The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 07, 1905, Image 5

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Don't Spend Money Uselessly
I can give you more goods for your money than you
have been getting elsewhere.
hDONT Spsno
I haven't the space here
and see me. I will save you
James Peterson
Hay and teed at Plumb's.
Plumb has Red Cloud Hour. .
Try Mint calf meal at Caldwell's.
Go to Fred Plumb's (or Hour or feed.
House (or rent. Inquiro o( J. P.
Dr. E. A. Thomas, dentist, Uamerell
,T. P. Hale was iu Lincoln the first o(
the week
Wm. Auld was in Wray. Colorado,
C. W. Mantor returned (rom Hastings
Dr. Hall was down (rom Cowles
Fred Taylor o( lliverton spont Sun
day in R"d Cloud.
Face massago and ladies' shampoo,
at Hayes' barbor shop.
Tomorrow is the day set for Albright
Bros, annual opening.
Robert Fortune is now motorraan o(
the horse-'trolley" lino.
Take your poultry mid hides to
Plumb. Top prices paid.
Sherwood Albright and Miss Jes3io
Wort spent Sunday in Orleans.
Salzur's Early Six-Weeks seed pota
toes (or sale cheap. C. H. Kai.ev.
J. F. Winters o( Lincoln was in tho
city tho first o( tho week on business.
Thomas Rubier o( Keystone, Snith
Dakota, is visiting with lolatives iu tho
Mrs Georgo Martindalo was operated
upon (or gall-Btouo Wednesday at Lin
coln. Plumb tho (fed man will pay you the
highest prieo (or poultry, eggs and
The German
Insurance Co.
of Freeport. IU.. and "tho
Farmers' Mutual
Insurance Co.
of Nebraska
have over nine hun
dred policies in force
in Webster County.
Look up your policy
and see me.
Phono 08. Red Cloud.
Insurance Agency
8 lbs. Nails,
Western Washer,
5 Sal. Cream Can,
A 16-Inch Sulky
to tell you all, but come in
Mrs. S E. Simmons o( Hasting is
visiting her Histcr, Mrs. J. O. Uutler.
Wanted Young cattle (or summer
pasture, 40 conts per month. O. D.
Any 5 pound box oat moal at in
cents, cash or produce. Fkkd Clakk,
Reach, Kansas.
Riv Palmer departed Wednesday
evening (or a short visit to Denver and
Cripple Creek.
Wilber Peterson is still very sick,
though it is thought bis condition is
not dangerous.
Ralph Uf-ul left Saturday morning
(or Los Angeles, California, whoro ho
intends to locate.
Mrs. Durrott was taken to Lincoln
Thursday, where sho will undergo
another operation.
Hnmur Sherwood of Salt Lake City
is in Hod Cloud on business. His son
Lynn came with him.
Mrs. A. Siihultz and family are
moving int tha property which she
pin chased of C. B Crono.
Miss Sullivan, tho nurse who hns
beon attending J. L Miner, loft for her
homo in Chicago Monday.
You can now take your annual bath.
The tubs at Manspeaker's barbor shop
aro again in working order.
Mrs. Fred M-mdovillo and son re
turned Wednesday evening (rom a
visit with relatives at Soward.
Fred Clark, tho Reach general mer
chant, and brother, W. N. Clark, wore
in town Thursday on business.
Emanuel Fit, and Will Scrivnor are
each building a now residence on tho
lots north o( tho llremon's hall.
Tho largest crowd since tho reunion
was iu town Saturday and tho mer
chants report a good business.
Miss Clara Martiud'lo, who is teach
ing hchool in Blue Hill, visited here
with her parents over Sunday.
Uveriug Bros, havo secured tho con
tract (rom Los Angoles, Cal . (or a
minument to bo erected at Indianola.
Mrs. Mary Iilakesleo o( Pennsylvania,
who has been in Rod Cloud (or soma
time, departed (or her homo Wednes
day. E. 11. Palmer was down from Inavalo
Thursday. Ho and his family leave
(or Marengo, Nebraska, tho first of tho
Mrs. J. C. Myers returned last Fri
day noon (rom Fairfield, where sho baa
beon visiting rol tives (or sovoral
Fritz Vance camo down (rom Hast
ings Monday (or a visit with his cous
ins, tho Pharos boys and Nowhouso
Al Au'tz, W. H. Tabor, Warron
Longtiu and Charley Godsoy attended
the coursing meot at Smith. Center
Mrs. Goorge Martindalo was taken
to Lincoln Tuosday morning, whoro
who will undergo a serious surgical
Mib. A. I). Brown received a tele-
g '11111 this morning announcing tho
1 death of her' brother, John Graves, at
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Wo havo received volumo 1, No. 2, of
tho Clinton (Okla.) Journal, published
by J C. Hatiey, formerly of this county.
Mr. Haney is a cousin of Dr. E. A.
Thomas of this city.
Drs. Wrirlck & Riddilo of Hastings,
will meet eye, ear, nose and throat
patients, and those needing glnsses
fitted in Dr. Creighton's otlice, Red
Cloud, Friday, Apiil 21.
Uv. Davis will preach every Sunday
at the Christian church now. He ho
gins a series of revival meetings on
next Sunday. Pleaching every night
during the week except Sit unlay.
Mrs O. L. VanCamp mid daughter,
Mrs. O. E. Hughes, and son George,
who were visiting friends in Red Cloud
the first of the week, returned to their
home in Denver Wednesday evening,
it win bring rich red blood, linn llesh
and muscle. That's what llollister's
R'cky Mountain Tea will do. Taken
tl is month will keep you well all sum
mer. Ho cents, tea or tablet. C. L.
.lake Kohn, who was tried at Alma
last week, was lined $100 and costs.
The judgo suspended sentence for
twenty-four hours, and tho prisoner
and his mother left for parts unknown,
probably never to return,
If you cannot eat, sleep or work, (eel
mean, cross and ugly, take llollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea this month. A
tonic for the sick There is no remedy
equal to it. 215 cents, tea or tablet.
C. L Cilting
Rev. G. H. Rico began his second
yeai's pastorate of the Congregational
church last Sunday. His congregation
showed their appreciation of the good
work ho has done by giving him a
handsome increase iu Hilary.
At the Congregational church next
Sunday morning the pastor will give
the first of two outlino sermons on the
Epistles to the Corinthians. Evening
sermon theme Jonathan and David, a
lesson in Friendship.
If taken this month, keeps you well
nil summer. Itmaks tho little ones
0'it, sleep and grow. A spiing tonic
for tho whole family. Hollistor's
ollcky Mout.tnin Ton. 35 conts' Tea or
Tablets. C. L. Cotting.
The fence that stands the
test of time.
It can be stretched up
hill and down, does not bag
nor sag, and stands the ex
pansion of heat and cold.
The wires are hard
enough to stand the stretch
and soft enough to bend, to
American Hog Fencing
Is Cheaper
Than Ever
and we want especially to
call your attention to the
fact that
Agents of American Fence
In Red Cloud and vicinity.
Hardware Co.
11 BOY
In his character of "Mother's Joy" may look nice
in any suit of new clothes and an angel smile.
It's after he's been out in the vacant lot as a
real Boy that the difference shows up between
really good and cheap clothing.
A difference worth paying for, but, while we
sell only Hoys' Good Clothes, our prices are not
Double-breasted and single-breasted Norfolk
Suits, Buster Browns and Sailars for little fellows.
Boys' Furnishings
Hets and Shoes
Bring in that romping
can do for him.
Frank Peterson roturned Saturday
morning from his southern trip. While
in Now Orleans ho saw tho big wharf
lire which destroyed the Illinois Cent
ral nocks and warehouses, and was also
in Hot Springs, Ark., at the time o( tho
big lire there.
At thfi regular meeting o( tho school
board Monday evening all tho touchers
were elected for the ensuing year with
the exception of Miss Pope, in the First
ward, who was not an applicant for
re election. Miss Viola Ward was
elected to fill tho vacancy.
The entertainment given nt tho opora
houso last Friday night by Stewart and
Garretson delighted the audience pros
out. Georgo Gnrretson's musical
specialties and juggling were very fine,
while Mr. Stewart's parlor magic and
sleight-of-hand tricks were particularly
pleasing to tho children.
Charley MeGuiro roturned Wednes
day morning from Excelsior Springs,
Mo , whoro ho has been taking treat
ment for rheumatism. Ho is much
improved in health, but having recently
submitted to an operation for straight
ening his spino, is still weak. Ho
expects to return to the springs in
about six weeks for further treatment.
Myrlo Gittings came homo from Rod
Cloud Saturday, on vacation, and wont
up to Lincoln Sunday for a few days
visit with hor sister Inez, who is at
tending tho University. Sho in comp
any with somo friends from Rod Cloud,
will soo "Parsifal" at Omaha, before
coming homo Friday. Superior Ex
press. Last Sunday, April 1, was tho birth
day of Postmaster Hnckor, Will
Parker, Sam Miller and Miss Pearl
limes. Mr. Miller invited Mr. and
Mrs. Hacker, Will Parker and family
and Miss Hinos and a large number of
friends to spend the day at his home
near Amboy and hold a joint celebia
tion in honor of tho event. A delight
ful time is reported by all present,
The Modern Woodmen held their
county camp in Rnl Cloud Wednesday
Tho following delegates were present.
Red Cloud, L. II. Fort, E. II. Now
ho'iso, C. W. Grout, J. VV. Kinsel,
Win Wolfo and C. H. Halo; Illation,
W. D Householder, Mr. Soloman, O. L
Denton; Ptitor Merten, Sr., and Frank
Smith, Hluo 11.11; C. E Vaughn and
Mr. Largont, Guido Rock. L. H
Fort was oloctod delegate and C. E
Vaughn altornato to tho state encamp
ment, which moots at Columbus May 3.
Now phones havo beon plaood by the
Nebraska Telephono Co , as follows:
170, Clias. A. Schultz, residonco; 00,
John Wolfe, residence; 210, John Grif
fotli, rcsidonce; 311, J. W. Auld, resi
dence; 217, A. D. Urown, residence;
200, Rev. E C. Davis, residence; 205,
L. 11. Fies, residence; 208, Emanuel
Fitz, residence; 201, Leopold Httr
burger, residence; 200, P. Herigstad,
residence; 7, G. VV. Lindsoy, residence;
218, Geo. C. Martindalo, residence, ;
Jou L. Mason, residence; 213, T. E Me
Carl, rcsidonce; 210, Melvin AlcCord,
residence; 101, Georgo Newhouse, resi
donee; 78, Mrs. E. A. O.itmnn, resi
fellow and see what we
dence; 202, E U. Overman, residonco;
211, Frank Richardson, residonco; 173,
W. 11. Tabor, residence; 203, Mrs
Juliet Walker, residonco.
Sidewalks Ordered.
At the regular mooting of tho city
council Wodnosday night n largo
amount of business was transacted.
Sidewalks were ordered as follows:
On the west sido of Soward Htreot
from Fourth avonuo to Division street
(Jackson's grovo.)
On tho west sido of Wobstor stroofc
from Stato bank corner to and includ
ing Morhart's hardware store.
On north sido of Fourth avonuo
from State bank cornor to Cedar
On south sido of Fourth avonuo
from G rice's cornor to lumber yard.
On west sido of Wobstor street from
Fourth avenue to Third nvonuo, ex
cepting whoro pormnuont walks are
already laid (from Grico's to Minor's
cornor )
On north sido of Third avenue from
Wobstor street to Cedar street.
On oast sido of Wobstor stroot from
Third avende to old F. & M. bank
On tho oast sido of Wobstor streot
from Lindloy's restaurant to Ovor
ing's marblo works.
Mrs. John Street.
Mrs. Lydia Stroot, wife of John
Streot, died Saturday morning at her
homo in Logau township, Smith
county, Kansas, aged 02 years. Sho
was married to John Stroot in 18G0 and
camo to this county in 1873. Funeral
sorvicos wore hold Sunday ut J Ash
crock church.
That Settle's It.
When a Colorado sand stone walk is
laid that settles it. See Ovoring Bros.
& Co. for pricos.
To the Public
Having purchased' Chas.
Wadoll's moat market, wo
extend to you a hoarty iu
vitation visit us and bocomo
bettor acquainted and also,
when looking for good first
class moat, wo ask you to
give us a trial.
Wo aro satisflod wo can
wo can ploaso you. ,
Yours for business,