The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 14, 1905, Image 5

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V "'"n-"Hii!
Insurance Agency
The German
Insurance Co.
of Freoport, 111., and the
Fatrmers Mutual
Insurance Co.
of Nebraska
have over nine hun
dred policies in force
in Webster County.
Look up your policy
and see me.
Phono 1)3. Ked Cloud.
Huy null teed at Plumb's.
I'hinih lias Red Cloud Hour.
CJIa.ier's Carolinians, Mai f.
'l'ry tiiat calf muni at Caldwell's.
Dan G nbur N up from Superior.
Fred Crerlaeh was in town this week.
Colonel Kaley is home from Lincoln.
Go to Fred Piumb's for Hour or feed.
House for rent. Inquire of J. P.
Dr. K. A. Thomas, dentist, Dainerell
ltoy Garber was down to Guide Hock
J. S. White camo down from Lincoln
Fred Bortfold is homo from Chicago
for a visit
Homer Baktr is now on the transfer
at the depot.
Inavalo will have a baso ball team
this summer.
Alfred Hadell was in Hastings the
tirst of tho week.
Miss Edith Miller went to Alma tho
llrst of the week.
K. S. Garher was in Superior tho
tirst of tho week.
Lew Soderliorg was down from Bluo
Hill Wedensday.
Mrs. Lulu Matthews was down from
Inavale Saturday.
Mrs T. C. Hackor is visiting in
Lincoln this week.
Miss Agnes Leonard w.ts down from
Itiverton Saturday.
Bi sure and hear tho iniilo soprano,
opera house, May fi
Kay Frame was down from Blue Hill
the first of the week.
B( si colored concert company over
in lied Cloud, May f
Station Agent MeC.irl was in Lincoln
Friday and Saturday.
C. L. Winfrey was a businoss visitor
to Hastings Sunrdny.
Face massago and ladies' shampoo,
at Hayes' bather shop.
John O Yeier was down from
Omaha attending court.
Guarloy Waddoll, the produce buyer,
was in the city Monday.
The time will soon
be here for you to
plant corn. You will
want the best Lister
to plant with. Get a
You can see the
corn drop. You can
hitch closer to your
Lister. It will pull
one horse lighter
than others and do
better work, and is
easy to operate.
Come in and see
this machine.
To the Public
Having purchased CIiiih.
Wadoll's incut nmrkot, wo
extend to you u hearty iu
vitution visit us and booomo
bottor acquiiintol and also,
when looking for good ilrst
class meat, wo ask you to
glvo us a trial.
Wo aro satisfied wo can
wo can please you.
Yours for business,
The r.ifll ng off of sofa pillows is get
ting to be quite a "graft."
Take your pottltty and hides to
Plumb. Top prices paid.
It iscoe Cither camo homo fnm
Fnllerton for a week's visit.
L. C Olmstead and wife of Inavale
were in Red Cloud Satuiday.
The Red Cloud boys will go to Leba
non next Friday to play ball
Mrs Tony Clark of Oxford is in Ked
Cloud visiting with relatives.
Stewait Albright and ltoy Garber
w.'re iu Itiverton Wednesday.
C V Whitcnmb and S. Baker wero
down from Hastings Thursday.
Fred Temple went to Kansas City
with stock the first of the week.
Again we want to remind our .sub
scribers that wo need tho money.
Salter's Kurly Six weeks seed pota
toes for sale cheap. C. II. Kai.hy.
Mrs. H E. Pond of Lincoln is visiting
with her 'sister, Mrs. C. M. Person.
C. II. Bierhaus of Campbell visited
with L. 11. Feis the first of tho week.
Mr. and Mrs. C S Pal met and child
ren were visiting in Inavalo Sunday.
Mrs. John O Yeiser has been visiting
at the homo of 1). H. Kiloy this week.
Mrs G. W. Francis went to Camp
bell Thursday for a visit with relatives.
Claas Rose and August Lampman
were down from Itosemout this week.
Secretary of State and Mrs. Galusha
were in Red Cloud tho first of the
Plumb tho feed man will pay you the
highest priqo for poultry, eggs and
Newt Siobort left for Auamoso,
North Dakota, Monday, where ho has
a claim.
Wanted Young cattle for summer
pasture, 40 cents per month. O. D
Mrs. O. C. Tool and children aro ex
pected to arrive tomorrow from San
Diego, Cal.
Henry Nyborg of Inavale and Allen
Carpenter wont to Tri uton Tuosday on
a land deal.
Any 5 pound box oat meal at 15
cents, cash or produce. Fkki Clahk
Reach, Kansas.
Mrs. Myra Coon and littln baby of
Auburn, Neb., is visiting her sister,
Mrs. II J. Clark.
John Morrow and F. Leinhart of
Gibbon, Neb., were in Red Cloud this
week on business
Helen Raines is the proud possessor
of n new uiano, presented to hor on
her fifth birthday.
Mrs. John MeCurro returned the
close of uist week from a visit with her
parents nt Kearney.
John Evans, Fied Tavlor and Dan
Eno.s were down from Itiverton Sunday
to see their best girls.
New permanent walks are I'o'ng laid
so rapidly over the city that it is hard
to keep track of them.
Count v Attorney Bvruni and At
torney Prat her were down from Bloom
Ington nttending court.
Judge Samuel West puff oil another
severe stroke of paralysis Monday and
is in a critical condit'on.
Mrs Nettie E. ButMi has arrived
i from Burlington. Mich., for a visit with
jher aunt, Mrs L II Rust.
Mrs MeC'arl and daughter Blanche
of McCook are in the city visiting with
Mr. and Mrs T. E. MeCarl.
You can now take your annual bath.
The tubs nt Manspeaker's barber shop
are again iu working order.
Will Hilion, who is snfTeiing from!
oanetr, is slowly sinking nnd his death
is but a matter of a few days.
Letters roceived from F. Bradbrook,
who is at Burlington, Colo , states ho
is not improving very rapidly.
Will Kent, who lives on Frank Tay
lor's place south of the river, is (flitter
ing from cancer of the stomach.
Don't forget to insure your property
against lire, lightning ard cyclones
with L. H Fort, agent, Dainerell block.
The cellar has been excavated and
the bricks aro on the ground for the
foundation of the McClelland building.
George Pope's buggy horse took a
spin north on Webster street Tuesday
afternoon, but the damago was slight
Mrs Gladys Yonnkman nnd son
have arrived from Denver for a visit
at tho homo of Itoadmaster Herigstnd
Some parties from St. Louis have
been hero this vok trying to organ
ize a company to start an alfalfa meal
Mr and Mrs. A. Hays, of Lexington,
who have been visiting their son. Wnrd
Hays and family have returned to their
Mr. and Mrs. W. E Corner and Dr.
and Mrs. Thomas and little daughter
wore visiting with relatives in Cowles
Miss Ethel Thompson of Stanford,
Nob , visited with her sister, Miss Mil
dred Thompson, ono of our teachers,
this week.
The Wobster county court house is
sadly in need of a good coat of paint.
Its present appearance is a disgrace to
the county.
O. C. Teel went to Lincoln Tuesday
night to attend tho meeting of the
board of directors of tho Farmers'
Mutual Insui anco Co.
Ashley Alexander of Bladen has
secured a pension of $10 per month and
8730 back pay through tho efforts of
Attorney Fred Alaurer.
Mrs. B. Burd and son and Mr, Rail
lov, sis:er and fathor of Mrs. E. A.
Thomas, nrrived from Nelson Thurs
day night for a short visit.
August Brinkmnn, who lias been in
Denver several month, returned to
Red Cloud Thutsday morning and will
probably remain hero awhile.
Miss Cora Weesnor, ono of tho high
school pupils, held tho lucky number
Easter should mark a new epoch in
your Wardrobe.
Nature will soon put on her new garb,
so should you do it first.
Greet the new season with a bright
smile and a new outfit they're better
than a spring tonic.
We'll help you out and we'll not want
much of your money.
Laster Suits, Easter Hats and a fresh
supply of fine Easter Neckwear.
rirst door north of PostotTlcc, Rod Cloud
which drew the Morris chair at AY
bright Bros ' annual opening.
Homer Sherwood and sou Lynn do
parted for their home in Salt Lake City
Wednesday night. Sherwoon Albright
accompanied them for a short visit.
The crew of the Hastings train now
puts in the time between 10:1)0 a. in.
and 1:110 p. m. in doing duty as a
switch ciew iu the Red Cloud yards
This has been a prosperous twelve
months for fanners and husimm men
and it would bo for tho newspaper
man if subscribers would only "dough
John Amack, who has been visiting
witli bis brother Ed and other relatives,
left. Tuosday for his homo at New
Helena, Custer county, going overland
with some horses.
Drs. Weirick & Itiddiln of Hastings
will meet eye, ear, nose and throat
patients, and those needing glasses
fitted in Dr. Creighton's office, Red
Cloud, Friday, April 21.
James and W E. Dragon of Bluo Hill
wore in Red Cloud Wednesday. W. E.
was on his way to Missouri, where ho
was called by a telegram announcing
the serious illness of his father.
A strongth tonic thaHirings rich red
blood. Makes our strong, healthy
and active. That's what Hollistei's
Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Ill cents.
Tcaortablot. C. L. Cotting.
A wonderful spring tonic. Drives
out nil winter impurities, gives you
strength, health and happiness. Tint's
what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea
will do. 35 cents, tea or tablet. C. L.
Alvin Pope is visiting relatives in
Red Cloud this woek. Ho will soon go
to Now York city, whoro ho has a posi
tion as general superintendent of the
work of a large number of charitablo
Tho Hastings train is now duo to
arrive in Roil Cloud at 10:30 n. m. It
has been a long time since wo have
been able to get the morning dailies
before noon of tho day on which they
aro published.
Fool tired, no appetite, cannot sleep,
work or oat? That's spring tiredness
and will disappear at once it you take
Hollisters's Rocky Mountain Toa this
month. 35 conts, toa or tablet. C. L.
Rev. G. II. Itico left Tuosday for
Holdrego, whoro ho rond a paper on
Responsibilities of tho Peoplo for tho
Pastor's Sincoss" before tho Republi
can Valley Aswciation of Congrega
tional Ministers.
The Fraternal Aid association met
last night. E. H. Nowhnusn was
elected dolegato to tho state convention
at Hastings. After the lodgo had ad
journed tho members indulged in ice
cream, cako and coffee
Tho Ladies' Aid society of tho M. E.
church will hold thoir annual Eastor a week from tomorrow, Satur
day, April 22, at tho old Fair store
room in tho Potter building. Dinner
and Bttppor will bo served.
"Doc" Snow, advance agent for
Collins' Society Circus, which will
givo a week's carnival in Hastings
from May 1 to 0, was in Red Cloud this
week advertising the show, A special
train will be run from Red Cloud.
Simon Von Boouing, II. K. Haas, 1).
Hoppon, Art Potts, Ed Haas and E.
Sclieimurhorii of ltoseiuont;
Buschow nnd August Muschow of Bluo
Hill and Frank McNow of Ltwronco
woro attending district court Tuesday.
At tho Congregational church next
Sunday morning tho pastor will pro-
sent the concluding study in tho
Epistles to the Corinthians. O. E.
meeting at 7, evening meeting nt 8
o'clock. Passion week sorvicoa will bo
hold encii evening next week.
Mrs. Jacob Carpenter, mother of
Allen Carpenter of this city, (ied at
Franklin last Thursday and was
buried Fridny. Mrs. Carponter was 81
years of ago and is survived by hor
husband, who is 88, and nine children,
soven of whom wero present wfcon alio
A II. Carponter won his suit against
Gus Pundt in tho district court. 'J ho
suit was to recover tho amount of a
commission in a land deal wherein
Pundt is said to have dealt diroctly
with a customer secured by Carpenter
and afterward rofusod to pay Car
penter the agreed commission.
Joo Warren came in tho otherday and
informed us that he wanted us to quit
circulating the report that he waa not
married. To provo that ho was mar
ried he shoved us an extract from tho
Mi'dina County (O.) Gazmto published
in 1808 which announced tho marnago
of Joseph W. Warren and Julia S.
Pierce on Juuo 10, 18G8.
Joseph Garbor iiad a soyoro attack
of heart failure Monday night. Mr.
Garbor has for yoars been afflicted with
asthma, and on Monday night, follow
ing a committee mooting of the G. A.
It. at his home, he complained of dif
ficulty in breathing. Pliy.sicii.ns woro
summoned and it was nearly 5 o'clock
Tuesday morning buforo sleep camo to
his relief.
A Small Blaze.
The flro department was called to
tho homo of D. B. Spnnoglo Monday,
but before thoy arrived tho blazo had
boon extinguished. Miss Spnnoglo
had boon swooping tho cobwobs from
tho walls nnd hold tho broom over tho
stovo to "smoko out" a spider, after
ward placing tho broom outdoors
against tho houso. Sho did not notico
that tho broom was afire, and aftor she
ro-ontorod tho houso tho broom blazod
up, sotting flro to tho building on tho
outside Tho damago was slight.
Advertised Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postofllco at Hod Cloud, Neb
or tho week ending April 13, 1905.
Smith, May Thomas, Lolia
Sprinkle, Orlunda Sldlor, Loo J,
Theso will be sent to tho doad letter
otllco April 27, 1905, if not callod for
boforo. Wlion calling for above ploaso
say "advertised."
T. C. Haokbk, Postmaster.
S 3
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