y f- f'-P ; to I IK. I 7 t .,. Tl St y- f'-x :.. Lfl H . .V . Kl ml frV ( V RUSSIANS RETREAT KOUROPATKIN ACCEPTS" COM MAND OF FIRST ARMY. In Spite of Reverses He Is Considered the Best General and Foremost Strategist Changes Positions With General Lincvltch. St. Petersburg, March 22. The Huh a I an tiiiny in Muueliurlii Ih still to auvo the services of Uunernl Kouro patklti, who Is considered by many, in pilo of his series of reverses, the best general and foremost strategist ef the Russian army. Sinking nil feel ing or personal bitterness because of lis stipercesslon and all the old time enmity between himself and General Lincvltch In a patriotic desire to bo or service to the fatherland, the form er conimnndor-ln-clilcf volunteered to remain In nny capacity with the army which ho hnd so long commanded. The tender has been nccopted by 13m juror Nicholas and grntefully received ly the new leader of the grand army. The change exactly reverses the old order of affairs, when Kouropatkln was the supremo loader and Llnevltch directed the First army. Authoritative news of this, remark alilo step was known in Manchuria aiuch earlier than In St. Petersburg. General Kouropatkln, having pauscrt en his homeward journey at Harbin, started southward tho afternoon of Starch 20, amidst a most remarkable iarcwell from residents of Ilnrbln and soldiers who nro on tho way to 1111 out tho ranks of tho depleted army. The send-off was a mere foretaste of what awaits General Kouropatkln at tho front, and his self-sacrificing deter mination and the equally patriotic course of General Llnevltch In accept ing tho services tendered are bound to do wonders for tho relnsplrntlon of tho emperor's legions and glvo prom ise of union nnd harmony at tho coun cil table which that army has hitherto Sacked. Retreat Progressing Uneventfully. Tho retreat is apparently progress es uneventfully. No dispatches of moment were received. Little weight Is plnced here on tho deduction drawn nt certain European flapltals from tho dispatch announc ing that ennnonading had been henrd nouth of Tie pass, that General Rcn aenknmpff's corps, endeavoring to re join the mnln army, had been Inter cepted south of Tie pass. Tho dis patch In question undoubtedly was erroneous and It may bo pointed out that several correspondents nt tho front have mentioned the orderly ro tre.at of General LInevltch's army iml asserted that It effected a concen tration at Tie pass with scarcely a straggler missing, but made no men lion of the absence of so well known a fighter as Itennenkampff. In addi tion tho Associated Press correspond ent. M. Tolsukoff. who wns with Hen acnkniupff's commnnd during tho bat tle, has arrived at general hendquar lers, slightly wounded. Preparations nro now mnklng for Oic mobilization of a number of now detachments, not, however, on a gen eral scnle, the preliminary orders af fecting but twenty-two districts In tho governments of Odessa, Warsaw and Hoscow. Renewal of Agrarian Troubles. Recurrences and extensions of tgrarlan troubles are noted nnd near Llbau workmen and peasants are mak ing common cause. The Caucasus Is already tho scene of armed resistance to the forces of civil authority and In tlie region around Kieff, where tho Beasants are Increasingly bold, thero Mavo been ninny cases of violence. The labor leaders in tho great Indus trial centers are plainly planning to synchronize a general renewal of the strike with tho climax of the peasant disorders and with tho action of tho troops In mind have been serving no bee by anonymous letters and other warnings on guard officers hero and officials In other cities that ir another "red Sunday" comes and they order the troops to fire they will be held re sponsible therefor and tholr lives bo Biade tho forfeit. Official Report of Japanese. Toklo, March 21. Tho following official announcement hns been made: "Our detachment entered nnd occu pied Knlyuan Sunday morning at 4 o'clock. On tho samo day at 10:30 o'clock the enemy's cavalry, about sixty strong, with three companies of infantry, attempted a counter attack, tut was completely repulsed. To ward tho northeast tho bridges on the main ronds south of Kalyuan have been burnod by the enemy. Tho rail way brldgea havo been partly de stroyed. Tho number of guns cap tured near Mukden Is increasing, ow ing to discoveries of those buried by tiie enemy boforo retreating." Governor of Viborg Shot. VIborg, European Russlu, March 21. Governor Mlasorodoff was shot and corluusly wounded by a boy, whoso Identity has not been ascertained. Tho nssassln, who was about flftcon xenra old, obtained an entrance to tho governor's office nnd fired three times nt hlint ono bullet, inflicting u r i serious wound nnd tho others slightly wounding tho governor's legs. Tho governor's clerks nnd secretary were unable to stop tho would-lid assassin, who ronehed tho Btreet, wlero, how ever, he was arrested wlthont a strug- glo. The governor's condition Is crit ical. Strike Renewed at ILodr. Lodz, Mnrch 22. The workmen In a number of factories again struck. A police official was shot tlntl severely wounded. His assailants escaped. EXPLOSION KILLS GO 8HCP. FACTORY OPERATIVES LOSE LIVES IN ACCIDENT. Death Roll Now Contalro Fifty-five Names Rescue Work Made Diffi cult by Fierce Heat Property Loss Is Quarter of Million. I Drocklon, Mass., Mnrrh 21. This city Is in mourning for r.t least three Ecoro of her citizens, whoso lives were blotted out by tho explosion of a boiler in a large shoe manufacturing establishment, in the Cnmpcllo dis trict, conducted by tho R. 11. Grover company. The explosion was Imme diately followed by a Hash of ilame, which consumed the factory, a long, four-story structure, as If It were n house of cards, and Incinerated an unknown number of men unil women, who were unable to extricate them selves from a mass of tangled wreck ngo formed by the torrlflo upheaval in tho boiler room. Moro than 100 of tho employes In tho building were mnlmed, burned or bruised by tho tlmo they had reached safe ground. , Some had jumped from the rooff, eoino from windows and others had been injured in the mnd rush to es cape from tho doomed factory, which from nil parts cmL.ed tho Intense, awful heat of an Inferno, driving back tho band of heroic rescuers, who In a few brief moments had performed gal lant service. The lire extended from tho factory to seven other buildings In the vicin ity and destroyed them. One of tho buildings was a three-story wodlen block, owned by Charles F. Dahlborg. tho others being cottages of small value and a blacksmith Bhop. The wooden dwellings near tho engine room were practically demolished by tho ilylng boiler, but nono of the oc cupants was seriously Injured. Tho total financial loss is estimated at $250,000, $200,000 of which falls on tho R. B. Grover company. Tho mon etary losses aro nearly covered by insurance. Many Unaccounted For. It may never bo known just how many persons perished in the wreck age. No ono knows exactly how many persons wero in tno factory. Tho number has been estimated at 400, but Treasurer Emerson said ho doubted whether thero wero so many at work. Two hundred and fifty survivors have been accounted for and tho remains of fifty-live bodies have been recovered from tho ruins, tho search being con tinued all night. Fragments of human frames, which possibly might belong to bodies other than those enumer ated, havo also been found. Few of tho remains have been Identified. Tho head in nearly every Instance is miss ing and, except in rare Instances, it wns impossible to distinguish tho sex. Chief of Pollco Doyden expressed the opinion that some of the em ployes hal not reached tho factory at tho time, of the explosion and that un doubtedly a number of those living in nearby places wore Injured and had gone home without reporting their In juries. Ho thought that many of those unaccounted for, upwards of 100 In number, were among these. Thq disaster was attended by many harrowing scones nnd thrilling res cues. For hours hundreds of tho rela tives of tho factory operatives be sieged the ruins and the fire and po llco stations In quest of missing ones. Some in their violent grief nnd ago nizing stress of mind, collapsed. Several of the rescuers and search ers fainted as they beheld tho dis tressing scene. Thero was no trace of the body of David W. Rockwell, engineer of tho plant, who wns not seen nftor the explosion. It is sup posed that ho perished at his post. I List of Dead and Missing. I The list of identified dead: J. R. Colo, Hardy H. Hall, Jeromo A. Mayo, Georgo Smith, Emma B. Pray, Flor- 1 once A. Dunham, Samuel A. TUloy, Ernest Cabon, Nolllo Leary, Miss Se rena Shaw Rurrows, Marlon Tufts, Miss Fitzgerald, James N. Bell. I A list of missing wns given out at the police station. Thero is renson to believe thnt all wore killed, ns every offort has been mado to locate them. Tho list follows: Andrew Johnson, jonn Lundoll, Jennlo Styles, Almoran Hallett, Miss Georglo Emerson, Miss Mary Fitzpatrick, Georgo Burgess, Barnabas Lowls, David W. Rockwell, Hannah Llndberg, Sndlo Hlekov. .T. Victor Turner, Arthur Pray, Mulder . man, Georgo a. Monk, .TcbsIo Chand ler, A. F. Nelson, Bror Lovejoy, Mrs Stolln Kelloy, Mrs. Ciara Atwood. Richard Sprlgglns, Mamlo O'Connoll, .Mamlo. Leonard. W, R. Armstrong, Kate Kelloy, Louis HIckcy, Granville Hoppin, Miss Burgess, L. BurgeBB, Mrs. V. Hurd, John N. Sullivan. An inspection of tho wrecked boiler by the state boiler Inspector showed thnt there was a sufficient supply of water In it. Tho cause of tho explo sion Is nt present a mystery. Tho dis aster will bo further Investigated by the state authorities. Beef Trust Investigation. New York, March 21. Tho United States district attorney, II. L. Bur nett, hns been taking evidence here for n week pnst in connection with tho beef trust Investigation by tho federal grand jury In Chicago. The list or witnesses Includes the names of all tho New York representatives of all tho big packing concerns In New York. The witnesses, It Is snld, wore questioned In regard to tho meth ods of tho trist east of Chicago and tho "blacklist" In the credit systems employed by the firms. All General Burnett would say was that what was being dono was worth while. ITALY ANGRY AT CASTRO. President of Venezuela Seizes Italian Coal Mines by Armed Force. Port of Spain, 'Jjrinidad, March 20. News has i cached hero that the gov ernor of Barcelona, Venezuela, has re ceived from President Cnstro orders to take possession at once of the coal mines of Quanta Narloual, situated near Barcelonn, and leased in 1S0S for thirty-three years by tho Vene zuelan government to an Italian com pany. Tho samo day tho Venezuelan troops took possession of the mines by armed force, as In tho similar case of the New York and Bermudez com pany, this notwithstanding the protest of tho Italian mnnngcr. This action has been taken without a judgment of tho court of Caracas. The Italian legation has boon noti fied nnd Baron Allottl, Itnllnn charge d'affaires, is represented ns having en tered a protest. France Files Protest. Washington, March 20. Minister Bowen, at Caracas, has cabled tho state depariment that tho French minister at that place has protested to the Venezuelan minister of foreign affairs against tho action of tho gov ernment, which has given notice to tho French Cable company of Its in tention to nnnul its concession nnd seize Its property. The nature of tho protest Is not given. Cruiser Colorado Sails. Norfolk-, Vn., March 20. The cruiser Colorado sailed from Hampton roads. It Is understood she Is bound for Ven ezuelan waters, though reports havo her going to Join tho combined fleet at Pensncola. Ten expert torpedo men wero sent to the cruiser from tho League Island navy yard. The order for theso torpedo experts was received In n personal telegram from Secretary Morion. To Ratify Warner's Election. Kansns City, March 20. A mass meeting to ratify the election of Ma jor William Warner of this city to tho United States senate to succeed Senator Cockrell will be held In Con vention hall In tho city next Friday evening. Invitations to attend have boon extended to many prominent Ml8SourIans and Senator-elect War ner's Republican nnd Democratic friends will vie with each other in paying him honor. Kansns Cityans, regardless or tholr politics, will avail themselves of this opportunity of com plimenting their distinguished fellow citizen. The list of speakers will in clude all of the notable political or ators of tho state. Flood Feared In Mohawk Valley. Fonda, N. Y., March 20. Residents of tho Mohawk valley fear another flood from tho overflow of the Mo hawk river. The water has been constantly rising all dny and the ico threatens to niovo out nt any time. The New York Central railroad lias ordered the section gangs on this di vision out on duty and a close watch is being kept on places where wash outs are feared. Soldier Killed by Falling Wall. St. Louis, March 20. Word has been received hero from St. Gene vieve of tho death of Leonnrd N. Gloor, sergeant of batory A, Missouri National guard, during tho Spanish American war, by tho falling of a log houso wall on a ranch near there. He served with distinction in the Por to Rlcan campaign. Warner Elected 8enator. Jefferson City, Mo., March 20. In scenes of tho wildest disorder Major William Warner (Rep.) of Kansas City was elected United States sena tor from Missouri to succeed Francis Marlon Cockrell, whose term expired March 4. 4ttttfckfciliifcii 14l4flirlfiiiii vMoiiUiibibtfcUitfcM'ifcUfifcUitfctitfctfctbtbtfclblbtfckfctfcvfclfctfctbUttbthifclfclhtife (-' fr: C- C- f c ' t- f f f SAY, niSTERI l mi uu know that, it will pay YOU. ns well iix US, to buy your Building Mil teihil and (Joul at ourynrds? Not only tluil n v prices avimauu lower, or tit leitM us low as those of our competitor-, but iikuai'mi- we tuko especial euro of and protect all can bo classed as It K r, U LA i CUSTOM K US. PLATT 5c FREES CO. Coal. Lumber. "iwiwnm 4itioiiiitii(iiiiiftiinifi4n'nrt'nTitmTitTivi miMwMnwnnvnuQUw TRAIDBRS LUMBER CO. DEALERS IN er and Coal, BUILDING MATERIAL, ETC. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. lumfe BEST 15c MEAL IN THE CITY Oysters in Any Style H ALB'S HESTAUR.AN T Damcrcll Block. SAVE A DOLLAR or more, by purchasing your trees di rect from a responsible grower. When the "slick" tree agent calls upon you, show him these prices and he will look as innocent us a lamb and tell you "all kinds" of lies about us and our trees. Apples Grafted Knelt Kach .r to 7 feet 1 Je. 4 to 0 feet ....lie. 3 to 4 " .... l)c. 2 toll " .... 5c. Crab Apple same as Apple. Peach Budded Each Kncli 5 to 7 feet ... . 13c. 4 to f feet lie. a to 4 " .... 8c. 2 to a " ... 7c. 18 to 24rinches, oc. each. Plums Budded Kueh . Each f to 7 feet . . . ..Tjc. 4 to 5 feet. . . .2)C. iito4 " ....20c. 2 to 3 ' ...,15c. Cherry Budded Kauh Knelt i to (i feet. . . .35c. 4 to f foot. . . ..'10c. 3 to 4 " ....25c. 2 to 3 " ....15c. 18 to 24 inches, 12e. each. Concord Grape Kueli Each 2 year 5c. 1 year, select . .4c. 1 year, good, 3c. Russian Mulberry I'KK 1,000 (J to 12 in. . . .1.00 12 to 18 in. . .$1.50 Black Locust PICK. 1,000 5 to 8 in 1.00 8 to 12 in. . . .1.25 On orders of 10.00 or more wo will allow 10 per cent discount from above prices. Wo pay the freight on 10.00 orders. Send for our catalog. It's free. FAIRBURY NURSERIES, FAIRBURY, - NEBRASKA UNITED STATES Importing Canadian Wheat Is Now a Fact. Oct a FREE Homestead In Western Canada or buy Bomo of tho best wheat lands on tho continent, and bo couio n producer. The iivermn- yield of whrnt thin your will lie about JM liimliel t the acre. Tho out nnd Imrh'y crop will also yield ntmndnntly. Splendid cllnmb, frond pclioolrt nnd churches, escul ent marketing facilities. Apply for Information to Stier 1 ntendent of luinilKrutlon,Ottuvru, or to W.V.BENNETT, 801 New York Life BMf.l0mba,Neb. jut-mion mm pupor. . Wi'll I m mk. m "BI.JLffl m cC fej fej'i "Hard Hlttlnn nnrl Shni,t T ...... TJl(.t (. II.A linlu.M.l a. .11-. - . I .. - ( m .. i "";""" ""'" uivuii Nirinmea infill Mellon 01 !!1SSV.T,Uy?.,mnicn,,'nlf "ur ""' Knulppwl will' ft cunot help hittlni; tho murk I n o nnnufctiirt a complete lino of RIFLES, from $3 to $l5o PISTOLS, from $3.50 to $50 SHOTGUNS, from $7.50 to $35 nn.j . in.. .!..... 1 ...i i,.i' r.. . .. . . . ...... uiiiiu.iia.ru vruuHiH.riiuiii;rDxireouiiiui. iiinii ion hootlnjr, umrannltlon, etc. Ask your dealer for our products and insist on getting them. It l lot of fun liut will male you think hard while In Inir It. Hint! t centu In utampi for our liicvnloui Kills I'uule. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO., I'.O. Hoi .1093 Clilcopeo Tolls, MnxR., 17. S. A. RI1EUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. Mystic Cure for niienmatlsm and Neuralgia radically cares in 1 to .1 days. Its action upon the system Is remarkable and mysterious It removes at once the cause ami the disease im mediately disappears. The tlrst dose greatly benefits. 76 cents nnd tl.OU. fccld by II. E Once Druggist. Ited Cloud PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleaniei and bctutlflct tho hlr. IWiotei fr luxuriant growth. Mover Fails to Iteatoro Oray Hair to Its Youthnil ColorT Cure ( Ip illuttci & hair lallluz. .."wnm .. ... .JiUKHi,l OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE tSc Meals, Lunches and Short Orders v Candles, Nuts, Pics, Cakes, Fresh Broad. The Bon Ton W. S. BBNSB, Proprietor. To Cure a Cold in One Day m J Toko Laxative nromo quinine Tablets. (& Seven Million boxes sold in post 1 2 months. This Signature, ' VTy Cures Grin in Two Days. oneverv mnrzmm DOX. 35C i k,' "WaattBiaaaatsaiMt , MajaaaaaaaaamiiiiMMiM.M' -- ijwuaww"- ''"" asjMJBMta. SHr aa J.. . l'i 1'" ''"''jaccattrTL. ' -i..-. .j u. , iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB - I I -