The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 14, 1905, Image 8

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    f TTO Pi ' ----. - . ' ' '
HrwSST" n-m
agaataaSigiia ''Hffgaa&i!aaSaatefea
The only Full Fashioned Seamless
Hosiery on the market that is perfect
in fit and unsurpassed in wearing qual
ities. From 18c to 50c per Pair
18 - inch Embroidery
30c per Yard
(Concluded from First Pogo.
Spun cor is now located His ciud
pi'iirs ii h oiio of thts phy-dcitius.
F K Mollis, who Ml hero n few
years ago unit ueni In the Iieilio const
writes iih tlmt lie and his futility tttl
now located ill Attlchnro, AIiihs.
Dan Leonard went t Uud Cloud
SuiiiliiV. He rt'.t tiriM'cl M'UkIiiv night
with two cnrpentcrt who v ill rush tho
work on his now houe east of town
Thursday, April r, 1905, lit high noon,
Mr. Lou Carpenter niul .Mi-s Kivh Mor
rison with utiitcil in mi iijmii nt
ul I ho homo of tho brule's parents
Mr. mill Min. Hitl Mnjdew, Ms mid
Mrs Chih (Lick, Mises Hirbiirn Hush
tinil Dorii Wurtci iiml Henry Tcittcn
worn sight seeing in lied Cloud Mon
A Boon delivered to J. M Ciirnnluin
ton oars of fat cuttle and receivod So -'0
per hundred for them They worn n
lino hunch of cattle and this was a nice
prion for them, which shows that Mr.
Boon is ti Rood feeder
Facts Are Stubborn Things
Uniform excellent quality for over a quarter of a
Century has Bteadily increased tho sales of LION COFFEE,
The leader of all package coffees.
Lion Coffee
ia now used in millions of homes. Such
popular success speaks for itself. It is a
positive prooi that LION COFFEE has the
Confidence of the people.
The uniform quality of LION
COFFEE survives all opposition.
if, v
Items of Now9 Found In Tho
Chlof of Twenty Years Ago
Thl Week v
John Shlroy's now houso is finished.
A J. Keniioy is in Iowa on buslnuss.
Ouo of Sam Dyor's children is very
MoAvoy & Farroll havo started a
now llvory barn
R. R. Shoror is building an addition
to his residence.
Mr. Brakofleld has tile frame work
of his new house up.
A number of farmers havo organized
an nnti horsethiof socioty.
J B Stnusor has his cheeso factory
at Jlloks in running order
Charley Winfrey and J. W. Cham
bers are candidates for marshal.
Mr. Coleman favored us with a line
bunch of spring onions this week.
Eddie Sheror is able to bo 911 1 ngain
aftor a sovoro attack of rheumatism.
Liquor licenses havo boon granted
to J. S Itothrook and Harry Foight
Thoro was a pound party at tho
homo of Rov. Lonfest Wednesday
Soward Garbor has taken a position
us bookkeeper in the Red Cloud
National bank.
Al Galushu of Seward, a tlrst-class
salesman, has accepted a position at
tho Golden Kuglo.
Sam Garbur has quit his job at the
Goldou Eagle Clothing store aud will
go to Now Mexico.
Watorman it Docker havo bought
tho lots north of Millier's stable and
will put up a large barn.
B. F Mixer's delivery team ran
away last, Friday, spilling Allio Al
bright and a few potatoes.
Tho Congregational society will
hold a dimo spelling social at A. B.
Pierce's Wednesday evening
J. A Till leys wont to Lincoln Tues
day to attend tho Knights Templar
grand commaudery meeting.
Last Friday night someone stole a
quantity of cobs aud coal from Mrs.
Bnird's coal houso
Andrew Berg has sold his interests
in tho firm of McGuiro & Berg at
Guide Rock aud will return to Red
On Wednesday evening, nt tho home
of D. M Piatt, occurred tho marriage
of Miss Mary Piatt and Mr. John R
Rev. Milner, rosidiug southwest of
Blue Hill, was badly burned last Sat
urday while trying to extinguish a
prairie flro.
Tho now council was organized
Tuesday uight with R L Tlukorohair
niau, J, N. Rickards olork and J. L,
Miner treasurer
C. Wiener, tho clothing man, has
purchased tho lot next to tho First
National bank building and will erect
a two story building
Miss Eva King, superintendent of
tho public schools of Rod Cloud, has
mapped out a graduating course for
the high school department.
A vory destructive prairie fire which
started up near Wells (Bladen) swept
down through tho countv until it
reached tho Republican rivor last Fri
day, doing n great deal of damage.
Tho annual meeting of tho Martin
burial board was hold in Kent school
house March U0, J. B. Stansor presid
ing. Messrs N. L. D. Smith and W. J.
Harris woro ro-olooted and F. E. Kent
was elected in the place of Mr. Stan
sor, who doclinoil to serve again.
Happy Hollow -C. Haines's houso
and barn had a narrow esenpo from
tho prairio lire F. C. Slater is
fencing a hog lot S. Fuller's new
house is about completed C. E.
Putnam is building a new houso
Robert Howe of Wiscousiu is visiting
his brother William
Cowles Our assessor, T. J. Ward,
took in Cowles last weok Thomas
Paul has received tho goods and fix
tures for his restaurant S. H
Brown has a now siju in front of his
hotel Chas E. Wright's family
returned last weok from Hitchcock
county li. W. Hugor has been
compelled to enlarge his blacksmith
shop in ordor to meet tho wants of his
patrons Mr. Gangbin has opened
a blacksmith shop on Dr. Sohonok's
PcctillurltlvM of I.lfhenn.
The lichen Is remarkable for the great
nge to which It lives, there being good
grounds for believing that they endure
as long as a hundred years. Their
growth Is exceedingly slow, almost be
yond belief, Indicating that only a little
nourishment Is necessary to keep them
nllve. In a dry time they have the pow
er to suspend growth altogether, renew
ing It again at the full of rain. This
peculiarity alone Is enough to make the
lichen a vegetable wonder, as it is a
property possessed by no other species
of plant. Another Interesting fact about
lichens Is that they grow only where
the air is free from dust and smoke.
They may be said to be a sure Indica
tion of the purity of the air, as they are
never found growing in cities and
towns, where the atmosphere Is impreg
nated with bust, soot, smoke and other
A Illrd'it Weapon.
Birds while still in the egg have a
sharp, homy spike attached to the up
per part of the beak, by means of
which they are assisted In breaking
out of the shell. This prominence be
comes opposed to the shell ut various
points In a line extending all around
the egg at about one-third of the egg's
length from the huge end. It makes a
series of little holes, thus weakening
the shell, and when the chick arrives
at a certain stage of strength and de
velopment It has no ditllculty In break
lug out. Iu the common fowl this llttlft
weapon drops oft' a day or two after It
Is hatched, but on the pigeon and birds
Unit are fed by Uielr parents It some
times remains for two weeks.
LION COFFEE keep- Its old friends and
makes new ones every day.
LION COFFEE has even more
than Us Strength, Flavor and Qual
ity to commend it. On arrival from
the plantation. It Is earelully roast
ed at our factories and securely
packed in 1 lb. sealed packages.
and not opened again until needed cfe Q
lor use In the home. This precludes
the possibility ol adulteration or contact with germs, dirt,
dust, Insects or unclean hands. The absolute purity of
LION COFFEE is therefore guaranteed to the consumer.
Bold only in 1 lb. pneknges. Lion-head on every pnekage.
Save theso Lion-bends for valuable premiums.
WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Consign Your Live Stock To
We also have our own houses at
Read our market letter In this paper. Write us for any special Information desired.
"What n fault tinder Jones Is! And
he used to have such a contented dis
position before lie was married."
"Yes. I heard his wife say she had
married him to reform liliu." Houston
night Man.
She The mnn I marry must be "only
a little lower than the angels." He (sud
denly Hopping) Hero I am oii my
knees, a little lower than one of them.
(He got her.) New York Weekly.
OccuMons do not make a man either
strong or weak, but they show what he
Is. Thomas a Kempls.
(Continued from First Pago.)
from Topekii, where ho went to visit
willi his son Lyle.
The Garfield Telephone C. has
CHicluded to put standard poles on its
mm n line and i setting the now poles
Sllnicer- of (irofce.
The Acarimnlans were considered the
most skillful slingers of Greece. These
weapons were used not only to throw
stones, but balls of lead, and In some
localities, especially In the plain of
Marathon, many of these metal projec
tiles have been found. The relics are
Interesting from the Inscriptions and
devices cut upon them, which consist
of the names of persons and appropri
ate epithets, the legend In many cases
meaning when fully translated "Look
When a Home I- Down.
When a witness in an English court
the other day remarked that It was
necessary to sit on u horse's hcud when
he was down to keep him quiet the
Judge replied: "Nothing of the kind.
People don't seem to understand that
the only thing necessary Is to get hold
of his ear and keep his nose up in tho
air. I have seen a lady keep a horse
quiet In that way without soiling her
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, I
WebNtcr County, f
In the matter of the estate of Thomas W.
Howard, deceased.
Notice In hereby Riven to all persons bavin?
claims and demands against Thomas W How
ard, late of Webster county, deceased, that the
time fixed for filing claims agaiii't said estate is
six months from the Mtli day of April, lOWi.
AH Mich persons arc required to present their
claims wltli the vouchers. to tho County .ludgcof
said county, at his olllcu therein, on or before
the 14th day of October. 11)05; and all claim
so filed will be heard before the said Judge on
the ltith day of October. 100,r, at one o'clock p.
m.;aud that tlie administrator It allowed one
year from the 2Hh day of March. 1900, In which
to pay the debts allowed agniust mid estate, and
settle the same.
(Seal A. II. Keenet.
aprlfi County Judge.
Corn planting will hugin next week.
Uev. G. W. iimnmull listed corn this
Work on the phono line is at a
I'M Mnmitford Ims -itmhlu disked hi
corn ground.
Sinn S'liinders and (Jrnndnm Snun
dors are on the sick list.
S. C. Siunik hits bought tho Dave
Anderson quarter section.
W. J. Raskins 1ms finished si Uing
out his fruit trees and shrubs.
T. II Brunei' will soon mvo to his
plneo four miles north of Kiverton.
Ernest Beaucuamp fenced a hog
pasture on his father's place this week.
Chester Drake was tho guest of his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Buau
champ, V. H. Sorivner bought sonio hay of
Mr. Hi inter, otrthe C. W. Kaloy place,
for $2 a ton.
Land Sales.
If you want to elthor buy or
land, write or see C. F. Cathor.
hurgo if no snlo.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Tak Laxative Biomo Quinitio tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
if it. fails to cure. K. VV. (i rove's signa
ture is on each box. 25c.
GORDON Halt arr the perfection of
lilt making.
make hat buying
easy for busy men. Tell
your hatter the size you
wear, pick out the Gordon
shape that suits you best,
and you're sure of having
a hat that is correct and
one that becomes you.
Hats $3
Ordinance No. 48.
An ord nance regulating the furnishing of
Intoxicating liquors In the city of Ited Cloud to
or for persons addicted to the excessive me of
the same, and providing penalties for the viola
tion thereof.
lie it Ordained by the Mayor and Council of
the City of Ited Cloud:
Section One. That It shall be lawful for the
wlfu or other person dtpondent for support In
any degree, upon one In tho habit of becoming
Intoxicated, or addlctod to tho excessive use of
Intoxicating liquors, to cau-e to be given to any
liquor dealer In the City of Ited Cloud a notice
forblJdlng tliosaleor ftim!hiug of liitnxlcat
lug liquors to such person addicted in the ex
cesMve use of Intoxicating liquor, which notice
shall be In writing and signed by tne person
giving tho same, aud such liquor dealer Mini
keep posted In lib; place of business, subject to
nubli! Inspection, a list of the names of all
such persons ccuceriilug which such notice 1ih
been given, and It shall be unlawful after such
notice has la en given to sell or otherwise f urn
lull or procure directly or Indirectly, to or for
any such person or persons any Intoxicating
llqiioi; and any person violating thu provisions
hereof, or wht shall directly or Indirectly sell,
furnish, deliver or procure to or for anv such
perron against whom notice Is so g veil any In
toxicating liquor, shall bo deemed guilty of a
mlhdcamor and, upon conviction shall be fined
In any sum not exceeding fifty dollars, iu the
discretion of the court, and ho intptlsmu'd until
such lino aud costs tuo paid. 1'iovlded, that
no licensed liquor dealer In said city shall be
liable hereunder, unless such notice shall be
given him.
Sr.iTroNTwo All ordinances ami parts of
ordinances coulllcilng with any of the provls
Ions of tho foregoing ordluauco are hereby re
pealed G'J'hls; ordinance shall take effect and bo In
force from and after li's pass ige, approval and
publication according to law.
Adopted April 8. lWK.
Approved Aprils, MV.
E. W. ItoH. Mayor
L. II. Foiit, City Clerk.
Notice to
Bridge Builders
and Con-
Sealed bids will bo received at the office of
the County clerk of Webster County. Nebraska,
up to 1. o'clock noon, Saturday, April 29th.
l!K)fi, for the erection of one two-span steel
bridge, spans to tie 24 feet each, to be set on
steel legs, legs to bo 13 feet in length aud set in
1 me steel brldce. 48 foot span, set on 34 inch
tubes. 21 feet in length, piling to be driven in
tubes aud llllcd with concrete, the countv to
furnish stringers aud lloor for the last named
Illdders to furnish pltns and specifications.
All bids to be accompanied by certified check
of 1110.
The Hoard "f County Commissioners reserve
the rtKht to reject any aud all bids. Uy order
of Hoard of Cntiuiv Commissioners.
K. S. county Clerk.
Red Cloud, Neb , March 2.1, tWJT. ap.t
Application for License.
Notice is hereby Hived that a petition signed
by thirty or more resident freeholders of the
First ward of the city of Ited Cloud. "hrabka.
has been filed with the city clerk of said city of
Ited Cloud pnulng that a license be granted by
ihe city council of snlrt cltv to John Politick)
fur thu salo of malt, snlritous and vinous Ho
nors on lot five (fi), block thirty-one (31). of the
original town, now ci
ka. That action will
the mayor aud city council on the
original town, now cliy, of Ited Cloud, Nebras
ka. That action will u
liv the mayor aud cltv
May, HXir. or at the first meeting of the council
3 taken on said petition
3d day of
Of the Knnsas City Veter
inary Collogo Olllco at E.
tohnston's, tho Brick Barn.
Telephone 82.
At Blno Hill first Tuesday in each
thcreaft r.
I.. 11 Foht. City Clerk.
Dated at Ited Cloud. Nebraska, this J til day of
April, lOofi.
Application for License.
Notice Is hereby given that a petition signed
by thirty or more resident freeholders of tho
Second ward of the city of iceil Cloud, Nebras
ka, has been filed with tiu city clerk o'. said
city of ited Cloud, praying that a license be
granted by the city council of said city to
Charles W. ilushce for tho Hale of malt, spirit
our and vinous liquors on lot one (1). block one
(1). Williams addition to the city of Ited Cloud.
Nebraska. That action will be taken on said
petition by the mayor aud city council on thu
3d day of May. HOft, or at the first meeting of
the council thereafter.
, , , L. II, FonT. City Clerk.
Dated at lied Cloud, Nebraska, this Mh day of
April, 19U3.
Appllcatlea for License.
Notice Is hereby given that a petition slgne
by thirty or more resident freeholders of ihe
Second ward of the city of Ited Cloud, Nebras
ka, has been filed with the cltv clerk of said
city of Ited Cloud, praying that a license be
granted by the city council of said city to F. It.
Mandevlllfiforthe sale of rnalt. splrltous and'
vinous liquors on lot three (3), block ono (l).
Williams' addition to tho cliy of Hed Cloud.
Nebraska. That action will be taken on said
petition by tho mayor and city council on tbe
3d day or May, ltwh, or nt the first meeting of
tho council thereafter.
. . . . L.H. Foht. City Clerk.
Dated at lied Cloud, Nebraska, thlsbth day of
April, 1ft fi.
v I