The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 24, 1905, Image 1

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Eight Pages
Home Print
$1 a Year
in Advance
I 'ffl
Miner Bros.
The Biff Daylight Store
Did you ever stop to think what buying in a well
lighted store means?
livery article has to be sold strictly on its merits.
You get the best quality always. There are no dark
places here to hide the defects.
Everything marked in plain figures. A child can
buy here and be assured of the same treatment ac
corded to their elders.
Newness is everywhere in ovidonoo in the "Big Daylight Store,'
and particularly in tho Wash Coods department, wlioro wo aro
showing tho very latest weaves and choicest patterns brought out
this season. Now arrivals every week.
Batistes, per yard 12A to 50c
Mohairs, per yard 35c to 60c
Wash Silks, per yard 30c to $1.10
Silk Jacquards, per yard 25c to 60c
Voiles, per yard 15c to 50c
Panamas, per yard 18c to 60c
You aro sure to secure only newest patterns in this stock. Last
season wo closed out ovor7 yard of wash goods. Wo have nothing
but this season s patterns
A special lot of I
Pure SUM, 21 in.
Curtains and Draperies
Theso two article adclmoro to tho appoaranco of a room than
any other feature of its furnishing.
Arabian Net, Irish Point, Brussels Net, Cable Net. Nottingham and
Rallied Mujlins, SOc to 98. SO pair.
DRAPERIES, PORTIEKES -Tapestry, Reps, Damasks, per pair,
I 92 to 97
CfiUCH COVERS Tapclry, Rops, Damasks, $f. 25 to $4. SO
Rain Coats Ladies' Mackintoshes
Covert Cloth, tan and Oxford colors $ :i 00 to $ 4.00
Wool Molton, Oxford, tan lad mixed goods 5.00 to 8.00
Cravonettes and Duckottstho now rain cloth, light
weights, three coloii 0.00 to i:j.r0
Mrs. Robert Dunton is reportd much
Mr. Henry of ltoseland was it town
J. V. MoOoy and son Ira dove to
Cowlos Wednesday.
Charlos Ungate of Em Creek tas in
town ono day this week.
Mrs. Jones was visiting at thohome
of Mrs Stryckor last Tuesday.
Mr. Rutnbnugh and family sport. Inst
Sunday at tho homo of John Kio p.
Mr. Qninton of Campbell aceoi pani
ed It. C, Chevalier down to linden
John Krall of Beatrice cnmehmiio
Friday, and visited homo folks, nurn
ing Monday.
Tom Davis returned homo Mojday,
after-visiting several days' in theeast-
n part of tho state.
vMr. and Mrs. (Jeorgo Soloman jworo
visiting nt tho homo of her nntlier,
Mrs. O. Fish, lastS. nday.
Mis. Ruth Householder cairn up
from Rosemont lust Ftiday and pent
Interesting Items Gatheed
X by Our County R.eporers
Si . I
I n
A ! . -r-,-: ,PTMwaMWMiwiw-itl.uiw "" """ '" """-""l," "' n'" '' ' -7 -Ti.7 'rgii
Miner Bros.
The Biff Daylight Store
Wash Silk, in White only.
wide, 28c yard.
Sunday with home folks, returning
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cowley spent
last Wednoiday at the homo of Mrs.
Cowley in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer C x returned
from Shelton, where they have been
visiting Mrs. Cox's parents.
Mr. Burgess and Frank Smith of
Blue Hill attendid the M. W. A.
itig here Tuesday evening. All report
a large attendance and a good time.
Mi. and Mrs. Charles Best and child
ren came down ftom Holdrego Siitur
day morning to visit Cualles' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Best, south of here.
Mrs. Orr Andrews and children loft
for Bnnkelmau, this sta'o last Mon
day, Mr. Andrews having been located
for a coupht of weeks on tho place,
which ho bought out there.
Mr. Points is building a ltrgo barn.
B irn, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slebert,
a boy.
Tom and Frank Blankonbaker hare
gouu to Kansas City with cattle,
Niok Blankonbaker shipped part of
his fat cattlo tho Hist of tho week.
The United Brethren will hold quart-
uily Meeting ai school house No. 3
(Continued on Last Pago.)
I Nemsy Jlotes prom
(From the Sentinel.)
Hitly will move to his farm
V. .1
near TVonton.
A son was hoi n Tuesday to Mr. and
Mrs. F K Kiuhelhcrger.
John Hick is here after mi absence of
two or throe years in D.tkotn.
A. J. Hooker, a son of Mrs S 1.
I M tore, ariived from Kinsns Cit? last
G. V. Whitney lias sold his farm
northeast of town to Ciiatlus Uhitwood
for $2 100
(Jeorgo Buck, who settled hern thirty-two
years ago, will remove with hW
family to Lincoln.
Mrs. Sarah Criswell, aged 80, died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. W.
Burner, March 111.
Dr. George V. Pottite, formerly of
this place, is now proprietor and maun-
ger of a sanitarium at Grainlield, Kan.
Mrs. Adelaide Halter of Sindwieh,
111., attended the funeral of her moth
er, Grandma Criswell.
P. A. Gilmore has a young dnuiuan
at his home, presented by Mrs Gdmore
last Saturday morning.
W. B Carpenter wont down to Gen
eva last week and traded a j tok for a
whole herd of horses and cattle.
Dr. Byeilv was called to Blooming-
ton Saturday to piss uiu n the sanity
of LeO'Gabin of Campbell, a dope fiend.
A. VhuDyko shipped a line Dnroc
sw from Blue Hill the other day and
will now raise red hogs in addition tot
his herd of Polaud-Ciiiuus.
Eugene Hunter was up from River
ton the other day to see if better tele
phone cinnections could not be arrang
ed between tho two towns.
D. H. Rhodes and family, Alfred
Mucklow and family, W. S Gtiln and
family, Mrs. George A. Pliipps and son,
C. P. Pawling, .lames Greenwood, Jr.,
and J W. White left Tuesday for the
Big Horn basin, wheto they expect to
make their future home.
(From tho Advocitu.)
Ed. Linlz has piuvhafcil J. C. Hunt's
barber outht.
D. If. Matlock Ot Dklnliomu is in Ittn
city on business
JudgeAdams has boon holding dis
trict court this week.
Mrs. BirdieStowartof Naponco was
granted a divorce this week
Mrs. Rose Hunt has returned to her
homo in Edison somewhat improved in
Harry Kling recently fell from a
scaffold while painting and was seri
ously injured.
J. C. Hunt has sold his bin bar shop
and will devote all of his time to the
JHWolry business.
Ben Siegol returned from Kansas
last week, where ho has been since the
kidnaping scrape.
Marvin Hill and wifo have returned
from tho south, whore they have boon
sp sliding tho winter with their sons.
The Presbyterian church repairs
have been completed and regular ser
vices in the building have been resum
ed. Naponeeitem: Everett Faiibion has
sold hi barber shop in Red Cloud and
moved back on his farm two miles west
of Naponee.
The Franklin Academy Glee Club
and Orchestra gave a concert here Fri
day night. The program was a delight
to all.
Tho society event of tho season in
our city occurred Wednesday evening,
March 15, at tiio residence of J B. Me
Grew, when Miss Edith Pearl, the well
known and universally esteemed only
daughter of the MrGrow household,
became the wif-i of Senator Chfl'oid E.
II tills, a prominent and iiilliontial
c i
Neighboring Touws
clli.i'ii of Siiinncr, Mi.-.s About s'My
gui'sls wciii iiioent, tueiU fioin out
of town. The newly niiiirnd couple
will make their heme in Mississippi
(From Hie Times )
John Jochimi left Monday fnrltrimii
Roy Finzier and L na Bock
were mm lied Mummy.
Jol u and Lester Calloway bought, a
line joung hi till ton in Iowa.
Uncle Sun Hall has put a new plate
gius fiout in his fiiruiiuio store.
11. P B ibt and HirviyJoehum have
pu i chased a buiclior shop in E-bon.
D.tvu Bell um Sal unlay sold lit lit ad
of hoises to a hujcr for 81 010
George Ducki r lias completed his
new p: ivale dining room for ihy In In h
Nudum Smith sold 70 head of hogi to
Andy l.ti'l winch aveiaged iHlft pounds.
Cash MtCiy has gone to Chelsea,
I. T., where he will ic.Milein the future.
AI Liitt liner mid Clarence Beardsiee
are now iiianiifactuiiiig ceiiiuut. rocks.
The Lebanon base ball leuiii h is been
roorgauiz d and Int.- $100 in the irons
ii ry.
Fr.-d Cole and Will Ballaid have pur
chased the 1). E Cole stock of met uhaii
disc. Bert Ducker of Los Angeles, Cal.,
visitfd with hi.s biother Gcoigo laht
11. N. Dunton, wife antl daughter lett
Sat in day night for the south for a six
weeks' vacation.
D C. Fulton went to K m-in City tho
first of tho week to purchase a no'v
meat, inakct out lit.
Thomas Miller and Miss Maggie
Brown, both of this vicinity, were mar
ried Tuesday in Smith ('outer.
Last Thursday Geoige Rohler sold
to S. Bell 2.'5 head of hogs thai averaged
400 pounds at U 70 per hundred.
Mr. nnd Mis. Pnelp.s of SeMon, Kan.,
ariived Tiicdiiy night to visit their
dauiihtor, Mis. Geoige Felton. They
formerly lived three miles north "'
noiii me Journal.)
Mis. Paul Leuko is reported much
John Sleiger is building a no.v seven
room cottage.
Tiio B irlingtou has liuished unload
Home Made
Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis
cuit home-made. They will be fresher,
cleaner, more tasty and wholesome.
Royal Baking Powder helps the house
wife to produce at home, quickly and eco
nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised
hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer
cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and
muffins, with which the ready-made food
found at the bake-shop or grocery does
not compare.
' Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps.
new stiel between Hardy and
ll"il Cloud.
Twelve cars of corn weie loaded on
the Sun a Fo Tutsilay.
Chris Vnntiain left Wednesday for
Ibtisc, Idaho, on a prospecting trip.
M s James B.irton died Thursday
morning at 10:110, after a lingeting ill
ness. Oiin Kohb of Mt. Clare was very
badly hurt Sunday by jumping from a
load of hay.
Robert Nelson and Miss Mirgarot
McCoy were man led Wednesday at
the home of the bride's parents.
Hunter brothers sold their 100 aero
tract three miles west of Superior for
$10,000, ti a gentleman from Friend,
John Jones received a telegram
Thursday morning announcing the
serious illness of his father at Beloit,
Kan , and left for that place.
M L Lane, solicitor for the Nebras
ka Telephone Co., is in town for the
purpose of completing negotiations
between the Bell and independent
A two-headed calf was born on O. L.
Wyatt's farm, three miles southwest of
Superior. The animal's heads were on
exhibition at Froj's saloon. It has
two perfect, and distinct heads with
four eais. two of which are grown to
gether. The body is us perfect as that
of an oidinary calf.
(From the Review.)
Harry Buiks went to Valentine,
Neb , Thursday.
Hans Skjdvor lias returned from
Portland, Oicgon.
Dr. Town-end nnd family have ar
rived from C tmpbell.
Miss Ada Cariialian is ,homo from
the Franklin academy.
C. L Williamson h-s returned to hU .
home in Albany, Oregon.
Colonel Freyo of York visited A. L.
Uray and family this wok.
Nelson Martin shipped two cars of
cattle to m irket Wednesday.
Hunter & Son nnd S Crilley each
shipped a car of hogs Wednesday.
J)r. Myers and family left Tuesdny
for St Joseph, where they will mako
their future home
Fred Kolb. wifo and son have arrived
he to from Ontario, O., and moved tn
the Cluiet Michael farm
ii. ,!-. ont-pniosnii and Lonny Day
went duck hunting Wednesday and
brought in eight line ducks.
Charles Pugsley and wife arrived
Tuo-idity night from Hustings for a vis
it with telatives and friends.
Land Sales.
If you want to either
laud, write or boo C. F.
chargo if no sale.
buy or sell
Cathor. No
,mmmmmmmmmmmmmgmmmmgm , .
fc W.