The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 10, 1905, Image 5

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Donyt Spend Money Uselessly
I can give you more goods for your money than you
have been getting elsewhere,
s U cr. yw
'Dont See
I haven't the space here
and see me. I will save you
James Peterson
Hay nml teed nt Plumb's.
Mrs. Uomford is quite sick.
Plumb lias Hod Cloud Hour.
Try tli ut calf at;Caldwoll'8.
, Go to Fred Plumb's for flour or feed.
' Dr. E. A. Thomas, dentist, Diunerell
,J. M. Chailin was in Guide Rock
II. Onstot was down from Riverton
Key. Taylor was down from Inavalo
L. L. M inning was over from Esbon
Dr. L. 11. Dick was up fronfSuporior
Satin duy.
J. K Mercer attcuded supremo court
thi week.
C. L. CottiiiR is in Chicago this week
on business.
Hess McCoy of Campbell was in town
Strou p Itothrock hnd family are vis
iting in Indiana.
Wm. Delanoy was over from North
Riutich Sunday.
Clias. H. Porter and wife went to
Lincoln this week.
O. C. Teel is in Chicago attending an
insurance meeting.
Charles Eddy anil wife were dowu
from Cowles Tuesday.
Face massage and ladies' shampoo,
at Hayes' barber shop.
Judge Kecney went to Aurora Fri
day returning Sunday.
Paul Storoy is building u new barn
on his residence property.
The Woman's IMiof Corps wore on-
The German
Insurance Co.
of Freeport. HI., and the
Farmers' Mutual
Insurance Co.
of Nebraska
have over nine hun
dred policies in force
in Webster County.
Look up your policy
and see me.
Phono 98. Red Cloud.
Insurance Agency
8 lbs. Nails,
Western Washer,
5 gal. Cream Can,
A 16-Inch Sulky
to tell you all, but come in
tcrtained at Mrs. W. E. Rifo's Tues
day afternoon.
.loo Konyon has returned from Ok
lahoma and has accepted a position
on tlie transfer.
Commissioners Gerlach and Sawyer
went down to Guide Rock Tuesday on
county business.
Last Saturday Miss Myra Griffoth
had the misfortune to loso her pocket-
book, containing 810.
Station Agent Tom McCarl was
slightly injured Saturday by jumpiug
from the top of u box car.
John Grifl'uth returned Wednesday
evening from Rochello, 111., where ho
has been visiting his parents.
Miss Floronco Cotting departed for
Bristol, Wisconsin, where she will visit
with relatives for somo time.
d.P. Cathcr was transacting busi
ness in Red Cloud Wednesday aui was
a pleasant caller at this oilice.
P. Schumaii of Inavalo was in town
Wednesday. He is preparing to move
to Paxton, Nebr., in the near future.
Don't forget to insure your property
against lire, lightning and cyclones
with L 11. Purt ngent, D.unerell block.
Earl Cropp of Oxford is visiting his
aunt, Mrs. G. W. Francis.
Take your poultry and hides to
Plumb. Top prices paid.
J. F. Winters of Lincoln was iu Red
Cloud the fust of the week.
II. L. Hopkins was dowu from
Cowles the first of the week.
Mrs. Lulu Matthews of Inavalo was
in town the first of tho week.
Born, Sunday evening, to Mr. and
Mis. Henry Nowhouse, a son.
W. W. Wright and wifo of Hebron
visited in Red Cloud this week.
Everett Irwin of Ronkleman is work
ing for the R. & M. at this place.
G. W. Walker of Palmyra, Nebraska,
was in town tho first of tho woek.
Wallio Wright loft for Shickley,
Nebr., Wednesday on a hunting trip. .
The Kompton's played to "S R. O."
h tuses Wednesday and Thursday even
ings. Mrs. Robort McHrido accompanied
Mrs. W. W. Wrignt to Hebron for a
Mr. and Mr3. Omer Doling are tho
parents of a girl baby, born Tuesday
Plumb tho feed man will pay you tho
highest prico for poultry, eggs and
Mrs. Wash Roed of Bladen is visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. George New-
James Gilliam and Bernard McNony
wont to Lincoln Monday on lecal
Mrs. C. B Crono and daughter Edna
returned Tuesday morning from a visit
in Lincoln.
Mis. John Tumor wont to Lebanon
Mouday, callod thoro by tho illness of I
her mother.
No. 73, the Hastings lightning ox-
I press jumped tho track last Saturday
Ex-C unity Attorney Overman wont
to Lincoln M unlay to look after tho
Barker case.
J. F. Hassingor of North Branch was
a pleasant caller at this ollico the first
of the wick
.J. G. Brown, wifo and son Clyde de
parted for Suita Ana, California, Wed
nesday night, wheie they will make
their future home.
Fred Turnuro wont to Chicago the
first of the wo ik to purchase stock for
Tuinure Bros.' bin general stoics in
this city and Chester.
Mr. and Mrs Will Robertson return
ed lasi Fiiilay iiom Alliance, Nebr.,
where l hoy attended the funeral of tho
latter's sister, Mrs. Marsh.
The twelth grade of the high school
last night gave the annual banquet in
honor of tho eleventh grade, at the
home of Dr. Robert Damerell.
Wo desire to call the attention of our
stockmen to tho advertisement of day,
Robinson & Co., Kansas City, which
appears elsewhere In this issue.
Miss Eli, ihoth Marker returned Sun
day evening from Milwaukee, Wis.,
where she attended the meeting of the
National Educational assiciation.
The scientific lecture and demonstra
tions at the Congregational church
Monday evening formed the most inter
esting entertainment this winter.
Anson Garbor returned Monday
evening from Phoenix, Arizona, where
he went somo time ago for the heuelil
of his liealt.). He is much improved.
Wo desire to call the attention of
stockmen and shippers to the splendid
muket letter furnished to this paper
by Clay, Robinson & Co., of Kansas
Huns Nicholson, W. S House's baker,
has returned from his visit with his
parents iu Denmark. He was accom
panied back to America by his brother
The Catholic ladies will hold their
annual, with dinner and supper,
at the old Fair store room in the Potter
building on St. Patrick's day, Friday,
March 17.
Mrs. A. A. Phillips and daughter-in-law,
Mrs. John Phillips, and Mrs.
Charles Sine left Thursday for Good-
Get Ne N v?
By trading with us for
the year 1905.
We have the largest
and most complete as
sortmentment of hard
ware in the Republican
Come in and see for
Right Goods
Right Prices
Our Harness stock is
complete in every re
spect and we have the
goods to prove -it.
Our New Year offer
ing is a first-class l
Work Harness
complete with collars,
Get Right. Trade with Us
Hardware Co.
When you arc not busy, come
in and see our new Spring Wear
ables. It is not too early to buy,
but if you do not want to buy now
it won't hurt you to see what you
should buy later in the season.
Prices low consistent with good
First Door North of Postofflce, Red Cloud, Neb.
laud, Kansas where they will join their
A surprise party was given Marie
Ilai wood Tuosday afternoon, in honor
of her eighth birthday. A number of
her little friends were present and had
a jolly time.
Street Commissioner Homer Baker
and his assistants this week cleared out
the glitters along Webster street, mak
ing a decided improvement in their
looks as well as their usefulness.
It will bring rich red blood, firm ilosh
anil muscle. That's what Hollister's
R'icky Mountain Tea will do. Taken
tl is mouth will keep you well all sum
mer. 1)5 cents, toa or tablet. C. L.
The following sermon themes will be
discussed at the Congregational church
on Sunday: Morning, Tho Fruit of
Light; Evening, What Do Ye More
Thau Others. Afternoon meeting at
Indian Creek.
If you cannot eat, sleep or work, feel
mean, cross and ugly, take Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea this month. A
tonic for the sick. There is no remedy
equal to it. 115 cents, tea or tablet.
C. L. Cotting
Thoro will bo a masquerade ball at
the Woodman hall, tho evening of
March 17, St. Patrisk's day. Mercer's
orchestra will furnish the music and
tickets will be 70 cents. Everybody is
cordially invited.
Will Rosencrnns arrived tho first of
the wiek from Rockford, 111., whore he
and his family havo bpont tho past
year. Tho balance of the family will
return soon and they will make their
homo in Red Cloud.
If takon this month, keeps you well
all summer. It mnkis the little ones
eat, sleep and grow. A spring tonic
for the whole family. Hollistot's
Rocky Moui-tain Toa. 5J5 cents' Tea or
I'ablels. C, L. Cotting.
A. R.Talbot of Lincoln, head consul
of tho Modern Woodaien of America
will be iu Red Cloud a week from next
Tuesday, March 21, to address the peo
ple on woodcraft. Everybody is cor
dially iuvitod to be present.
Ralph VauOleof left Wednesday for
Hubbell, Nebraska, for a visit with his
parents prior to leaving for Fort Col
lins, Colorado, whero he has a position,
George Walker of Omaha has taken his
place in Ward Hayes' harbor shop.
Ei. Cooper will hold a stock salo at
his farm 8 miles south and 4 miles west
of Red Cloud, on Friday, March 17, at
which timo will be sold 12 milch' cows,
0 with calves by side; 12 colts and
young horsos and 18 hoad of Poland
China bred sows. Preo lunch at noon
Mrs. M. Gilroy will disposo of hor
property hero and roturu to Iudia,
whero she has extunsivo interests.
Mrs. Gilroy made her homo in Iudia
lor many years before coming to
America two years ago, and all who
know her will regret to hear of hor
intended departure.
The real estate transfers for tho week
ending March 8, show that a tremon
dotiH business is being dono iu real
Clothing Go.,
estate. Tho laud sales show a total of
over $70,000, and J. II. liallov of tho
Webster County Abstract Co., says tho
list of transfers is tho largset ho has
ever had to transcribe in ono woek.
Willie Shannon, tho 1(5 yoar-old son
of W. G. Shannon, living about sovon
miles southeast of Red Cloud, shot
himself in tho loft uuklo Sunday with a
III caliber rifle On Monday l)rs.
Raines and Creightou located tho bul
let with tho x-ray niachino and succeed
ed in extracting it. It is not known
just how the accident occurred.
The following cattleman shipped to
St. Joe this wjck: II. 11. Crowell, ono
car cattle; 1) H. Kaloy, ono car oattlo;
Wm. Kucliu, one cir cattle and two
hogs; K. N. Roberts, one car cattlo;
II C Cutter, seven ear hogs; Tom
Ivrnlik, one car cattle. Damerell &
Crowell topped the St. Joo markot
Monday with two cars of cattlo at
85 .'15.
Quito a little excitement was caused
on Webster street Wednesday morning
by Charley Wliittaker passing through
tho street with his steam thresher. As
ho was passing Robinson & 15 union's
grocery, Del Walker's horse became
frightened, climbed up on tho sidewalk
and wanted to go into tho store.
'Dusty" Burden checked him in his
mad career and started to drivo him
down the street, when Mill Carrier
Will Brown's team became frightened
and one of them wauled to lay down ou
sidewalk. They finally took a notion
to run and sturtod south, but wero
st tpped by Charley Piatt.
Farm Loans
in both Nebraska and Kansas. To
make sure that you can got lowest in
terest and best optional payments of
1110, got tho vory boat terms you can of
others, and thou como and see mo. I
uin sure I will make your loan.
C. P. Catiikh, Rod Cloud, Nob.
To the Public
Having purchased Chas.
Wudoll's moat markot, wo
oxtond to you a hearty iu
vitation visit us and become
bettor acquainted and also,
when looking for good first
clii8smeat, wo ask you to
give us a trial,
Wo are satisfied wo can
wo can ploaso you. j
Yours for business,
,. -,, ,. , . - . ,