The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 21, 1905, Image 5

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Insurance Agency
The German
Insurance Co.
of Frccport, 111., and the
Farmers Mutual
Insurance Co.
of Nebraska
have over nine hun
dred policies in fore
in Webster County.
Look up your policy
and see me.
Phone !)S. Run Cloud.
Hay ami teed at Plumb's.
1'lumb Im-i Red Cloud Hour.
Ciki.iorV Oiroliniatis, May fi
Try that calf meal at Caldwell's.
Win Crahill is building u new barn.
Fred Wolfe is moving to town this
Dr. K A. Thomas, dentist, Damerell
Dwight Wilson was up from Superior
Walter Kaley was up from Chester
Miss Minnie Smelser was in Hiverton
John Rutlodge was home the tlrst of
the week.
Will Kent is reported to be improv
ing mjuic.
Alfred lludell was in Central City
this week.
F. 11 Barber was down from Frank
lin Sunday.
Kd Overing is in Colorado this week
0.1 business.
C E. Putnam .vas down fron;Cowles
11. W. Fowler of Cowles was in the
city S tturday.
Wm. Mathuiiy of Campbell is in the
city ttiis week.
Isaac Shepardsou of Hiverton was in
town jesierUay.
Cnris Jorgenson was down from
I navale Tuesday.
Miss Ethel Harvey was down from
Secretary of State Galuska was in
the city yesterday.
C. W. Mairor departed Thursday
no in for lloldrege.
'in sure and hear the male soprano,
opera house. May ii
Bist colored concert company ovet
n lied Cloud, May fi.
Face massage and ladies' shampoo
at Hayes' barber shop.
Wm. Beers of Republican City was
in Red Cloud Tuesday.
M-a. Blue ll'irvoy and son John
were in town Tuesday.
CMis. Dwight Jones was up flora
The time will soon
be here for you to
plant corn. You will
want the best Lister
to plant with. Get a
You can see the
corn drop. You can
hitch closer to your
Lister. It will pull
one horse lighter
than others and do
better work, and is
easy to operate.
Come in and see
this machine.
To the Public
Having purchased Chas.
Wiuloll's moat market, wo
extend to you a hearty in
vitutiou visit us and become
bettor acquainted and also,
when looking for good first
class meat, wo ask you to
givo us a trial.
We are satisllod wo can
we can please you.
Yours for business,
Guide Rock Wednesday
Dr. L. H Heck was up from Superior
Wednesday on business.
Wm Brown wts an cast bound paf
cnger M mday morning.
Take your poult! y and hides to
i'miiib. Top prices paid.
Ralph VitiCloof of Chester was in
town the lirstof the week.
I'1 II. Mmdevillo has put a street
tight in front of his saloon.
Row G W. Iluinmell was down
from Hluu Hill Wednesday.
Mrs. George Nowhotiso went to
Bladen today for a short visit.
Will Overman arrived home from
Encolu Wednesday morning.
Henry Pounds of Bladen was trans
acting business in town Tuesday.
Clias. Garber and family came over
from Esunn Tuesday for a visit.
Salzer's Early Six Weeks seed pota
toes for 8ilo cheap. C H Kai.kv.
Mrs. Mary Arneson and son Fay
were down from luavale Tuesday.
Mi', and Mrs. Nate Piatt of Cowles
were visiting in lied Cloud Sunday.
George McCoy of Bladen was a busi
ness visitor to lied Cloud Thins lay
-a - I a T If 't
Mr. and Mrs. J K Cheney were up
from Superior the iirst of the week.
rhiules Suhultz and Allen Carpenter
wont to Franklin Wednesday morning
Geo. A. Scott of Moh'iska, Kan., was
here on business the Iirst of the week.
T. W. llatiicld and wife returned to
Concordia, Kansas, Monday morning
George Overing was in Johnson,
Neb., the lirstof the week on business
Rev. Win. Hauptmann and W. G.
! Black came down from Alma Thurs
Mrs. E B Knight and Mrs. Maude
Ward of Inuvale were in town Satur
day. Mis. Sleeper and son Ira wore in
Liucolu tho first of the week on busi
S. F. Spnkestield is laying a now
brick walk around nis 'esidnnco prop
erty. Mi
and Mrs. Floyd Pitney visited
relatives at Inavale the first of tho
C. and C. E. Herman and Martin
Jensen of Ruskin, Neb., wore hero this
Harry Rioker departed last Snturday
for Liucolu, where le will uiako his
Plumb tho feed man will pay you tho
highest price for poultry, eggs and
Wanted Young cattle for summer
pasture, 40 cents per month. (). 1)
Mrs. E. A. Moranvillo is home after
an extended vl-dt with fiiends in
Mrs. I B. Hampton and mother
Mrs. Rich, were up from Guide Rock
G. Hiynes, the Lawrence barber,
was in Red C.oud Wednesday, on
Mr. Luce, the Republican City drug
gist attended tho comniandery meeting
last night.
George Smelser nuii family have
moved into J. P Hale's house in the
west part of town.
Mrs L M.Vance and two children
of Hastings ai rived yesterday lor a
visit with relatives.
F V. Tavlor of Wichita, Ivan , ur
rived Tuesday to look after his busi
ness interests here.
E. C Puston and .1 J. Larkey of Ox
ford were here this week putting in
some gas light plants.
Win. Sullivan was taken suddenly
sick Sunday evening, hut is some bel
ter at the present time.
Rev. Rice has been conducting "pas
Min week" services at the C mgrega
tutnal church this week.
Is lac Myers was in town Tuesday on
his way home from Kansas City, where
he hid been with stock.
Elmer Harvey and Will Renkel of
Inavale were on the Kansas City mar
ket this week with stock.
Min. Jackson and son who have been
visiting relatives hero have returned to
their home in Lawrence.
Dr. Summer of Bloomington was in
Red Cloud yestetday to attend tho
Knights Templar meeting.
Picsiding Elder Pearson will preach
at the M. E. church Easier Sunday,
both morning and evening.
E. H. Newhouso has moved into his
residence) property, corner Second
avenue and Seward street.
Pay your subscription tomorrow, he
fore you forget it and let it run another
year. Wo need the money.
You can now take your annual hath.
The tubs it Manspeakor's barber shop
are again in working order.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Turnuro and
childn-n departed Monday noon for
an extended trip to California.
Charley Godsey has resigned his
chair in Hayes' barber shop and went
to Franklin the first of the week.
A. Johnson returned from California,
Sunday morning, where ho has been
clerking in a store for tho past year.
Alfalfa Sf.kii Fok Sai.k Apply to
J. Roseiicrans, luavale, or W. H. Ros
encrans, Red Cloud. May 13.
Don't forget to insure your proporty
against lire, lightning and cyclones
with L. H. Fort, agent, Damoroll block.
C. W. Busluo and tamiiy aro tins
week moving into Mrs. Moranvillo's
residence, recently vacated by L. H.
Premirntions are well under whv for
,l8 ew oemont walk to run on the
south and east sido of Minor Bros,
Earl Crabill loft Tuesday morning
for Siloam Springs, Ark., where ho
goes in tho hope of bonciiting his
Laster should mark a new epoch in
your Wardrobe.
Nature will soon put on her new garb,
so should you do it first.
Greet the new season with a bright
smile and a new outfit they're better
than a spring tonic.
We'll help you out and we'll not want
much of your money.
Kaster Suits, Kaster 1 lats and a fresh
supply of fine Kaster Neckwear.
First door north of PostotTlcc, Rod Cloud
'J he brickwork under tho walk in
front of Paul Storey's clothing store
was repaiied and strengthened Wed
nesday. Martin Fredorickson of Denmark,
arrived in Red Cloud last Sunday and
will make his home with his sister, Mrs.
J. Jensen.
Don't forgot tho annual convention
of tho Webster County Sabbath School
association at Blue Hill next Thursday
and Friday.
The Red Cloud boys went to Leba
non today for a game of l):isdall.
They wero accompanied by a number
of "rooters."
Mis. Susan Baxter is quite ill at her
homo in Garfield precinct. Her son,
W. G. McPhorson of Millbank, S. D.,
is visiting her.
Don't forget the ha, ir given by tho
Ladies' Aid society at tho old Fair
storo tomorrow. Dinner unit supper
will bo served.
Judge Keenoy issued a marriage
liconso to Charles 11. Smith of Red
Cloud and Mary Taylor of Guide Rock,
Wednesday, April 19.
Orley Fanrote, Charley Yarling, Or-
ley and Opol Warner, four young m-n
from Elwood. Indiana, arrived bore
Monday in search of work.
John W. fulloys, state examiner of
county treasurers, came down from
Lincoln yesterday to attend tho
Knights Templar meeting.
11 (1 Kconoy of Cowles was in lied
Cloud Wednesday night, on his way
homo from Kansas City, whore ho had
been with a carload of stock.
William 'ion of Womor was in Kan
sas City last weok with a nice bunch
of cattle and hog', for which ho re
ceived tho best maiket prices.
Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Wixon, onrouto
fiom California to their homo in Wis
consin, visited a fow dajs in Hod Cloud
with their daughter, Mrs. II 0. Cutter.
Coph llosoncrans returned from
Kansas City Tuesday mcrniug, whom
ho took 51 head of cattle, which ho
purchased in Norton county, Kansas.
Rev. U. G. Brown of Superior will
bo tho principal spoaker at tho coiner
stono laying tomorrow. Presiding
Elder Pearson will also deliver an ad
dress. Tho laying of tho corner stono of the
new M. E. church will occur tomorrow
afternoon at 8 o'clock. There will be
special music and appropriate ad
dresses, M. C Sherman will loavo about the
lust of May for northwestern Nebraska
and neighboring territory, whsro ho
will work for the National Harvester
Co, the coining season.
It is said by those who do consider
able driving over the county that tho
roads in "Cap" Houchin's district aio
tho best kept in tho couuty. Pretty
good for a man of his age.
Mis. A. D. Brown received the sad
intelligence this woek that a niece,
whose home was at Rockford, III , and
who attended tho funeral of Mrs.
Brown's brother at Cedar Rapids, la.,
recently, was so prostrated by tho
shock of the doatli of her uncle that
she died shortly afterward.
Mrs. J. A.Tulleys and daughter Cora
eamo down from Naponeo Monday.
Miss Tulloys expects soon to resume
her studies to become a trained nurse,
at Dr. Bailey's sanitorium at Normal,
Feel tired, no appetite, cannot sleep,
work or out? That's spring tiredness
and will disappear at onco if you tako
Hollisters's Rocky Mountain Tea this
month H5 conts, tea or tablet. C. L.
Dr. E A. Thomas will go to Omaha
next Wednesday, whore ho will read a
paper on Thursday before the annual
meeting of the Alumni association of
the Omaha Dental college. Ho will bu
home Saturday.
A homo talent company is rehears
ing "A Woman's Honor," which will
be produced at the opera houso at
some time in the near future under tho
auspices of the local camp of tho Mod
ern Woodmen.
A wonderful spring tonic. Drives
out all winter impurities, gives you
strength, health and happiness. That's
what Hollistcr's Rocky Mountain Tea
til .1.. or ... . ...I.I.... 1
win no. on ueuia, iuii or luuim. i. u.
Regular services at tho Christian
church noxt Sunday: Sunday school
at 10 u m. Special Edstor exercises.
Subject of morning sermon, "Cala
mitous Consequences of an U orison
Christ," evening topic, "Almost a
The Knights Templar will hold their
Easier services at tho Christian church
Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock. Pre
siding Elder Pearson of Hasting) will
deliver tho soimon and thoro will bo
special mimic for tho occasion. Every
body is invited.
Beginning with Saturday, May 0,
there will be freo balloon ascensions
and high wire walking every Saturday
afternoon for an indefinite period.
Prof. D. M. Dickorson, a well known
aerialist, circulated a subscription
paper among the business, mon Wed
nesday and secured pledges enough to
guarantee the expense.
Easter ncert
The following services will bo held
at the Congregational church on Sun
day: Morning service with Easier ser
mon by pastor, at 10:30. Easter con-,
cert in tho oveuing during which tho
following program will be given.
Anthem, Tho Lord is Risen Again.. Ad
ams. S ing, I Know That My lledaemer Liv-
Si-ripturo Reading.
Response, An Easter Hallelujah.. Lor-
Faster Response.
Duet, Ring Out Yo Bells Ashford
Mi9s Igou ami Mrs, Garber.
Male tiuartot, Bolter Than We Think
Messrs. Rico, Cotting, Scllars And
Anthem, Easter Gladness Loronz,
Ten minute talk by pastor.
Song, My Redeemer Lives.
Anthem, Yt-s, Ho Was Dead Porter
Solo, Tho Resurrection Song, ..Holden
Mr. Rice
Anthem, Tho Bolls of Eastortido. .Van
Doxology and Boncdiction.
Uv 1