The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 10, 1905, Image 4

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We know what all good doc
tors think of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. Ask yourown doc
tor and find out. He will tell
you how it quiets the tickling
throat, heals the inflamed
lungs, and controls the
hardest of coughs.
"Ajfi-r'n Cliorrr I'ertnrftl Is wall known In
our Utility. Wi! think It Utlio licit inodlclne
in wie worm tor cmiuiit nun coicu."
IvATIK I'ltTUItHOM, I'Ctalllllia, C;ll.
I. 0. AVE It CO.,
l.nwcll. Mum.
ah iriiit(:Mt
Ono of Ayor's Pills at bodtlmo will
haston rocovory. Contly laxative
Barker Case Continued,
Tlio hoaring of tho motion for n now
t riiil in tho Barker murder caso wiis to
havocomo up in tho supremo court
Tuesday. Owing to tho fact that ono
of tlio .justices of tho supremo court
was compelled to ho absent on account
of tho death of his mother, tlio case
was continued until tho noxt term,
which convenes March 21, tho mom
hors of tho court dooming it unwiso to
tako action in so important a cuso ex
cept by tho entire membership of tho
court. Tho delay in the caso is un
avoidable and, though tho wait will bo
a short one, many people aro disap
pointed. The Kemptons.
Tho Kompton Koniody Kompany,
which has boon showing at tho opera
houso all wcok, is ono of tho host popu
lar prlco shows on tho road. Thoir
repertory includes only standard
comody-dranias, tuid for several of
these thoy carry thoir own special
scenory. Tho company has boon play
ing to crowded houses, and ovoVyono
seems to otijoy tho performances. To
night tho company will present "Tho
County Fair," Noil 13urgoss' great suc
cess. In "Tho County Fair" thero aro
none of tho "mushy" love scones ho
common in comedy-drama. Tho story
is a beautiful ono, of two waifs who aro
given a homo by a pious maiden lady,
and they repay her by saving her homo
from tho clutches of an avarcious
neighbor, through the tho instrumen
tality of her colt, "Cold Molasses,"
which tho by in tho play trains and
entors for tho races at ' tho county
fair." Tho horror of "Aunt Abigail,"
when sho sees her colt led into tho
stretch, is turned into rejoicing when
ho wins tho race and litts tho mort
gage Tho play is brimful of comedy
of tho most wholesome kind and
should bo seen to bo appreciated.
Saturday afternoon there will bo a
matinee for women and children, at
which timo tho company will presont
"A Guilty Mothor" and tho engage
jnont'will close with tho performance
Saturday night.
- -
Hl&h School Banquet.
Thursday night tho high school
.seniors gave tho annual banquet to
tho juniors. Tho usual manner of
entertaining was departol from. Tho
eleventh guide and teachers of tho
high 8 -hool were guests of tho twolth
grade at a theater party. Tho three
teachers, oightoon girls and nino boys
of tho two classes occupied a section
of thirty seats at tho opora house dec
orated with tho class colors. After tho
elostt of tho porformanco tho party
adjourned to Uonso's restaurant,
where a banquet was sorved.
Kevnsas 6 Nebraska.
I don't ask you to see all
other town agents first and
then drop them cold.
If you choose, see me
FIRST or LAST, and I
think we can deal.
Hard Coughs
Items of News Found in Tho
Chief of Twenty Years Ago
This Week
Walter Sherwood is in tho city.
Hon. J L. Kaloy is in Now Orleans.
Tom Ferris is clerking for Ilonry
A. O. Berg was up from Guido Hock
S iturday.
F. E, Goblo and wifo aro homo from
tho south.
Dr. L. II Beck will open an olllco in
Red Cloud.
V. II. Smith of Mindon was in tho
city this wook.
I'aiutor Vissohor is in Bolloville,
Kansas, this week.
J. H. Romsburg is building a now
house on his farm.
Mrs. S. F. SpokesHeld has oponod
her millinery store.
F. M. Hamakor spent Sunday in Rod
Cloud with his family.
Jack Roid will build a house for a
R Hunter on his farm.
A. U. Uecker is homo from a trip to
Illinois and Wisconsin.
A Homo Protection socloty has boon
organized in Red Cloud.
A girl baby is tho latest arrival at
Hon VanDyko's residence.
Tart of tho dam at tho mill has gone
out owing to tho ico gorge.
Two spans of tho Inavalo bridge
went out the night of tho Oth.
Deputy Sheriff Ball and T. C
Hacker wore out west this weok.
Miss Weed of Superior is visiting
Miss Gortio Brakollold this week.
V. J. Vanco of Inavalo sold (50 acres
of his Stono farm to L N. Edsou.
Harry Foight has bought N. Long
tin's interest in tho parlor saloon.
Charles E. Davis has returned to
Rod Cloud a full-flodgod attoruoy.
Jacob Sellers has gone to Blooming
ton, whore ho will open a moat market
D S. Coombs has moved his oflico
furnituro into Lawyer Chanoy's oilico.
Lou Vanco has accepted a position
in Wright and Wallace's jowelry storo.
Treasurer Buschow and Assistant
Davo Zorwiok woro in Bluo Hill Sun
day. II. L Luco has bought tho Indian
Creek cheeso factory from J. O. Cham
berlain. Tho Nebraska it Kansas Farm Loan
Co. expects to bo ready to begin busi
ness April 2
Horace Ball and Miss Ara Chrisman
woro married at Cowles on Wednesday
by T. J. Ward.
John Kellogg and Dr. McKoeby aro
now proprietors of tho Webster county
abstract olllco.
Lou Horriok advertised last week
for a girl. Tuesday it arrived and
weighed 8 pounds.
Thomas C. Briggs and Leatha E.
Frazior were married on tho 10th by
Rov Geo. O Yoisor.
Frank R. Gump and wife celebrat
ed tho first anniversary of thoir wed
ding Tuesday evening.
Master Mechanic Birnoy has patent
ed a car couplor which is worked from
tho side of the car with a lover.
Another wolf hunt was hold on tho
bottoms Saturday. A big gray wolf
was scared up, but ho got away.
On Wednesday Will Paikossold tho
Win. C. Mooro place west of town, to
William McDill of Wapello, Iowa, for
Garfield Post is negotiating with
Lew Ginger with a viow to holding a
big indoor fair and entertainment in
tho near future.
C. Wetherold and wife, who have
lately returned from Now Orleans, aro
guests of thoir parent, Mr. and Mrs
S F SpokesHeld.
Tho Guido Rock, Red Cloud and In
avalo bridges have succumbed to tho
ico gorges, and aro now floating on tho
waters of tho Republican.
T. J. Wright thin week showed us
somo samples of coal found on tho
Mrs. Fischer farm noar Red Cloud.
Tho vein is a very thin ono, near tho
s 'rfaco.
In tho memory of tho oldest inhabit
tint there has never boon so disagree-
able and cold a winter as tho ono just
p:tst Tho Republican river has been
frozen to a greater depth than over
boforo known, aud tho rlvor is gorged
with ico Bridges till along tho valley
have boon swept away and tho rlvor
has been out of its banks for several
Last Wednesday evening tho young
men of this city who aro sous of old
soldiers organized a Sons of Veterans
camp, to bo known as II. S. Kaloy
camp No. 25, with tho following chart
er mombors: V. B Fulton, John R,
Wilcox, M. S Marsh, Floyd Reynolds,
Henry Ludlow, Leo Tinker, Irving
Cummings, Paul Pharos, Frank Span
ogle, Will Brown Tho instituting
ofllcors woro S W. Coglizor of Weop
Ing Water, colonel of tho Nebraska
division, and E L. Thomas, captain
of Goorgo II Thomas camp, of North
Auburn. Vic Fulton was elected
captain, Frank Spanoglo first lieu
tenant, Floyd Reynolds second lieu
tenant. Gt'iDK Rock Tho citizens have sub
scribed funds for tho placing of a tem
porary bridge across tho river.... Tho
question of saloons or no saloons is
agitating t ho people of this city. . . .Tho
washout near hero has boon repaired
aud trains aro able to get through.
Cowlks Our town is at prosent
without a rosidout minister Rov.
Hampton preached horo last Sunday
James Barcus of Guido Rock
last weok purchased lumber horo to
build a house Among the Into
arrivals aro Mr. Emily from Guido
Rock, Mr. Busick, a brother of our
grain dealer, and a brother of M. P.
Information About
Bridge Building Trust.
Special Correspondonco.
Lincoln, March 0. Tho timo for tho
introduction of bills closed last week
with a much smaller number than
usual put in. Just boforo tho closo
of tho forty-day period it was
made public that a gang of eight men
was located at tho capital doing a
thriving business in tho manufacture
of bills. These thoy would eithor got
introduced by innocent members, or
thoy would go to somo party or cor
poration and threaten to liavo tho
bills introduced. In every caso money
was demanded to guaranteo tho death
of tho bill. Thoy succeeded in getting
a number of this sort of "hold-up"
bills introduced, when a public expos
ure drove most of tho gang out of town
nnd stopped tho business. It was an
old trick, which some of tho hold-up
artists have worked for a number of
sessions, and thero aro nlways mom
bors innocent or gulliblo enough to in
troduce such bills "by request" and
thus help along tho infamous busi
ness. Tho indications now aro that tho ses
sion will ond about tho 1st of April
Tho appropriation bills aro always sub
jects for belated consideration, and
causo delay at tho latter end of tho
session. But tho house is making fairly
good speed on them and will soon have
thorn over to tho senate As usual this
work is somewhat intorfored with by
tho heads of institutions who demand
extra largo appropriations, and by
clorks who aro clamoring for inoreaso
in salaries. It is not probable that
thero will bo any cut from former
years, unless tho sonato trims down
tho house figures.
The sonato commitiee, on tho motion
of Senator Cady, has put tho binding
twine bill on lilo with an amendment
providing for tho issuanco of bonds
for the investment, to bo carried by
tho permanent school fund until paid
off from tho profits. This makes no
addition to tlys direct appropriation
and adds nothing to tho total of direct
taxes It is tho way Kansas has pro
vided for her light against tho Stand
ard Oil trust.
Tho lobby of tho bridge trust grows
larger and bolder as tho session draws
to a close, aud money is flowing liko
water in tho offort to prevent bridgo
legislation. Tho money spent by the
bridge men in entertainment of mem
bers, and in carousals, runs well into
tho thousands, aud it later will como
from tho pockets of tho taxpayers, as
tho'o is scarcely a county that has not
already sulfored at tho hands of tho
bridgo trust. Somo fow of tho county
commissioners aro still boldly assist
ing tho bridgo men. An effort is being
made to discourage members of tho
legislature from accepting theater
tickets and othor favors from this dis
graceful lobby, with somo results. But
tho usual answor is that thero is a
combination between all tho lobbyists
in Lincoln, to further or prevent legis
lation, that tho "favors" aro for com
mon use in provouting bridgo legisla
tion, corporation regulation, primary
reform, and tho liko, and that tho
bridgo men aro no worso than tho
others. F. A. Harrison.
Real Estate transfers.
Transfers for wook ending Wodnos
day, Moh. 8, furnished by J. H. Bailey
of Wobstor County Abstract compauy.
M L Rothrook to L C Ruby, wd,
lots 2, 8 aud -1 in 1-1-12 5500
Burthold Koohlor to C W Mo-
&1.SO to
&3 WP
Donald, wd, swl and s2 nwl
'2-1-12 8200
Clara Wolfe and husband to A
W Holmgrain, wd, lots 22 to 21
blk22, Smish k, Mooro's add
to Red Cloud .'150
Silas Garbor and wifo to Tm
Wolf, qcd, lots 1, 2, .'), G, 7 and 8
blk 7, tiiirbor's add to R C . . . . 5
Chas Hunter and wifo to Daisy
Cloud, wd, w2 net 22-2-12 1
Dell A Gofl" and husband to L K
Brownell, qcd, swl 1-211 1000
Lillian B Waster to L K Brown
ell, qcd, same -100
Miko Depeisse to J W Garner,
wd, nwl :i 1-2-12 .'$250
A E Harris and wifo to Georgo
Harris, wd, nwl 11-1-10 1I550
Carrio E Dewey to Geo Aniack,
wd, lots 1 and 2 and s2 no!
7-1-10 .-jC0
Martin Kaufman to Susan F Ba
ker, wd, part sol 8-1-11 X)00
Same to same, wd, pt sol 8 1-11. . fj
John Gilbert and wife to Win II
Dike, wd, e2 swl 11-1-9 2100
Aaron Fry to Roa 13 Sutton, wd,
82 s2 sec 20 and w2 not 20-2-11 11)00
Wm Kincher to John T Conyer,
wd, n2 swl and s2 nwl 1-1-2-9. . .'1900
Emma C Grusel and husband to
M W Hornberger, wd, lots
and 20, blk 11, and lots 10 and
11, blk G, Bluo Hill 2205
State of Nebraska to Adolnh
Gigor, deed, part e2 not 1-110 599
Chas M Smith to Frank Lam
born, wd, lot (5, blk .'I, Garbor's
add to Red Cloud
Jno F W Boetow to Ezra M Let
ner, wd, nol !1.'J-1 11 4000
K D McCabe to Alexander Klalt,
wd, e2 7 4-12 8000
Rosn E Sutton to Nollio M Mo
Clure, wd, w2 nwl and nel nwl
and nwl swl 20-2-11 :H00
C L Columbia to Martha L Co
lumbia, wd, part lot 7 in 1-1-1 1 1500
Geo L Columbia to Martha A
Columbia, wd, part saino 1.100
Richard Keiiglo to Carolino Kea
glo, will, p2 nol 20-1-11
A W Lamboru to Goo R McCrary
and J P Halo, wd, nwl and o2
swl 10-2-12 ' G0O0
Total $70,180
Mortgages filed 81-1,700
Mortgage-, releasod, -W.OOO
Red Cloud,
irriiTB 1 1 1 7"""TT"UBfllsfejXiC-
to 6.00
mm i, . ,iik5
& sks
-- SM.
. -i:H-S
v h
Convention Cull.
The delegates to tho republican city
convention aro requested to meet at
tho court houiie, Tuesday, March 11th,
1905, at 8 o'clock p. m., to place in
nomination tho following ofllcors:
Ono mayor.
Ono councilman, 1st ward.
Ono councilman, 2ndward.
Oho olork.
Ono treasurer.
One polico judge. '
Two members school board, full)
Ono member of school board, to Oil
Representation based on the voto
cast for President Roosovelt; and also
to transact such other business as may
lawfully come boforo tho convention.
Gi:o. H. Ovkiuno, D. 11. Kaluy,
Secretary. Chairman.
Caucus Calls.
Tho republican voters of tho Firtjt
ward of Red Cloud city are requested
to moot at Birknor building opposito
Miner Bros., store, at S o'clock p. in.,
March ill, 100.'), t elect twelvo dole
gates to tho city convention to bo hold
at tho court house March 1-1, 1005.
Gi:o. F. Ni:wnorsi:, Chairman.
Tho republican voters of tho Second
ward of Rod Cloud city aro requested
to meet at tho Fireman's hall March
lllth, 1905, at 8 o'clock p. m , to elect
seventeen delegates to the city convon
tioh to 'bo hold at tho court hoiteo
March 11, 1905. E S Gaiujek,
For Sale.
In Red Cloud, tho property of Mrs.
M. Gilroy, ono house and barn on
lots in good condition; piano and
housohold furniture, all fully insured;
also one cow. To bo sold at once.
Houso must bo sold boforo furnituro.
Farmers' Institute.
DTI o Wobstor County Kannors' Insti
tute will hold a session on March 2.X
Mr. O. Hull of Alma will addresstho
institute on "Soil Tillago" Othor
.well-known speakers will also bo and
presont and addross tho mooting.
The Chikf and tho Wookly Stato
Journal ono year for $1, till Mitrnlj 1.
M. A. Albright,
J3he Grocer
Flrst ' Quality ' Goods
Reasonable Prices
- i
yv, v
fc j
iKmnirV'v-'r,--Hiti'"rt- ruiiiinrr .m im.,, I