!?!?.!?. Alilrnao Wlm Mnllmi' firmH
Co , LoRoy, N. Y.
more, and owing to the position of the
lissure nt u height of 200 feet and un
dor the shelving wull the relies, pro
tected from the weather, have stuck
where they were driven In uncounted
yeurs ago.
Already relic hunters are visiting tho
place and despoiling it of Its treasures
by Bhooting the urrows out with revolv
ers and riiles. In the sands of tbc bod
of the ennyou many arrowheads of
various sizes and shapes are found
burled. It is believed that the Indians
visited this spot In connection with
Borne rite. Crude, strange figures have
been cut by them in the face of the rock
Economy In Spelling.
"An English professor visited this
country a few years ago," Bald a New
York merchant, "and the first thing
which attracted his attention wns the
spelling of the word 'whisky' In an ad
vertisement which was generously and
prominently dlsplnyed from many
points of vantage. The professor was
accustomed to spell it 'whiskey.'
"He did not, however, question the
correctness of the spelling, but was
curious to know why the advertiser
preferred the Bhorter word.
"The business mau received his In
quirer politely find in answer to the
professor's question said:
" 'Our method of Kpelllng makes un
necessary the Illumination of an extra
letter in our electric signs.' "
up, down and straight until the hard
wood chips fly in showers from the
smitten tree. To him who in the best
time most cleanly decapitates the
stump the prize is given. The sawing
contests, which are hardly less excit
ing, depend Uku tho evenness and
speed of tlio cutting, and for the man
who thinks he knows what a hard day's
work Is a share In sawing through a
thirty-six inch Iron bark log In n tem
perature of 120 degrees or thereabout
would be the most perfect disillusion
ment Imaginable. London Tatler.
Agreeable advice is seldom useful ad
Ice. Masalllou.
Teat Settle's It.
Cluirloy Uinker shippod a car of fat
cuttle to St Joseph Sunday.
MUm Maud Tvler of Nelson is visit
ing wit'i hor parents this weok.
lorn Jones had tho misfortune to
lose one of his largo work horses Tues
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mao Fulton were visit
ing at rrank Hlankonbaker'd last Sun-
Fay Arnoeon and Mr. Chnplnin ship
ped a oar of eattlo to St. Joseph last
Sunday. Pay roturnod Tuesday even-log.
Tho Sabbath
Local tiraln Market.
(Furnished by J. P. Delnney )
Friday, May f.
Wheat 71n
White shelled corn 3.rc
Mixed shelled Corn 3Tu.
Yellow Corn 35c
Ear Corn 84o
Oats 22K"
Rye 55n
B.irloy U8o
A Cacnrroua Offer.
When Miss Helen Keller wns at the
exposition in St. Louis in 1004 she vis
ited the Japanese tea house and for u
few minutes shook bands with some of
the waitresses, little olive colored wo
men who spoke almost no English, but
expressed their interest nnd intelli
gence without words.
Many weeks after Miss Keller had
returned to Boston she heard from an
otllcial of the exposition that one of
tho Japanese waitresses had gone to
a St. Louis physlcinn and asked to
have one of her eyes taken out nnd giv
en to Miss Keller. When she wns told
that such a gift was Impossible she
wept in bitter disappointment.
An Only Daughter
Cured of Consumption
When death was hourly cxptcted, nil reme
dies having failed, and Dr. II. JamcHwastx
rterlmentluR with the many herbn of Calcium,
lie accidentally mado a preparation vrhldt
cured his only child of (,'onnumptlop IUh child
Is now In this country nnd cnjovlne tho bittof
hcnllh He has provr d to the world that Con
Mimptlon can I e positively nnd permanently
cured. Tho doctor now gives nils recipe free.
oniy nsKiiiR two 3 cent stamps 10 pay expeiice.
This herb also cures night sweats, nausea at t he
stomach, and will break up a fresh cold hi
twenty four hours. Address CKAPDOOK b.
CO.lOHice St.. Philadelphia, naming thl
SCllOOl Mt No. ft auva
When a Colorado aiid stone walk is j very interesting EHster exorcises last
laid that settles it. See Overing Broe, Sundny afternoon, Kaster Sunday be
& Co. for prices. j ing so rainy but few attended.
Way Iii Which !( Wall Were
Decorated by Indian.
Thousands of arrows shot by bunds
of Indians for possibly centuries pr.c
trude from a ussurc several hundred
feet long In the rocky walls of Arrow
canyon, about tweuty miles from the
crossing of the Salt Lake railroad over
the Moapoa river, says tho Los Angeles
CheM&iilonHhlp ShwIiik nnd Chopping
MutchcM In AuHtrulln.
At many of the agricultural shows,
which In the up country districts of
Australia and New Zealand nre llx
turetf of the utmost Interest and lmpor
tance to those enpiged in pastoral pur
suits, the tree foiling contests provldo
the chief excitement of the day.
Throughout the vustrallnu bush there
ure to be found jaxmen so expert that
their achievements are the subject of
discussion for nillcs around, nnd It is
ut the agricultural shows that these
giants of the game meet to decide the
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given, that tinder nnd by
virtue of nn order of sal Issued from the office
of George W. Hutchison. Cleric of the District.
Court of the Tenth .Judicial District, within and
for Webster county. Nebraska, upon n decree In
nn action pending herein, wherein Harriett A.
Mlllgau is plaintiff, and ngnlntt lots numbered
1. 2. 3, 4 nnd o of block number 10, in Knley A
lnckon'n addition to the town, now city, of
Ked Cloud, Nebraska, the unknown heirs of
Stephpn W. Coon nnd Itebccrn Coon, deccssed,
.lohn Doe aud Mary Itoo. real immes unknown;
tho occupant" of said lots. S. G. Dorr and the
First National Hank of Lincoln. NebrnUa. de
fendants. I shall offer for sale at public vendue,
to the highest bidder for cash In hand, at the
east door of tho Couit-house. at Ited Cloud, in
said Wchkter county. Nebraska, (and that being
the building wherein the last term of said court
wns holden . on the 31st day or May. A. I).
ll05. o'clock p. m. of said day. the f
lowing described property, to wit: I.ota num
bered 1. . 8. 4 and of block number 10, in
Kalcy A. Jackson's addition to the town now
city of Ked Cloud, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this fith day of May.
A.D. 100!i
J. A. MoAiiTiiuit. Sheriff.
Ilernard McNeny, Plaintiff's Attorney.
Mystic Curo for Itheumntlsm and Neuralgia
radically cures In 1 to 3 (fays. Its action upon
tho system Is rcmnrkablo nnd mysterious It
removes at onco the cause and the disease Im
mediately disappears. Tho first dose greatly
bonerlis. 7f cents and t ue. fcddiby H.K
Unco Druggist. Ited Cloud
li V ai.? iBll
Clruin and bciutlflef the hU.
lromotci a luiiulant nowth.
Novpr Fails to Itrstore Gray
llolr to Its Youthful Color
Ciunmlp dliMtti hilrHIIlns.
KcuidUUt nniiorbu
At a polut where the perpeudlcular
wall of the cauyon juts out about 1200 local or International championships.
itie competitors tane up positions
by the stumps allotted, and when tlio
signal to start l'n given the long han
dled, keen edgedtnxes flash downward
feet above the canyon bed a thin,
Bimkellko llssure runs In the rock. Suc
cessive generations of Indians have
gone to the place nt regular Intervals
uud shot their gayly befeathered ar
rows upward, forming u fringed scarf
unique in its oddity. The arrows aro
bo thlcktbut little room Jb left, for
to tlio opening strike. Tho cooper round
a cask is but a'
skinned, brawny
sloth to these brown
woodsmen, who with
marvelous accurul'y and strength strike
Call Phone 75 ob 52.
Heavy DrayM a Specialty
.. M .. .,