Cfc.w . ' n . i?ftR?BaBiewBB(t i "i", nBlB I Subscription $1 a Year I in Advance THE RED CLOID CHIEF v.aaMwjtw,w,wai-v Eight Pages All Home Print TPBBBBaauimiiJiinrwti mwwismimHatwx mem! ;? VOLUME XXXII r. RED CLOUD, NEBKASKA, APRIL 7, 1!M5 XITMIIUK 34 If " '-"'"'." BI"Wtt,-,-,.. ? i FRANK BARKER WILL HANG Supreme Court Affirms Decision of the Lower Court. Friday, June 16, the Day Set for Execution. Prank Burkor, who murdered his brother mid brothor's wife in Wobstor county, will bo hanged nt tho peniton- tinry on Juno 1C This whs tho deci sion of tho supromo oou t Wednesday in mi opinion luindod down tiftor 11 careful consideration of tho case. Tho court finds that tho inurdor was most brutal in character and was pre moditatod, bunco finds no morcy for tho convicted man Tho sontonco will bo carriod out by Warden Iieemor as in two othor cases rocontly. On ac count of tho nature of tho crime, it is un ikely that any interference in Barkor's behalf will bo made and less likoly that if any is made, it will bo successful Tho opinion is written by Judgo FKANK BARKER Barnes and is concurred in by tho entiro court. Barker, who is but twonty-threo years of age, murdered his brother Daniel Barkor aud sister-in-law, Alice Barkor, near Rod Cloud, February 1, of 1904, that ho might be come possessed of tho house, property and farm and marry Miss Lizzie Rou kel, a young woman of Inavalo, who had promised to become his wifo as soon as he had procured a homo to ' take her to. Provious to tho murder Barkor iiad boon one of tho most popular young men of tho community, although ho was a nephew of Madson, JUSTICE BARNES, Who Wrote tho Opinion Handed Down by the Supremo Court. tho Kausas murderer who killed three women in a fit of anger in tho fall of 1903 Barker's victims wero both shot and their bodios buried beneath tho offal of a oow shod, whore they later wore discovered by a searching party. Tho court in Its decision finds that there is ample evidence that Barker premodiated the crime several days before its commission aud overrules very one of the many contentions of Barkor's counsol. In its concluding paragraph the court refers to tho crime as follows: ''For tho reason that this caso in volves tho execution of tho death penalty, wo havo carefully read tho whole record and examined every question presented, in rdor to mako suro that tho trial court had properly aud carefully guarded tho rights of tho accused; aud after due considera tion our conclusion is, that tho record shows tho commission of one of tho most brutal uud deliberate murders recorded in tho history of tho stato; that tho facts aud circumstances dis closed therein are not only consistent with t lie guilt of tho accuse I, but in consistent with any othor rational conclusion, aud in tho trial of tho caso thoro is no rovorsiblo error 'For tho foregoing reasons tho judg ment of tho district court is in all tilings afllrmed, and it is ordered that Friday, tho sixteenth day of June, 1905, bo, aud the Mime is heiobyailixed aud appointed as tho day for carrying into execution tho judgment aud sen tence of tho district court " A Malicious Newspaper. A pair of tho Rod Cloud boys against whom judgment was found for jump ing a board bill in justice court in this city last week, went from hero to Bloomingtou to catch tho "flyoi" for homo aud there mado themsolves so obnoxious to tho local beaux that th'-y were treated to a volley of not overly fresh eggs. It should bo a lesson to the young ladies of othor towns as woll as Bloomingtou to be nioro particular of th- company they keep. Funklin Sentinel. The above is a sample of the stufF the Franklin Sentinel has been print' ing about somo members of the Red Cloud football team for several weeks past. '1 ho Red Cloud boys went to Franklin under a guarantee that their expenses would be paid. After their arrival thero they wero informed that they would have to pay thoir own ex penses. This they "refused to do, aud the proprietor of the hotel brought suit against throe members of the team for the amount of the board bill. The case, after numerous delays, finally came to trial befoni a justice of the poaco at Franklin aud judgment was rendered in favor of the landlord One of tho attorneys for tho prosecu tion admitted tiiat tho boys had not been given a fair deal at Franklin. The suit was appealed to the district court aud is sti'l pending. As to the reputed ''egging" received by two of the boys in Bloomiugton, thoro is more than ono side to the story. It is said the cowards who did tho egg-throwing struck oue young lady in the back of tho head and then ran. It is not to be woudored that the young ladies of Bloomiugton aud Franklin prefer tho company of youug men from Rod Cloud and othor towns wlion tl oy have such cowardly curs at homo to deal with. Jubt what is tho cause of tho sore spot in tho heart of tho editor of tho Franklin Sentinel wo havo not been able to learn, but it is posslblo that at borne time iu tho dim past somo lady has preferred tho company of a Red Cloud boy to that of the bilious editor whioh is not to bo wonderod at. NARRIA6ES Elgio G. Current of Orleans, Neb , and Miss Minnie Steinke of Blue Hill wero married last Friday by County Judgo Keenoy. John S. Kindsoher of Guide Rook and Miss Mary MoPhorson of Bost- wick, Neb , wore united iu marriage by Judge Keeney Wednosday after noon, April 5. Tochers' ExaaliatlM. Teachers' examination will bo held in tho office of county superintendent Friday aud Saturday, April 14 and 15 Elizabeth Mabkeh, Couuty Superintendent. Assessors' Instructions. County Assessor Richard Turner has promulgated the following com prohonsivo iustruetons for the benetit of ids deputies aud the taxpayers or tho county: To tho Local Assessors of Webster County, Nebraska: Gontlotnon I havo formulated oino rules for your guidance, and rospoot fully request dch local assessor to bo careful to follow tho instructions as hereinafter sot forth. First- Spell oacli nuino correctly. Socond Write tho names plainly, so as tocauso no bother iu reading thorn- Third Mako your tlguros plainly. Fourth Bo as neat witli your papors as possible Fourth Seo that your schedules are added correctly, and that you havo mado no mistakes in your valuations Sixth Local assessors must note all mon subject to military duty, between tho ages of 18 aud 45 Sovonth-Evory malo inhabitant iu eacli road district over tho ago of 21 years aud under tho ago of 50 years must bo listed to pay a labor tax, un less they aro specially exempted by law. EighthBo suro and writo iu a col umn opposite tho namo of eacli person assessed his postofllco address Ninth When listing llro insurance companies writo tho namo plainly, aud whore tho company is located, and tho namo of tho agent. Tenth Bo suro that all property listed is placed in tho proper school and road district. Iu taking tho statistical report of tho product of farms, you should seo that each parcel of cultivated land is uot listed more than once, each deputy listing tho statistics iu his own pro ducts and no other. In assessing hay and grain of all kinds, take tho homo market prico as a basis for your valuation and con sider tho quality of each aud tho dis tance from market. Under tho old law stock of all kinds was assessed as common stock, tho assessor rocogni.iug'no distinction be tween fine stock and common stock. Under the new law all property, of whatever kind, must bo valued at its actual value. All stock being fattened for market should be valued by the average weight, taking tho home mar ket prices as a basis for your valua tion, takiug under consideration the grado aud quality of stock being fat rened Uuder the new law, judgments that have not perished aro to bo taxed just as if they wore tangible proporty. They must be reported, with othor credits, at face value, to bo assessed at 20 per cent, the same as in tho case of sale able property. Tho following is an illustration of the method of assessing elevator men: Tho olovator man lists hs elevator at J.'JjOO; ho lists $1000 of grain on hand and 1500 of cash in tho bank to check" against in tho purchase of graiu, mak- ing a total of ?5000 on which ho desires to pay taxes This amount of prop orty is listed by tho assessor, and thou tho books of tho concern aro inspect ed Thoy show an avorauo canital in uso during tho year for tho pnrohaso of grain to bo $5000; from this $5000 is deducted tho 11000 of grain on hand aud tho $500 of cash on hand, leaving $3500 concealed or unaccounted for. This missing amount is listed by tho assessor as grain iu transit or capital tied up in coutracts, and is added to the original 95000, making a total of $8500 to be assessed. Telephone Local assessors must as sess to each porson his share or iutor- distinguished comrade on i lie enlarged est in auy telephone compauy (except opportunity for useful service before the Nebraska Telephone Company), kiin which is assessed as a company), aud I Second That copies of this resolu each person mut bo assessed for his tJon be K'ven to the press and forward interest in said company's wires, poles ed to MJr Warner and phones, except phonos that are ' VubhwI in James A. Garfield Post leased. Such persons are required to ' No- m G. A. R , April 1, 1905, Red list said phones and name of company owning them, and sign the schedule as lessee Barbed wire used as phono wire must not be assessed as phono wire if assessed as barbed wire on tho farm. Merchandise- Merchant No 1 lists his merchandise for $1500; morchaut No. 2 lists his merchandise at $1000. Tho assessor, on viewing tho two mer chandises, arrives at. tho conclusion that there is no difference in tho valuo of tho two stocks Tho assessor should scrutinize closely iu order to do jus tico to each and ovory axpayor. You havo a remedy under section .V7. Household Furnituro The assessor should Investigate as to quality, quan tity aud kind or matorial. For in stance, take two houses; they contain furniture or tho samo pattern aid to all appearances or tho samo quality and valuo. On Investigation or infor mation you find the bods In ono houso aro feather bods, of tho bost quality of feathers, and In tho othor houso they aro straw beds If tho housohold goods of these two taxpayers uoro val ued tho samo thero would bo an injus tice dono aud tho object of tho law w- uld l)o defeated. Merchandise and household fund, turo aro not tho only proporty where differences iu regard to valuation will arise. Tho above two descriptions ap ply to every bit of all kinds of prop orty to bo assessed Tho law is im partial iu who It hits. Tho assessors must 1)0 impartial iu thoir assossmont of every taxpayer. Scrutinizo closely for all tangible and intangible prop erty. Endeavor to seo all tanglblo proporty and to got a true description aud valuation of all intangible prop orty. Use your best judgment in ar riving at the truo valuo of all kinds of property. This is tho requirement of tho law, and by obeying it tho assess ors will do honor to thomsolvos and justico to each and ovory taxpayer. The net credit ruling applies to flvo items in tho personal proporty sched ule: Nos ., 4, 13, 15 aud 85. Obliga tions owing of a similar nature may bo deducted from these aud from nothing olso. Indebtedness must not bo deducted from money on hand, either in bank or otherwise. For tho listing of real proporty and improvements, etc., that shall havo be come subject to taxation binco tho last provious listing of the proporty In tho county, seo section 109 of the new rev enue law. In answering tho list of questions in tho schedule tho party being assessed must answer '"yes" or "no" to each item. Whenever ho has no proporty as named uuder such item, the word "none" must bo written opposito such itom Every person required to list prop orty should verify by his oatji a state ment of all property which ho is re quii ed to list. Seo section 49. RlCHAItD TUKNKR, Couuty Assessor. Garfield Pst Resdutkwt. At tho meotiug of Garfield po-t last Saturday ovoning tho following resolu tions wore adopted: Whoreas, Major Williams Warner lmH boou recently olootod to tho Senate or tll United States, and, Wtiereas, As mombors of this post wo recall with affection and gratitude ids faithful and valuable services as o mmandor of tho Grand Army of tho Republic and his noblo aud patriotic eoiidiiofc - a voluutoor; and. V heroas, Wo havo boon privileged to moot him whon engaged iu thought ful, earnest aul eloquent discussions of tho questions pertaining to tho highest welfare of tho country aud havo learned to lovo and esteem him as a man and citizen; thoroforo be it Resolved, first, That this past record its pleasure iu Major Warner's advancement and congratulate our Cloud, Neb. Jos. Garbeb, Commaudor. F N. Ricu'abdson, Adjt. laid Sales. If you want to either buy or land, writo or seo C. F. Cather. charge if no sale. sell No Stlfi(iEl) AND ROBBED. C. T. Smith of North Branch the Victim of Thufts. T Smith, a farmer from near North Branch, Kan , claims to havo boon slugged aud robbed of iiu by two strangers with whom ho had boon making the rounds Wednesday night. Smith's story is that tho alleged hold up occurred at tho ontranco to tho stair way leading to tho rooms over J. O. Lindloy's restaurant Tho accused men, who gave their names as Dalloy and Ambrose, had been drinking am! playing cards with Mnith during the ovening, and Ambroso had engaged to go to work for Smith on tho farm. After tho saloons closed tho stranger invited Smith to spend tho night with thomut Lindloy's lodging houso, and whon thoy got him in tho stairway tlioy held him up and roliovod him of his money. The ofllcors wero notified, but no trace of tho alleged footpads was discovered until Thursday morn ing, whon Shoritr MoArthur found Dailoy iu Paul Storey's clothing store making somo purchases Whilo tho sjieritr was reading tho warrant to him Dailoy mado his oscapo through tho back door, but was captured iu the west part of town after an exciting cliaso. Ambrose was later arrostod at tho cometeiy, where iiad gouo in com pany with a woman who is a stranger in Red Cloud. Couuty Attorney Walters appoars to doubt Smith's story as to manner lu which ho becaino separated from hit money, as it is known that ho had boon gambling with tho mon, and ban declined to prosocuto unless Smith puts up a bond for costs Smith left for tho country this morning tosocura a bondsman. Farn; Loans in both Nebraska and Kansas. To mako suro that you can got lowest in torost and bost optional payments of mo, got tho very bost terms you can of others, aud thou come and see me. 1 am suro I will mako your loan. C. P. Catheii, Red Cloud, Nob. Tho Chiof and tho weekly Stato Journal, $1 a year. HEALTH is the Most Important The manufacturers of Royal Baking Powder have had 40 years of scientific experience. Every method or bread-and-cake raising has been exhaus tively studied in this country and abroad. The result is a perfect prod uct in Royal Baking Powder. There is no substitute for it. The purity and efficiency of Royal Baking Povdcr have been commended by the highest authorities of the world. These facta mean two impor tant things to all housekeepers:- First: that Royal Baking Powder Is healthful and aukes wholesome food. Second : that Royal Bak ing Powder makes food good to taste. DAVAT BAKING JxVy I lLf POWDER ABSOLUTELY PURE ' ; 1 .3 il n . -Vji 1 -3 a m Ml 'Kim vS ...