The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 24, 1905, Image 4

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kttt W'
' H
. I
f ,
Pale, Thin,
Nervous ?
Then your blood must be in
a very bad condition. You
certainly know what to take,
then take it Ayer's Sarsa
parilia. If you doubt, then
consult your doctor. Weknow
what he will say about this
grand old family medicine.
Sold for over 60 years.
ThU l tlif flrt nitrMlnn your ilnctnr would
nkt "Arn yrtiir IhiwiiIk riKiiltir7" II kimw ilnlly nc'loti of the lionols It nlii'ilutrly
paipiitlnitn recovery Keen your llviriii!tlvii
ntnl your ImimcU tegular ly LiUliif,' laxullvo
dusci of Ayer's fills
wwy'n1 T' i'ii4iMaio
MUo by J. o. Ay or no., Lowell, Mujb,
Aug uinmimciuror or
Aiiun cure.
Poor Farm Report
Few people In the county, outsido
thoso whoso duty it is to know, are
itwuro of the extent of tho equipment
and stock on tho poor farm. Conunis
doners Sawyer, Anderson and Fogol,
tho standing comtnitteeo on tlio poor
farm, recently made tho annual inven
tory of stock, irruin, implements, etc.,
on tho poor farm and submitted their
report to tho county bourd on Tues
day. Tho inventory shows tho follow
ing assets:
Hogs 10 head of hogs, avorago
weight 185 pounds; 17 hoad of pigs,'
average weight 25 pounds; 18 brood
sows, avorago weight 200 pounds.
Grain etc 11100 bushels oar corn,
GOO bushels shollod corn, 500 bushels
wheat, 500 bushels oats, -75 bushels
potatoes, 10 tons prairie hay for sale
Cattlo 5 milch cows, .'1 two-year-old
Jieifers, .'i yearling heifers, 1 yearling
steer, 2 spring calves, 1 male, 1 fomalo.
Horses 1 black maro 12 years old, 1
black horse 18 years old, 1 bay horse 11
years old, 1 bay horso 9 years old, 1
bay maro colt 2 years old, 2 black
ponies 12 years old.
Poultry -100 chickens, lii guineas.
Farm machiuory 1 Sattloy riding
cultivator, 1 Sattloy walking cultiva
tor, 1 Sattloy gang plow, 1 Sattley
sulky plow, 1 Eagle riding lister, 1 4J;
foot cut McCormick mowor, 1 Deoriug
binder, 1 Hoosior corn planter, 1 llrowu
stalk cutter, 1 Ashorst drill, 1 spado
disk, 1 Fish Bros, lumber wagon, 1
spring wagon, 2 sets i inch harness,
1 hay rake, 1 throo section stool bar
row, 1 hay wagon and rack.
Robinson Schultz.
Tho marriage of Mr. Reuben C
Schultz and Miss Margaret E. Robin
bou was solomnizod at tho homo
of tho bride's parents. Mr. aud
Mrs. James Robinson, four and ono
half miles southeast of lied Cloud,
March 22, at 7 o'clock p. m., Rev. W. T.
Taylor otllciating. About sixty guests
were present and all enjoyed a sumpt
uous wedding supper. Tho happy
fonplo received a largo number of
valuable aud useful present1 At a
late hour the guests departed, leaving
behind tho best wishes for tho happi
ness and success of tho nowly wedded
couple. Mr. Schult. will have charge
of ids father's farm tho coming season.
Charlie H. Coulson and Agnes M.
Uosenoraus of Bellaire, Kansas, were
married Wednesday by Judge Keeney
John Cox and Phrona Irene Mory,
both of Lebanon, Kansas, wero united
In marriage Tuesday by tho Row E. L.
Leroy Workman and Mabel Klnn
McCartney of Garfield township, wero
murried on Monday, Rev. Hutchius
Kensas & Nebraska.
I don't ask you to see all
other town agents first and
then drop them cold.
If you choose, see me
FIRST or LAST, and I
think we can deal.
"YtMnl Men's" Sunday.
The Stato Y. M. O. A. will absorb tho
most of tho Interest noxt Sunday. Mr.
Bailey, tho stato Bccrotary.wlll bo pros
sent with a number of assistants and
tho work of tho organization fully ox
plained, If over a community needed an
organization which should unlto and
direct all tho highor Impulsos and ac
tivities in its midst this city does. Tho
churches do dot satisfy tho wants of
tho people. They fail to enlist tho
general sympathy and eirect a practi.
cal union of tho forces for good which
might bo combined Into working har
mony. Perhaps tho V. M C. A may accomp
lish what tho churches aro evidently
failing to clfect and bring all tho men
in tho city who desire its material im
provement aud moral amusement into
useful relations with each other.
Lot us ail turn out aud see if tho
strangers can suggest a common basis
upon which ah who aro willing to
labor in somo manner for tho best wol
faro of tho city may moot and act to
gether. Stewart and Garrctson Coming.
The sixth entertainment in tho Con
gregational lecture course will bo giv
en one week from tonight, Friday,
March .'11, at tho opera house. The
entertainment will consist of feats of
magic by Leo Stewart and unique
musical novelties by Georgo E. Garret
son. Mr Stewart carries a voritablo
ucqunrium and meuagorio of birds,
ducks, rabbitf, guinea pigs, etc., which
appear aud disappear at his bidding.
Ho deilos any pair of Imndcuir.s, an
cient or modern, to hold him for
nioiu than half a minute. Bring your
hand cuffs. Mr. (iarrotsou is an enter
tainer far above tho avorago in his lino.
His part of tho program consists of
musical selections on hand-bolls,
sleigh bolls, saxophone, vio in, mando
lin and guitar. Ho also porforms somo
very clovor feats in juggling. His
selections on tho "musical coins" aro
particularly highly spoken of by tho
press as something now aud novel.
A Pioneer Woman Dies.
Mrs. Richard Bowbier, sister of Har
voy Dodrick, died at tho hitter's homo
In this city Tuesday niht at tho ago
of 02 years, after a very brief illness.
Mrs. Bowbier camo to Rod Cloud last
Saturday from Oklahoma, after an
absenco of many years. Funeral ser
vices wore held Wednesday. Tho
death of Mrs. Bowbier recalls to tho
minds of tho early settlors the first
homicide committed in tho county,
which occurred on July 1, 1871, over
on Ash Crook, when Richard Bowbier,
husband of tho deceased, shot and
killed William Hicks in a dispute ovor
tho ownership of a log. Bowbier was
taken to Beatrice and tried for mur
der, but was acquitted on the ground
of self defense
Woodman to Meet.
Tho county camp of tho M. W. A
will moot at tho Woodman hall in Red
Cloud April 5, at 11 a. in., for tho pur
pose of selecting delegates to the
stato camp, which moots in Columbus
May II Each camp in tho couuty is
entitled to ono delegate for ovory
thirty-llvo members or major fraction
thereof. Thoro aro seven camps in
this county, as follows: Red Cloud,
Bladen, Blue Hill, Rosomont, Cowlos,
Guide Rock and Iuavale.
Local Grain Market.
(Furnished by J. P. Delaney.)
Thursday, March 2!J.
Wheat 80c
White shelled corn .'l.'c
Mixed shelled Corn 33o
Yellow Corn
Eur Corn Jl.'le
Oats SJSJrfe
Rjo (51c
Barker Case Submitted.
Ex-County Attorney Ovorman re
turned from Lincoln Wednosday, hav
ing assisted tho attorney general in
tho argumonts of tho Frank Barker
case, which was submitted to tho su
premo court on Tuesday. It will prob
ably be Bovoral days boforo a decision
in tho case is handed down.
Farm Loans
in both Nebraska and Kausas. To
mako sure that you can got lowest in
terest and best optional payments of
me, got the very best terms you can of
others, and thou como aud soo me. 1
am suro I will mako your loan.
C. F. C.vtiikr, Rod Cloud, Nob.
For Sale
In Rod Cloud, tho proporty of Mrs.
M. Gilroy, ono house and barn on .')
lots in good condition; piano and
household furniture, all fully insured:
also ono cow. To bo sold at. onco.
Houso must bo sold boforo furniture,
Tho Chiof and tho weokly Stato
Journal, 81 a year .
Fred Wallin, who is employed nt
Wolfe's implement house, mot with a
painful accident Wednosday afternoon,
Ho and Ira Wolfe hud carried a section
of a disk harrow outsido tho building
preparatory to putting tho pnrts of the
harrow together. In setti-g tho sec
tion down ono of the disks struck Mr.
Wallin on the foot, almost severing tho
toe from the foot.
Albright Bios, will give their annual
spring opening Saturday, April 8 All
who attend and register their names
will be given a chance on a handsome
Morris chair. It is only necessary to
say that the musical entertainment in
connection with the opening will be
up to the u uul standard furnished by
this linn. It will he worth your while
to make it a point to attend.
Yesterday morning workmen began
tho removal of tho large Cottonwood
trees which have for so many years
thrown a protecting shade over the
Holland House. While their removal
will cause a pang of regret to many of
tho older citizens and guests of the
house who Imvo for years found a ref
uge from tho sun's rays under their
protecting branches, their absence will
not be without benefits. A new perma
nent walk will be laid in front of the
building, and tho porch, or veranda,
will bo extended to the full width of
the walk. Wo aro sorry to see the
trees go, but tho mandate of tho city
"duds" must be obeyed.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Rkd Cloud, Neb., March 20, 1001.
Board of couuty commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment. Members
all present.
After an investigation of tho com
plaint of E. R. Shoror that tho west
wM so1 1 110-2 11, was assessed too high,
I find a clerical error in tho deputy
assessor's books, and tho abovo was
valued $1000 too high.
Richard Tiuinkk, County Assessor.
On motion tho above is ordered to bo
reduced $200 on assessed value.
Now comes Sam Giger and complains
that the ej no! i !10 2-10 is assessed too
high and after an investigation by the
county assessor ho reports a clerical
error and recommends that the assess
ed valuation bo reduced '-20.
On motion tho abovo lequest was
On motion R R West was appointed
O II R I) No ill.
On motion Fred Lnmpmuun was ap
pointed O II R D No 10.
On motion E R Shoror was appointed
O II R D No :j.
On motion John Kouzack was ap
pointed O II R D No 11.
Oil motion Elmer Parsons was ap
pointed O II II D No b").
On motion Tom Evans was appoint
ed O II R D No 20.
On motion Boyd M tinsel was ap
pointed O II R D No 12, and his offici
al bond approucd.
On motion Fred Goll was appointed
O H R D No 50.
On motion John Konzack's official
bond as O II R D No 11 was approved.
Ou motion board adjourned to meet
March 21, 1!K)5.
March 21, 1001.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
members all present.
Motion made and seconded that tho
bill of W P Kuehn for $12.7.") for steer
damaged on river bridge bo rejected.
Motion carried.
The committee ou the road petition
of T F Jones ot ul report in favor of
petition as prayed for aud on motion
tho report is accepted and tho petition
granted, and the clerk is ordered to ro
cord and plat said road as pruyed for
in said petition, aud have road opened
for travel.
On motisu Chris Jorgeuson was ap
pointed O II R D No 31,
On motion board adjourned to moot
Wednosday, March 22, 1005.
March 22, 1003.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Members all present.
Ou motion Ed Bhiuch was appointed
O H R D No 87
On motion tho claim of Joseph G ar
bor was laid over until noxt mooting.
On motion tho following claims woro
allowed and the clork ordered to draw
warrants on their respective funds iu
payment of same.
opxKit.M. FUND
L E Twit, prlutlng 14 75
John Foster, for janitor work.. 15 50
J W Klnsel, court fees, etc.... 8 00
H W Dedrlok, plastorlng court
houso 50 50
Nancy E Slbort, waiting on sick . 9 00
Adams county, ID hoad pure
brod cattlo 075 00
Couuty judgo court fees and of-
flco expenses 17 05
W II Vincent, papering and
$1. SO to
Red Cloud,
painting court house 10 00
A B Ritchey, office expenses.. . 1 22
Elizabeth Marker, olllco ex
penses 18 20
J O Caldwell, coal for poor 4 25
Hammond it Stephens Co. for
superintendent's supplies.... 117 75
Robert Damerell, for profes
sional caro of poor . . .' .15 00
G W Hutchius, ollice supplies.. 7 00
Albright Bros., casket for poor. 25 00
Mrs L D Fox, waiting on poor
during sickness 5 70
Dr Ira A Pace, medicine aud at
tendance for poor 75 00
W R Anderson, for two rural
phonos aud placing them in
couuty oltlees 27 00
J A MoArthur, attending coun
ty commissioners, etc 10 40
Smith Premier Typewriter Co.
Wo extend a special Invitatiou to ovorybody to visit our fitoro
from 10 a.m. to 0 p.m. Register your name and address,
which will give you a ticket entitling you to tho drawing of a
handsome Morris Chair.
Four Lady Pianists playing tho same piece on four pianos
is suro to please, as will also tho Violin and Mandolin. Sov
oral vocal selections and tho Edison Phonogrrph will all help
to entertain.
Wo have a largo and complete stock of Furnlturo and Musi
cal Merchandise. Our goods will cpeak for themselves as to
quality. About ovory homo In tho land is supplied with bar
gain catalogues and circulars and wo know you aro posted as
to price when wo say our price is right and can't be boat
Seeing is believing.
Every article iu our store will bo blue tagged, giving a
special salo price for this ono day only, but no goods wllll bo
packed, loaded or shipped until tho following Monday.
to S.OO
.SrtifeSri '".ASH
.-tot -em
L'jl H-
' y r i
M. A. Albrigiitp
15he Grocer
First 3 Quality ' Goods
Reasonable 3 Prices
Omaha, for ono Smith Pre-
mlor typewriter 80 50
M W Hornborgor, groceries for "
poor 2 00
Alfred Hadell, merchandise for
poor 7 01
Will Sullivan, coal for county
otllcors 87 GO
W R Parker, part payment for
putting railing on bridge
across Republican river at
Red Cloud 175 00
Wm Wolfe, bridge material, iron
bolts, etc 10 73
John S Marsh, bridge hardware. 7 75
J D Storey, hauling lumber and
building bridge 10 00
No furthhr business appearing bo
fore tho board, tho minutes woro read
and approved, aud on motion tho
board adjourned to meet May 1, 1005.
: T7 rp
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