Autumn Dreaming. I don't know what's tlio reason that along nbout tills Hinsnn When the golden rod Is blitzing and the pasture s Rcttlm: brown. And 1 hour the locust (-ailing and old fortndlo baulliiK, bulling- while thn npnles In tho oichnrd one by ono uie dtoppiiiK down, That I sort of atop my hurry let up about mv worrv As I loaf nbout tho bamynrd and en- inv fhn ntltlltnn llnvn )V the autumn hazo. And foriret tho locust's rlrr orpet tho locust's droning and old brlndlc's loncsomo lowing For I somehow hco tho faces that 1 anaw in other days. And I find myself reviewing wliat for years I've been n-dolriB nut It seems as If the most of It was ,..,. onl' ehlltllsh piny, whllo tho things most worth tho keip Iiik nnd for which to-day I'm wi-ip-Inir Have been lost In life's blind slitiN Ho and have vanished clean away But tills autumn air Is clearer and It brings up objects nearer, Or perhaps It innRiiltlcH them as I hoc them through my tears; Maybe Unit may be the reason that alonir nbimt Dili himihih I can see the ones I used to love wa back In other years. I can hear my mother Hinging and enn feel her hand a-cllng 'K Around my boyish neck again and sue her lovlnif gaze, And I find my troubles lighter and m future growing brighter For tho dreams that I'm a-ilu-miilng a. I loaf around Uipbo days. Washington Post NOI8Y BIRDS OF THE NIGHT. Have to Call Loudly to Attract Their Companions. All tho night birds nro noisy. They cannot consort with ono another In happy tympanies as do tho warblers and thrushes and finches, and sing nnd whisper, but must call loudly nnd long to one another in tho darkness. On consts where petrels and certain other night-hunting seublrds abound, all day sitting on their eggs or hiding In burrows, you will hear no sound from morning till night, but after dark tho air Is filled with shrill cries. The loud, reiterated calling of the South ern chuck-will's-wldow, nnd of Its Northern cousin, are familiar. A whipporwlll will sound Its cry several hundred times In succession without a pnuso. Owls hoot, or utter a harsh sort of laughter, rarely pleasant to listen to, nnd nlght-herons and bit terns squnwk nnd boom. Sweet songs occasionally heard in tho dnrkness are those of wakful day birds, as tho nightingale, or our own oven-bird. Ernest Ingersoll, In Harper's Maga zine. LITTLE HEAD, LITTLE WIT. Tom Marshall's Scathing Reply to Young Louisville Fop. One of Kentucky's national law makers furnishes this good story nbout Tom Marshall: When the science of phrenology first began to uttract public nttcntkin. a lecturer on that line turned up in Louisville and gavo talks, .us well as made examinations of a largo number of craniums. Marshall attended ono of these "exhibitions." Ho was about "half-seas over." After tho lecture and demonstration closed Marshnll and a crowd of friends went to the Gait houso to "liquidate" and talk over tho newly discovered science Marshall declared that ho could 'phtenologlzo as well as the lecturer; that It was a rank fake and tho fellow ought t. bo rocked out of town." Marshall wns re quested to go into tho parlor and ex amine a few heads. This he eonsentod to do, and a numbor of ladles and gen tlemen wero entertained by the bril liant man ns ho called off the dlffcient "bumps" and ground out yard alfr yard of good nnd bad qualities ol head owners. Ho know most of the crowd and mndo a vast amount of inn. It happened that among tho. o pits cut a Louisville fop, of scare amonv. of brains, distinguished lor his lor wardneBS and egotism, was left out '; Marshall. To this the fop obJcui, tolling him that his head had not been examined. "I beg your pardon, sir," said Mar shall, "but you must really excuse mc. I am too drunk to read small print bv candle light." This Language of Ours. Teacher What do you mean, Will's Emerson Beansby, that "a battleship Is a rowboat?" William Emerson Boansby Yen will pardon my saying that you both mlsconstruo my meaning nnd nilst ro nounco my words. In this instance tho word r-o-w Is pronounced with tU same sound of o-w that Is found in "cow." Following this direction and adopting my hypothesis, you will load lly discover that I am right in my fundamental postulate. Baltimore American. Knew the Man's Way. Poploy Come, come, Wllllo! Don't cry because you've barked your shin i little bit. Act like a man. Wllllo (blubbering) Yes! then rou'd whip me. You told mo you would If you ever caught me swear In'. Catholic Standard. WON BY SUBTLE FLATTERY. Ruse Bv Whih e ...... i-u .. . .. . '. c,.. w . r- ' aao wi,iin MFrlc,ndof Enem'- i-i vn i l)Iot wh,ch ,,ltImteIy d iinini.0 ift er throno wns ,,0,,,K ! c ok ,on Isn,,el1'1 )f Spain was ni at. bonastlun ami ono day surprised nui cuiirtiera ny expressing a desire to visit a man-of-war. Knowing that tho navy was not very loyal, they tried to dissuade her, but In vain, nnd finally tho Zanigosa, an armed cruiser, was summoned from Cndlz and her ma losty went on board. The cptw'i. who was one of tho plotters ngnu ft tho throne, received bur with ui- lienor .ind conducted her over the v ;s 1. Sho wns charmed with all th:it s, saw and treated the captain so ccttrtc Misly that finally ho turned to h- i id said: "I'erhaps your majesty Is not uunr hnt It Is In my power to carry ji.ii n this vessel far away from Sp-iln.' "I know It," replied tho queen. "Yet your mnjosty did not lies. tale o come on board?" ho ashed, won 'erlng at her courngc. "No, 1 did not hesitate," she ropllr' because 1 knew that you were a gin onian nnd I wns sure that you would t act liko a coward." "Your majesty was right," said the iptain, with n low bow, "and you mil have no cause for regret thr.t on placed confidence) In me." Girts, Can You Carve? One of tho minor accomplishments o bo acqulrod by every girl Is th clonco or nrt of carving. Lot )ici cam to cook by all means, If '-Ik as any gift for that divine nrt, but to I'nderstand the graceful dissection ol n joint of a fowl Is still more Imi.or Unt if sho intends being nt tlu head of on establishment. Generally this luty falls to tho man of tho houso who, though he may not be skillful Is et strong of wrist, and whoso right Is to hack nnd slnsh without leproof from tho other end of the board Hut when a lady can easily nnd dexUtoua ly perform this share of a man's pre rogntlvo It Has a very pretty appear nee. Exchange. QUEER LITTLE SEA MOUSE. Remarkable In the Lower Branches of Organic Life. A fow days ngo, wiicn they brought oio a fine specimen, about four inches 'ong, of that strange creature the sea mouse, dredged from the sandy bot tom of Loch Hyan, I began to specu late darkly upon tho significance of the generic name Aphrodlta, bestowed ipon this lowly lnvertcbrnto by Lam atack. Tor It Is no mouse, but a worm, belonging U) tho class Anne lida, animals which, being still In a primitive stage of development, enjoy the enviable privilege of being able to replace any organ, oven a head, of which they may bo bereft by accident or assault. At first sight no living creature is less suggestivo of the goddess of love, Its general outline being thut of a gi gantic wood louse and its structure but nn oblong mass of Integument and viscore. Yet on second thought, It appears not Inappropriately termed Ahprodlta, born of tho sea foam urn phros and. if beauty of for.l be de nied to It, compensation Is made by an extraordinary loveliness of color. The breathing apparatus, consisting of external branchiae like silky bris tles arranged all along the sides of tho animal, shine with a' luster as deli cate as and more brilliant than a pigeon's neck. l'all Mall Gazette. LIFE PROLONGED BY SUCCESS. Victory Over World Means New Vital ity and New Powers. It is new well known that increased complexity of life with increased ex penditure distinctly adds longevity. Luxury, "the fertile parent of a whole family of diseases." modifies It greatly, yf course, but this Is a manageable fartor. We have only to recall personal ex perience to renlizo the force of Intel lectual stimulation. The Interest of sport will sustain men without fatlguo for distances they otherwise could not traverse. The excitement of striro will often mask the presence of wounds. Self-forgetfulness in all the walks of life, under tho stress of lovo, ihlvnlry or accepted duty, doubles hu man endurance. Success gives new vi tality, new powers, and this is another uame for nw At. FLATTERY AND REAL PRAISE. Distinction That Is Worthy of Careful Consideration. "We sometimes fancy wo hato fiat ery, when In truth It Is the manner of It wo disllkb," said La Rochefoucauld. Stripped of its cynicism, tho saying comes to this: that whllo praiso is eternally pleasant, there are fashions in flattery, and thoso fashions change very completely. Flnttery Is innocent or desplenblo, not according to wheth er or not It oversteps the limits of tho accurnto, Dut whether or not it pro ceeds from an Interested or a disin terested motive. There aro momenta when a truo statement of honorific fact mndo for the selfish purposo of tho speaker may bo gross flattery, """ " uuKKuniiuu fipeocn may ae justified by Its good Intention. The ' ,m-,aim i not wnni was snm, rifll nr.,.il f.. ! unt NV,,y lt wns 8n,(1- TlmL ,B " only tost by which we can divide tho con- tomptlblo from tho hnrmless kind. Suroly tlU!,' ,s l0SH (,f tho worse sort than there was-or do wo but llattor ourselves? CORRESPONDENCE. (Continued from First Pago.) over only a part of the route in one day, going over the balance of the route the next day. Chat lev Fruit, who has been in tli United State army f')t' three years, in the Philippines, is homo, nnd wn be lieve he has had enough soldiering to last him qtitite n while. BLADEN D-Mitist Keith of Hustings is in town this week. i W. Mi Donald drove- over to liluu Hill Saturday. J. W. McCoy nnd family visited at K Hrowoi's Inst Sunday. Dr. Wegninn went to Kansas City on Imihiichs last Wednesday. Mth. Cowley is moving into her prop orty up in the in w addition. Mr. Wolf is having nn addition built to Ids barn in the south part of town. 11. II. Hoyd ruturned Saturday from a six weeks' visit in Illinois and Iowa. A few more days like Monday and Tu"Mlny and there'll bo no more snow. Miss Demurs went to Campbell Fri day, visiting with ftiends until Mon day. (ipoigc Ktall of Hf all ice is paying a vidt to his patents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Krai I. Mrs. Peter Haller and son returned Monday from a month's visit in Custer county. Mrs. Fish visited nt tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. George Soloman, last Sunday. F. McTigh visited Sunday nt the home of his sister, Mrs. P. Duffy, liv ing southeast of here. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Ungate of Kim creek wi-ie viiiting at tho homo of Frank lloom last Saturday. Tho Misses Wegninn of Blue Hill visited with their brother, Dr. Wi-g-man, in this city last Monday. GARFIELD Guy Harms buy niovid down near IliMwick. The i ural mail eanier has again be gun to mm ve his route. Hev. Taylor preached both morning and evening last Sunday, i Mr. Haiiington has moved to the oust putt of Guide Koclc township. Mr. and Mr. Frank Aile8 were guests of X. L. I). Smith one dnj this week. Mr. Hnskett has moved to the old Mark Wainer fin in in Line township. Mrs. Kflie Heed and her dnugliNr I'eurl wcie visiting Mrs.' Kued's parents this week. Mrs. Dcllnrt with her motlipr nnd sister wero guests of Mrs Lmmn Smith last Wednesday. The Enst Gin Held telephone com pany will hold n meeting in the Kuruer school house S.ituidtiy night of this week. WALNUT CREEK Kd nrd Ne innti Jones ale chopping wood for A Arnold. Hnbeit Mitchell and family visited nt T. F. JonesV Sunday. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Fulton, the 15th, a boy. All doing well. The roads are so bud a number of pnniU have stopped attending school at No. . Will Topluim and Miss II, .el Hold rego spent Sunday afternoon with Sim An o-on. A number of farmers have been haul; ing hogs this week. Fay Arneson marketed live IohiIs. Miss Deiihih Fulton cave n very pleasant party nt her hnnin Inst Tlmrs day evening. The young f dks enjoyed themselves playing high live. Real Estate Transfers. Transfers for week ending Wednos- day, Fob. 22, furnished by J. II. Bailey or Webster County Abstract company. James F Lippiucott nnd wife to Robert E Mooro, wd, sei uvi nudno4sw4 20-1-12 9 CO Columbia National Bnuk to Lil lio May Van Dyko, wd, sanio. . 1200 Helen L Stowoll and husband to E E Burr, wd, part se4 nol a.r)-2-ll ro Leon E Lester and wifo to A F Uartwoll, qqd, sol .12-2.13 1 Anna TuUoyH to Win M Crabill, wd, lots :$ to fl, blk :, Lo Duo's add to lted Cloud 1030 Alico S Wilson and husband to Win J Holmes, tyril, nol 13 2-12 1 Wm J Holmes and wifo to Ar thur Wilson, qed, sanio 1 Joseph Saunders nnd wifo to Hi ram J Sauudois, qed, half s2 Ladies' Collars A large assortment of Ladies' Fancy Collars at 25c each. Nothing in the city to equal them in value or style. Ribbons All Silk Ribbons, No. 40, at 15c per yard. Others equally as cheap. Kalamazoo Corsets Wear one thirty days and if defect ive in material or workmanship will either give you a new one or return your money. Laces and Embroideries We have a large number of remnants and short lengths of Laces and Em broideries that will be sold at less than half their usual price for a few days only. Too many to enumerate. F. NEWHOUSE (, DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, ETC. 4 swl 32-4-10 800 Hiram J Saunders and wifo to Clias Li Fullwider, wd, s2 bwl 32-110 2000 Samuel Lindsey nnd wifo to Guy Lindsey, wd, n2 nw-1 and n2 s2 uw4 12 2-12 1200 John M Chapin and wifo to C W Knloy, wd, nol 1-2-1 1 .'JoOO Isaac Wilmot and wifo to Lloyd A Carpenter, wd, lots 13 to 17, blk 28, Red Cloud 02o Local drain Market. (Furnished by J. IV I), aney ) Thursday, F.-b 10 Wheat one Mixed hotled Corn 3.".e Kar Corn :j4Ji. White shelled o rn :.- OniH y.'lc He 01,. PRESIDENT ORDERS ACTION. Commissioner Garfield to Begin In vestigation Into Standard Oil. Washington, Feb. 17. President Roos?velt has directed James It. Gar field, uimmissloner of corporations of the department of commerce and la bor, to begin Immediately the oil In vestigation requested by the house of representatives In a resolution adopt ed unanimously. Tho Investigation, by direction of the president, will bo rigid and comprehensive. The inquiry will bo pressed ns rap idly as possible. Representative Campbell of Kansas, author of tho resolution adopted by tho house, had a conference with President Roose volt. Mr. Campbell's Idea Is that the investigation should concern partic ularly tho situation In the Kansas field, but ho expressed to the presi dent his belief that tho Inquiry, onco begun, would extend to tho operations of tho Standard Oil company In tho Beaumont field of Texas and perhaps to other fields. Secretary Hitchcock gave out a statement nrralgnlng as a "gigantic monopoly" the present lease by the Indian Territory Illuminating Oil compnny of the right to prospect for oil and gas throughout the entire area of tho Osage Indlnn reservation and explaining tho ngrcement reached several days ago for cutting off more than one-half of tho lands operative under this leaso during the next ten years. SCANDAL IN CANAL BOARD. Congressmen, In Inquiry, Learn Mem bers Took Fees From Railroad. Washington, Fob. 20. All tho mem bers of tho isthmian canal commis sion, according to tho unanimous view of tho houso committee on interstate and foreign commerce, have rendered themselves liable to peremptory dis missal from office, if not severe pun ishment. It was disclosed at the hear ing before tho committee, at which tho affairs of tho Panama railroad wero being Investigated, that every member of the commission had ac cepted amounts aggregating from $G00 to $1,000 n year for acting as directors and members of tho executive board of tho railway company. Their acceptance of those fees wns construed to bo in direct violation of Prosldont Roosevelt's order, issued May 9, 1901. A-- gig T M TABLE. IBffiKl Red Cloud, Neb. LINVOIjN OMAHA cm u ago S'l. JOE KANSAS CITY S3. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVElt HELENA IWT'lE SAL'l LAKE C'Y POUT LAND S.M FRAXCISCO and all points west. THAINB LBAVK AB rOU.OWBI No. 13. Piinsen(?er dully for Oberlln and St. PraticlHliraiiflieN.Ox ford, McCook. Denvorund ail points west . 7 0-, .m. So, 14. PaHnenger dnlly for St. Joe. Khiihhb City, Atchison. Si. Louis. Lincoln via Wymorc .. ,B1,d n" points east and Miiith 2-iOa.ra So 15. PnnheiiBcr. dally. Iienver. all points In Colorado, Utah and m . California. 8:o: p.m. So. 16. PaM,eiiper. dally for St. Joe. Kaiihan City. Atchlnon, St. L011U and all poluta east and south. 10r m So 174. Accommodation. .Monday " Wednesday and Prlday.llon- ly.?,8' Gra.1"1.. Iukii'I. Black Hills and all points In the northwekt t.iiinm Sleeping, dlnltiR, and recllnliiK chair rar eau free) on throiiRb trains. Tickets bold and sraThgoerCaf1adCad ,0 ""y P,Ul ,D lho Unl Cloud, Sfcbr. or L. W. Wallelcy.'oenerai Paa. senuei Agent Omaha. Ni-lmniik uerBI ""', QUEEN INCUEKTORS 'The Queen" Is trulv the tjiicen of Incubators. l(ns a sjMeni of liausle vcmlla. Hon ol Its Wii. it will hatch . u?r r.r. cm of MroiiK, healthy chicks than any u.S: chine uith other hj stems of V-iitllatloti. Send fur cm, Klie. It's KKUK UUUKN INCU1IATOH CO., Ik box (i, HnvtliifcH, Neb Order To Show Cause. IN THE COUNTV C'01'KT. Stalo of Nebraska, I Webster County f At a coiintv court held at the couniv court Its- "o."a."i. 1P05. C"my' T,,urs(ln,e bru In trie matter of'tho estate of fieore Gibbon, iiireadliiBandulInK the petition of II u Sim ns filed on the 10th day of February. A. D U5.praj larfor tlia cxamlnntloa ami alio v aiico of his lliml account of the -ame date n do cteo of nsslirnmet.t of the lands beloiiBhiK to said estate to the petsons uuil.led lo the s. me an order dlstributluK lho re-ldue of perso 1 ml estate an 1 there upon an order Wimir nil him from futher burden ami service In h"s" a olllcc as dmlnlstrator. Ordered, that Tliunxlay. thouih dav of Mnrnh A. I). UH)5.nt?one o'cloJk ,, m VasslKned fiirlicarlnK said petition , he . , S Intorestcd In said matter may ap. carat a rauuty court to be held In nu.l for Mid coil lit" nil show cause why prajtr of petitioner hIiV.i, d ol bo Kranled; anil that notice ol the pen lencV of said tiittliiini nnii ti,. i.n 1... '."."r1" ? 0I 11 hi persons Inn-rested In said inaiter. by pub ISEAI.l 1 .. .. innrr in ";. ". Couniv JudKC. HOLLISTER'8 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bust Medldna fn Ttnav Pn.i. Brlnifa Golden Health and Renewed Vliror and Itookiwhe. jvk nKXK TCXK W. -Bwwva V nn ret rorm, a cpnts box. Opnulna rtiada bv HoLUBTEn Dnoo CimPANV, MadlsoMs. y 0LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Sabetha Has $50,000 Fire. Sabetha, Kan., Fob. 22. Vlra i10m destroyed tho buildings occupleby ho Citizens' state bank, Meye? &. Kooutz, shoes, and Hobort & Co clothing. Loss, ?C0,000. 1 tiffigSgfSS&SSiSS, ltiri. Mitimviah it 1 V I . h l i y )!mmmmsmm&simm M&izeumwi ommMt tWOMrim