TWENTY YEARS AGO ) Items of News Found in Tho Chief of Twonty Yonrs Atfo This Woolc V v v LIVE STOCK M1RKETS AT KANSAS CITY. THE WEEK'S TRADE REPORTED DY CLAY, ROBINSON & COMPANY, LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Corn Is 122 cents in Hod Cloud. Tho rlvor bridge in being repaired J. L. Miner litis gono oust nltor now goods. Jeff Ward of Cowlos lias boon on the Nick list. A. S. Mm oh will put in a tu:k of groceries. Goo. Holland came out with a now: bus on tho 17th. Morhart.fc Fulton sold ton car loads ofmrb wire last season. li. h. Kelthntn will locitto in Hold rego and practice law The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs ) RTrunlcoy died Monday. Lloyd M Crabill has sold his farm to S 13. Wolcott for 82800 ,1 A. Lopoman and Cieorgo linger of Iowa will start a nursery bore. I). K. Scott has moved into II. T. Kinsoy's house on Cedar street. On Monday tho pay car made tho hearts of tho railroad boys happy 11 F. Minor has moved into bis now rosidonco in tho north olid of town M. S Mallard and family have re turned from a visit in Now York. Harry Feight. mid .1 S Kothroek aio tho only applicants for saloon license Henry Anderson has sold his inter est in tho lOuropeau restaurant to M.S Marsh. Mason it Morgan's big Undo Tom's Cabin Co will show at tho rink next Monday night. Homo oim took Kov. Cioo II. Brown's pocketboolc containing 10, irom the Baptist church. Loandor X Edson and Mrs Laverna Is' Foster wore married on tho 18th by Kov. tSoo Yeiser. Tho otllco of district attorney has been abolished and nextyeur a county attorney will bo elected. Tuesday evening tho ladies of tho Rod Cloud Cooking club gave their llrst banquet at tho home of Mr W. D. Forrest or .Too (Jnrbcfs team ran away t hoot her day Ho was thrown out and the wagon ran over him, but ho was not seriously injtuod. Mr. Crone and family of Iowa hao moved to Rod Cloud and are living in tho li use one door south of A S. Marsh's rssidonco. Mrs. Henry, who has been conduct ing gospel temperance meetings in Red Cloud for several days pasti closed her meetings Sunday night. Tho Grand Army I'osl of this city has ecuicd tho services of Lew Gin ger, who will on tho 27th and JSth give one of his culobrated specialty exhibitions and fairs, assisted by the post. OFFIOE8 AT OHIOAOO, KAM8A8 CITY, OMAMA, OIOUX CITY. 8T JOSEPH AND DENVER. Kansas City, March 11. -This weok's market was opened yesterday with 1)10!) cattle otrered. Quality or tho boovos that came in was nothing extra, al though some very good cattle wore oirored. Trade opened slow and con tinned (pilot all day. Light and handy weights, however, remained unchang ed; heavy weights and plain classes wore 10 cents lower Cow and heifers were steady Bulls were quiet. Choico veals wore steady, others J' cents low er Ktockors and feeders woio slow at rates unchanged from those prevailing uc tho clone of the preceding week. Receipts today were 8.100 Choice heavy beeves were scarce, bill there were liberal offerings of good grades. The market was somewhat uneven but generally steady. Cows and heifers sold steady to strong. Hulls were firm and active There was a liberal supply of stockors and feeders Heavy lleshy feeders wore steady to weak; good quality stockors, steady; undesirable stockors very dull. Stock cows and heifers wero steady to firm. The following (able gives prices now ruling: lOxtru prime corn-fed steers. .8.1 !l() .1 (50 Good corn fed steers I 7f .121 Ordinary corn fed steers.... t 10 Mil CORRESPONDENCE. (Continued from First Pago.) Decker her ninid was also dressed in white. Tho groom wore the conven tional black and Mr. Matt i) ylu the bent in in, was attired tho same A HiiniptuotiH .supper was nerved. Before the bii lal party had departed a howl ing crowd of people came to give them a charivari. After about an hour of their iioNm the groom appeared mid the crowd all retired to their homes. Ladies' Collars A large assortment of Ladies' Fancy Collars at 25c each. Nothing in the city to equal them in value or style. Ribboris Choice corn fed heifers ! Oil 1 .10 (iood coin fed heifers II 7.1 t 00 Medium corn fed heifers.... .'5 21 ! I 7.1 Choice com fed cows II 7.1-1 10 ( lood II 2.1 '.) 7.1 Medium 2 7.1 : 1 21 l aimers 1 .10 2 2.1 Choice stacs '.', 7.1 I 2.1 Choice fed bulls !l 2.1 1 00 Good .'100 .12.-1 Bologna bulls 2 00 2 7.1 Veal calves G to (J oO G'ood to choico native or western stockors I 2.1 -I 00 Fair .'! 7.1 ! 2.1 Common .'$ 2.1 li 7.1 Good to choico heavy native feeders 1 2.1 1 01 Fair :i 7.1 1 2.1 Good to choice heavy brand 'A 1 ed horned feedeis Fair .'1 .10 II 7.1 Common : 00 !! .10 Good to choico stock heifers I! 00 15 2.1 Fair 2 .10 15 0t (iood to choice stock calves, steers I 00-1 7.1 Fair .'1.10-1 CO Good to choico slock calves, heifers il 2.1 .'i 7.1 Fair 2 7.1 .'5 2.1 Uocoipts of hogs Monday were .1 78. Prices wore steady to f conts lower Hccipts today were 11,000 General quality of tin offerings vagond Utty eis weio iii'lill'erent. Af w early sales wore steady but tho market averaged tally .1 cent i lower Bull' of sales weio from t'l 7" to l.IM; top t.1 Receipts ol sheep Monday were 7.S10. B'dk of the supply consisted of lambs. Prices for muttons were stiong while lambs wero 10 to 1.1 cents lower. Re ceipts today were ."M 0 Muttons wero GARFIIiLD Mrs. Mayo Ailes is on tl 0 sick list. Mrs Wilson was visiting Mrs. Ailes Mmidiiy. The Kail (iai Held telephone company arc erecting their lino this week. M s. Motter was visiting with Mrs. Mayo Ailes lat Wednesday. We had a (io shower lat Wednes day. It called a halt 011 tho belated corn buskers. Flunk Ainack has moved onto Kd. Antnek's faun, and Is farming as hard as any nut; on tho line. Onirics S iii III has moved onto the Drike place, and is now doing the dishwashing as well as the faim work. .1 Jcnning's sheller pulled into tho tteiglibnrho id last Wednesday and began shelling with A W Shipmaii They will do several j 1I13 while here. SIULWA'H'R March weather still continue?. .John Ibiw.ird is shingling his house. Will Cling is building a new kitchen. Dave Fishel linUhod gathering corn on Tuesday. Will lltgnn has begun farming. He is breaking stalks .1 iv DeWolf, of Weeping Water, has O'igaged to work for Allen Vinoe. Miss Bragg is boarding at. homo now aid driven to and from school, a (lis lani'o f six miles. O .1 Lum has snld his 'phone to Will Cro.ior, so Ltun goes oil" tho lino and Cn y.ier goes on again. Kufus Dotithct and family arrived hisi week and are settled in their ntw heme, the Will Cio.ior place. Mrs. Hendiieks came, down Fiiihv and r.ttunel Sunday. She brought Ms. Douthet down and remained to Visit a few days at D.ive KMiol's. (. M. Albin and wife moved toG liile Bock Saturday. Ms 10 hel went wiili them in assist in g"Hinc, settled, emi s qnently no school in district .'II this week. HLAHliN C Cnevalier was in town las All Silk Ribbons, No. 40, at 15c per yard. Others equally as cheap. Kalamazoo Corsets Wear one thirty days and if defect ive in material or workmanship will either give you a new one or return your money. Laces and Embroideries We have a large number of remnants and short lengths of Laces and lm broideries that will be sold at less than half their usual price for a few days only. Too many to enumerate. F". USE C DRY GOODS AMD NOTIONS, ETC. S ffiSfiKSEWEHil wsfgn 322 I Qq Kl rasfe Si ft 8 HI t? Ka fi ; i" m tt I fcafirUSJ 1! i vQBassaasBEEX ssmmwae Y guv Live Stock To fte&ifeffi& n s m .: a a m m ik YAliSS, KANSA8 CITY, SJ fcfcJ tSHWrV UB B H 5 Wo also havs our own houses at CHSCAQO SOUTH GKJAHA SBOUX CITY SOUTH ST. 508KPH DiaWVER Read our mr.rkct Icttor In this paper. Write us for any special Inform&tlcn doslred. 1 .ifMWViimyr72MlMtt?ZXn57ZrttT?F? . wr.M ;--i Jmr.i--in. JM. 1 - -. - - -fr ; fl-jyjf -tyfi,TMf JMtMTm h Vftl lit I lVt a ft n s bAVS V 111 S K B- 9 var w w r PilQ. I SAVE IfeneralU steildv nlllmni'li cmninnn Tho teachers of the primary depait- K,.mUH sl()We(l V:.aknesH. Uiuihs were Land Sales. If you want to cither huv or President, t arrie Uiakeiield; hind, write or .see C V. Catlior. nient of tho public schools, Missus Myrn Drower and Hlla Putnatn, will k'ive a reception for tho patents of the nupil.s next Friday. , splendfd pro Kiani has been piepared Lust Friday niht tho youiif,' ladies organized a Voiiiik Woman's Christian Temperanrc Union, with tho following oilicers vice presidents, .Liua Owen, IJ.irbara chaiKo if no sale. Nuwhotise, Cordla Shorer, Miss McMil lull, Etta Sanlord, ,lusie Win run; sec retin y, Kato Hiijjlu; treasurer, Alyra Browor. Scott A littlo kIi-1 lias arrived at. tho homo of F. D. Hutchison and will! make her homo there O. I Ken- nliuore has routed the Stoddard farm-Uatin- Mr. ( oniad of Illinois is vis- it'uiK his tlireo sous on Him ("reek William .VcCord has rented Chet Kul- lor's farm Mr. llowatd, fiom Mis- souri, lias rented tho old William Brown place. Kast Fpanrle 41 Son are puttiiiKdowu a tubular well for.loromo Bailey Emigration from Cham- imih'ii county, lllittois, still continues Some of us are in favor of send- iiiK for John h Rullivau of Boston to teach our schools Bluk Hill.--.Rev (irillln of Minden is aiding Rev. Cornet in tho revival meetings Tho dance at tho rink Mon ttiy nifdit was 11 . . . W. C Litithrop will move to Indinnolii next week Dr Watkius and family luivo moved to town from Ouk Crock nreuinut. fully 10 cents lower and slow Wo quote: Choice lambs, 87.10 to T.'J-I; choice yearlings, f 0.1 to (i .10; choice wethers, sr.;10 to ,17:1; choico owes S.VJ.1 to .1.10. sell No That Settle's It. When a ! .rado Mind smi e walk is laid that settles u. See Ovcring Bro.-. iV: Co. loi- pium's. WIIKS norJon lalJ, " f for ben h (olt or it I if) " jjcoplc uunJcrcJ ti ti cuum 11c poiiiuc. hall uw Gordon To Cure a Colt! In Cne Day. Take Luxatuo Bronm (Quinine tub lots, All dillu' icfiiml ilia money it 11 f dls to cute. K U. (jiuw'tt sdiia III 0 i.-. on each bo: Mu, THERE isn't any thing remarkable in the fact that you can buy the best hat made o-day for $2 less than men paid a few years ago for the same qualities. Wat making has been revolutionized like most other crafts. You can't put any more value in a hat than you will find in the Gordon. Mr-i. 1 .Mo iday. .7 E Yost returned front KiiHas City TucMla . ('hailcq Brown moved on his farm l hi w-ek. I'li lit st rain of the season foil here Wcdiu-Ml'iy. Mrs 11. B. Byd and daughter (Jraec mill At .lii'l cli (1 vi nV.M' In ('niniihi' I hist. I a ..,... i S to 7 feet ..,.... l:Mu4 .7. H. MiCiellan, O Ivcinoii and I Th'inias each shipped a car of cattlo Tuesday I'ainter Ci linore of Cinuphell is paint intr 11. C. Ciievaliei's new residence this week. Mts. 11. Bounds received the snd news n( me death of her tilth r, which oci'tirrt d last Tuc.'day. Mrs. Henry and son, from east of Blue 11. li wero visit nj? ut the home of ,j Dr. Koehler last J uesday. Mws Colli tto returned to Alma Tues da), after spending 11 month visiting li'ir paient ai ttiis place. Mrs. C 11. Rust returned homo aficr pend'uij a week visituiR her sistir, Mrs Cowley, at 'his place. Mrs. Wash Reed returned from Hod Oluiid the first of ill wi oK, where sho his been visiting her daughter, Mrs. (icotgo NewhniHe. or tnore, by purchasing your trees di red Irom a tesponsihlc grower. lien the "slick" tree agent calls upon joh, show him these prices and he will ljxik as innocent as a lamb and tell you "all kinds ot lies about us and our trees. Apples Grafted Kaoh I'.it'h .1 to 7 feet i;ic. 4 to (i feet 1 lc S3 to 4 " !)c. li to.'J " .... tic. Crab Apple same as Apple. Pencil Buddotl Knell . Rlc. 4 to d feet. 8c n to; " 18 to HI-inches, .1c. each. Plums Budded K.U'h 1 to 7 feet . . . .Hie. 4 to f feet . Uto4 " ....20c. Uto.'l " . Cherry Budded 1 iP9 j Biii T ME TABLE. Red Cloud, Neb. , LINCOLN I ni .1 11 1 ..ii.ui.i ti 1 1-ich K c. ,..11 iC. Kach .2.1c. .loc. Kacli (1 to (i feet.... 3.1c. 4 to .1 feet. . li to 4 " 2.1c 2 toll " .. 18 to 24 inches, 12c. each. Concord Grape 1 .IICII r-tfii .:i0c. .1.1c. Eitch 2 year. 1 year, select.. 4c. )C. 1 vear, good, .'Jc, Russian Mulberry I'KK l.fxX) (I to 12 in. . . .!?1 00 12 to 18 in. . .Sl.,10 Black Locust pint i.noo d to 8 in 1.00 8 to 12 in. . . .91.25 On ordeis of $10.00 or moie we will allow 10 per cent discount from above prices. We pay the freight on $10.00 ouleis. send lor our catalog. Jt'slree. FAIRBUftY NURSERIES, FAIRBURY, . NEBRASKA DKNl'Jilt I1KI.KNA L'UICAUO i liVTIE 'l. JOE SAIJ LAKE O'i KANbAS WrV I'OUTLANI) S'J. LUC IS ami SJ. FR.-t.YCI SCO nil points cast and and all fointi loath. west. THAINB LEAVE As rill.I.OWt: So, 13. l'lif-vjimiT ditfly for Olierlln niul l. Francis orunehos. os fonl. SlcCooli. Ut'iiUTiiml nil puiiilb v.ust T 0"a.m, So, 11. rnshoiiRcr lnlly (or St. Joe, KnnsHS City. Alelilvoii. St. I.onlt.. Lincoln vlu Wyiuoro hiiiI nil iiolaiH cust unit south 2M0 a.m So 15. I'rthsfimer. tliilly. Denver, nil iiolntslii Colomilo. L'lnh and Cnllfornla S:05p.m. So. 10. IMttieiiRSr dnlly fur St. .loc. Knnt.ns i;ity. Atrhlboti. St. LouIhuui) nil pointb eatiand ., ,. 0,llh-- : - 10:a'.a.n. Mo 174. Accommodation. Monday, Wednt'Mliiy and Krldny.llnn hiKh, tJrand Inand. Illaok IUUs mid all poinds In the northwest t U0 p.m SleenttiB, dlnliiB, nnd recllnlm; chnlr ram. seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and hBRgaKO checked to any point In the United States or Canada. For Information, time tattles, maps or ticket! call on or address A. Conover. Agent. Hed Cloud, Ncbr. or I.. W. Wnkeley. Gnnoral Fav hu,1VM. B(.nt Omnha. NenrnNKit I, Gordon Hats $3 NOTES FROM NEIGHB01HNG TOWNS (Concluded fiom First Pago 10 a city of the Hcuond class, tho triia tees inking the necessary htups at their nieeiintf lust Fttdiiy night. Mr.. M irin Stutiley died very unit- denly at hct honui in Franklin lust Fri day night. The undertaker found dilllouliy in embalming tho body owing to a 11 iw ot blood fiom ti cut behind the right, ear, which had not been noticed befoin the body was turned over to him (Sravo minors wero nit nil nit and the coroner w h summoned An ii quest was held which began shoit y bnfoie noon Tuesday and lasted until WedueMliiy twining. The jury returned 11 veld 101 that the woman CHine to her iloiith fiom hiurt failure, supiM induced by n wound inlliited in boiuu nitiiiuur unknown. Order To Snow Cause. in tui: uol.ntv cotur. Statu of Nebraska 1 Webster County ( ,t 11 count enttriliuld at the county court room In ami for said county, ThiirNdny, Mutch lllih. A. 1). 1D05. In tiQinalturof tho estate of .James MeN'titt, di ceased. in readlncaud tllltiK tho petition of Ollwr MeNtt't tiled on the huh dav ot Match A It. ltfT) ir.iluu' (or tho examination and alio v aiicu of his lliial iiccoiiii' of the -111110 date a l ctee of assU'iiineitt of lite lands hi-loiiKltn: to huid i'late to tliu perKuiiM eu'l leil to tint miiiio, an onlcr distrlbtttltn: the roldtte of pergonal estatu ait (here upon an older dlsclmiKlut; hint from futiierbindeu ami service In hi said ulUcc its dntlnlstrator O'di'tfd. that Mondnv, Iho :ird dav of April A l. 111').') at one o'clo k p lit , In assigned foi'ik' snld p-t ltun when at) peisoti liitiuc'Htet In said mutter may api carat a couut coittt to bu lieht In Mii) tor sni eoiinh aiu'l sliou cause uh iiniji r of ietltloner should not hekritutcd; and tleil notice of tliu pciideucv of satd iiHtltlottand the lieinlui; thereof ho slvptt to hII pi-rsoiis I11P tc-ted In said inaiter. by pub IMilitu ai'opy of thl order In tint Hui c nun CiiiKf. a wc'kly notkmper printed In said couittv, for tbri'ti coueeuil() iveokH prior lo snld day of hearltiK hi:ai. A HKhknkv. itiarclt tit t'oiiiitY Judge. Order to Show Cause. IN THE COl'NTY COUt.T. Slate of Nebraska, I Webster County, f Atn county couit held at the county court A.I) WOT. rm" lu,,l,I' Mttnn In tho nialter of the e-tnlo of Thomas Howard, decea-etl. On remlliiK and llllmithe petition of W. A. Howard prilnK that ailiiilnlMratlon of said i-stii omit) be Brnnted to W. A. Howard, as ad tilit lit r.ilir j Ordered. Hint Monday, the aith dav of 1 March. A 1) liter,, at o'elock p. in., h iissit-ned foi lii'iirliiKMild petition when atl persons Interest ed In said timttcr nut) npprarata cotintv court to beheld lit and for .t i mv ....: .1.,,... cause why pni)er of puililnnur i-hould not be Kriintrd; itndiliat noiliv of Hie pendency of said lii-il Ion and the hearing thiecof be ulveit oa I persons Interested in Mild matt r. by pub 1 shlni; a copy of this order In the ltcd Clotiil Chief, ti wetkly newsj.ttper luted In H'ttl ciiinity. for lirco cousecuilvo weeks prior to snld day of hearing. ' day (Stat,) raehIT A. II. Kkknkv. County judKC QUEEN 1NCUBKTORS 'The Queen" Is truly tho (iiiceii of Incubators. Han ti sjstem of illlluslvo ventlla- 111)11 01 II TJt. mmm K OWII. It trill lintel. a larci r in r cent of strouu, LI1 . "irstr !".r t,em o stroitK, 1 IL healthy chicks than any au. V chlno with other nystemH of - viriitlbiilon. .send for rata tie It'HKUKK. OUKBMNCUIIATOKUC, v tl! 1 1 ii 1. 1 1 ti rru Vnli ' I OKU box Hi. Hastings, Nob, HHKU.MATISM OL'KKI) IN Al)AY. Mystic Cure for Ithetimatlsm iiiitiijjNetiralRla dlcally cures In l to a da)s. It v"alon upon tho nymeni Is remnrkalne and mysterious It removes at onco the cause and tho dlseaso lm. mediately disappears. Tho llrst doso greatly benefits 7ft cents and Jl 00. held byll.E Grice Diugulst. Kud Cloud ti V h !' i ;l N I 1 I M in