TWBKi -if jjgpyt' TlWf? WOT wtwv"' -s ."!. ' y Kfi P M rtt The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in thin country most dangerous because so decep 9 3 a I 4 9 tive, iuany sudden deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed toadvnucu thekidnev-Doison- ed blood will at- lack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell, i maimer iroumes inmost, uiwavs result from a derangement of the kidneys and u cure is obtained quickest by a "proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel ing badly you can make no'mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine aiul scalding pain in passing it, and over comes that unnlenyint necessity of beinir compelled to go often through the day, and to get up inanv times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary , effee of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, DrKil-I mer & Co., Ihiighamton, N. . When ' writing mention reading this generous ofTer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the unine.Swainp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghumtou, N, Y., on every bottle. DDEN GOLD in a watch chain that adds nothing to the chain's looks or the quality of its workmanship ? The outer sur face of pure gold and all the details cf workmanship and finish, are identically the same In Simmons Watch Gbains and in the costly gold ones. For Sale by Newhouse Bros.. Jewelers & Opticians, Red Cloud, - Nebraska yfsJ''''f'sS' Good People ! I'm glad to be inter viewed on the subject of Alcoholism, its treat ment by Rational Rem edy and my own happy experience as a result of that treatment. Consultation ftee. Call on or write me for for full particulars. Rldgway Leggett, RED CLOUD, - NEB. &VsANy"0SN'" Chas. L. Winfrey The Auctioneer, RED t'L UD, - - - NEB. Will cry your sales and guarantee satisfaction or no pay. I know the value of your stock and your interest. Stock and farm sales a specialty. Will attend sales on short notice, and make the price reasonable. I pay all telephone expenses. m INSURANCE ff against Fire, Lightning, Cy clones und Windstorms, seo JNO. B, STANSEB, agent for the Farmors Union Insur unco Co., Lirnwln, Nb., tho host in suraiiuo company iu tho s-ite. II II LI HI vi k -U:v. rMVBv'lM (MffWtfr kbUitlolUoiiUrU UilfcdUili(UilfcfcUivbliaibllifci; tfckbUoiditiUUiUiafc- Newsy Jlotes prom GATHERED FROM 9 'T1T11V1HT1vPf1vvri11''TV1X1"P1V11T1Wf1Tf11iHrf H111f R1VERTON (From tin HfVifw.) A Itviu viis in lied Cloud Monday. Shot ill Wall nth was in town Mon- "''J'' k',...i T..rt.,.- .....c .. i;.i n.mii .-iuimr a . , &1,m,ilJ - .J Rose hits bought 400 acres of land ;,, i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. "!' ' j. Clink Boom shipptd a car of cattle ami hogs Sunday. K'.ixspI' Kiilln rford was home from i Hud Cloud Sunday. N Click and wife went to Ilrd Cli ml Monday for a visit. Toll n ScliHimnti shipped a car of eat- , , , t.... xt..,,.i..,. ll" l" S, J" Moniliiy Mel Ktirnlitini and son shipped cattle to Chicago Wednesday. Del Knutsnn left Kiiday for the no them part of the state. Mis. A Leonard and daughter Agnes woie in Bed Cloud Monday. n,irt Kn()n of R(1(, c . . . . , ..... . , visiting his son Wil is and o Cloud was Id friends a 'rn. Will Bennett is In me fn m Culbert sou, where he intends to locate in the spring. Chailcs G'iok was seen upon the streets Tuesday with n huso ball suit under his arm. Miss Ada 'I'ucrs left Monday for B on.soii, Michigan, for n visit with her father unit sis'cr. George Birnlnll hid tho inisfni tune to Hun over a load of hay just east of the river bridge. C. K. Shippen, proprietor of tho Moon ranch near Red Cloud, was here the Hr.t of the week. K I McAllister of Red Cloud was in town Jhiitsday putting up a monu ment for E. Pterpnnt. Miss Rate Sullivan died Monday morning tit Hastings and her body was brought here TucmIii for burial Mike Murphy put a bottle of water in his stove Sunday to blow out the sunt. It. winked buck wat (I and blew oui the stove. J M. Carnaham shipped two ours of cuttle, Hcrrick one ear, (J W. Glints one ear and Sum Ciilley one ear of hogs and eattle Wednesdnv. The B. & M. discontinued the ser vices of u inei-senger boy at Riverton February 120 Tho agent goes next, as It i is now nil there is left to discon tinue. SUPERIOR (From 1 he Journal ) Arthur Bradshaw eatno up from K'ii sis City Thursday morning. Duvid Cillahan, who was seriously injured by falling ice some lime ago, is able to be out. The Rurlington took out fourteen ears of stock on Monday to Kansas City and St. Joe. J t Puelps of Cadams has returned fiom Oklahoma, where he attended the funeral of his son, who was killed in a railroad accident. A S. Berry and F II Stubbs, have purchased the Journal from C. E. St ine, who has bi on connected with the paper for seventeen years. Wednesday night tho ice came into the mill nice in such quantities that tho power wheels had to be shut down, causing the liht plant to cease run ning, Mr. Noil of Smyrna was in town Wednesday miking artangements for the departure of a party of live from his neighborhood to Edgeley, North Dakota, Dr L II Beck came near losing an eye He ran into a stick that was pro. truditig front a coin crib. The corner of his eye was cut and the blow was of sullicieut force to bring him to his knees. W S. young nnd wife wero given a pleasant surprise Wednesday evening by a number of thoir neighbors, the occasion being the seventeenth anniver sary of their wadding and Mr. Young's thirty seventh birthday. Not a letter nor a daily paper renched the town of Nelson from Saturday night until Thursday morning, owing to the snow blockade. One train was stalled in a cut and the snow drifted over it to a depth of thirty feet. The complaint against Dr. Cute of Nolsi n ohargLg him with having as satilteil Leo (tiu-s with intent to do great bodily harm, was dismissed on motion of the county attorney. He was immediately rcarieslcd upon 11 Neighboring Touins I OUR EXCHANGES ciaigc of assaulting wiih ti knife willi in'i'ttt to wound. Cress htm also sued him foi gfWOO dn m 'ii'.w BLOOiMlNGTON (From the Advi cite.) Chat lie Waldo was up horn Inavalc for ti visit with his pan n's J. W. Deal v iv. C . will Minn open n lirst-clnss furnituie stoic here. The woik of icmodelieg the Christ ian cliuich is ptiurcxxitig inpdty. J. (I. Kling, who went to Iowa to viit, has been hehl thcie by the deep snow Icuvis Morltin and Nora Hritndl wcro mai lied Wednesday at the ollleo of the prohiite judge. R P Stewart has been appointed vil lage marshal, unit it is hoped he will proscrvo older in the town. O. F Wodnii'in and Miss Elsie Kunz", hutli from Mitith of town, 'vcre mai ried Wednesday by Judge Hoff man. A. II Ritchey, (;. A. Roby and R. S (itirbcr were up from Red Cloud yes terday, but whether on phusuio or business we could not aseeitain. T. M. IJodgmau, sfite inspector of schools, was in town this wck and among other thing-, recommended a change of some of the teachers. Nnpnncn item: Mih. Anna Tullcys eautiht cold while moving her house hold goods ft em Red ('loud last week, and wis thieatcned with pneumonia. Several jollifications have been held in different parts of tl it v within the past week. The enthusiasm for the occasions waspurchastd at the wet goods houses Eugene Hunter of Riverton, who this winter httd hN limt xiietienec in feed ing shei p, fouml it very piojiltible 11 feed about 10()i) -hcep which netted hun about $'2 each Francis Bctidel, one of the fellows who skipped out Inst December after participating in ih" kidnapping nfFair, returned this week, ph tided guilty to the charge and was fined $1 and costs. The I'. K, O had some kind of extra "doiiies" at their Monday ni'lit ss sioti. At. least wn "honhl judge so from the npinucr in which the poor de jected husbands wet o hanging around down town until the last lights went out. LEBANON. (From the Times ) The loetiiro course has netted the ladies 820.20 Mrs. Harriet Melissa Frasier died February 120. H. M. Lull has bought the Jim New ell property. Charley Anderson lost twot-toors this week, loo much core. M, Buchanan will soon become ti resident of Lebanon. Win. Barnes of Esbon is plasteiing W. C Mays' new house. Marion Roath has sold his laundry business to Harry Newell Phil Scherinerhoni has gone to Sioux City to spend the summer. F. W. Brady has ie-igncd his posi tion at Mmknto, and is home again Billy Kimsey is working on the Stock Yards Daily Journal in Kinsas City. John Kimsny is laid up with a bad ankle resulting from a kick by a horse. Sam and Billy Annis shipped five car loads of .'tittle to Kansas City Wednes day. Allen is home from Hebron,' where he has been curing for a sick brother. John Brown and Oliver Sharp have their toice at work upon the new thir ty live hundred dollar home of Sylva nus Bells. Ex-Mayor George J. Enulohnit of St Joseph, Mo , died Saturday morn ing. He was an uncle of Mrs. A. L. Topliff of this city. Siime of our young bloods ntlondnd the dance at Enbon last night. Wo did not learn whether or not any of thorn had to he lifted from the buggy. FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) Chas. Waddell was in Hastings Wed nesday. II. B S'ratton of Billings, Montana, vii d 1 dative hem this week. J. W, Chapman litis sold his fnriu to E J. Menj tmiii of Beatrice for $4, ISO Truman Borland of Dallas, Texas, is vtsuing at the home of his uncle, L. R Mm laud Om in- llurioughs of Iowa is to put in the new twitehbnnid for the Frank lin Telephone compau. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. S'tiip'on of Hast lugs liteit at the hone of the htttci'tt twin biothci, Rev. A. A King. Tim editor i f the Free Ptcss ncceptH the docti ine i f 4,hell lire" as uuvtirnitdp ed until, and peihapx ii is well for the community that he does. Mih. II. J. (treeiihilgh of Foil Wayne, Intl., iieconiuiiieti by herll.tle d uuhter, is visiting with her uncle, It. A. llumphrcH and family. Colonel Ilatldott, as a rule, is n pretty smooth individual, hut. we understand thti he takes a buck seat when Jay Robitpon is piojeetcd into the arena. A traveling mini was heaid to remark the other day that Franklin nmis the nicest tt'Wii on the map, "Hfcauio," siid he, yon can't buy n drink for love nor money, but every time you turn a corner some good fellow will ask 3011 to lake 0110 with him " Early Wednesday morning fire hroko out in Mr. W. II Austin's double Mop' lini'dint- jtit xoutli of the Cmiiiiificiti! hoii I. Put of the furni ture stock of F. (i. Ilutchinx it Co. was siill Moted in the 11 rih room, while lite room A-as occupied by -J. M. Etnety with a new ..look of shoes anil repair lioo. Most of the contents of the building weie S Veil, but lite build itsidf wt.s ibspycd. Loss iflftOO: ' inii tin e, inno KIIKUMAT1MM CLMtlCt) IN A DAY. Mytl: Cure for lilii'timntiHji ninl Nciirnlnln rittllctdl) citrt'K tat (a .'lilies II nctloti ttpon the fNMi'in N riMiinrknltie nlnl nt.xxterletis II teiiitivi'H nt tico llui pkiinu unit the iIIm'HM) Iiii tneilliitely Ollsnppeiirx. Tho tlrt ilou Krunil lii'iu (lis 7f (i no- nni) I OC Mltl to II. Ii One. Iirtt.'i;lit, licit Cloiul THE GENTLEN4N FROM INDIANA. (Continuud from Page Thiee.) but now the distance sped malignantly. Strolled they never so slow, It was less than u "young bird's lluller from a wood." With her acquiescence he rolled u cigarette, and she begun to hum light ly the air of a Hong, it song of iuelTubly gentle, h!ow movement. That, und 11 reference of the inornliiH and perhaps the smell of his tobacco mingling with the fragrance of her roses, awoke again the old reminis cence of (he. night before. A clearly outlined picture rose before him the high green slopes and cool cliff walls of the coast of Maine nnd the sharp little estuary waves he lazily wtitehed through half closed lids while the pale Binoke of his cigarette blew out undet the rail of a waxen deck where he lay cushioned. And again it woman pelted his face with hnndfiils of ruse petals and cried: "Up, hid. and tit 'em! Yon der is Winter Harbor!" Again he sat In the oak raftered casino, breathless with pleasure, and heard ti young girl Blng the "Angel's Serenade," a young girl who looked so bravely unconscious of the big. hushed crowd that listen1 d, looked so pure and bright and gentle nnd good, that he had spoken of her as "Sir Galahad's little sister." He had been much taken with this child, but he had not thought of her from that time to this, he supposed. He had al most forgotten her. No! Her face suddenly stood out to Ills view as though he saw her with his physical eye, 11 sweet and vivacious child's face, with light brown hair and giny eyes and a short upper Up like a curled rose loaf. And the voice He stopped short. "You aio Tom Meredith's little cousin." "The great Ilarkless," she answered and stretched out tier hand to him. "I remember you." "Isn't it tlmeV" "Ah, but I never forgot you!" lit cried. "I thought I had. I didn't know who it was I was remembering. I thought It was fancy, mid It was mem ory. I never forgot your voice, sing- Inir. and I remembered your face, too, though I thought I didn't." Ho drew a deep breath. "That v. us why" "Tom bus not forgotten you," sho said as he paused. "Would you mind shaking hands once more?" he asked. She gave him her hand again. "With all my heart. Why?" "I'm milking a record of It; that's all. Thank you." "They called me 'Sir Galahad's lit tle sister' all one summer because tho groat John Ilarkless called me that. You d.' with me in the evening." "Did IV" "Ah," she said, shaking her head. "you were too busy being In love with pretty Mrs. Van Rkttyt to remember a waltz with only me! I was allowed hi meet you as a reward for singing my very best, and you you bowed with the Indulgence of a .grandfather and asked me to dance." "Like a grandfather! How young I was then! How time changes us!" "I'm afraid my conversation did no! make a great impression upon you,'' one cotiMnord. (to 111: coxtinih:i).) The Chief aLfid the Weekly State Journal I 1 il . r one year for i.v . v- , , , i t , ' J. ! ' ' , $1.00 INKI.AMMATOKY K1IKUMATISM CURICI) IN a PAYS Morton I,. Till, of I.clinimii, Intl.. mi'h; "Mr wife hurt InllrtmuiHtorv JUilmiiiiiUImji la every nuncio ntul Joint; Iter MifrcrlitR whb tcrrlblo mid her body unit fnre were Hvrollua nlmost be yond rcroKiiiilon: Imil I'tea la licit six wouku 11 ml limt eight pliyMclntiK, but nod veil no bctioni until Miu tried ,ihu Myr-tlo (atro for ltlictirantlHtn. It khvu luuttcdlnti- relief mid cho wns utile to wnlk nboutln three dnH. I am mtro It "wived her life." Sold by II. K. flrlcc, DniKKlHt. ltcd Cloud. AMERICA'S GREATEST WEEKLY THE Toledo -AND- The Chief -FOIt- $1.25 PER. YEAR. Tlie Toledo Blade is tho best known newspaper in the United States. Cir culation 171,000. Popular in every state. The Toledo Blade is now installed iu its new building, with a modern plant and equipment, and facilities tqtial to any publication betwion Now York and Chicago. It is the only weekly newspaper edited expto&sly for every state and territory. Tho News of tho World so an anged that busy peoplo can mote easily comprehend than by reading cumbersome columns of tho dailies. Ail curtent topics made plain in each issue by special editorial mat ter written fiom inception down to date. The only paper published espec ially for people who do or do not read daily newspapers, and yet thirst for nltiin facts. Thai this kind of a news- paper is popular Is proven by the fact that the Weekly libido now has over , 170,000 yearly subscriber, and is cir culated iu nil parts of tho U. S. In ad- jdilion to the news, the Blade, publishes fhort and serial slotics and many de partments of matter suited to every 1111 mber of tho family. One dollar a year. Writo for freo specimen copy. Address THE BLADE, Toledo, Ohio. A Guaranteed Cure Fer Piles. Itching, blind, bleoiling or protrud ing Files. DruguUtu refund money if IV,o Ointment fails to euro any case, no matter of how long standing, iu G to 14 days, First application gives easo and rest. fiOc. If your druggist hasn't it send f0o in stumps, mid it will be for winded post-paid by Paris Mcdioiue Co. St. Louis, Mo. 1 I 9 f i 1 I i ' -i .:& ',. I .,.1 ,fii i.m Mir I'Vii 1: I L 'i .,. -V 'Mut'Atf-j iML' ' 1 n . yjjge&imn!ymaasi vw ri?fiTTmttiHflMfcifliMiffc n rm-i f 1 fUtJ-nt! Tina 1 1' 11 iim m-tfTi 1 rit ""MVr''ii"n'i1rrr POrwwMrTmwWTTTrTrnii h iiifii trjr'yijiiiiujiyninirrirril1Jil'nilll.l n 'TrrHTnlTJlEJlllJlllijutl'lULIUrlUiJ