The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 03, 1905, Image 1

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Eight Pages
Home Print
vj5i a rear
in Advance
J. A-
Miner Bros. Miner Bros.
Advance Showing
New Soring Goods
"Magnificent showing new goods, lowest prices,"
and many such phrases are always heard at the be
ginning of the season. We might add, "Never
before have we been so well prepared." We take it
for granted that the buying public of Red Cloud ex
pect us to be better prepared with each succeeding
season, evidenced by something more than mere
words. We cordially invite an inspection.
Thoro'll be very littlo
homo sowing on Muslin
Underwear in Red Cloud
if you appreciate our as
sortment as wo do And
thero is littlo occasion for
homo sowing, too. When
it was u choice of buying
poorly made, sweat-shop
goods, or making them yourselves, perhaps the homo wo k was the
cheapest; anyway, the safest and best. In buying PEERLESS
goods you take no risk -nothing is loft to clmneo. These Under
muslius are crisp from t ho hands of well paid workcrr whose busi
ness hours aro spent in America's brightest and cleanest factories.
All goods cut full and in good, genorous sizes.
New Effects In Ginghams for Spring 1905.
7i patterns I one (Jo word uiiigliiims just placed ou sale, atripes,
Checks, broken Checks Fancies, n trrea' ranco of patterns For C
Sh 1 1 Waibt Suits, Waists Dresses. Men's Shirts, Boys' Waists. 120.
Corset Covers, tSc to SI. 7 5
Night Robes, SOc to S2.25
Skirts, 91. OO to S3. 7 5
Drawers, 28c to SI. 75
The now Embroideries aro now ready
and cotnpri o tho daintiest originations
wo have over shown.
We have gathered them with lavish
hand, yet with a discriminating eye as to
their usefulness and price worth.
Kmbroidory dainties from
3c to $1.25
VS Ifjllf; ?
Interesting Items Gathered
by Our County Reporters
Karl Davis is working for Win. Dab
Ion. I'.iul Itochcr !b working for Charles
John Galhreth is working for S. C.
dames Kcnglo is rooting his corn crib
this week.
H. S. V n Dyico attended tho stile nt
Willinm VniiDvko was the guet of
Mr llnuicr this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. i)lilcn were the guests
of .Ion Hoauuhnmp Sunday.
Mr. Derell will move west 200 miles,
where ho Ims a cattle ranch.
Farmers are gcttirig ready to plant
potatoes nnd now nato nnd spelts.
W J Hisklns is btfy hauling baled
hay to Hud Cloud, for which he gets 10
a ton.
S. C. Shuck is home from n at
Hebron, and reports his futhor much
.Inhn Ueauchnmp wss over in Gar
tield Si'iiiltiy to nee hi grands n,
Chester Drake, who is ill with pneumonia.
Fi'-nest llaskins is hauling cream to
the Ufd Cloud croimery, makfng two
trips a week.
The phone lire runnii'g south from
Ited Cloud to the state line is completed
and ready for business.
Will Kuchn, our local stock buyer,
has 200 head of hog", which he will
ship to tho Kansas City market.
Cnnrlos Clark of Hoxie, Kansas, wns
visiting friends in Lino this week while
on his way home from a visit in eastern
Kansas and Nebraska.
ai lived front the eastern pni'l, nt the
state and moved on a farm near
Ooar Kmick moved Wednesday on
to (he fui m which he purchased fiom
(ins Piiudt.
C. W. Friak and wife went to helm,
non Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs.
H. S. Durrett.
Oilu Cockroll and sister Nell attend
ed the drama ,Kmoriilda" nt lied
Cloud Monday night.
Mrs. Sum Miller entortaitied a num
bur ol her Intuits Thursday and all
enjoyed a Himpltinus dim. or.
While Fied Hmlmr and wife were on
their way to Ited Cloud Si lord ay their
team gave asinMcn pimp, which jerked
the huu'4 sent oil their spring wagon,
throwing Mr. Unrher and baby into
the mud. They were only slightly in
jured, mid it might have upon worse.
Kansas Cltv Market.
Special to Tin-: Ciiikk.
Kansas City, Mo, Febr, 28.-Tho
Miuill cattle run last week 'compared
to what was expected, advanced prices
on all kinds, beef steers made a small
gain, cows and heifers sold l.r to ".."
cents highor, audstookors and feeders
gained 'Jo to n." conts The supply yes
terday and loday has been only lsi,00()
head for tho two days. Prices lmvo
thotefore kept linht. on advancing this
week, and all kinds of cattle have add
ed 10 to 15 cents to the gains of last
week. "I he proportion of stockers
this week is much larger than hereto
fore, but tho attendance of country
buyers is ovon larger than it was last
week, and country grades aro showing
tho most strength again this week
Not only whs thero fewer beef steers
received last week, but thero woro no
prime cattle at all, and tho sumo is tho
case so far this week. Top prico last
week was Jf fiiybost prices this week
SH i.i and that today. Tho advanco
lately in beef steers lias applied to all
grades, and very few sell below Sl bulk
if salesSlUot ." Cows and heifers
i advanced rapidly, on sharp eom-
Dotition for tho small number receiv
ed, and best lie furs now sell a' $1 ilT to
4 (10, bast cows t.'l 8."i to 1 'Jj, bulk of
sho stuff i'. t to 4 00. Dulls j-ell at
$2 TiO to S.'l 7.1, veals ?.ri to G 7u. Stock
steers nnd steur calves sell at $.'! 2,r to
4 '2.", stock cows and heifers 82 to $.!,
feeders ?3 Co to 4 :K, partly finished
feeders $1 00 to 4 To
Yesterday and today the hog market,
is 10 to if) cents highor: top today is
So 0r, bulk of sales 81 80 to 5 00 Liglit
hogs have gained a littlo more than
heavies since a week ago Koeoipts
are not as heavy as looked for, which
accounts for strength, and market is
apparently much llrnier than a week
Market on sheep is steady this week,
lambs steady today. Lambs mo lo to
20c below best time; top today 87 (!."i
Wethers and owes aro highest of the
season, selling at 80 and 8." 7f respect
ively. Yearlings aro down 10 or lfi
cents; top today, $( 7."). Bulk of sales
aro within Toe to 31 of the top in each
Live Slock C UTcspoiiuoiit.
Land Sales.
If you want to either buy or sell
land, writo or seo C. F. Cather. No
chargo if no stile.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Takj Laxntho Dromo Quinine, talc
lets. All druggists, refund the money
if it fails to euro, K. V. Grove's slgnn
tuto is on each box. 25o.
TllK ClUKK and the Wonkly State
Journal one year for $l,,till March 1.
Mrs. Alexander is quite ill with
Ilei h Watson of Innvnle was in town
hist. Sunday.
(ienrpe Itoss is plastering I) Qreig's
homo this week.
Harry K-k of lleatrice was here Fri
day nnd S iliu nday.
Mrs. It. C. Chevalior of Campbell
was in town Wednesday.
Kern M C iy and wife left for Katon,
Cdoiudo, Monday evening.
L. C. Cutter and family spent last
Sunday ut. the homo of Mrs. Kershner.
A. lteitl nnd wife visited with their
sou Fred, living end of here, last Sun
day. Miss Nellie Itumbaugh is spending
tho week with her patents south of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Vet Widder.sheim visit
ed ht the home of Wnyno Iteed lust.
N.S. Tobias wont to Tobias Inst Sat
urday morning, where he spent a week
visiting his mother.
Moving time is at hand.
Tho roads are getting passable.
Miss Grace Hendeison hns gone to
live with her brother Horace.
V. A- Howard nnd Will Crozior went
to Hod Cloud Wednesday on business.
Mrs. Warren Denny f Cowles is
vis'ninir with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. M. Albin.
Miss Hitttin Itiehardson of Hoxie,
Kansas is visiting here. She is a
niece of Mrs. Minnie Killough.
Ft lix Killough Mid bride will soon go
to housekeeping in the house formerly
occupied ly(irandma Hichardsou.
Mr Hnrthenie hud a sale last Tues
day. He will quit farming and enter
the mercantile business at Lawrence.
James (iienulialgh, Will Hitman and
J It. Crc ,ier attended the sale at the
old Kindcher farm ou TliuiS'lay of
last week.
James Downing and family lefiTuos.
day for their new home in western
Kansas, having purchase! laud there
some time
Juke Monia had a .sale last Monday,
lie expects to leave soon for Montana
io look for a location. His family will
reside in (iuhle Itock for the pru.-out.
It D nitliill of Doughs arrived hero
Miti'lay to attoud to matters pertain
in to the f ariii he recently purchased
of Will Crozier. He expects to move
here soon.
- -
Mr. and Mrs. Caester C-x dined at
. W. Hiker's Sunday.
Kriicsi 'J'orrill visited with CharUs
Lewis and fumily Monday.
Starke Bros and the A in hoy Milling
Co. .shipped cattle Monday.
John Kmick of Missouri is visiting
with relatives in our village.
Mis. Tom Dilh n of Aortnhranch
visited with her sister, Mrs. Matt Dean,
this week.
Slinnnau Itupard, a cousin of Chns,
Liwip, was in our village Monday on
business. He and his family have just
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tennant. visited at
. N. Hhitikenbnker'H Inst Sunday.
List Saturday evening a card party
was given nt the home of Oliver Sutton.
Tho young folks played high live.
A dance was given nt the homo of
M. ('. Fnrnham last Thursday evening
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Shoe
maker, who will leayo in a short time
for Wyoming. A very pleasant time
was reported by the young people who
Last Sunday the ice gorge which had
foi mod ou the river above N, (J. Blank'
onhakor'.s broke, flooding the bottom
west of Walnut Ci'eok, doing consider
able damage to alfalfa and corn fodder.
Mrs Mills and her brother, Frank
Taylor, will move to a farm ou BiifTatf"'x
croak, which they reeontly hough'
We understand (J. N. Hlanketihaker
has purchased the land where thoy
have been Hying.
Chester Drake is very ill with pnou
li C Cutter was in (tin fluid Monday
buying fat cattle,
L. C. Monger sold two fat cows to
the butcher this week.
Thero was a farewell pnrty at II, C.
WollN Tuesday nicht.
Mr. Koon was in Garfield Monday
buying butcher si nil.
Gravouor Stanser shipped a carload
of hog' to Kansas City last. Wednesdny,
H. C. Wolfe moved to town hut
Wednesday Wo aro sorry to lose
him from our neighhorhoi d.
Mr. Vincent of Ited Cloud gave an
exhibit ion of pictures of the Holy Lunit
at Amuck school house Tuesday night.
John M Her and fninily, former resi
denisof Nebraska, are bank from Oklti
ouia. Ho has purch sed the old
SwcariiiKcn place.
Mr. and Mrs. N L 1). Smith left for
Kansas Ciiy last. Tuesday night, whero
Mr-J. Smith expects to be treated for
Harry Vaughn was in Ited Cloud
A base ball team is being organized
in Guide Itock.
William Reeves repainted the inte
rior of hi hotel.
Frank Marsh fell over nn oil barrel
and broke his arm at tho elbow.
I. H Colvin and M. H Hagan nnd
their daughters aro homo Mom a trip
west. '
C. W. Itoush, representing the Grand
Island lltisintss college, was in towu
Tho Guide It ick photo gallery will
he opeii on Fridays and Saturday, and
Sundays i u n quest.
m m
Plumb the feed man will pay you tho
highest, price for poultry, eggs nnd
Greatest Aid io Cookery
With least labm and 4rouii5e it makes
hot-breads, biscuit and cake of finest
flavor, light, sweet, appetizing and
assuredly digestible and wholesome
Price Bakjng Powder Co., Chicago.
i tiit
fa "j