..itarv,wjwS3r.,y,i SaS!!!ST If '' -A. , v i IV . , $& A 4 . r.. .1 :jX mmv4. wtmrtm-zx r.. ! I'-i THE CHIEF RED OLOUD, NEBKA8KA. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. Paul C. Piiakes Gkorue Newhoubb Editor Manager sunsontPTiON rates. Oiireit "W l month! 50 ntered at tne poit office at Red Cloud, Neb.o eoond data mall matter. ADVERTISING' HATK8: Fumldhod on application. TELEPHONE, SEVEN TWO How about that mass convention to consider tho electric light question? Oovornor Mickey has signed tlio bi ennial elections bill and it is now a law. Both Lincoln and Chicago followed our oxamplo and elected tho Demo cratic candidates for mayor. Adrian O. Anson, who was tho horo of tho Chicago "white stockings" Itaso ball team when you and I woro "kids," was on Tuesday olocted city clerk of that llou-Viing village. Things bogin to look dark for poor Nan Patterson since tho arrest of her brother-in-law and sistor, J. Morgan Smith and wife, who are charged with having conspirod with Nan for tho murder of Caosar Young. So far as tho business intorests of tho city are concerned, tho chango in tho oillco of mayor will mako little or no dilforonco. Mr. Dickenson is a consorvativo business man who has tho interests of tho city at heart and will work in harmony with tho strong council elected to advance those inter ests E. W Ross retires from tho oillco of mayor after serving two vory success ful torms. During his two years' ad ministration there huvo boon moro permanent public improvements than in teu years previous. Tho city's finan ces are in better condition than they have been at any timo sinco before the boom days, and Mr. Ross can surren der tho oillco with tho knowledge that his defeat was the result of tho sonti mout against a third term. Governor Mickey has vetoed tho bill providing for the establishment of a a binding twine plant at tho stato pen itentiary, for tho alleged reason that tho proposed bond issuo, to bo taken up by the pormauont school fund, was unconstitutional It is to bo regretted that tho measure has failed. Tho ro ports from both tho Kansas and Min nesota ponitentnrios showed that tho binding twiuo plants at thoso institu tions woro a sourco of profit to those states, as well as being tho cause of a considerable reduction in the cost of of binding twine to the farmers Tho election of C. T. Dickenson to tho ofllco of mayor is a pretty fair in dication that tho voters do not favor a third form for that otlle. It also shows that whon it comes to ti question of municipal affairs tho voters aro non partisan, While the city of Red Cloud is overwhelmingly Republican, Mr. Die ('ti80ii, who is a Democrat, received enough Republican votes to olect him ovor Mayor Ross, the regular Republi can nominee Tho Republicans have no one to blamo but themselves for allowing tho mayor's oillco to slip from their grasp. Tho voto shows that a large percentage of tho Republicans woro opposed to a third term for Mayor Ross, yet in tho ward caucuses, whero tho attondauco was barely largo enough to porfect an organization, tho opposition to his rouominatton was vory weak. There aro plenty of good Republicans any one of whom could have heon nomiuatqd and eloctod had tho Republican voters turnod out to tho caucuses. TWENTY YEARS AGO Items of News Found In Tho Chief of Twenty Years Ago This Week v V Fred Hummoll is fonclng his farm John O YoiBor has oponed a law ofllco in Rivorton. Art Wolch, station agent, went to Donvor this week. LotFoltham has boon admitted to tho bar at Hastings. Hon. D. P. Newcomer of Blue Hill was in tho city Wednesday. Gus Roats has tho very first tax rc- colpt ever issued in Webster county. Tho Odd Follows will hold an anni versary ball on the ovening of April 27. Peter Conovor and family of Now Jersey havo arrived in Rod Cloud and will locate horo. Charley Komsburg loft for Now Mexico Monday ovening to look after his cattlo Interests. Tho Nobraska and Kansas Farm Loan Co has opened its ofllco and is ready for business. At tho annual school meeting on" Monday R. B Fulton and B. T. Rued woro elected directors. F. Bradbrook, tho photographer, received a telegram Wednesday an nouncing tho death of his father. Last Friday morning occurred the marriage of Miss Fannlo Knight of Inavalo to John V Turkington of Hebron General U. S.Grant is lying at tho point of death at his homo In Now York and his death is momentarily expected Mr. and Mrs. Brakollold were given a surpriso Tuesday evening in honor of tho twenty-eighth anniversary of their marriage. Last Saturday morning moro than fort teams woro to bo soon at one timo coming into Red Cloud from tho south side of the river. C. Wiener has made arrangements for tho erection of a two story brick business building, work on which will bo begun as soon as the weather will pormit. Tho assessors of tho county met at tho court houso April 2 and formed a county organization T. J. Ward was olocted chairman and W. C. Cramer secretary On Tuesday occurred tho city elec tion. About .'100 votes woro cast, and after a vory bitter fight tho supporters of high license wero victorious. Tho new board is composed of R L. Tinker, A T. Ormsby, S. W. Coon, J. L. Minor and T. J. Moshor Gaijfikld Rov. N. B. Wagoner has shelled his corn Many farmers aro plowing for corn. Guide Rock Knapp &. Hoborts aro building a lino business block on Maiu street About 1J20 head of cattlo and 15000 shoop wero shipped from this point to the Chicago market this week, Cowles Dr. Schuuck has a now buRBy team W. H. Thomas re turned the llrst of the week from a visit in Iowa A. L. Burton will begin work on the cheese factory in a few days. Wells -John G. Potter is getting ready to more his familv to his farm three miles from town Mrs Charley Fish has purchased a now loom Henry Cook was up from Uod Cloud yesterday Born, to Mr." and Mrs Motcalf, a iluo daughter. OATUhivroN Farmers aro dono seed ing Sam Motcalf was down from Wells tho llrst of tho week One of John McCallum's brood sows gavo birth to a litter of eighteou plss tho other day Justice Travolpieco and John .vicCallum each lostu horso tho other day. Mount Hor-E Miss Amanda Brooks proved to bo tho best speller at tho spoiling match Thursday night Noah Harvey went to Graham county, Kansas, this week Lizzie Ntclutosh closod her school last Fri day S H Brooks has moved into N. Harvey's houso on tho crook. Inavalk J H Ferman and wife of Rod Cloud visitod horo this week Ryland Yeiser, bookkooper and clork for J. O. Chamborlain, wont down to Rod Cloud Saturday Ihe post- ofllco has been moved from tho resi dence of G W Knight to Halo Bros.' store room There is talk of a sa loon being started horo John Broomflold, brother of Jam s, has ar rived horo from Canada. South Side A chicken thief living not a hundred miles from Penny crcok is causing considerable trouble among his neighbors Ho has been lying oroun I all winter doing nothing and foasting on his neighbors' pork, chickens and potatoes Among tho losers aro Mlko Walters, Loon ole, John Galbreth, Jim Wall, Wilson Parks, Win VnnDykoaud D. S Hoi vein You nood not bo surptised if you hear or a dead chicken thief in tho near future. REORGANIZATION OF DEMOCRATS Bryan Explains Recent Activity In Formation of Clubs. Lincoln, April 3. "It is a getting to gether of tho aggrcBsivo elements of the party In active preliminary work for tho great battle of 1908," Is tho way W. J. Bryan explained his recent i activity In connection with the reor ganization of tho Democratic nartv. Mr. Bryan returned from Des Molnos, and It was with particular reference to the meeting held there Saturday, at which ho made tho principal ad dross, that ho spoke. Mr. Bryan ex plained that tho Dos Molnos mooting, like the one held at Topoka, Kan., late In February, was to further a move mont for tho organization of Demo cratic clubs, and thereby place the ma chinery of the party In the hands of those who meant It well. In Iowa, he said, the same plan had been adopted as In Kansas, with both of which u was In hearty sympathy. Mr. Bryan presided last night at the mooting In St. Paul's Methodist epis copal churcn, and Introduced Balling ton Booth, who made an address fn behalf of the Volunteers of America NOT REQUIRED TO LIVE ON LAND Important Ruling Made In Klnkaid Law for Big Homesteads. O'Neill, Neb., April 5. The ques tion has been seriously raised as to whether persons who had already made proof on their former home steads, before filing on contiguous lands under tho Klnkaid law, would bo required to reside on the addition al land entered. In order to settle the matter Judge Klnkaid wrote the com mlssloner or the general land office for an opinion. He received a letter from the assistant commissioner, In which he quotes section 2 of the act and adds: "It would appear that the privilege of entering additional land under section 2 was given alike to entrymen who had made final proof on their original entries and to those who had not perfected title to the land formerly entered, If such entry men still owned and occupied the land so formerly enteied, and In case final proof had been made the party would not be required to move from the land originally entered to that embraced In his additional entry, but continu ous residence on the original entry for five years after date of the additional entry and the placing of permanent Improvements of tho land embraced In such additional entry of the value of not less than $1.25 per acre for each acre Included therein would be sufficient, if satisfactorily proved with In the statutory life of the entry." Rosebud Swept by Prairie Fires. Bonesteel, April 1. Prairie fires on the Rosebud reservation have de stroyed many homes and endangered many lives. P. Yerley, a ranchman, was cornered by the flames and his clothing caught fire. Diving into a pond, he extinguished the blaze, but Is seriously burned. A girl and seven small children were In a houBe that burned to the ground and barely es caped alive. EXPLOSION IN CARTRIDGE PLANT Building Wrecked and Three Men Killed at Bridgeport. Bridgeport, Conn., April 5. In a terrific explosion that blew to pieces one of the brick buildings of the Union Metallic Cartridge company shortly before the close of the 'day's work, three men were instantly killed. Great crowds gathered and in the panic that followed It was re ported that many lives were lost. The employes In the other buildings, how ever, made their escape in safety. Firo broke out following the explo sion, but was soon extinguished. The only man in the building at the timo, John Meary, was blown through the roof and killed. Two helpers, Michael Hurley and William Bayllss, working near tho building, were also killed. Tho explosion occurred in the dry house, where primer caps aro dried on long steam pipes. In some man ner ono of the caps was discharged and tho explosion followed. The loss Mil be about $30,000. Mrs. Valentina Must Hang. New York, April 5. Anna Valen tina, who was convicted of the murder of Rosa Salza, at Roda, N. J., a year ago and whose attornoys have been making every effort to save her from tho gallows, was resentenced to be hanged on Friday, May 12. Sentence was passed by Judge Garrotson in the 6upremo court at Hackensack, N. J. Mrs. Valentlna's lawyers will make an other appeal to the board of pardons' and should that fail, may appeal to the supremo court of the United States on the ground that she was de prived of her constitutional rights. $ to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to - When You fiuy SPOONS 3&Z&iJMN buy the bust if uti want to practice real economy; their is no article ol silver ware so expensive in the end as depart mental, hardware, or 'general store" spoons. We carry nothing but the very best Sterling Silv r and Silver-plated ware; stock such as is found only in a first class jewelry store, and yet our prices are lov, quality considered. We are not satisfied to make a big per cent on a single sale, but want the volume of busi ness and advertising that comes from selling good goods cheap. Nothing more appropriate for Wedding and Birthday Presents T I NEWHWSE BROTHERS, I to y(f J JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. tit City Dray and F. W. STUDEBAKKR, PROP. Toods Delivered to anv part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowes CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS GO. Residence 188. H. B. ASHBR, VETERINARIAN Of tho Kansas City Veter inary Collogo OlHco at E. Johnston's, the Brick Barn. ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED Telephone 82. RED CLOUD, - - NEB. At Bine Hill first Tuesday in each month. QUEEN INCUBKTORS ' Tha Queen" in truly the Queen of Incubator. Han a uvittam nf tllfTiMlva vetulla .. rf". tfan of Its awn. It will hatcli i'P' a Urgtr per cent of strong. I I btalthy chicks than any u a I , Vz china with other eystama of la r yntllailoti. Send for cata 1 KU. It'aKKBB. O.UEEN INCUBATOR CO. box 16, Uastlugi, Neb. Kansas has a now law which requires thut merchandise shall not ho sold in ono port of tho state at a higher price than the sumo firm soils tho Mime goods in another part of tho stuto for, differences in transportation chargos being taken into account. Evidently tho law is to bo put to immodiato tost in tho caso it was designed to meet Cottonwood Palls, a noil-competing oil market, finds it'-olf paying 23 cents for oil that can bo bought in Emporia, a competing town, for 15 cents. Under tho law, Cottonwood Palls demands that oil be sold there for fifteen cents also. If the luw holds good trfcd proves effective, tho Standard Oil company will find itself deprived of one of its most .effective weapons for killing competition. That being tho result, it will not take othor states long to loarn tho sumo triok. T Cure a Cold Ii One Day. Take Luxativo Bromo Quinine tab lets. All druggists refund tho mono) if it fails to cure. E, W. Grove's signn. lure is on each box. 25o. tit tit (!) 11 til wm-rmm Mi i tit tit tit tit it; it; tit tit it; it; tit ti) tit tit tit tit D tit tit tit tit Express Line. TELEPHONES, Office 119 : y Do You Eat Meat? When you aro hungry and want somethig nice in the meat lino, drop into my market. We havo the nicest kind of Home-made Sausages and meats, fish, and game in season. We think, and almost know, that wo can please you. Give us a trial. Koon Bros., Successors to ROBINSON it BURDEN. WE WILL. DO YOUR HAULING Call Phone 75 or 52. H0LLISTER ft ROSS. Heavy Praying a Specialty For INSURANCE norninnr. Pirn T.1nfifntnn clones and Windstorms! aoo JNO. B. STANSER, f agent for the Farmers Union Insur- V' anco Co., Lincoln, Neb., tho best in surance company in the sMo. i 1 i"m ii fc J ;