The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 05, 1905, Image 5

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. wrtf- I JM -A.WMM
- 101 , '
(f f
Insurance Agency
TKe German
Insurarvcc Co.
of Frooport, III., and the
Farmers' Mutual
Insurance Co.
of Nebraska
have over nine hun
dred policies in force
in Webster County.
Look up your policy
and see me.
Phono 03.
Red Ci.ort).
- mmimmf
Jubilee Singers tonight.
May and toed at Plumb'.-),
i'lumb hu U"(l Cloud il ittr.
Cilir.ici'.- Carolinians, M-ij f.
Try that calf meal at Caldwell's.
Dr. Ashcr wa in iuc Hill Tuesday.
Carolinians at opcta house tonight.
Cliarli'y Fort wns in town this week.
Go to Fred Pi limb's for Hour or feed
Charlie Waddell was in town Mon
day. Miss tJUMf uucKer apuni omnium i"
Mrs. T. E Mt Carl is homo from Mc
Cmk. Dr. K. A. Thomas, dentist, Dutneroll
.Joo Blair was in town Iho fust of
the week.
L 11. Blackledgo was in Hloomington
l- A. Uoulson of Inavalo was in town
Dr. Damerell was in Lincoln the fust
of the week.
Mr. Matthews was (town from Inn
vale Monday.
11 E. Anderson was down from Bla
den Sunday.
"Farmer" Ray Frame spent Sunday
in Red Cloud.
J. A. Hart of Seward spent a few
day in the city.
There is an epidemic of mumps up
on Indian creek.
Harry Hopkins was
C wles Monday.
Ed MoAlister was in
down from
Franklin on
business Monday.
Jamos McBrido wa9 down from
Cowles Saturday.
The Chief and the weekly
Journal, $1 u year.
Mahlon Crow was up from
Kick Wednesday.
Dr. Thomas returned from Omaha
Siturday morning.
Mrs. Mont Adannon was down from
Cowles Wednesday.
Proceedings of the city council else
where in this paper.
The time will soon
be here for you to
plant corn. You will
want the best Lister
to plant with. Get a
You can see the
corn drop. You can
hitch closer to your
Lister. It will pull
one horse lighter
than others and do
better work, and is
easy to operate.
Come in and see
this machine.
To the Public
Having purchased Clms.
WiidoH's moat market, wo
extend to you u hourly hi
vitntiuti visit us and hoi'otno
bettor acquainted and also,
when looking for good first
class moat, wo ask you to
glvo us a trial.
Wo aro satisllod wo can
wo can pluuso you.
Vours for business,
Mrs. F E (ioblo returned Wodnes
da from Oklahoma
Judge Kconey vis lid in Cowles Sun
Miy with his parents.
Knee massage and ladies' shampoo
at Hayes' barber shop.
Goorgu Pomi'ioy and wife were down
finni Rivertou Friday.
Win. Wilfo leaves Sunday miming
for Omaha on business.
Miss Jessie Wort is spending a week
at her home in Orleans.
N R. Crawford of Reynolds, Neb.,
was in the city Monday.
County Attorney Walters was down
from Blue 11.11 this week.
County Attorney Walters was down
from Blue Hill this week.
Tako your poultry and hides to
Plumb. Top prices paid.
L. C. Slicknty and wife were down
from Inavalo Wednesday.
A. Sheeloy and W. 1). riall wore no
from Guide Rock Monday.
The upper rooms of the Holland
Home are being repapered.
I. N. Smith of Guide Rock is work
ing at Fulton's cement works.
Wantbd M.-in and wife for faun
work. Stakkk Bros., Amboy.
E. Herpolsheimer of Blue Hill wns in
Red Cloud the fust of the week.
Mrs. Arthur Myers, living near Ina
valo, is reported to he quito sick.
Salzer's Early Six-Weeks seed pota
toes for sale cheap. C. 11. K.u.nv.
L. M. Crabill is having his house
treated to a coat of paint this week.
Mrs. J. E Butler of Cowles was
shopping in Red Cloud Wednesday.
J. L Baker, the Bladen liveryman,
was in Red Cloud on business Monday.
John W. Tulloys has been checking
up the books in the treasurci's office.
Adolph Heyde has piu-k-d his scis
sors, needles and thimbles and left
Plumb the feed man will r.iy you the
I hidiest nrico for nnnlfcrv. pairs nnit
0 . r --.I "BR" .
Jud White, who has been ill with
typhoid fever, is on the road to re
I. S. DeWitt, the now night operator,
accompanied by his wife, arrived Wed
nesday. W. S. Allen of Omaha, a traveling
salesman, was ill at the Holland House
ill Jr
for a few days, but is now able to bo
Alfalfa seed for sale. Writo for
samples. D. W. Guant, Almkna,
Frank C. Emrick of B'uo Hill has
been granted a patont ( n a s'eiun
Tho new mayor and council were
sworn in Tuod iy night. Proceedings
Mrs. J. A. Tulloys returned to Nnpo
nee Sunday, after a week's visit in
Red Cloud.
0car Gunnarson, the Aurora real
estat'i man, was in Rid Cloud tho first
of the week
I). P. Kimmell drove down from
Bladen Monday and took tho tinin for
K-insas City.
Tlic Red Cloud hoys went to Inavalo
Sunday and defeated that team by a
score of 8 to 1.
Mr and Mrs. Siniuel West were in
N'iponoo this week visiting with Win.
West ami family.
Mrs. J. A. Tulloys and daughter
Cora went to Clay Center, Ni.b , Wed
nesday for u visit.
J II. Fratuo was up from Chester
Sunday visiting with his brother, A. A.
Ftamo nud family.
Miss Kiln Mirk of Lincoln, state
commander of the Lady Maccabees, is
in Red Cloud this week.
Mrs. Frank Nelson, Mrs. James Sul
livan and Mrs. Bub Moore attended
the carnival at Hastings.
Roy Audesriti is home from Poca
lello, Idaho, for u visit. Ho will re
turn to Idaho next week.
Estey Smelser was taken suddenly
siek Tuesday moiuing, but is some
better at tho piesent time.
Goorgo H ITelbower returned Mon
day from MeCook, where he spent a
week visiting with relatives.
You can now tako your annual hath.
The tubs at Manspeakcr's barber shop
aro again in working order.
Ai.kai.ka Skkd Fok Sai.k Apply to
J. Rosonornni, Inavale, or W. H. Iltn
encrans, Red Cloud. May 12.
Don't forgot to insure your property
against lire, lightning and cyclones
with L. II Fort, agent, Dameroll block.
Tho little son of Willis Mean", living
on Indian Creek, had his hand crushed
in a clothes wringer ono day last week.
W. A. Campbell of Rivertou and Miss
Colia Burns of Ml. Pleasant, Ta., were
married Wednesday by Father Long
not. Mrs. George Newhonse and children
drove down from Hindoo Tuesday
George came down on the train Wed
nesday. Miss Orolla (ioblo of Ayr, Neb., vis
ited with Mrs. George Newhonse
Tuesday while on hor way to Ohorlin,
Not very ninny people from Red
Cloud took ndvantngn of tho excur
sions to Hastings, owing to tho bad
J. 11. Bailey and wifo are home from
a visit with their sons, William and
Grant, who nre attending school at
E.T. Collins and F J. Farewell and
wite of Atchison, Kan., aro hero this
week in tho iulerest of an Atchison
Tho county commissioners held a
short session this week for the pur
pose of lotting contracts for a number
of bridge.
John L. Knight of Los Angoles, Cal.,
ariived Wednesday for a visit with his
The most likely weakness of a man's
wardrobe is the need of a pair of
On his l'ants hangs the life of his Coat
and vest. There are few tailors who
can produce l'ants like ours. Kxpert
Pant Makers cut and shaped our Pants,
and we know them to be
Correct in Cut. Tailoring (SI Fabric
If you have never worn our make of
Pants, suppose you select a pair, just
for trial. 1.50, $2.00, 3.00, up to 5.00
First door north of PostofTIcc, Rod Cloud
brother-in-law, Elmer Simons, and
other relatives. ,
Art Collins' of Oborlin, Kin , was
visiting in this neighborhood last week,
returning Monday norning. He likes
his now location.
Mrs. E. S. Garbnr was elected troas-
111 or of tho Webst'T County Sabbath
School union at tho annual meeting at
Blue Hill last week. ,
Tho new state law prohibiting bam
ball and other gimos on Memorial day
will not go into effect in time to pro
vent games this year.
The coal hole beneath tho sidowalk
in front of Paul Storey's clothing has
been filled up, preparatory to the lay
ing of a cement walk.
T. M. War nock of Superior was in
R'd Cloud Monday to sio about rent
ing the Schlnsso" and Sleeper places,
which ho recently purchased.
Alter settling all claims against tho
city tho old administration had a bal
ance of S8(M (10 in tho occupation fund
and $287.91 in tho water fund.
C. H. Schlosser and family left for
Sunnysido, Wash., this week, where
thny will join Mr. Sctilossor's brother,
Rev. T. F. Schlosser and family.
Tho pastor of the Christian church
will preach next Sunday morning on
'Tho Face of Jesus Christ," nnil in
the evening on "Christ Before Pilate."
Mrs. T. E. Penman and daughter
Loah of Denver visited friends hi Red
Cloud tho latter part of last wrok.
They returned home Saturday evening.
Charles E. Gurnoy graduated from
tho agricultural department at tho
State University last Friday. Ho re
turned homo Sunday evening accom
panied by his father.
Cleanse your system of all impurities
this month. Now is tho time to take
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It
will keep you well all summer. 85
contp. C. L. Cutting.
C. W. Busheo closed his saloon Wed
nesday night and it will not bo reopen
ed until tho now building now in
course of construction is completed
and ready for occupancy.
Wny suffer with spting tiredness,
mean, cross feeling, no strength, no
appetite? Hollister's Rooky Mountain
Tea will make your well and keep you
well. 35 cents, toa or tablets.
Rev. and Mrs. Con Howitt of Geneva,
Nob , aro tho proud parents of a ten
pound hoy, born April ldih. Elder
Hewitt will havo tho congratulations
of many friends in this part of tho
Din't let tho children suffer. If they
nni fioiful, pcovisli and cross give them
Hollister's Rocky Mountain tea. Tho
best baby tonic known. Strength and
health follow its use. .15 cents. C. L.
Tho following sermon themes will
bo presented at the Congregational
church next Sunday. Morning, "Es
sontia'B of Stewardship." Evening,
"The Unanswered Question." Eveiy
ono invited.
Dr. Wttnick, the oyo, ear, nose and
throat specialist, Into of Now York,
past graduate, will bo at Dr.Dameroll's
oflleo Wednesday, May 10, to meet
patients. Eyes tested and glasses
proporly fitted.
Mrs. Sidnoy Myers, sister of Mr?.
Ridge Leggott, arrived Sundny from
Oregon for 11 visit with her mother,
Mrs. Hilton, who recently suffered a
stroke of paralysis and is now slowly
dying from that dread malady.
In the sketch of the lifo f Dr. Mc
Keeby, printed last wook, our com
positor made us say "ho wa a member
of the Wisconsin statu senate in 1801
'.).")." It should havo read 1881-82. Ho
was a mntuber of tho Nobrnska state
senate in '!)-!)5.
Messrs. Largent, Ely, Hagnii and
Marsh were up fiom Guide Rock Mon
day to investigate tho work on tho now
M E church building. They aio in
terested in the now I O. O. F. hall
building ut Guide Rock, in which it is
expected to use tho samo kind of
material as is boing used in the new
church building.
Josso Brooks of Caiherton sustained
a severe injury to his leg ono day last
week. It seems that while attempting
to mount a largo mule the animal took
11 sudden step and the cords in Mr.
Brooks lo were soveroly strained.
Ho lUtondid tho Sunday school con
vention at Blue Hill, but the injury
grew worse and on Saturday it became
necessary to bring him to Hud Cloud
to secure the services of a physician.
Deaths and Funerals.
Edwin Groat Dead.
Edwin S. Groat, aged ubout.'W years,
sou of D. L. Groat, died Monday oven
ing at the homo of his Histor, Mrs. W.
S. Bruuor, living outli of tho river.
Mr. Croat had boon ill with consump
tion for about a year. Funeral ser
vices wore hold Wednesday afternoon
at 1 o'clook from the Bruuor homo and
interment was in tho Red Cloud cem
etery. Deceased was unmarried and,
besides his fnthor, is survived by three
brothers and two sisters, Al Groat of
Billings, Mont , Arthur Groat of River
ton, Maurico Groat of this city, Mrs.
W. S. Hrunor and Mrs. Elinor Koou.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Wisecarver nre
mourning tho loss of their seven-year-old
son, who diod Wednesday evening.
Funeral servicos wore conducted by
Rev. Rico at their homo Thurbday
Tho infnut son of Mr. nud Mrs. Will
Norris of Inavalo died Tuesday even
ing. Funeral sorvices were held at
tho homo Thursday afternoon.
Are You Islnfi Allen's Foot-Ease?
Shako iuto your shoos Allen's Foot
Easo, a powder. It euros Corns, Bun
ions, Painful, Smarting, Hot, Swollou
foot. At all druggists and shoo stores,
foot. At all druggists and shoo stores. l
.. n
Itl. ,.. in !' '' ' nirifniT'HuwiMiiffiiroi"Trn rfflOB