THE CHIEF IIKI) CLOU I), NEBHA8KA. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. Paul C. Piiaukh Geokok Newiiouhe Editor Matingor BUBHOniPTION HATES. One yoar II w lxmontlu , 50 Knterod at tno pout omco at Kod Cloud, Nab, at eoondolanamall mnttot. ADVKKTIHING KATES: Furnished on nppllcntlon. TELEPHONE, SEVEN - TWO Don't forgot (Into ono week from next Tuesday in election day. It is said that Uio ultornoys for Frntik Duiker nro making it hard light for tlio passage of the anti-capital punishment bill In tliu hoiio of saving his neck, Horrors I It has just been discover ed that cusoarots are poisonous. A child died at Plattsmouth this week after having eaten fifteen of them, an analysis showing that the cascarets contain quite a percentage of strych nine. Is thero anyone who is gullible enough to believe that tho railroads would be as liberal as thoy are in handing out passes to legislators, law yers and politic! his did they not ex pect and receive valuable services in return? General Kuropatkin has shown hini-f-olf to bo a greater man than his one mies in Russian olllcial circles. Hav ing been deposed from tho command of the army in Manchuria, boingsuper soded by Llnevitch, ho has been up pointed to command the hitler's old corps, tho llrst army, and has accepted the same with (hanks. It is generally conceded that Kuropatkin is the best soldier and strategist in tho Hussion army, despite his many defeats. Tho bill designed to do1 away with elections in odd years has been re Prtod to tho houso and will bo acted upon today. Wo bono to seo it pti-v, as it will greatly reduce tho expense of elections and otherwise bo of great benellt to tho taxpayers, and olllco holders themselves The bill provides for four-year terms for county olllcos and would do away with tho strife) and turmoil incident to olllcers spoking n second nomination Tho city uiuv i . , J "urn I, vdulf from next Tuesday, and thero promises to be a lively contest for tho offices Tt is understood the ticket nominated at tho mass meeting Saturday night will stand on an anti-municipal electric light plant platform. Tho majority or tho present city administration is in fuvor of municipal ownership, and thero is little doubt that tho tickot nominated at tlio Republican conven tion last week, which makes but ono change in tho city council, vdll bo elected by a good majority. Tho bill providing that tho governor shall 11 x the date for tho execution or tho death .sentence upon persons con victed of murder passed tho senate on Tuesday Should the bill become a law it will practically do away with capital punishment in NobVasIca, as it has in Kansas. Since tlio Kansas leg islnture passed a similar law several years xgo, no governor has over set a date for a hanging, and tlio death sen tence in that state virtually means life imprisonment, unless a governor can be found who docs not rear to take tho responsibility In order to got tho sontinient or tho citizens on tho electric light question n mass meeting should bo called for sonio timo next week, in lino with tho resolution adopted at tho city Ropub lican convention. It is only just and fair to both tho citizens and tho can didatos for otllco that each should know what to oxpect. If tho majority of tlio taxpayers favor tlio issuing of'becatno violent, nnd, boarding an bonds for the purposo of building ,,,i ' empty car, turned on the motor pow- , ' er. The ear started down the street maintaining an electric ngnung pmi by tlio city, itioy should know what candidates to support A mass meet ing, to bo addressed by tlio candidates and by the leading taxpayors of tho city, would como nearer revealing tho real sentiments of tho pooplo in tlio mattor than other method This should bo dono before the city election is hold, so that no ono will have cause for complaint when the quasi inn comes up for consideration before the city council. There is no parallel whatever be tween tlio railway transportation is sued to newspaper men and that given to legislators, lawyers and politicians. The newspaper man gets his transpor tation in exchange Tor advertising excursions, low rates, etc Hut what do tho legislators lawyers and politi cians give in exchange for their pars es? Something which costs them nothing, and is not theirs to give tlio rights of the producers and shippers among the common classes to have something to say about what freight rates shall he. Tho legislates, as a rule, aro pledged to protect these rights, yet thoy willfully surrender them to tho railroads for tho privilege of riding froo of cost over ho railroad lines. It would lie a godsend to the great majority of pooplo wero the pass system abolished. Tho railroads could carry passengers at one-half the rates now charged if thoy could get rid of the pass barnacle. NEWS 0E NEBHASKA. Voting Man lc Accidentally Killed. Norfolk, Nob.. March 21. The acci dental discharge of a gun at Oakihile killed Frank Overshow, aged twenty three. Cattle Thieves Are Sentenced. Sidney, Nob., March 21. Herbert Anderson and Kirk Duncan wero con victed of cattle stealing and were sentenced to tho penitentiary for three years. The conviction of tho cattle thieves la this county Is the first for a number of years and tht people feel that a new era has dawned upon them, the stock business being one of the principal industries of the county. Calves Dle From Strange Oisuauc. Nebraska City, Nob., March 2i. Sain Overton has lost a number of calves during the past few drys from a disease which resembles hydtupho bin. The animals die a few hours after the disease becomes noticeable. A short time before tlu'y die they be come crazed and run Into finccs or anything which happens to be in their path. Mr. Overton cannot oxphin tho cause or origin of the disease. Trains Collide at Crossing. Beatrice, Neb., March 21. Hurllns ton passtn-o,. t,ain x0 jS and an ex tra Rock Island freight collided at tho crossing of the two roads near hero. The tw,. -nvUxw woro (lpmol. lulled and tho track torn up tor nrrtr feet. Engineer Hickcy and Fireman Pearnian of tho freight were severe ly, but probably not ratally, injured. The passengers escaped with a bad shaking up. Both lines were blocked two hours. Nebraska Senate Passes Cady Bill. Lincoln, March 22. Tlio senate, by a vote of 24 to 4, passed the Cady hill providing for the creation of a slate railroad conunisslo'i. composed of the state auditor, treasurer and land com missioner. The senate reconsidered tho vote of last week which defeated tho anti-capita! punishment bill, and passed the measure. It Imposes upon the governor the duty of naming dates for executions. It is palmed after the Kansas law and alius to do away with capital punishment. Stiles for Head Consul. Omaha, March It!. About 175 dele gates were In attendance at tin morn ing meeting of tho head camp Juris diction A. Tho entire forenoon was dovoted to the election of olllcers for tho ensuing two years, which resulted ns follows: Knrle It. Stiles of Omaha, ( head consul; J. Lecrone of Ken- nam, Neb., adviser; J. D. F. Dudley of Arkansas City, Kan., banker; N. II. WnlfY nf Tnnnkn U"ti ,,l.i,.t.. II T . ...... v.. -"I'v-uu, .... hviii, n, .u. Colo or Crete, Neb., escort; J. L. Houchin of Omaha, Neb., watchman; C. G. Prlschman of Crete, Neb., escort. MANIAC STEALS TROLLEY CAR. Grasps Live Wire In Contest With lm inary Enemy at Omaha. Omaha, March 17. A maniac, a motor car, and a live trolley wire were tho principals ,n a drama here. Tho madman, who had boon hanging aroun.l tho now car barn, suddenly B 8hort u8tnnco ran on lne ..y,.. nnd off the end of tho track in the soft mud. The enr barn employes cap tured tho man after a fight, In which several of them received severe bruises. Breaking from them with n shriek, ho rushed back to the barn, climbed to tho top of one of tho cars, nnd grappled with an Imaginary ene my. Suddenly, with n hoarse cry, ho grabbed the trolley pole with ono hand, nnd, reaching up, laid hold of the live wire. The shock rendered him uncoiMrious for a few minutes. Ho soon rallied and was starting out again, when ho was overpowered and taken to tho police station. Ho gnve his name ns Ed Mallott and his homo ns VInconnes, nil. He is tho son of a French pioneer and is a wanderer. FARMERS GREET CORN SPECIAL. No Stop Scheduled for One Place, but Crowd Forces One. Kearney, Neb., March 20. Tho Union i'aclllc corn education special closed a three days' tour of Nebraska at Kearney. The enthusiasm and in terest manifested during the entire trip has been much grentcr than had been anticipated, oven by the railroad otllcials. Fifteen counties were vis ited. Tho crowds nt tho fifty odd towns have at all times fully occupied the seating capacity arranged for them, nnd in many Instances have been of such proportions as to re quire tho management to arrango overllow meetings. The eagerness of Nebraska farmers to hear the lec tures was evidenced at one point, Elba, at which no stop had been scheduled. When the train reached that point nearly 500 farmers wero gathered at tho depot, having antici pated tlio arrival of the "education special." The special was a trifle be hind time, and, In order to not disap point those whom it was known wero waiting at other points, the manage ment felt that It could not make an exception in this case and Conductor Kiger was Instructed to start the train as soon as he had registered. Just as the special was pulling out of the little town a sturdy farmer pulled the bell cord and the train was "held up" until Professor Brunor nnd Pugs ley had delivered a fifteen-minute ad dress. At other towns etpial Interest wns shown by the fnrmors who were gathered during the trip. About 1.00U miles were covered and over 6,000 farmers wero benefited. Another Court-Martial to Try Captain on Further Serlou3 Charges. Fort Niobrara, Neb., March 21. Tho general court-martial of Captain George V. Kirkman, Twenty-fifth United States Infantry, will begin this afternoon. This will bo the sec ond court-martial for Captain Klru man within a mouth. Ills llrst trial was for "conduct unbecoming an of ficer and gentleman," the specifica tions including a number of scandal ous practices covering a period of one or nion1 years. Tills has been suspended pending the arrival of cer tain testimony from the Philippines to confirm the theory of the defense that the captain is Insane, the sus pension continuing to Mny 10. In tho meanwhile other matters have de veloped in the career of Captain Kirk man that demand .a speedy trial, es pecially in view of the fact that tho captain, failing in an attempt at sui cide, had tendered his resignation from the army. The Jagi charges nHnlnst Cajitain Kirkman reiterate that or "conduct unbecoming an oillcer and gentleman" and added thereto aro tho charges of "scandalous conduct" and "breach or arrest." with a host of specifications reciting the career or the dashing captain during the Inst year or two, and particularly bearing upon the sui cide of Mrs. Chandler In Omnha a rew weeks ago. Magoon for Governor of Canal Zone. Washington. March 21. In all prob ability .Judge Charles B. Magoon of Nebraska, law officer of the Panama commission, will bo made governor minister of the canal zone. President RoosoveU, realizing that Americnn people will hold his administration re sponsible for prober" Inn of work, is determined to reorganize the Panama commission and to appoint men to vacancies who will live in Panama and not draw fat salaries and live In Washington. Tho president wants Magoon to go, and Is only waiting to decide upon another man as one of tho commission before he makes pub lic tho composition, or the new com mission, Thompson Will Go to Mexico. Washington. March 20. "I am sat isfied that D. E. Thompson will be the next ambassador to Mexico," said Senator Buikett Just as he was about to leave for Nebraska. "I had a talk Mth tho president about a number of matters and Incident to that conver sation 1 asked tho president If thero wns any foundation for tho story that Assistant Secretary Loomis of tho Btnto department would succeed M. E. Conger at tho Mexican capital. Tho presldont replied in so many woiyls that Thompson would succeed Conger In September. s m m i to tf to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to When You Buy SPOONS buy the best if you want to practice real economy; there is no article of silver ware so expensive in the end as depart mental, hardware, or "general store" spoons. We carry nothing but the very best Sterling Silver and Silver-plated ware; stock such as is found only in a first class jewelry store, and yet our prices are low, quality considered. We are not satisfied to make a big per cent on a single sale, but want the volume-of busi ness and advertising that comes from selling good goods cheap. Nothing more appropriate for Wedding and Birthday Presents fNEWHOlSE BROTHERS,! to Hi to JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. Hi City Dray and Express Line. P. W. STUIH&BATCISlt, PROP. Toods Delivered to any part CITY AGENTS FOR TKI.KPHONKS, Residence iSS. H. B. ASHER, VETERINARIAN Or tho Kansas City Veter inary College Olli'eo nt K. .lohnston's, the Brick Darn. ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTEINUED Telephone 82. RED CLOUD, - - NEB. At Blue Hill first Tuesday in each month. QUEEN INCUBKTORS The cjneen" Is truly the Queen of Incubators, litis a hyMcm of (lllluMve ventiln tfnu of Its own. It will hntch n Iiirgf-r per cent of btrong, lR'Hllhy clilcks lluiii any an rliluc with other nysteniH of V iitllniton Sflifl fnr rnln FT I mie. r It's KItEK. QUKEN IKCUDATOK CO.. bax 10, Unfiling!!, Neb. TME TABLE. Red Cloud, Neb. MiMlEttl LINCOLN OMAHA Clll GAG O S'J. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS and all points east and south. DEN V Eli HELENA IWT'lE SAL'l LAKE C"J VOltTLAND SAA FHAXCISCi and all point' west. THAIN8 I.BAVK AH FOLLOWS! So, 13. PaHtiuiiRer dnlly for Onerllu and St. I'ranclB branches. Ox ford. McCook, Denver nnd all points west . 7 osa.m No, 14. Pasfcenger dully for St. Joe, KntifiHB City, Atohiuon. St. Louis. Lincoln via Wymore and all points enM and south 2-io So 15. t'aBseiiKer. dally. Denver, all poiuiH in uoioraao, Utah and ivniuorma .. 8:05 p. ra So. 18. Pahsenger. dnlly"for"8t! ' Joe, aniniBB iuy. AICOISOU, St. Louis and all points east and south . . ..10:35 a.m 174. Accommodation. Monday. -Jo wecuicMiny and Frldny.llata !".';? liT'u. l'nd. Ulack HIUn nnd all points In the northwcKt j 3 p m Sleeping, dining, and reclining chair ram eats free J on through trains. Tickets sold and ggago checked to any point In tho United tRtes or Canada. fcu I'or Information, tlmo tables, maps nr tlcketi ll on or nddrPH. A. uonnvor. Agont. Kod rioud, Nebr. or L. V. Wnkeley. Gwera Pas. bungei Agent Omaha. Neural v M Hi ft ill iti Hi iki Hi Hi Hi ill il't Hi ili ill Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest ADAISEXPRESS CO. Office 119 Dp You Ekt eat? ,Vlion you are hungry and Svnnt soinethif,' nice in tho niont, line, drop into my niarkot. Wo have the nicest kind of Hone-made Saisages ind moats, lish, and game h season. Wo think, nnd tlmost know, that wo can )leas.o you. Give us a rial. Kwn Bros., Successors to RtBINSON BURDEN. rVE WILL DO. YOUR HAULING Call Phone 7f on H2. 1 IKLLISTER ft ROSS. kavy Draylnft a Specialty H! INSURANCE nralnst Firo.jLiKhtiunB, Cy- cpnos and Windstorms! see M JN. e. STANSER, affontjor tlio Farmers Union Insur mice fjo., Lincoln, Nob., the beat li surauio company iu tho s'-te M A "A k L