The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 05, 1905, Image 4

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, ;
Pale, Thin,
Nervous ?
Then your blood must be in
a Very bad condition. You
certainly know what to take,
then take it Ayer's Sarsa
parilla. If you doubt, then
consult your doctor. Weknow
what he will say about this
grand old family medicine.
Sold for over 60 years.
Tlili l tlir ilrnt quo-tlmi your iloclor wonlil
auk "Arn yiinr luiwflu rfKiilarV" llo kticiww
Hint dally Hctloti of tlin IkiwoIa l nlxoluti-ly
i-iM'iitlnrin recovery KVrri your liver actlvii
and your IhiwcN ri-milar liy taking lazutlvu
l(Mtiso( Ayvr'a I'lll.
Made by J. C. Ay r Co., Lowell, Mais
tiuido Rock M. E 3
Guide Rook Baptist 3
Guide Rock Christian 3
Rosemont M. E 3
Fivo Star union 3
Harmony United Brothron .'I
Oak Crook union 3
South went district 10
Cowlt'H Christian 3
I On motion the secretary was author
lzod to visit us many schools as possi
ble during tho year, boing allowed $1
! and all her expenses for same.
o manufacturers of
AdUP. curb.
Report of Proceedings at Blue Hill
Inst Thursday and Friday.
The sixteenth annual convention of
the Webster County Union Sabbath
School Association, held in Blue Hill
April 27 and 28, was pronounced a
very great, there being fifty
delegates present, representing at
least twenty schools in tho county,
notwithstanding the inclemency of tho
woathor the few days before and after
Much enthusiasm and encourage
ment was gained along all linos of
Sunday school work in meeting with
our state Held secretary, Prof. Stiedly
nf Lincoln. His earnest and helpful
thoughts are always inspiring to better
and more oHloiont Sunday school
ork for superintendents as well as
teachers And too much could not bo
aid of Miss Haines, of Lincoln, state
primary superintendent, always so
pleasant and cheerful, with a smilo
and kind, helpful word for the child
ren, as well as tho teachers. Ono of
the best features on tho program was
Miss Haines' description of tho many
interesting places and things in her
rlp to the Holy Land, to the world's
greatest Sunday school convontton, in
W03. She held tho audience spoil
bound, as it were, and the Sabbath
Avhool children that wore fortnnato
ftuough to hear her will never forget
Miss Haines and her many souvenirs
t tho Holy Land where our Saviour
Among tho sevaral good papers read
was a very strong and helpful ono by
Prof. Morit. of tho Bluo Hill high
school, whose subject was, "Tho Sab
bath School From a Day School Teach
ivV Standpoint." Tho professor gave
xs so many good suggestions that sub
stantiated the association work, better
schools by superintendent and teach
, grading tho pupils as to their
ability to comprehend tho lesson
taught, and not teach in such a hap
hazard way as Is gouorally dono, with
so view of Hxing the lesson firmly in
the minds of our pupils
Tho report of tho treasurer showed
in increase In the intorest in keoping
ap dues.
The secretary reported that twenty
ftmr schools had reported along tho
lines of attendance, collections and
organized work, and as to homo de
portment, teachers' meeting and
Decision day, showing a gain of seven
ichools over last year.
Tho following aro the officers elected
jor the ensuing year:
President-S. L. White, Bluo Hill.
-L. P. Albright, Red
Kcatlnft Not to be Pardoned.
The announcement that Governor
Mickey had decided to liberate Frank
Keating from tho penitentiary May I,
has been recalled. Keating is serving
a .seven years' sentence for highway
robbery. He was convicted in Web
ster county of holding up and robbing
John Rose, tho proprietor of an ele
vator at Rosemont. Tho matter has
been presented on bohalf of tho pris
oner by ex-Senator William Warner of
Dakota county. Keating formerly
lived in that county and has relatives
there. His prison papers showed that
ho had served ten years in tho Minne
sota ponitentiary mid that ono of his
eats is partly chewed oir. It was said
that now ovideuco had been presented
by Mr. Warner, but citizens of Web
ster county aro protesting against a
commutation and will be on hand to
tell what they know of Keating. It
has been asserted that Keating was
never in Webster county. Tho citi
zens who paid about $3,000 as expense
of a trial will prove that ho was chased
and caught after tho robbery. Tho
report that tho governor had commut
ed his sentence has stirred up a com
motion in Webster county. Tho gov
ernor will givo both sides ample hear
ing before acting. State Journal.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses were
issued by County Ju'lgo Keenoy this
week. -
Henry Koepko and Miss Alma
Dnlrnm, both of Blue Hill, May 1.
Gilbert Sellars and Miss Lenora
Ortnian, both of Bluo Hill, May 2.
Perry Bennett of Rivorton nnd'Miss
Josio Martin 6"f Iuavalc, May 2.
William A. Campbell of Rivorton
and Miss Colia Burns of Mt Pleasant,
Iowa, May 3.
B. S Garber, Red
Linn Logan, Blue
Long handle and short
handle, round point and
square point,
All kinds of
Hoes and Rakes
A good Steel Hoe, 25c
A No. 1 Rake 25c
Vice President
Cloud. Treasurer Mrs
Secretary Mrs
Home Department Mrs
Wells, Cowles.
Primary Department Miss Winnie
Sherman, Red Cloud.
Teachers' meeting E J. Ovoring
.Fed Cloud.
When the question of our plan of
raising money to carry on the work
being sufficient to meet the demands
came up, tho following schools re
sponded to the request to help a little
.nore than In the year past, others
.saying they would bring tho mutter
before their schools and report as
soon as possible.
Blue Hill Presbyterian 5
Blue Hill Christian 5
Wainviow M. E 5 (
Kim Creek M. E 0
Rati Cloud M. E fi'
Bed Cloud Christian 5
.Ked Cloud Congregational h
We have a good line of
that are sure to grow. Come
to us for your seeds and
you will always have a good
Hardware Co.
Old Council Finishes Up Business and
New Council Goes In.
Council mot Tuosday night, May 2,
in regular adjourned session. Conn
oilmen present Catlior, Parker nnd
Warren. Absent, Councilman Framo
Minutes of previous meeting read
and approved.
Bond of Clarenco Reed as police
judge approved.
Bond of L. H. Fort as city dork ap
proved. Bond of J. O. Butlerascity troisurcr
On motion cement crossings were
ordered put in on tho north side of
Walnut street and Sixth avenue, nnd
on tho north side of Chestnut street
and Sixth avenue; also across tho al
ley on tho south side of block 5, Le
Due's addition; also across the alley
on the south sido of block 17, Red
The following claims were allowed:
LETait, printing, $31 reduced
to Sli 00
Chief Publishing Co , printing.. 7 50
J O Butler, freight on coal and J
S White's expenses SI 2(5
J M Sellars, engineer, April 40 75
J W Kinsel, water commissioner 1? .
Revere Rubber Co., 111 Ise 7 11
J W Kinsel, night watch 13 50
F W Stuclebakor, labor 23 'JO
G M Bibby, labor 27 20
Piatt, it Frees Co , lumber and
coal 11 !"
L H Fort, expenses 11 00
Wm Wolfe, blacksmithlng 1 S5
S C Ackerman, labor 1 ."0
G II Hollister, drayage 2 00
E W Ross, assignee, labor 11 9."
Tho oath of oflico was administered
to C. T. Dickenson, the new mayor.
The new council hold its first meet
ing Wednesday evening, with Mayor
Dickenson in tho chair. Present
Councilmen Parker, Cathor, Warren
and Wolfe.
Minutes of previous meeting read
and approved.
Claim of Morhart Bros, for $3 30 was
The petition of John Polnicky for
saloon license was granted and bond
The petitions of C W. Busheo andF
R. Mandeville for licenses to sell
liquor were granted and bonds ap
proved, subject to their being properly
executed and signed by tho resident
agents of tho bonding company.
riMm uMitm (innttMKir tviMi flm Rnr.
lington Railway Co. was renewed at
the old rate of 8 cents per 1000 gallons,
the company to move the meter to
tho placo whoro the railway's main
joins that of the city.
J. W. Kinsel was reelected night
watcli at 812 50 per month.
J M Sollars was re-elected engineer
of tho water works at a salary of $10
per mouth.
Mayor Dickenson appointed T. J.
Ward street commissioner, but the
council failed to confirm the appoint
ment by a tio vote. Yeas Warren
and Cather; nays, Parker and Wolfe.
S. Day was appointed pound master.
The matter of turning Crooked
creek back into its original channel
came up and tho couui-ll authorized an
appropriation of $200 to be added to
the $200 offered by the creamery com
pany as cash compensation to Mrs
Garber to allow tho creek to bo turned
back into its proper chaftnel. The
council also voted an appropriation of
$100 to build the dam necessary to
turn the creek. Mrs. Garber had
asked $1000 for tho privilege of turn
ing tho creek into its old channel.
Adjourned to Saturday night, May G.
C0iiiS0S3w l 'fe-Y,-oKo
0(UkkiUliU(UvlUUla(XiWailUlUvivkfcU(tU(a JvifcUia(iUaU(ifclvfcvJUaUvl(Ui4(.
ML A. Albright,
S6e Grocer
First ' Quality ' Goods
Red Cloud,
Reasonable 3 Prices
iug and blooming here, more especially
those which aro cultivated as house
plants in Nebraska Tho calla lilies
are lovely, and we have all heard
about the roses in California is
said that any flowers that aro put into
tho ground and well watered will
grow and bloom the year round.
Fruit is plentiful Strawberries
three boxes for 2." cents, and wo
bought a bushel of fine oranges this
morning for 40 cents.
We expect to go to keeping houso
next week. I will write again when I
find out more about the country.
Mrs, E. B. Knmoht.
From Mrs. Knlftht.
OxNAHD, Cai. , April 2(5.
Editor Red Cloud Ciiikk.
Dear Sir I have been requested by
some of your subscribers to write you
something about tho country here,
also about my journey to this place.
My daughter, Mrs. Wardl with her
two children and mi self, started Wed
duesday night, April 111. I had prev
iously made application to havo a
section in a tourist sleeper reserved
for us, and it was well that I did, for
we thereby got better berths. Wo
were very comfortable and they took
good care of us. Our car went
straight through without change, and
wo made a quick trip and we, children
: and all, enjoyed it. Tho high altitude
of the mountains did not trouoie us
much, though Toddie said once, "My'
oars feel bad," and so did mine. An
invalid gontlem in ciuno very near i
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uuctlled
for at postoillco at Red Cloud, Neb
or the week ending May 4, 1005
Brown, Norman Herbertson, Mrs L
O'Neill, H M Strahan, Geo W
Sutherland, Ida White, Leelia
Wood, Mrs Alice
Those will bn sent to tho dead letter
ollico Mny 18, 1JK)5, if not called for
before. When calling for above please
say "advertised."
T. C. Haukku, Postmaster.
Gust Pundt to Oscar Gunnaron
nwl 2(5-2 10 wd 2800
J P Hulo and wit'.- to Albert L
Gro-sman part lot 7 and 8 and
!) block 3 Radclilf add to Rid
Cloud wd 1000
John O Riley and wlfo to Antiuo
Sooboda tit 1 11 and v2 fcol and
e2 sw 11-4-0 wn 11750
Jacob Rotlirock to Wm Wolf lot
0 block 7 Garber add to Rod
Cloud wd 10
J P Hale Mid L II Fort Referees
to Frank Taylor s2 nw4 ami n2
swl 20-1-12 qcd l
Lincoln Land Co to Chns E
Vaughn lots 11 and 12 block 11
Viinco adil to Guide Rook wd. . 70
Samuel Nelson and wife to A
Lnmpmann lots 3 and 4 block
13 Rosmont wd (500
Total $.12044
Mortgages H'ed f.r)50
Mortgages released $4:$50
Extra Toe Removed.
On Tuesday Dr. C'roighton, assistod
by Dr. Raines, removed a supernumer
ary too from tho loft foot of Walter
Shannon, son of W G. Shannon Tho
little fellow had also been troubled
with an adueoid tonsil, which prevented
breathing through his noso. Whilo
he was under tlio influence of tho
anaesthetic the doctors also removed
this tonsil, and the boy was sent homo
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Taki Laxative Bronio Quinine tab
lets. All druggists refund tho money
if it fails to cure. K. W. Grove's signa
ture is on each box. 25c.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers for week ending Wednes
day, May 3, furnUhed by J. II. Bailey
of Webster County Abstract company.
Guide Rock Cemetery to Wm M
Guy lot 2 block 170 wd $ 15
dying on the train, though after we got GuldoRock Cemetery to Andrew
through tho mountain- ho was better! J Guy lot 2 bhiqc 141) wd 15
The weathor hero is llko Juno in Stale of Nob to El Bergman
Nebraska, and they say it is about the
same all tho time, and so aro the
flowers. All kinds of flowers aro grow-
ne4 "-
nel 25-l-10qcd. 280
James Overman ajid wlfo to J B
Wisecarve r n wl'5-1-1 1 wd 5500
- IN -
Kansas & Nebraska.
I don't ask you to see all
other town agents first and
then drop Vhem cold.
If you choose, see me
FIRST orj LAST, and I
think we can deal.
ni?.n mi nun I