The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 24, 1905, Image 7

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. "i'l
1 f'
1 1
Women as Well as Men Are Made
Miserable by Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind,
discourttgesundlcsscnsuuibition; hcnutv,
vigor ana cheerful
ness soon disappear
when the kidneys are
out of cder or dis
eased. Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
mm u is noi tinooin
moil for a child to be
born afflicted with
weak kidnevs. If the
child urinatcstoooften, if the mine scalds
the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an
age when it should be able tocontiol the
passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet-tiiiK
ncpeiitl upon it, theeause of tlwdilli
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step" should be towards th- treatment of
these important organs. J'hih unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
tlie kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made miser
able with kidnev and bladder tumble,
and both need the same groat loiueth.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Uoot is pooti realized. It is sold
by druggists, m fiftv-
cent and one-dollar fvX
size bottles. You may flfejMH
have a sample Dottle
by mail free, also a Homo of Btramp-itoot.
pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root,
including many of the thousands of testi
monial letters received from sufferers
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., (
llinghanitoii, N. Y., be sure and mention
this )aper. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, llinghaintoii, N. Y., on eery '
In a watch chain that adds nothing
to the chain's looks or the quality of
Its workmanship ? 7'tc outer sur
face of pure gold and all the details
cf workmanship and finish are
identically the same in
Watch Chains
and in the costly gold ones.
For Sale by
Newheuse Eros..
Jewelers & pticians,
Red Claud, - Nebraska
Chas. L. Winfrey
The Auctioneer,
RED CL UD, - - - NL3B.
Will cry
your sales and
satisfaction or
no pay.
I know the value of your
stock and your interest.
Stock and farm sales a
specialty. Will attend sales
on short notice, and make
the price reasonable. I pay
all telephone expenses.
Order To Show Cause.
Shite of Nebraska. I
Webster Coiiui f
At iic!imiit court held nt tho county court
room In nml tor Mild county. 'l'hiimlay, Jliucli
lliih. A. I). IWVi. , ..
In t.'ioiiiiuicrof tho citato of.Jame- MoNutt
tltCflll'Cd. .
oiirfiiilliiKiuHiniliiK tho I'L'tltl-ii of Ollvir
MoNutt llli'ilnii tho lliih day ot .Mardi. A I)
Mo. praline for Ihe uxnnilimllon and allow
miiio of his iliiul account ot tin- miio Unto k de
c.reoof iissluiuiu'iil of ihu hinilh belntiKliu: to
Willi I'Mlllf tO till! tlOrtWIIhlMUllIlMl 10 tllU KlIIIIU.
hii order dlntrlhuthiK Iho relduo of perwiiMl
t'Htnto ant thero upon an order illhcliiiifdiiK
him from father burden nml service In nln Mild
oillce iib-ilnilulHtriilor.
Ordered, that .Monday. Iho 3rd day of April
A. 1). Mtt. at one o'clock )i ni , is asMioied
forhearlni: wild petition when all persons
Intereatcdliihald nmltfir may upi enrat a coiintj
court to ho held In mid for mIiI county nml
hbow en line why piaycr of petitioner hIioiiIiI not
ho Kranted; and thnt notice of the pendency of
nhIiI petition nnd thu hearliii; thereof he lon
to all perions Interested In Mild matter, hy pun
llhhliiK u copy of this ordor In the Hk 0 "
Cuutr. n weekly ncwspiiper primed In mid
county, for three coiinecullvo wci'kn prior to
wild day of henrliiK. ..
IKKAI.I n. II. "." I
march III
Cotiutv Jud?e.
J To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Hromo liuiuinn tab
lots. All druggists refund tho money
if it fulls to (.mil). K W. (J rove's signu-1
turo is ou each box. 2fju.
Text .f iiio i.t'NNiin, A t'oiniirciioiiNlve1
Quarterly lto Imv (iolilcn Text.
John x, .'II CnniiiuMttiiry l'rc-pnreil
by llv. I). M. Strnrn.
ICopjriKlit, HXtt, hy American I'rc-n AmocUtion.
Lr.sMiN 1. Christ tho Life nnd Light
of men (.lohn I, t-KSi. (loldi-n Toxt.l
John I. , "In Hint wns lifo, nml tho
llfo wns the llfrlit of niiMi." Hopuut
with till possible omphusls mid prove
from other Scrlptun. us well us tills
leson. Iluil .li'Mis Is tJoil, that there Ihi
no lll'i' npnil from Him nml that to'
huvc whnl lie calls "ovci'lastluj; lil'o"j
He nnisi ln truly iwelvod as thu
Christ, the Sun of the llvlm,' !)d. the'
only Saviour of sinners, without whoso i
precious blood there Is no fornlveness
of sins (I, 1'J; I Ifb. Ix. 'Ji': Acts Iv, l'Jl.
Li.-o 11.-The witness of .lohn the
Baptist to .lesus (.lohn I, IP-oD. 5old-t
en Tet. .lohn I, '.Ml. ' i'.ehold the Lamb
of (Sod. which takelh away the sin o(
the world." .John was only it voice, to
bo heard and not seen, a messenuer;
with a message, the herald of a Kteat
Kiiitf, himself Kfenl In the sluht of tho
Lord, before whom he stood and seek'1
ln; only Ills nlory. This lesson should
lead from (Sen. Ill, lil. by way of Kx.l
xli to Calvary and on to I lev. v, 0; xxl,
22, '-'.'I.
Lr.sso.v III. Jesus wins His llrst dis
ciples (.John I. II.Voli. Golden Text,
John I. -IS), "Thou art tho Son of God;
Thou art the Kin,' of Israel." John
pointed Illm out and honored lllm,
two of John's disciples followed Lllm,
and thus bopm a following, over sineo
lnereaslnj:, which shall result In a glo
rious chimb, a redeemed Israel and a
world filled with Ills glory.
Liihsox IV.-The llrst miracle In Cana
(John II, 1 11). Golden Text, John II,
5, "Whatsoever lie saith unto you do
It." Not until after the marriage of
the Lamb (Kev. xix). of which this and
many other marriages in Scripture are
in n sense typical, notably the marriage
of Adam and Kve (Kph. v. .'il, :'2), shall
tho kingdom come and the words to
Nathanaol bo fullllled. Would we has
ten that time, lot us note carefully His
command in Matt, xxvlil. 1!); Mark xvi,
1C; Acts I, S, and obey the Golden Text.
Lksson V. Jesus and N'lcodenniH
(John III. 1-1."). Golden Text, John III,
10. "For God so loved the world."
We cannot bo of any use to the Sav
iour to hasten Ills kingdom until wo
are born again, for until that takes :
place In us we are dead In trespasses
ami in sins, we have no real life (Col. I
11, 111; I John v, lli), ami He does not
ask dead people to serve lllm. for they
that are In the flesh cannot pleasoj
God. I
LrssoN VI. Jesus at Jacob's well
(John Iv. o-14). Golden Text, Hev. xxllj
17, "Whosoever will let him take the
water of life freely." While the most'
religious must be born again, the most
wicked may be born again, and where'
there Is truly the new birth there will
be In greater or less degree a repetition
of this woman's experience, who he-'
came so occupied with cinist mat snu
forgot herself and her errand and be-,
came Ills Joyful mesonger.
Lksmin VII. The second miracle In
Cana (John Iv, -i:5-r.l). Golden Text,
John v, IK!, "The same works that I
do bear witness of Me, that the Father
hath sent Me." While the new birth
comes only and wholly by believing
that Is, receiving and wo become wells
of living water In tho same way, It!
must be a simple believing, without
seeing or feeling. I
Lkssox VIII. Jesus at the pool of
Bethesda (John v, 1-15). Golden Text,
John vl, '2, "And a great multitude fob,
lowed lllm, because they saw Ills mir
acles." No religiousness helps, no sin
need hinder, no case is beyond Ills
power, but the pool is not necessary
nor n man to put us In. He Himself Is
the fountain, and a word from Him Is
sufficient. I
Lksson IX. The miracle of the
loaves and llshes (John vl, 1-1-1). Gold
en Text, John vl, fl, "I am the living
bread which came down from heaven."
Vast multitudes, the majority of tho
people on earth, have never heard of
tho new birth, the living water, tho
; bread from heaven, and, while It Is tho
j tendency even of those who have re
ceived for themselves to say, "Send
them away," or let them alone, Ills
command is, "Give ye them to eat."
1 Li:smo. X. Jesus at the feast of tab
ernacles (John vll, :i7-li). Golden Text,
John vll, Ml, "Never man hpake like
this man." While they are abusing
Ilini and seeking to kill Him because
He broke their national Idol, their Sab
bath day (for that day, like their feast
days, had become the Jews' Instead of
the Lord's), He continues to offer free
ly the living water to all.
Li:sm)N XI. The slavery of sin (John
Till. Sll-10). Golden Text, John vlll, S4,
"Whosoever oommltteth sin Is the serv
ant of sin." There was not one of all
those who brought the woman to Him
who could say that he wns without
sin (verse 7), yet they dared to say thnt
they wore never In bondage (verso SW),
for, being only natural people, they
talked foolishly concerning spiritual
tilings. All the unsaved are servants
of sin, all the redeemed are servants
6f righteousness, but many are In
bondage by disobedience (Horn. vl).
Lksson XII. Healing of tho man
born blludJJohn lx, 1-11). Golden Text,
Tx, rr. "r ntn trio Light ortFio
World." Not only nro nil horn In sin,
but nil arc also born blind and live In
darkness till the Light shines In. Tho
unine Jesus Christ who gives tho new
birth and health Is tho only ouo who
c" P'ii blind eyes, but He often uses
human Instrumentality, as when He
ncnt Ananias to Saul to open his eyes
(Acts Ix, 17). If we would be used
we must be willing to give lllm all the
glory, for no Mesh enn glory In Ills
Eight or Nine Lives Known to Have
Been Lost.
Columbus, (la., Marcn 22. Reports
have i cached Roanoke, Ala., of one ol
the mobt disastrous ntorms that ever
visited that section, which swept
across the k luthern part of Randolph
county. Hlglit or nlno lives are
Iiiiowu to have been lost and damage
amounting to thousands of dollars
was done to property. The tornado
fitartod at a point near Double Heads
nnd proceeded In a noithwesterly
course.. The residence of Mack Car
lisle wns demolished and R. C.
Haynos was killed. Six miles east
several houses weie demolished.
Three negroes were killed and several
Injured ou the Wilson plantation.
Three or four negroes were kll' m1 on
the Holly plantation, near Rock Mills.
At Lime l'ostolllce, a store was de
molished and a little white girl, daugh
ter of a Mr. Lucas, was killed and her
mother seriously injured. Details or
the stoim are difficult to obtain on ac
count of wires being down.
Rockefeller Ticket Defeated.
Tarrytown, N. Y., March '22. John
Wlrth, the citizens' candidate for
president of North Tarrtytown village,
was elected. Wlrth received olo votes
and heat Warren J. Stoddard by Mb'.
After his election Wlrth said that he
was pleased over Inning beaten tho
so-called Rockefeller ticket, but that
he bore the Rockefellers no ill will
i and fully appreciated the benefits that
1 had been showered upon the village,
- especially by John D. Rockefeller. It
i was understood that Mr. Rockefeller
i supported the ticket headed hy War
ren .1. Stoililard, tlie i'copies
Burt for Panama Canal.
Washington, March 21. The Tost
says: Horace G. Hurt, formerly presi
dent of the Union 1'aelfle, will proba
bly he tho new head of the Panama
canal commission, in charge of the
construction of tho great Istliminu
waterway. Ills nomination has been
Beriously considered by Mr. Roose
velt for several days, and it is under
stood that the offer has already been
made, or will he made, and that It ts
a part of the plan of tho reorganiza
tion which has been under contempla
tion. Defense Having an Inning.
Council llhiffs, March 22. Proxies
given by James Doyle to Judge A. T.
Gimnell of Colorado Springs In 181)1
and lS'.to, to he voted at iho Minutil
meetings of the Portland Mining com
pany, were intioduced hy the defense
in tho Doyle-Rurns case to disprove
statements repeatedly made by Doyle
that he had entrusted the manage
ment of all his mining Interests to
James I' Hums, from whom ho now
asks a half Interest in claims and div
(lends worth $900,000.
Senate Adjourns Sine Die.
Washington, March 20. The special
session of the senate was adjourned
without day. No motion hnd been
made to recommit the Santo Domingo
treaty and It was" allowed to remain
on tho calendar. It will he the pend
ing business in executive session
when the senate next meets, whether
It be In special or regular session.
Eight Injured by Bomb Explosion. ,
Warsaw, March 22. A bomb
thrown from the window of a house In
Volsk street at 9 o'clock In the even
ing exploded In the midst of a pass
ing patrol, composed of pollco and In
fantry. Six soldiers and two iiollce-1
men wero dangerously wounded.
They were removed to the military
hospital. The assailant escaped.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Chlcapi. Mm ch -1. Higher prices at
Liverpool mid crop dauiaKf reports fiom
the Miiithwcst liupailed htrciiKlli to the
wheat market hcic today. At the close
May wheat for delivery wax up Idc July
was up Vie. Mn.v corn wiih oIT VWt'KiO. Outs
weie down ftV4e mid provisions .showed
n loss of '',Wil.1c. Cloxlnu prices:
Wheat-May, $t.l.1Vi: July, -"Ki:
Corn May, t8T;c; .Inly. Hie: Kept.,
Outs- May, :tl',c; July, liilUe: Sept.
rork-May, $r-K.l: July, si.'i.oo.
Lurd-May. 7.12V0: July. 7.'J7V..
Hilts- May, .l7d: July, ?7.10.
CdlciiKo Cash Prices Nu, ' Imrd wheat,
?l.i:u(( 1.1.114: No. :t hard wheat. l.fitfi
1.1'-; No. 'J cash corn, 4Srl8'ic; No. 3 cash
oat v. HI Vic
Chicago Live Stock.
ChleiiKO, Mm clt UL- Cattle- Uffflpts, ,
000; steady to Htroiu;; Komi to prime ulcers,
.f.1.irr),'M; poor to uiedliiiii, Jji.'i.H.I'Si.l.OO;
Htoekern and feedeiw, $'.,.75'ii4.ii(i: cows,
$2.MKfH.r0: heifers, JM.oofiu.M; winners,
SLWyfr.'.-MlS dullH, S'J.-UKtMKl; calves. fl.OO Hoifw ItecelptH. 1.1,000; ,1c higher;
mixed and diilehers, i.'i'iATf, good to
choice heavy, ?3..V'fM,fiO: rough henvy,
ri.'.iKfj.'j.JM) llclit, S.l.Llfi.l.tO; dull: of
pnlcH, ('.iHVtfii. 15. Hlioep Heeolptfl, IB.OOOs
Htouily; kooiI to choice wctlicro, V.75fJ
(l.'JO: fair to choice mixed, ?r..(K1i.'..-l0j
western sheep. ?.".0viir.t;0i iiiitlvo dunlin,
$..MViI7..V): western Ininhs, $(MX)W.7n.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Knnsiis City, March 'Jl. Cattle ItecclptK,
10.000; steady; choice dcef (doors, $.VJ.VTC
5.7i" ; fulr In koihI. fl.'iVufi.yri; western fed
hterrs, $1 '.'.Vii.'i.riO; Mockers nnd feeders,
V'UXViil.;.", eow, f'-MXVii l.;; unlive hclf
oii, W.OOti. 1,7.1, IiiiIIh, J'; cnlven.
$ '.'.MHitl (X). Iliitti-Receipts, 11,000; utroiiK
to Tie hlcher; top, $.1.:i"6; bulk of Rnlrn,
$.1.'.W.1.,'l1; henvy, $r.:sM(i,!l7'.4: pnckerH,
$.VJ.V(i;i.:i.1; pln nnd IlKliti $ l.:t.V(ir.2.1.
Sheep KecclplH. .'l.rOO; tOe tilRlier: dunlin,
$(l.r.(Vi(7..V); u fillers, $.1.:i.Vd.O0, fed ewen,
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Oiiuttiii. .Milled 21. -Cut tie he
oclpts, .1,(ioil; 10c dlKher; imtUe steern,
$:t.7.V(M.Ul; cows mid heifers, (a.OtWI.'.M;
runnels. .f'J.OO'iIt.oo, stocKers mid fecdern,
J,':.ixk, I..10. ealfs. $''.7.V.M.7.1: dulls, stun.,
eli'.. ?'-"-"& Ml. Uoj-'s ltfcclptH. S.OOO; .1c
liluher; Ihmi. .1.1Vn1.'.M; iiiIm-iI. SI.KVif,
.1.1.1: llclit. ;i.oo'..1.t7,u: plus. .vi.(HK,(l."1
dull, of suns. Ci.KKii.1.171. Sheep He
c'clpls, a,.lno; lower; we sit-ins, $.1.7.VH1.7." :
welheis, ..l..iO'fi.i.7ri; ewes, $l.7.VUCi.H);
llliuhi, ?ll.7.Vi(7.IO.
Jap Torpedo Boat Lost.
London. March 20. The Dally Tele
graph's Yokohama correspondent says
that during a storm a Japanese tor
pedo boat destroyer was lost off the
Indo-Clilua coast.
President of Mormon Church Sayo Ho
Received Revelations From God.
Salt Lake, March 20. Joseph
Smith, president or the Mormon
church, in an addtess In the tabor
ii!2le, modified his statement In th
HPiuite investigation at Washington, to
the effect that he had received no
revolutions fiom God. President
Smith is tpioted as saying: "In Wash
ington I refused to say what my in
quisitors wanted me to say In order
to gt me Into a trap, that Is to say
that God had given me a revelation on
some now law of precept which was
to he Included and put In the laws or
the church. Did ou over hoar mo
deny that I had been guided hy God.
No, no man I'Vi'r heard me say this.
When I was llrst baptised as a child,
God levoaled to me that 1 had done
an act which ho nppioved. God also
revealed to mo that Joseph Smith
was a prophet of God, raised up by
the power or the Almighty. He re
vealed, to mo in terms Incontroverti
ble tlmt Hrigham Young succeeded
lawfully to the presidency of the
church hy the will of the Almighty;
he revealed to me that John Taylor
was the divine successor of nrighani
Young; that Wllford Woodruff was
tho divine successor of John Taylor,
that Lorenzo Snow was the divino
successor of Wllford Woodr'uff. I
leave It to you to say whether It Is
right and lawful for me to be In this
position. I fervently believe that God
hns made manifest to mo many glo
rious things and much more wis loin
than Is inherent in myself and will
continue to do so as long ns I am
ready to listen when he speaks."
Omaha's Mayor Tak- a BrlrJ.
Phoenix, Ariz., March lf. e'rnnk I!.
Moores, mayor of Om:. , and MfSa
Mary R. Malone, nlho of Omaha,
were married here. Mr. Moores spent
the winter In Phoenix.
McGrcw-Harrls Wedding,
niooinlngton, Neb., March 1C Tho
marriage occurred here of Miss Kdltli
Pearl McGrow, daughter of tho presi
dent of the Hloomiiigton State hank,
and Clifford K. Harris, a state senator
of Sumner, Miss.
Farmers Dragging Roads.
Paplllion, Nob., March 21. Farm
ers in the eustern part of thu county
are experimenting with drags, con
structed upon tho advice of D. Ward
King, the lecturer upon tho good roads
question. August Leaders, J. M.
Gates and Allen Frazeur have mada
drags and are using them on the
roads adjacent to their farms and It
is suld tho earth, hy such exposure, Is
so packed that It readily sheds water,
thus keeping thorn from getting
Conductor Fatally Injured,
Lexington, Nob., March Hi. Owing
to a rear-end collision of two freight
trains at Overton all casthouud trains
wore detained here for several hours.
Conductor M. J. Herln was brought
here for treatment, as was J. K. Cos
tello, the brukemun. Both were taken
to Omaha. No, hopes are entei tallied
for the recovery of Herln, but Cos
tollo's Injuries, though severe, nro not
serious. Tho wreck was a mass of
flames and a temporary track was
made around It to permit trainc to
Union Pacific Corn Special.
Omahu, March 1(5. The Union Pa
cific corn education special left Lin
coln this morning and will run three
days, closing tho Intlnerary Saturday
evening at Kearney. The train will
stop at most of the stations on tho
main lino branches. Alfred Darlow,
advertising manager of tho Union Pa
cific, will have charge of the train.
Profossors Lyons, Avery, Harriott and
Cutler of tho agricultural department
of tho Nebraska university will give
lectures and demonstrations. The
Btato press Is wcH represented by a
corps of newspaper men. '
The Chief
adrvd the
one, year for
Morton I,. IIUl. of I.uhiiiiou. Iiid., Miys; "Mj
wife dud Iiilhiininalorv Ithctiiiuitlfm In every
miiKcIo mid Joint, her KiiU'crlng wiih terrlbls
mid hor doily mid fnco were hwoIIcu almost lie
youd recognition; hnd been In bed Mx week
mid had eight pli)MuliuiH, but received no
benefit until Mio tried Iho M)Mlu Curo Ur
HheumiillHtn. It gave Immediate relief ivn4
(die Viiik nhlo to walk about In three ilajn. Ian.
mire It wived her life." Sold by II. K. drlct.
DrugglM, Keil Cloud.
Toledo Blende
The Chief
$1.25 PER. YEAR.
The Toledo Hindi) is the best known
newspaper in tho United States. Cir
culation 171,000. Popular in every
Tho Toledo Blade is now installed in
its new building, with n modern plant
and (quipment, and facilities iqualto
any publication butwien New York
and Chicfigo. It is tho only weekly
newspaper edited expiessly for every
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World so arranged that busy people
can more easily c( mprehend than by
reading cumbersome columns of the
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in each issue by special editorial mat
ter written fiom inception down to
date. Tho only pnpur published espec
ially for people who do or do not loud
daily newspapers, and yet thirst foe
plain fuels. Thai this kind of a news
paper is popular is proven by tlie fact
that the Weekly Hlade now has over
17(1,000 yearly stibseribeis, and is cir
culated in nil parts of the U. S. In ad
dition to tlie news, the Hlade, publishes
.short and serial stories and many de
partments of matter suited to ovorf
mi mber of the family. One dollar .
year. Write for free specimen copy.
Address THE BLADE.
Toledo. Ohio.
A Guaranteed Cure Fer Piles.
Itching, blind, bleeding or protrud
ing Pilos. Druggists refund nionoy if
Puzo Ointment fails to euro any case,
no matter of how long standing, in 0 to
14 days. First application gives ease
and rest. fiOi,', If your druggist hasn't
il send 50o in stumps, mid it will be for
warded post-paid by Paris Medioiue Co,
Si. Louis, Mo.