m ft 'nCamufaufGnmtXtttm. amf Subscription $1 a Year THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Eight Pages All Home Print 1 in Advance A9tmW&3f9Filtit!m SSSCTSftVHW? VOLUME XXXII L RED CLOUD, XEURASKA, MAHCIL 10, 11)05. NUMBER 10 1 1 xn' ?. m 1a Miner Bros. Miner Bros. Advance Showing New Soring Goods d(kUi(bibU(UU(a(kl(tbUiUUU(aiitiaiiU(litikaitkbiiaiik4i4(tkbibhU(tltiUkvVUitbd4t JJeuisy Notes prom Neighboring Towns f GATHERED FROM OUR EXCHANGES 1'1111v)jitp7f((j(p7(pp(p((((pviT LEBANON. (From the Times ) . Rv Hutchison was over from Esbon "Magnificent showing new goods, lowest prices," and many such phrases are always heard at the be ginning of the season. We might add, "Never before have we been so well prepared." We take it for granted that the buying public of Red Cloud ex pect us to be better prepared with each succeeding season, evidenced bv somethinor more than mere words. We cordially invite an inspection. & e y& wmm mmsmi &. Thoro'll bo very littlo homo sowing on Muslin Underwear in lied Cloud if you appreciate- our as sortment as wo do. And thuro is littlo occasion for homo sowing, too. When it was a choico of buying poorly made, sweat-shop goods, or making them yourselves, perhaps tho homo woik was tho cheapest; anyway, tho safest and bost. In buying PEERLESS goods you take no risk -nothing is loft to chance. Those Undor muslinsaro crisp from tho hands of well paid workerr whoso busi ness hours aro spent in America's brightest and cleanest factories. All goods cut full and in good, generous sizes. Now Effects In Ginghams for Spring 1905. 75 patterns Toile do Nord Ginghams just placed on sale. Stripes, Checks, broken Checks Fancies, a groat, range of patterns For Shit Waist Suits, Waists Drosses, Men's Shirts, Boys' Waists. 12Jc. Corset Covers, J 5c to SI. 75 Night Robes, SOc to $2.25 Skirts, Sl.OOto $3.75 Drawers, 25c to $1.75 3? -Z &SS5 s.Vf-&;i EMBROIDERIES. Tho new Embroideries aro now ready and comprise tho daintiest originations we have over shown. Wo have gathered them with lavish hand, yet with a discriminating eye as to their usefulness aud price worth. Embroidery dainties from 3c to $1.25 midi l ! ..rfittffi s Mimdav. (i'itgt Dueker went (Iowa to Kansas City Tui'Ml.'tv Uncle Billv (Joodo returned Friday from Milo, Iowa H. L Skairgs moved to ilio east part, of low n this week. Al Lattimer boiiL'ht a liam at Fow ler's sale lait Thursday. Ethel Cherry has quit school to begin work in Dnrgo's ding store. (r. W. Rogers has sold his iarm to Mr. Butler of Jewell county. Mr. and Mr. Percy Hoot of Agra spent Sunday with Percy's parents. Ilarvo Wright of tho Colby Free Press came down Sunday for a visit. If nothing unforseen happens, Leba non will have a now tchool building next year. Jim Adams was somewhat disfigured Tuesday while unloading an oven at the bakery. Art Clongh (iiino up from Carey, Kansas, Thursday night to attend to business and visit relatives and friends for a time Joe House! informs us that ho has three legs now instead of two, having recently purchased a new one while in Kansas Ciiy. II. M. Cat I'm aud family of Million county, lown, have arrived here. Mr Catlin bought the K. Forbes farm north ctitt of town. Art Iluglus and wife, from the same place, accompanied them and expect to loeato in this country. While in Kansas City last week John Adams bought a cigar al a eig-r store and giiVe thecleik a live dollar "Wil liam," and the clerk in giving him back his change gave him a due bill on tho merchant Visonhale of Bollairo This in enough to prove that due bills on Smith county merchants aro good as gold anywhere. L. E. Furry & Sons shipped seven cars of cattle and one of hogs, topping the Kansas City market with forty-two head of these cattle at $5 15 Tho Fcgter boys of Macon shipped one car of cattle anil two of h ig, W. I!, Chancy one car of alh II 'lVekor one car of cattle and E. A. Peery one car of hogs. SUPERIOR MINER BROS. " - CORRESPONDENCE Interesting Items Gathered by Our County ILeporters BLADEN Tuesday was a true March day. Miss Pearl MXirew visited homo folks over. Sunday. Diner Gagnon of Campbell was in this city Wednesday. Wash Hoed and wifo spent Sunday at tho homo of Wayne Keed. Ernest lleod and family visited at the homo ot II S. Boyd Sunday. Frank Wheland has moved into the H Pounds property in the east part of town. Con Widdersheim of Hastings vlsitod with his brother Vet tho first of the wook. Mrs. Maggie Thomas visited at tho home of her undo, G M. Lookhurt.last Friday Vet Widdorshoim and Rob Boyd drove to Hastings Fridny, roturuing Hliaunj. a U. S, MKlin is under . this' week, all A-usty naif. Mrs. Wash lloul is visiting with her tho doctor's on ticcouut of a daughter, Mrs. George Newhouso, in Hod Cloud. Bird Kyle has moved into tho Wil liams property recently vacated by F. WhoUnd. Miss Nellie Itiimbaugh returned to school Munda7, afler spending a week with her parents. Charles Nichols and family left for South Dakota Monday, whern ho has taken land in tho Hosebud country. Just Travolpieco returned from Chaso county last Tuesday, where ho has spent the past two woeks looking after his place out there, Marshall Lewis left last Monday for Superior, whore ho has routed a place and intends farming. His family will follow him in a short time. Mh-H Parker was called to Fail field Siturday by the serious Illness of her father. Miss May Koohler had ehargo of tho school during her absence Tho supper given last Saturday by the Ladies Aid society was attended by a large crowd, tho proceeds amounting to t'V). All enjoyed a good timo.' Mr. and Mw. Duiton of Iowa aro visiting their sons, Joe, Rob and Goo. Ponton of this pbicn and their daugh ter, Mrs. Emma Rogers, living north of tavti. Tho Chlof and tho wookly Stato Journal, $1 a year . FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) Spring track work at tho academy has begun in earnest. Charley Godsey was up from Red Cloud one day this week. II. F. Chubb and family left for Trenton Thursday, taking the overland I onto. Mrs. Maria K. Stanley, aged 83, died very suddenly today, from heart disease. The census just taken gives Franklin u population of 1,021, which eutitles us to the city government. W. C. JA8trnm, one of our popular harbors, has bought 80 acres of the old Van Lanningham place. Jacob Brumbaugh and Andrew Nor berg are laying a brick walk along the south sido of the postollice. E. G. Bohanan was hero from Lin coin the first of tho week, adjusting tho tire losses sustained last week. A gorgo three miles long in the vicin ity of Smith Bros.' ranch threatened to change tho courio of the river. Thomas Yolken of Macon Prairie brought to town last Saturday two Poland China hogs that weighed 1450 pound). E. E. Phipps and family left Satur day for Croighton, in tho northeast part of the state, where tbey will make their homo. The Bloedorn-Hilsabeuk Lumber Co. of this city have ordered an artificial stone plant, which thoy expect to have in operation by April 1. Colonel Hadden mado a business trip to Lincoln Saturday evoning aud occupied Representative Livongocd'a seat in the legislature Monday. Fifteen card of cattlo and hogs were loaded at this station last Sunday. (From i ho Journal ) Charley Godsey was down from Red Cloud Sunday. ('. II llesscr aud faintly have gone to DcniMin, Texas, to live. Orii: Ri'hh of Red Cloud is the guest of John Joins anil family this week. Miss Avis Hcdherg and Fred Myers att ended a dance in Red Cloud last evening. A S. Berry moved yesterday into the Rodman properly, which he recently pin chased. James A Arthur of Alb-ghonv, Pa., spent, last Sunday with R-v. Johnston and family. The young people of the 11 P church held a social last evening tit the homo of Mr. and Mrs. II B Gray. Malt Fogel of Kansas City, one of tho early county treasurers here, arrived Monday night for a visit. A E Hunter has sold his residence property in North Superior to C. E Abb itt, one of our traveling men. Hon. C. E. Adams left Wednesday for Washington to attend tho inaugu ral cer'jmonics, in which ho will par ticipate. The Burlington and Northwestern turned over seventy-live loaded cars to the Santa Fe, a part of which was com for export via Galveston. Archie bishop, son of F. V. Bishop, returned home Monday after an ex tended trip through Now Mexico, Ati.ona and California. Elizabeth Maiker, county siipcriu teni'ont of Webster county, came in fioui Red Cloud Monday evening and took the Northwestern for Milwaukee, to attend tho meeting of the National Educational association. A. C. Amherson, father of B. C. and C. E Amherson, who tuts been visiting with his hods in Superior, for some tune past, was killed by a train yester day, when within ton miles of his homo at Mercer, Pennsylvania. to a lease, front board and shutter, valued at $8.. Miss M iry Garvon went to Rod Cloud Thursday. Dr Ella P. Sumner visited hero par ents here Thursday. Orlie lloldrcdgn left Thursday for Tac.oina, Washington. James Drown shipped a car of oatllu to St. Joe Wednesday. B. W. Sheperdson went to Red Cloud Thursday with a load of Hour. Henry Schriner bought SI) acres of laud from CI us Riga for 8101)0. Mr. It iso, our photographer, expect' to leave soon for a new location, Del Kuutson returned Thursday from his trip to the Loup river country' Mr. and Mrs Fred Gaivin returned Monday night from their honeymoon. Miss Ollin Morrow was visiting at Rett Cloud the latter part of the week. Sune of the "old timprs" were out warming up with a baseball Wednes day. Bon Allen has retired from the dray business, having sold out to Eli Ben nett. Baynard, tho young man, who worked for E P Ettmiston, left Tues day for Red Cloud. Hal Mnydew had the misfortune Wednesday to loso a roll of bills from his pocKol amounting to $10. J. F. iji'on, while working on his new house in tho south part of town, Tuesday, fell from a scaffold and dis located his ankle. Mrs. 1). D. Hunt and little son and Miss Malay Baxter left Thursday night for Longmout, Colorado, where Mr. Hunt will join them and they will con tinue their trip to tho Pacific coast. RIVERTON (From the Review.) J. Rose has sold his restaurant to Marion Ncal. On Wednesday somoono enteied Mr. Rose's photo car and helped themselves SMITH CENTER (From the Messenger.) Mr. ShurllilT is electing a new resi dence. Julius Jurvis was able to bo dowu town again yesterday. A new K. of P. lodgo will bo organ ized in this city on the nignt of Mtircli 10. Miss Edna Walker nutertali oil a crowd of young folks athov home Sun day. Barton Ulsh was run over by a wagon Tuesday and severly injured across tho chest. W. II Myers of Lane wus the first; poison in Smith county to subfciibo for Tom Watson's Magti.'nu. Frank Phinnoy has quit tho hotel business and moved toRivertou, whero ho will try his hand at carpontoring. John Hartsook, aged 21, living near Reamsvillo, died suddenly Sunday evoning whilo out driving with Mias Foley Rupert. John Raymond, living with Newt Clemens, northwest ot Roanisville, took a doso of aconite Tuesday with suicidal intent. ROYAL Bafcmg Saves Powde Health The use of Royal Baking Powder is essential to the healthf illness of the family food. Yeast ferments the food. Alum baking powders are injurious. Royal Baking Powder saves health. ROYAL BAKING PCWDEfl CO., NEW YORK. M .l nl il a mx hi , 'II ' 4 .1 V t MB 1,BW((1!1wwwetf iMrwawwawumwi