The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 24, 1905, Image 8

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Items of Novvs Found In The
Chief of Twenty Yenrs Ago
This Week v
our druggist, has boon in Rod Cloud KeCoipt9 today woro 10,300; quality
sovoral duyb on account of poor hualth I KOO(j, Buyers woio cautious to start
A. II. Kaloy is building a now bam
Thrco runaways occurred on Tuen
day. Tho street sprinkler will start on
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. D. S Coombs,
a dnugliUir. ,
Sam Dyer will soon liavo a now ox
jircss wagon.
Will Parkcs entertained a fow friends
Tuesday night,
U. Edwards is building a now store
near tlio depot.
I. N. Taylor lias been on tlio sick list
for several days.
Hiram Hicks will go to Indiana in a
fow days on business
J. L. Haley lias returned homo from
his trip to Now Orleans.
E. Anderson and Mrs. Zeiss woro
married '1 hursday morning.
K. V. Highland is adding some im
provements to his residence
Tho now olllco of county attorney
will pay a salary of ?800 per year.
F. M. Shular has sold his faun near
Guide Rook and will move to Oregon.
Row (1 W. Hummoll was tho first
man to cross the now bridgo on horse
back. Tho bridgo across tho rivor was com
pleted Tuesday morning ready for
teams to cross.
Samuel Reeso of Pennsylvania has
bought tho Z. Rononcran's farm and
will move hero.
A. C. Halo and J. P. Halo havo
formod a partnership and will run a
hardware store at luavalo
Residences and other improvements
to tho amount of about $10,000 havo
ulrcady been built this spring.
Tho merchants and citi.ons havo do
nated over $5)00 in prizes to assist tho
G. A. R. in building their memorial
As a result of Row IliininioU's Ash
crook revivals tlioro havo boon several
conversions and $!i00 has been sub
scribed to build a now church
Last Sunday night somo tlnof or
thioves entered tho stablo of John
Polnicky, living north of Red Cloud,
and stole two of his tine 1 yoar-old
horsos, valued at from 8300 to $400
No cluo to tho thieves has been dis
covered Mr. Polnicky has otrorod a
roward of $75 for tho recovory of tho
horses and the county offers $50 for
tho capture of tho thioves
Friday evening tho pupils of tho
high school gave an entertainment at
tho rink to a largo and appreciative
nudienco In the panlomimo "Mis
chief in tlio Studio." Lou Kenuey
took the part of the "Artist," Charles
Kaloy, "Ernest;" UolloSpnnogle,"Clnr
ibol;" and Rauny McNHt, "Tlio Milk
man." In tho farco "Engaged by Mis
take," Charles Kaley represented "Mr.
Smith;" Charley Dow, "Captain
Ileavysides;" Emma Drown, "Mrs,
Smith;" Lou Konnoy, "Mr. Potts;"'
D-llo Spimogle, "Mrs. Potts;" Lina
Rich Foo has moved into tho
house vacated by A. II Linobargor. . . .
The sensation of tho season was tho
appearance of two trained bears
G T. Clark is on tho sick list
Wki.i.s A Sabbath school was or
ganized at tlio G. A. R hall last Sun
day lr Koohler's residence will
soon bo completed S Alexander
will build another now house soon
N Springer is now out of danger and
will soon be able to be about Hob
Wallace and wife ate tho proud par
ents of a now daughter Mrs
Lockhart and Mrs Drown havo been
very sick, but aro on tlio road to re
covery Mrs Charley Fish was
taken seriously ill one night this week
John Storey made a Hying trip
to Walnut Creek Sunday Marion
Alexander has a fine lot of fat hogs
ready for market.
Inavali: Mr. Eddy was the first one
to sow wheat in these diggings this
spring Mrs J. O Chamberlain
and her sister, Mrs. Harrington of
Iowa, havo left lor a six months' visit
in the east Among those who aro
going west this spring to tako up land
aro Honry Poore, S. H Harvey and tho
Milton brothers Mr Aincnon has
sold his hardware store to Halo Hros
The cheoso factors stoio was
burglarized Sunday in broadday
A. .1. Worthington of Monroe, Wis., has
arrived with two car loads of cattle
and several line horsos His family is
expectod soon Henry Rutledgo
has moved on his farm south of the
rivor Mr Irons has returned from
Iowa with a car load of blooded stock,
mostly Holsteins.
Kansas City, March ill Recoipt of
cattle Monday wero 8."rr I rado was
activo with beef steers going at stoady
to strong rates; cows and hoifors strong
to 15 por cent higher; storkers and
feeders firm. Receipts today woro
9(500 Quality of tho beovos offered
was tho best that has como in for some
timo Good heavy and handy weights
sold host although general values wero
unchanged from the day beforo Cows
and heifers woro scarce and prices for
thorn strong. Bulls weio active and
firm. Stockors and feeders woro firm
and notio.
Tlio following tablo gives quotations
now ruling:
Extra primo corn-fed steers. .$5 ,10 f 00
Good corn ted steers 1 f .i '2't
Ordinary corn fed steers.... 1 10 1 (5
Choice corn fed heifers J 'Jd-1 (l,"
(Jood corn fed heifers 'A 7:1 -I t!0
Medium corn fed buffers. ... II 2."-!l 7.
Choice corn fed cows .'1 7."-l 10
Good tt'Jii :i7s
Medium 2 75-1$ 25
Cauuers 1 fiO 2 2fi
Choice stairs I! 7."i-l 25
Choico fed bulls '. 25t 00
Good :i00-.125
Bologna bulls 2 (X) 2 7.r
Veal calves fi ()0-(5 00
i www i iw uuwii J IllllltU Wi
western stockors t 25-1 75
and offered steady rates. A fow salos
wero made on that busts but most
everything wont at strong to fi conts
higher values, closing weak. Bulk of
sales wero from $5.20 to $5115; top
fi.:i7J '
Receipts of sheep Monday wero 109 1
and trado strong to 10 cents higher for
everything Receipts today woro JJiO!),
practically no lambs being offered,
Buyers wero in tho Held early and com
petition was brisk with values 10 to lfi
conts higher. Lambs aro now -10 to 50
cents higher than the low point last
week. Wo. quote: Choice lambs 37 2fi
to 7.II5; choice yearlings, ?0.ft0 to (5.C0;
choico wethers, 15.75 to 5 85; choice
ewes, $5 50 to 15.(50 Estate Transfers,
Transfers for week ending Wednes
day, Mch. 1(5, fttrnishod by J. II. Bailey
of Webster County Abstract company.
James L. Millerand wifo to Clara
E. Waller, swl .'$ I-IMO, wd $ 1
James L. Miller Adm. to Clara E.
Waller, swl IlMMO, d ..... 1
Austin D. Miller to Clara E.
Waller, sw 1 .'1 l-IMO, wd 1
Win. K. Rif'o to Lucy M. Stono
breaker, lots 7, 8 and 9 block 18
Rod Cloud, wd 1500
Floyd Tooker to Win Boudreau,
lot .'1 block 4 Bladen, wd IK)
Sarah E Smith to T II Vaughan
lot 1 block 1 Vauco add to
Guido Ro.-k wd 000
Albert Holdrego to Andrew Ar
nold lots 1, 2 and G in 7-1 12
wd ".... UJOO
Henry A Jonson to V A Lntzue2
so 1 and s2 not 20-1-12, wd 1900
Arthur P Day to Helena Woster-
v It, nwl 20 i;il wd 1
Helona Wostervelt to E A Creigh-
ton nw4 20-1.11 wd 2200
Orin Buchanan to Lillian M
Shuck lots 1, 2 and 3 block J
Vanco add to Guido Rock wd. . 1000
Erick Erickson to T F Child ot al
part nol sw4 2-1-11 qcd ,T25
Lincoln Land Co to Margaret
Reihor lot 2 block 9 Bladen wd 75
Mary E Hulbard to C P Norris
n2swl 18 2;9 wd 2200
State of Nob to Adam Alher o2
no4 lO-.'l-Od 5(50
John Barkley and wifo to L A
Huskins lots 1 to i block 4
Gaibor2d add to Rod Cloud
m1 400
'I hos T Finney to Wm Crozier
se4 223-9 wd 4000
Samuel Smith to Ward Hayes
part n w4 se4 30.2-1 1 wd 300
Owon, "Arabella;" Hugh Miner, pago. Fair 3 75-4 00
Tho not proceeds woro about. $10.
Cathkuton J. A. Lockhart and Miss
Ella Cure were married this week
Cathorton has a base ball club
John Edwards lost several stacks of
hiy iu tho prairio lire last week.
Scott Mrs. Maggio J. Wolcott is
visiting with her parents, Mark Noblo
and wifo Charles Green lost a
cow fiom getting choked on tin ear of
corn .... Mrs. Fcnnimoro lias so far
rocovored from her attack of heart
failuro as to bo able to bo out.
Kat Wkhstkii Jacob Klndscher
lost a valuable horsa from being
hooked by a cow .... Mr. Buster, from
Champaign county, Illinois has lo
oated on one of R B. Eaton's hog
ranches Charley Codmau is able
to bo around aftor a live weeks' illiu-ss
Mrs J. B. Payne is on the sick
Elm Ciu:kk Farmers aro hauling
cum to Cowles so fast tho grain buyor
can hardly tako care of it Ira Pat
rick is happy over tho arrival of a lino
boy at his homo Walter Snod-
grass will farm the L. D. Thomas farm
this year H. Thomas has a team
of horses aillioted with glanders
Harvey Chambers has had bad luck
with his well, tho auger getting stuck
about 90 foot down in tho ground.
Cowles -M. P. Hurd has sold his
livery barn to N W Crafford .... Wm.
Hurd, who recontly purchased tho
Woodson farm, rocolvod a car load of
household goods and farming implo
mouts this week .Will Moacham,
Common 3 25 3 75
Good to choice heavy native
feeders 4 25-4 75
Fair 375-4 25
Good to choico heavy brand
ed horned feeders 3 75-4 25
Fair 3 50-3 75
Common 3 00-3 50
Good to choico stock heifers 3 00-3 25
Fair 2 50-3 00
Good to choico stock calves,
steers 4 00 4 75
Fair 3 50 4 (X)
Good to choico stock calvos,
heifers 3 25 3 75
Fair 2 75 3 25
Receipts of hogs Monday were 5372.
Tho market was 5 to 111 cents higher
Total $18,589
Mortgages filed $8200
" released $3300
(Continued from First Page.)
March 20. Preaching in the morning
and evening.
Mr. mill Mis. Tom Jones visited nt
13. B. Smith's in Red Cloud last Sun
Hi-nlah Fulton N visiting with her
si-ier, Mrs. Frank Blankcntmker, this
Warren Sutton has moved onto a
farm owned some years ago by Mr.
Tom Jones is laying the foundation
for the addition, which Clarence RWor
will build In hi house.
If VKRV mn ought 10 ver Gordo
J Hit for i frw very good rctiom.
Il Gordon Hats hadn't
every desirable qual
ity that enters into the
making of a hat there
might be other hats worth
more money. Why not
save $2 every time you
make a hat-purchase ?
Hats $3
Tho A in hoy Milling Co. has purchas
ed another farm.
Mrs. Fred Reed of Orleans is visiting
with her parents.
Mr. and Men. John Holcomb visited
at John Saladon's Tuesday.
Claud Miller and sister Maud wero in
Guide Kock Wednesday night.
Clttuh.s Lowis ami (J W. Baker weio
in Cowles on biiaino.s Tuesday.
Born, to Mr. ami Mrs. Sylvester Fris-
bio, Friday, the 18ih, a lino baby boy.
Mr, Johnston 1ms moved on tho farm
he recent 'y bought of Mr. Doyle. The
latter had hi sale Thursday.
The Union society met Wednesday
with Mrt. J. W. Saladcn, and in honor
of her tlaughl" r Hazel's tenth biithday
she invited several of her schoolmates
into luncheon.
(From the Lender.)
Landlord Soderberg has just recover,
ed from a severe attack of the grip.
Somo thirty of the friends of L. Wat
erhury and wife gavo them a farewell
surprise Tuesday evening.
J.J.Martin returned from Arizona
Thursday. His wife is improving in
I health, and will remain there a few
Tho entortainmont "Hiawatha" Sat-
Truths that Strike Home
Your grocer is honest and if ho cares to do so can toll
you that ho knows vory littlo about tho bulk cofToo ho
sells you. How can ho know, whoro it originally eamo from,
How it was blended or Wltn wnal
or when roasted? If you buy your
coffeo loose by tlio pound, how can
you oxpoet purity uud tuiif onu quality ?
necessity uniform In quality,
strength and flavor. For OVER A
has been the standard collec In
millions of homes.
LION COFFEE carclully pocltcd
at our factories, and until opened In
your liomv, has no chance ol bcliifj adul
terated, or ol coming In contact with dual,
dirt, Qcrmm, or unclean hands.
In each paclmgo of LION COFFEE you got one full
pound of Puro Coffeo. Insist upon getting tho genuine
(Lion hoad on ovory package.)
(Save tho Lion-heads for valunblo premiums.)
WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Oblo.
7 Ladies' Collars
A large assortment of Ladies' Fancy
Collars at 25c each. Nothing in the
city to equal them in value or style.
All Silk Ribbons, No. 40, at 15c per
yard. Others equally as cheap.
Kalamazoo Corsets
Wear one thirty days and if defect
ive in material or workmanship will
either give you a new one or return
your money.
Laces and
We have a large number of remnants
and short lengths of Laces and Em
broideries that will be sold at less
than half their usual price for a few
days only. Too many to enumerate.
Consign Your Live Stock To
W also have our own houses at
Riad our markit letter In this piper. WriU us for any special Information desired.
imlny uveniiiK at tho (Jhiistii.u cluireli
was pronounced the bust in tno ontiro
The sixteenth annual convention of
tho Webster County Stmiluy .soliool as
aociuiion will bo Ih-M iu ltluo Hill on
April 27 and 28.
Tho K. P. loiljro enjoyed a smoker
Wednesday evening in honor of L.
Watorhnry, who leaves for his western
homo next week.
Tho Hastings. Ico and Coal Co. is
negotiating for tho purchase of the
Sweezy ico business and also wants to
buy lots upon which to erect coal sheds
Netkc te Creditors.
State of NebMHkn,
Webster County, f
In tlio matter of tho estate of Thomas W,
Howard, deceased.
Notice U hereby kIvoii to all persons linvlnR
cliilniN and demands agnlitht Thomas W How
ard, late of Webster county, deceased, that tlio
time fixed for llllns; clalniH hkhIim said estate Is
sis mouths from the 11th day or April, 11)05.
All such persons ure required to present their
claims with the tho O ninty .liiristonf
said county, at his olllee therein, on or before
the Uth day of October. llKfi; and all claims
ko llled will bo heard before the said JikIko 011
tlio Itlth day ol October, 100), at one o'clock p.
m.;nnd that tho administrator Is allowed one
year from the 2'th ily of March. J905, In which
to pay the debts allowed against said estate, and
settle the same.
hi:!. A, II. Kkknky,
aprlf County Judge.
Notice to Bridge Builders and Con
tractors. Sealed bids will bo received at tho olllco ot
tho County Clerk of Wcbst.r County. Nebraska,
up to 12 o'clock noon, Miturday, April 29th.
1ltOT. for tho erection of one two-span steel'
bridge, spans to be -i feet each, to bo set on
steel legs, legs to bo 13 feet In length and set iu
0110 steel bridge. 18 foot span, set ou 31 Inch
tubes. 24 ft-ut In length, idling to bo driven in
tubes and filled with concrete, tho countv to
furnish stringers and floor for the last named
Didders to furnish plans and specifications.
All bids to bo accompaulcd by certified check
of IK.
The Hoard of County Commissioner reserve
the right to reject uny and all bids. Uy order
of Hoard of County Commissioners.
K. S. OAltltKR. county Clerk.
Red Cloud, Neb , March 23, IBOfl. ap!t
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggebr
A Bniy Mcdlolne for Bnsy People. A
jinugi uuiusu uiuui oau ueuuwon vigor.
Idney Troubles. I'lmnles. Eczema. Imnure
A speclflo for Constipation. Indlcostlon. LIva
KllinrtV TpAlllilaa Ilmntn T?nAn TmMmM
Blood, Baa Breath, Slutrclnh Bowels. Headache
and B.-cknclio, It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tacr-
jet form, : cents a box, Outline, made by
IIoLLisTEn DniTo Company, Madison, Wis.