The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 17, 1905, Image 1

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I Subscription
I $1 a Year
I in Advance
Eight Pages p
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Home Print ft
KE1) CLOUD, SEi;iJASKA. MAHCII 17, li)()5.
f M
Miner Bros.
The Biff Dayllffht Store
Miner Bros.
The Biff Dayllffht Store
ibtttiivlkikiiti;iitbukbiiittibtitbibbtbtvbib(bttbbtiiitiikittibtbaaivbtbaailiaaiktttt tun Friday to liny horses.
Did you ever stop to think what buying in a well
lighted store means?
r livery article has to be sold strictly on its merits.
You get the best quality always. There are no dark
places here to hide the defects.
Everything marked in plain figures. A child can
buy here and be assured of the same treatment ac
corded to their elders.
Wash Goods
Newness is everywhere- in evidence in the "Big Daylight Store,"
and particularly in the Wash Coods department, whore wo aro
showing the very latest weaves and choicest patterns brought out
thU season. Now arrivals every week.
Batistes, per yard 1 2.1 to 50c
Mohairs, per yard 35c to 60c
Wash Silks, per yard 30c to $1.10
Silk Jacquards, per yard 25c to 60c
Voiles, per yard 1 5c to 50c
Panamas, per yard iSc to 60c
v i ou are sure to secure oniy newest puiierus in uus siock wast
t season we closed out every yard or wash goods. Wo havo nothing
5 but this season s pattei ns.
C ,
p A special lot of Ilabuted Wash Silk, in White only.
Pure Silk, 21 in. wide, 2Sc yard.
Cirtains and Draperies
These two articles add more to tho appearance of a room than
any other feature of its furnishing.
4 Arabian Net, Irish Point, Brussels Net, Cable- Net. Nottingham and
C Untiled Muslins, GOc to $8. SO pair.
DRAPERIES, PORTIERES Tapestry. Hops, Damasks, per pair,
C $2 to 47
f CCUC1I COVERS-Tapostry, Hops Damasks, $1. 25 to $4.50
Vk u iiwmiiMi iwini Hi iiiiiiMMiiiiiiiMwiiiwwnmiriirM -nmrnit rrMTTTTii-iriTrr
. - - jt r -.--. O R9. .--
wain o?isa-(3sm?s' iwacHinxosnes
Covert Cloth, tan and Oxford colors S :t 00 to S 1.00
Wool Melton, Oxford, tan and mixed goods 5.00 to 8.00
Cravenottes and Ducket ts, tho now rain cloth, light
weights, threo colors 0.00 to l.'J.HO
1 flemsy flotes From Neighboring Towns I
(From ill" ilournitl )
Mayor and Mm. Bradshaw are visit
ing in I.iticoln with K. 8. I'roudlir.
Anson Garbcr of 1! m! Cloud was the
guest of Dun Gather lift u yesterday.
Dr. and Mm Knot , I Wait entertain
ed a nimiucr of joting ptoplc at their
home l.i.t evening.
Misses Cioiia and Doci'i (Juliette
euiuc homo from Cuicoiilia Wodnos
day to vi-it their patents.
E.irl Linos of Superior, now station
ed at Foil Snclliug, Minn, won the
first prize for target shooting last week.
F K. Barrett went to Oswego, N. Y.,
M inday, called there by the death ot
lii-' father ami the serious illness of his
About twenty members of the Ep
woifi league spent a very pleasant
evening at the homo of F. V. Bishop
and family Tuesday.
George O Mensi"H mid Mis Lillian
Bullock were married Wcdin sclay even-'
ing. Tney will make their home live
miles northeast of Superior.
Henry Wisineyer, freight conductor
ou the Santa Fe, has invented a new
process for tanking and hoit by
the iwe of compressed air. II" his
refused an oil' r of SoO.uOO tor his inven
tion. The trial of Mrs Agnes Myers for tho
minder of her husband is sel fr Moil
diy, March III, and she is anxious for
ti ial on that day. She says she is inno
cent and that any fair jury must acquit
A number of Workman went to
Guide llock Tuesday night and asKteil
in conferiing degtees on several Hindi
dates. They wero nicely entertained
by the Guide Hock lodge and had a
good time.
Fire was discovered in J D Biglej'
grocery store about 9:110 Tuesday night
About t'.'iOO worth of sugar sioicd in the
upstairs is a total loss. The slock on
the lir.Nt II ior was badly daintig.-d and
the bnil Jing, owned by O. Bigloy, is
ll-irrj IMiliau will pitch for the Kan
sas University ball team this year.
Several now houses aro under con
st) uctii it in dilfeieut parts of tovn.
lor Columbus Washington, Monday
Taere are many farmeis in tho coun
ty who Mill have lots of corn in tho
L. J. Brown has sold his property in
the oast part of town to ,1. N. Odnkon
beard. John Cia.vford sold ids SO aero farm
near S uait for tM.JJoU and has moved to
Noi ton comity.
An inf.tiit child of George Gordon
nud wifp of M nikato was brought hero
for bin ial last Friday.
M s-i Kittle Ilarwood went over to
K'-nsingioii Inst Wednesday to assist
Mis Coial Galbidh in her recital.
llobtut Miller, Charles M-Kinley,
John hogeis and several nioro of tho
3 ou tig fellows left for Oregon last
Thursday night.
Tho Water Wngon club, an org mi, i
t ion or young inert just starting in life,
g'lvo a smoker Thursday night Judge
1'iekler was the principal speaker.
Henry Stone has a valuable relic in
the form of a bound volume of Horace
Greeley's Now York Tribune covering
tho period from 1801 to 18118 It is
valued at $1,00(1.
Ho came
buck with two gold lisli for Inn non
daughter. Goo. Hull of Mankato Is tho now
butcher at Viet' shop.
Nino cars of cattle and hogs wotjh
shipped from Lebanon Monday.
John McClellau has returned to hi
homo in Brockonridgo, Color ido.
John D. Hopkins of Ithiilon, Nob., iv
tho new barber at Lull's barber shop.
Dr. W. C. Mays has moved his ofl'tcc
to the building on the east side of Main
G. N. Rogers has purchased a linto
farm near Superior and will take pos
session in April.
Mil. Fulton sold twelve lots to Chnsi.
Wiuegar and four to Elishn Brown thu
first of the vvook.
County Surveyor Davo Wishnrt ivnv
dovvu from Smith Center Monday and.'
Tuesday on business.
E. Forbes and family left last. Thurs
day for Udf.s-iti, M,, whero they will
iinko their future home.
J. I). M issman, Oral Smith and Dar
Hutsel attended tho "water wagon
club" reception at Smith Center.
Frank IJrady, Arthur Cioddeu, JiK.
McNull and K.ra ltoth attended Mason
ic lodge at Smith Center Satmdny..
(From tho Times.)
Mrs. Carlos A Scrivner died on the
0 h.
Uobott Tiimblo is seriously sick with
Otul Smith went to K.msas City Sun
day on business.
Leslie Naii.-baunier is reported to be
a great doal better.
Art Carpenter went out t,o Kensing-
(From the Sentinel.)
It. J. Moote returned ftom Donvca
this morning.
C. W. Waddidl has sold his moat mar
ket to V. It MiCiitng.
August Sohwaliiiuer and Miss Virgoi
Cook wore married on Wednesday.
Herman Maskaof Franklin ami Mtev
Tal.e Kleon of Macon were married ojj
the 8th.
' Robert Knee, a former resident of
this place, and bride arrived from V r
ginia Tuesday.
'Tho telephone company is putting rin
a now t-irgi't switchboard and abow
2000 feet of cablo.
Fninklin lias changed from a villaps-
(Conti tiucd on Last Pago.)
Interesting Items Gathered
by Our County R-eporters
Allen Cirpenttr lias moved to lted
Tho Mount Hope school closed last
Wm M uintford has moved to a farm
near Cowlos.
Alex Honlloy has decided not to quit
f.irming thh your.
Fanners have commenced their
spring work.
Hops are going up nml not many for
ealo in this part.
Siimuel Mountford will build a now
residence this spring.
A cream routo from lioro to Ued
Cloud will soon bo started.
Our assessor, N. L. Fit.orald, is try
ing to find out what we aro worth this
Vvmren Harrington hns moved to tho
farunnrtli of K"d Cloud wuic'li ho re
cuiitly purchased.
The Bdl Hros. & Co. aro putting
tho wit oon tho p)Is of tho liobanoii
phono line, whiuh ruiia along thia
creek, and say they will soon havo the
phones in.
Sales every Uay ono at Keaglo's
Thursday and at Ed. Cooper's Friday.
All property to'ling well.
Iko Wilmot of Red Cloud has moved
on to tho farm which ho recently
bought of Warren Harrington.
Win. Rosoucrans expects his family
from Illinois soon. As their homo faun
is rented for tho season, they will live
in Red Cloud.
C.ittlo seem to bo advancing in price.
Representatives of both Red Cloud
butchers were hero this week buying
for their markets.
Tho infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Smith is very sick with pneu
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Baker wero
called to Lebanon Monday on account
of illness of their daughter, Mrs. Dur
rott. Another happy wedding occurred at
thu home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rasaer,
Wednesday afternoon nt four o'elonk,
when tlinir daughter Viola and Mr.
Lou'i9 Horgfield wore joined in holy
wedlock, in the presence or about sixty
guests. The bride was attired in a
beautiful white gown, and Miss Lorn
(Continued on Last Page.)
(From the L'judor )
Mrs. C. F. Gund returned homo Fri
day. F. T. Hopka is still in vety poor
Miss Potts of Elsie is hero visiting
her brother.
Wo noticed a straw hat or two on tho
street this week.
Mrs. Fred Muschow moved down
from Hastings S iturday.
Aug. Martin has added a lino new
lighting plant to his shop.
Judge Kounoy and E. U. Overman
wero in tho city Wednesday.
Some 75 or 80 pupils were out of
Fchool last week on account of an epi
demic of mumps.
A ghost story comes from Ropeniont.
If you aro looking for "spooks" that
would bo a good place to go.
Mrs. T. A. M d).)iiald entertained
about thirty members of the Junior
christian Endeavor at her homo Tues
day ovening.
Miss Mary A. Tobln and Charles W
McCluro wore mirried on Wednesday,
at tho homo of J R Mattock and wife,
Rev. George W. liummoll ofllciating.
V. &&(3
(From tho Messenger.)
Hon. Web MoNall of Kansas was
hero Monday.
Molvin Rinehart camo homo from
Cnlcago for a short visit. ,
Jim Sluador of tho Cora county has
moved out neat Oberlin.
Miles Church and wife aro rejoicing
over the arrival of a baby girl.
C. S. Humes and sistor Frances left
I 11
66Ahez all, itee is nothing like:
I have used it with satisfaction:
tout m&tly fotty yeafts.
iwiiwMiAitWMw'.iriiirt vm &lioawilaMmk
. fFW TTfflrrrfTiryawig
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