The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 14, 1905, Image 6

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Change In the President'! Program.
Will Make His First Colorado
Camp in the Huntsman Hills, Noted
for Its Big Game.
Oklahoma City, Okla., April 12.
President Hoosuvclt featured tho boo
and day of his hunt In tho "big pas
ture" by capturing allvo a full grown
and combatlvo coyoto without a
crutch. Tho wolf hnd boon overtaken
and downed by the dogB uud while it
was fighting its nttnekers the presi
dent slipped from his horse and
taught tho wolf by Its Jaws, rendering
it hclplesB. This feat, which is uc
otnpliBhod by fow plainsmen nml
cowboys, brought forth a round of np
lauso from thoso who witnessed it.
Tho guide, John Abormithy, who is
noted as tho champion wolf catcher
ef tho southwest, captured the first
wolf on Monday in this manner and
at that tlmo tho president announced
lis intention of imitating tho feat.
Seven other woIvcb wero caught dur
Stag tho day, all being taken by tho
moro usual method of allowing the
dogs to finish tho nnlmnls.
Tho president rnn upon a six-foot
jnttlesnake, which leaped at him four
times. Ho killed this with his quirt.
It Is reported from points contigu
ous to the pasture rescrvo that tho
president is bo greatly pleased with
tho sport nnd outing which ho is en
Joying that ho mny prolong his stay
until Saturday. It cannot ho learned
liero whether ho has fully decided up
on changing his program, hut .in case
Jio remains in the reserve ho will like
3y leavo In time Saturdny to arrlvo at
lis Colorado hunting grounds Monday.
Glenwood Springs. Colo., April 12.
President Uoosovelt will make his
fret Colorado camp In tho Huntsmnn
IiIUh. twenty-threo miles south of New
castle. Guido John Goff has received
a tolegram from Secretary Loeb sny
tng that it was the wish of tho presi
dent to begin the hunt with a cliaBO
after boor. This necessitates a
hange In tho plans, for Goff nnd
Horah had nrranged to make tho first
oatnp on the Whlto river plateau, a
district of mountain lions. They hnd
xpected to Btny there throe weeks
and then go to Huntsmnn hills for bear.
Scon after receiving the message
."Borah and Goff left Newcastle to es
tablish tho first camp. It will he near
tho Johnson ranch, on tho Divide
xivor. This country is noted for its
Ihrgo game nnd old hunters declaro
that the president will bo surfeited
with sport.
Tho understanding Is now that the
party will track over tho Huntsman
THllo, taking about two weeks to mako
the trip, and that they will then go
Into lted Stone, where tho president
Is to bo the guest of John It. Osgood.
pcopc of Beef Trust Investigation
Chicago, April 12. An investiga
tion by tho federal grand jury which
Ik inquiiing Into tho working methods
of the alleged hoof trust of a much
deeper nature and n wider scope, it is
asserted, is to result from the exam
ination of the contents of the trunks
taken from the safety vaults in the
Jlrst National bank building. When
theso trunks are opened It Is ex
pected the entire secret working of
tho Aetna Trading company, a corpor
ation through which the secret busi
ness of the big packers was trans
acted, will be reveuled to the Jurors,
aud as a consequence many new wit
nesses will bo subpoenaed. The
trunks and contents have been im
pounded en an order by Judge San
born so that no one by legal process
can obtain possession of them. Among
tho names of the new witnesses sun
poenaed Is said to be' that of G. II.
Godfrey, secretary nnd treasurer or
the Aetna Trading company, and H. H.
Cowan, another ollieinl of tho com
Bany. The initials "H. II. C." appear
on each of the eight trunks taken
Irani the vaults and It is hulluvnd thoy
Dolong to Cownn. Godfrey and Cowan,
It is asserted, left Chicago tho day
tho investigation by tho Jury began.
They have been traced to Toronto,
Can., where, It is said, nil track or
them Is lost.
JJelevan Frazee, manager of the Na
tional Packing compnny, wns one of
the most Important witnesses before
tho jury Ho wns on the stand for
nearly two hours, hut refused to hay
what information ho had given to the
Jurors. Another witness who testified
was J. A. Howard, connected with a
New York packing firm.
Death in Indiana Storm,
fudiunapolta, April 11. A sovero
thunderstorm passed over the north
ern and eastern portions of the stato,
resulting In one fatality, severnl cas
ualties and extensive damage to farm
property and crops. At Counorsvllle,
Charles Murray, a young f armor, was
mck by lightning nnd instantly
billed. The samo shock prostrated
several farmhands, who have since re
covered. John Oliver, a farmer, was
latally injured, by lightning neur
Frankfort. In Tippecanoe county, the
home of John Eylenes was unroofed
and three children slightly Injured by
lightning. The electric Btorm through
out Allen county wns severe. Early
fruit Is a total loss.
King Edward Returns to Port.
Port Mahon, April 12. King Ed
ward and Queen Alexandra, who sailed
on board the royal yacht Victoria and
Albert for Palmn, Island of Mnjorlca,
returned owing to bad weather.
6e:iatcr Mitchell Enters Plea of Not
Guilty to Three Charges.
Portland, Ore, April 12. Judgo
Uelllnger'B court was crowded when
tho time unived for Senator John 11.
Mitchell to plead to lour Indictments
found ngalnat him by tho lute federal
grand Jury.
In a plen of abatement Senator
Mitchell challenged tho acts of tho
late federal grand jury by charging
specifically that Jurors W. Robertson
and Carl Phelps, the original foreman
and secretary respectively, had been
legally excused for tho term pending
tho Investigations; that Jurors Frank
G. Duffum and George Peebler had
been sworn In Borne tlmo nfter tho
grand jury hnd boon empanelled; that
Juror Gcorgo Gustln was not a citi
zen of the United States; that Jurors
Frank Bolter nnd Joseph Essner were
not tax payers, ns required by law;
and that District Attorney Honey was
disqualified in many ways, besides be
ing prejudiced.
Tho plea of abatement was based
upon tho case wherein Senator Mitch
ell Is accused of accepting pay
through the luw firm o? Mitchell &
Tanner to expedite land titles before
tho legnl department at Washington
in behalf of Frederick A. Kribs.
Judgo Alfred S. ttunnctt of Tho
Dalles, as attorney for Senator Mitch
ell, nnnouueed that there was n ques
tion of moral turpitude Involved In
tho case wherein Senator Mitchell is
nccused of accepting $2,000 from S. A.
D. Puter and therefore he would
waive nil legal technicalities and bo
ready to proceed to trial without de
lay upon tho Issues at stake.
Judge Bennett entered a plen ol
not guilty for the senator In three of
the cases against him two for con
spiracy and one for accepting money
while holding tho position of United
States senator to expedite title heforo
tho land department.
Storm in Southern Ohio.
Columbus, O., April 11. A destruc
tive storm swept over southern Ohio.
At Chllllcothe tho German Methodist
church was unroofed nnd a portion of
tho steeple of St. Peter's church was
blown away. Thirty children wore re
henrslug n play In Memorial hull when
the steeple from the Third Street
rreshyterinn church and n pile of
bricks crashed through the roof.
Many wero bruised by flying bricks.
St. Joseph's church, nonr Somerset,
wns partly unroofed nnd two pinnacles
from the tower fell through tho re
maining portion of the roof. The dam
age Is esthnnted at several thousand
Rain, Electric and Hall Storm.
Anderson, Ind., April 11. For two
hours the most severe rnln, eluctrlc
and hall storm of the Inst twenty
years swept over this county. A dis
patch from Markleville states that
there Is not a window pane in the
town nnd that hall stones cover tho
ground to the depth of one inch.
Fruit trees throughout the storm belt
were stripped of their buds.
Storm Damage at Pittsburg.
Pittsburg, April 11. A windstorm
swept over this city, the velocity
reaching a rate of sixty miles an hour
being tho highest ever recorded in
this section. No fatnlities are report
ed. An estimate of the damage done
In Pittsburg and Allegheny by tho
storm will reach $75,000.
Greeks Attack Albanians.
Salonlca, April 12. A Greek band
nttacked and burned an Albanian vll-
lage near Kilissura. killing thirty and
wounding and capturing many more.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Chlenpi, April 11. A decrciisc, both In
primary recelptB uml In the world's visible
supply, hnd u strenctlieiiliig effect on the
wheal tmirket here today. At the clone
July wheal nun up c. May wan up Ue.
Corn showed u kuIii of :MiViV. Outs were
l iVi'lic Provisions were iineliuiified to
JVic higher. Cloning prices:
Wheat-May, $U4ft; July, fi"Kc; Sept.,
Corn-. May, 48!K,c; July, 48',-te: Sept., ISVi.
Outs-May, 110 Kc; July. Ltilie; Sept., L'8'i.
Pork-May, l'J.8J'j; July, $l!l.07.
I.ard-Muy. $7.i.'5; July, $7.41!',.
Klln-Miiy, $7.10; July. 7.H5.
Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard wheat,
JU' No. a hard wheat, ifl.tKkJM.PJ;
No. l! cash corn, IbyiMlHfcc: No. 2 cash
outs, ;iO'45i:!0(.c.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, April it. -I'attle Uecclpts 4,
000; steady, good to prime steers, fiLlo
tl.Ki; poor to medium, $t,7(Kft.".M: stoekeis
mid feeders, fJ.UYjriti.OO: cows, $ ".Viifi. 10;
helfcis. $a.(Hi,i.7ri; cuimers, .ft.tXMi.'I.OiM
bulls. '.'..VKHJ.I; calves, $.1,00'u!l.."0. IIok
-ltecclpls, H.Ofx): tie hluhcr: mixed uml
butchers, $3.l()1ifl.(l7iM: good to choice
lieiivj, $3.t'"-..: rough heavy, $.'i.l.V,
3.3.1. light, $3.4.V1(3,ll'.,'J: hulk of ales. .f.1.3.1
ftft.fiO. Sheep- Itecelpts, 11,000; strong,
lambs blmile higher: good to choice weth
l'rJ3.73MU.1; fajr to choice mixed, 51.00
western sheep, tf.Oola&fO; nuttve
I4.&OQ7.GO; western lambs, fU5 1
Kansas City Live Stock.
KnnnnH City, April ll.-Cattle-llecelpts,
8,.iOO: HtroiiK to 10c Higher; tup, Jil.M);
choice export nnd dressed liecf steers, $0.75
n.W); fitlr to K"l. $4.ljOa'.7&: western
fed Hteers, H.M'HQ.'Jo', stocker uml fi-ed-rs,
$.1..VW(fi.'J5: cows, $i!.KKi.00: heifers,
$:i.noiju.uo. bulls, .i..Vi4.7.": mives, $:too
fft.O.'J.'i. HoKH-UreclpM. lU.Ow, tolWe
lilk'lier; top, $.'.4.1: bulk of sale, tt.iWHo 41:
heavy, $.i.; 3.4.": packers, $3.:i()'i.' I'JH;
plirs nml IlKllt. ?4.4W(O.IO. Hliecp-lto-celpts.
S.400: ytemly; Intuitu, $(l'iO$j7..iO:
wethers, $3.00fjO.OO: fed yeurlliiKs, ftl.00
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Oinnlin, April 11. -Cuttle lleeelpts,
0,000; netlvc: tintlvu HteerH, ?l.,J3'J..Vi
ciiws and heifers, ?.'!.. VKiio.OO; Ncst'-in
steers, S.'l.iKKi.'.LM: chiiiicim, .f2.(H';i u.i,
xtuclicl'M nml feeders, yi.lZuTu'M', eulveH,
J.'I.OO'ijIJ.OO: built, stup". etc., $L.10?4,.H).
llitj-s- Heeclpts, 10.000: Ktlonjc: lieuvy,
$n.''7'"i.:i3: mixed, J.i!71'?ii.:!0: lljrht,
j.l.L'.Vii.i.iM): pigs, !M.7.Vi".l"i: bulk of sulci,
$5 '-'"VttO-JM). Sheep- lU'celptM, VJ.noo
rtenily; westerns. .?() OWfl 75; wethers J.I -JO
4(0.8.1; ewe, $3.03';3.(tO, lambs, $U 73SJ7.&0.
Tlu TIiiu to CliurKi.
At tho taking of Moscow while the
troops sat in their saddles under u mur
derous tire Murnt, Xnpoleon'ri dashlug
chief of cavalry, received u dispatch to
which an answer was required. Though
his mettlesome horse wiih trembling,
Murnt laid the reins upon the horn of
the saddle, took his notebook In one
hund nnd n pencil In the other and be
gan to write u response. Suddenly n
shell fell nnd exploded on the ground
close by. The horse leaped Into the nlr
nnd swung wildly around. Murnt sim
ply transferred the pencil to the hand
that held the notebook, calmed the
horse with the other hand and then
went on writing his dispatch us if
nothing had hupneucd. A .shout of ad
miration went up along the line. Murnt
saw that the enthusiasm aroused by his
trifling act had created u favorable mo
ment for u charge. He gave the order,
and his men swept clear through the
enemy's line.
Ilurki' nml IIIh AsHoclntcM.
The free and easy manners of the
political and literary friends with
whom Burke associated are exhibited
by a personal anecdote. Ho often ask
ed his friends to sup on beefsteak or
n leg of mutton. One night the house
sat late, nnd Burke brought home to
supper Fox nnd two or three more of
tho Whig politicians. Mrs. Burke's
face told of the 111 provided larder.
"Surely," said the host, unswerlng his
wife's look of annoyance, "there's beef
Fox nnd unother gentleman, seeing
the state of affairs, hurried off to u
tavern, where they obtained such
dishes us could be purchased. Amid
much laughter, they returned nnd set
the table with tho food they had for
aged, Burke called them the nuwt
skillful of waiters, and there wns an
amusing, satisfactory supper.
A Ililile LvkciiiI of tin- I'nnthcr.
One of the oddest stories In 'the "Bes
tiaries," or stories of Bible animals
written by the monks, Is the legend of
the panther. "The panther," so the
homily runs, "Is the most beautiful of
nil beasts. More than this, when it
goes abroad it diffuses a marvelous
sweet perfume. This odor Is so sweet
that all the other beasts aud birds fol
low the panther wherever It goes.
Wherefore the panther is a type of vir
tue." Perhaps the old monks who bor
rowed and embellished this story had
heard of and misunderstood the strong
love of sweet scents which the panther
and its relations, the lions and leop
ards, often show. London Spectator.
31 cit In mill Wi-IkIU.
It has been seriously asserted by
many people that we are naturally
lighter after a meal, nnd they have
even gone tho length of explaining this
by the amount of gas that Is developed
from the food. Average observations,
however, show that we lose .' pounds (5
ounces between night and morning;
that we gain 1 pound 11! ounces by
breakfast; that we again lose about 1-1
ounces before lunch; that lunch puts
on an average of a pound; that we
again loe 10 ounces, but that an ordi
nary dinner to healthy persons adds 2
pounds U ounces to their weight.
ItcNlrttliiK 'reinitiation.
The Joy of resisting temptation is tho
highest joy men can feel. It Is a mo
ment when our little life here grows
larger and we feel ourselves lifted into
a wider sphere. We have a sense of
fellowship with higher beings and arc
somehow conscious of their sympathy.
All God's creation smiles upon us uud
appears made for our Joy. A. B. Da
vidson. The Avorime In All Hljrht.
"Their pay Is shockingly small for
some of our public officials," said the
broadmiiided man.
"Yes," answered the cynic, "but it
averages up. Some of the public ofll
clals are shockingly small for their
pay." Washington Star.
Take Laxative Broipo Quinine Tablets.
Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This Signature,'
rat -
I in miii Know Mini sill pity OU. us
well ih US. to Imi, .mir lliiiltlitig Mu
forinl ami Coul ut ouryimlsr Nob only
that it r price- avh,,(b lower, or ut
Icifst its low iistlio-M- uf our uompotit
ur, but iiKOAUSi- w take especial enro
of uml protect till i-an bo clussod us
II B i U h A It CUS T O M R II S .
HW44t4i'tfit"itlif"ii1t11t'n'W mTTHT'1t(VT1t'H'rPHiril'TTT WffWf f H?
Lumber and Coal,
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
15c MEAL
Any Style
Damcrcll Block.
or more, by purchasing your tucs lit-j
rect irom n responsible grower. lien
tho "slick" tree agent calls upon you,
show him these prices nnd he will look
as innocent as a lamb and tell you "all
kinds" of lies about us and our trees.
Apples Grafted
" to 7 feet Uc. 4 to 0 feet . . .
a to 4 " .... lie. 2to.'J " ...
Oiib Apple same as Apple.
Poach Budded
S to 7 feet. . . . l.'lc. 4 to f feel . . .
.'I to 4 " Sc 2U:$ " .,
18 to IMHiielics, Tic. each.
Plums Budded
" lo 7 feet Ilfic. 4 to 5 feet . . ,
3 lo 4 " ....20c. 2 to 3 " ...
Cherry Budded
. 7c.
. loo.
f to (! fect. ...35c. 4 to f
o leei.
3 to 4 " ....2.V. 2 to 3
18 to 24 inches, 12c. each.
Concord Grape
Kacb Each
2 year fir. 1 year, select . .4c.
1 year, good, 3c.
Russian Mulberry
l'KK 1,000
(I to 12 in. . . .1.00 12 to 18 in. . .Sl.fiO
Black Locust
l'KH 1,000
5 to 8 in 1.00 8 to 12 in. . . .1.25
On orders of 10.00 or more we will
allow 10 per cent discount from above
prices. We pay thu freight on $10.00
orders. Send for our catalog. It's free.
MyHlc Curo for Ithenmntlrim nml Nournlcla
rndlcnllj' curcH in 1 to .liluj'8, ItH nctlon upon
.he yntcm Ih remarkable ami tnyhtcrlouN It
umoveH at once thu caui-o and thu iIUchko I in
medlnlely illHnpiicarH. Tho tlrm ilofo greutlj
DonctltH, 1f cciith nml Si 00. faciei bj 11. E
Tncu OrtiKttlHt. Itci) Cloud
Clcaniet anil licautlflei tho lialr.
rromotri a luxuriant (trowth.
Nevor Pails to Ileatoro Or ay
Itnir to its youthful Color.
Curia tcalp illnrain & hair falling.
0c.ana).iat DniggUtl
To Cure a Cold in One Day
W - tnjJ - ,
..jf' gufj-.! .&w -samiMimuwl
carry tho banner for yields ot
wheat unci other gmlns for 1904.
70,000 FARMERS
receive ISS.000.000 as a result of
their Wheat Crop alone, or an
average of $800 for each farmer.
Tho returns from Oats, Ilarlcr
nnd other grains, ns well as cat
tlo and horses, udd considerably
to this. Securo a
at once, or purchase from some
reliable dealer while lands ara
selling at present low prices.
Apply forlnformatlon to Super
intendent of Immigration, Otta
wa, Canada, or to
W. V. BENNETT, 801 New York Life Bid'., Oasha, Nek.
. Mention this puper.
"Hrd Hitting and Shoot True."
"That Ii thsunhrulvrrillctnf ninrlirocn Innll soctlonsof I
inn irimw. in rommrmiinf; our tirrartiM. Minpp us a
"8TEVKNS" meant if you point tlio wuatiou right, you
cannot help blttioir tho mark I
We manufactara a rntnpletn linn of i
RIFLES, from $3 to $150
PISTOLS, from $2.50 to $50
SHOTGUNS, from to ft
Scml for lllmlrnlf il cntalopile riMnif entire output, hlnli
on shooting, ammunition, etc.
Aik your dealer for our products
and insist on cettinc them.
U Ii lota of fun but will mako ynu think hard while trylre
... rbuu 1 wni. 111 tiump iiirour ini'iunui luue 1 iijjie..
l'.O. Hoi 3003
Ohleopeo Fall8, Mass., IT.S. A.
ISc Meals, Lunches
and Short Orders v
Candles, Nuts, Pies,
Cakes, Fresh Bread.
The Bon Ton
W. S. BENSB. Proprietor.
Cures Grip
in Two Days
oi everv
rnrtri Dox. 35c
I iUikAjfv'