The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 24, 1905, Image 7

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J Nemsy jiotes from
(From i In- .Journal )
F. A. Hennh g.,,, wj((, lll( ,j,mg,tor
are homo frmn llutte, Montana.
El. vShmilcss' tine rg(. house Wa3
oonsum-U by lin M unlay morning.
Too iiiiMcliuniH wlir, handled vmIcii
tines UiiH yjir reported u good irudo
Mr. ami Mr P C Toninkins ,.rrlvil
from I)(,ner Sunday Mr Tompkins
will work in Johnston' imrbcr shop
A onr.iinned stranger was -Arrested
Friday night and laid all night in the,
alabooso to keep from fre. zing to
John Pnolps of Cadams r.-ccivod a
telegram .Monday announcing that his
on, C W Pnclps, had heon killed in
Denison, Texus
Dr W. H Jones accidentally cut IiIh
hand with a butcher knife Wednesday
morning, which will incapaeitito him
from work for several day-.
W. C Henderson, the auctioneer,
sold over S4 0(l() worth of personal
properly in two hour at fie sale of the
effects of the latu Knos Lester j.L
Cadams last week.
C K Adams has received an ap
pointment from Jjicn enatit (Jeneritl
Adtia 11 Chaffee ot the United States
army to act as a memher of his staff at
the. inauguration of Pnsidonr, Uoose-
velt. Mr. Adams will accept, the
Khv. S I .Johnston arrived homo
from a tiip to Denver and other Colo
rado points Tiusdny morning. At
Greeley ho found K3 W. lloonck, whoin
prosp. ring nicely Koh Muttn has
purchased a grocery there and has a
Rood business.
Kuilvay Miil C erk Soink, who was
on the train stalled at M . Clare in a
enow drilt, walked down fioin that
placo yesterday, a distance of seventeen
milts, carrying a pouch full of letter-,
which he turned over to the local offiro
to bo worked out.
Three prnmi it nr NuckolU county
men died last, week James Van Vniin,
ex county treasurer, died Tuesday
niht. W. (4. IJmdley, the abstractor,
and foinier county clerk, died Thurs
day morning of heart disease. George
Rouse, who has tigured largely in
oouutv matt is (liiing the last quarter
of a century, diui Tliursday.
(From the Advocite.)
Isaac Klaek is on the sick list.
Principal has been granted
a life (tirtill sato by the state superin
tendent. J. (J Hunt attended the funeral of
his brother Frtd at Kcpuhlhan last
Satin day.
Mrs. I H Hampton of Indian torii
tory visited with her daughter, M s
C if. Wild".
(ieo. W (ireen, the lumberman, re
ports that several ne A' dwellings will
be built in the spring.
Win. Dunn returned Wednesday
evening from Red Cloud, where he had
b ten auctioneriiig H.Miell'a slock ot
dry goods.
The bridge cotrinitteo is this week
making arrangements to strengthen
the ice breaks at tho Naponeo and
Frmkliu biidges.
Dr. Jones of Omaha was called to the
city yesterday for a consultation over
Mrs J 11. Sumner, Jr., who is in a
very critical condition.
Our stock dealers one day tiiis week
bad a misunderstanding and it losult
oil in ono of them being arrested and
taken before his honor, Judge Huff
man, who bound him over to keep tho
Evangelist Shaw who has been in tho
city only a few days, said in a sormon
last woek that Bloomington was 'tho
wickedest placo between hero and
hell." (Wonder when lie made tho trip
to tho latter placo )
Seventoon years ago last night tho
Knights of Pythias lodge was organized
in this city with twenty-four chatter
members. Seven f the original mout
hers aro still hero. Since Hint time
ninoty-ono members have boon initiat
ed and six have diod.
(From tho Times )
Minnie Linton is ill with the grip.
."" Itiy Hutchison was over from Kshon
Stindiy evening
Clitis. A. H nsou and Miss Lulu,
Neighboring Tomns j
llfiiluy worn married Wednesday evcr
ing Win. Yupp Iihh returned lo Orm d
J unci ioc, Colorado
Will Waddell returned Monday from
Waiikomis, Oklahoma
A daughter of James Ashbaugh, from
Wyoming, is visiting him.
Chester (ioodn find wife visited rela
tives lino f i iends hei o lat week.
Willie and Cassie Kimsey 'oft Satin-
day evening for a visit al Kansas Guy.
Mrs. Q. P Re nobis died at lOoV.lock
Monday night and was burled at Innn.
Pnilip Jerome was down town
yesterday for the first lime in two
John II. Anderson left yesterday for
Maiik-at, where ho will attend school
for a year.
Robert Cherry has purchasod a tract
of land in South Lebanon and will
erect a cottage.
Will Johnson sold 800 meals to rail
road peoplo and passengers while the
wreck was being cleared up.
Joe Brown and Charley Fowler com
menced work on tho Long-Medio
lumber yard sheds yesterday.
The musical entertainment at the
opera house last evening given by Mrs,
Hiker and Mix. 13 C. Rath, assisted by
tlie orcheslin, was a grand success.
Tuesday, Dr Hislop reci Ived as a
Vilentine a patent to a pieceof land in
Ontario, Canada, as a rewind for v.ilu
able services rendered to the govern
ment during the Feiiiar. riots in 1800
Although the thei momctcr registered
!2!) degrees below zero, Art Carpenter
managed to get to the Times office
wearing a smile, which it wa impos
sible to fi;i o.e. Cause, tho arrival of a
girl baby al his place Sunday evening.
(From the Sentinel.)
A. T. Trumbull and wife have
moved hero from Alma.
Fred Barber wont, to Campbell Mon
day night to see his sister Mtbel, who
is ill.
Louis Yeuk of Cas county, Illinois,
is visiting with fi iends on Macon
Hany Robertson has bought a 100
acre fat in near Oxford and will move
onto it in the spring.
G. Townsem! left for Belle Fourche,
S. D., Siturday night, where he expects
to lake a homestead.
'1 li- government thermometer at the
academy registered 33 degrees below
zero Monday morning.
Robert Taylor, two miles east of
town, lost over 100 head of hogs and
pigs (lining the late cold snap
John L. S ieo arrived from Las
Vegui, N M, Monday, three days too
late to attend his mother's funeral.
Kverett HaiiHiu, who has been work
ing for the Colorado Southern in Den
ver, is visiting heio with his sister,
Mrs. II S. Ayer.
Harmon Fritson delivered two car
loads of hogs to K A Peery yesterday.
Tho shipment will swell his bank ac
count about 1000.
Johnson Rust, who has 'ong been a
patron of tho Rock Island, shipping
from Kensington, will hereafter ship
over tho Burlington from here.
Oscar Johnson, whom wo reported
last week as from Cherokee, la., win a
runaway from Red Cloud. His mother
came up Tuesday and took him home.
Hay M irris, who camo with his fami
ly from Australia about a year ago,
was a pleasant caller at this oflice
Tuesday. Coming from a country
where tho temperature is very mild,
zero weather for a mouth strikes him
as being a littlu too severe, and ho will
thoreforo join tho Franklin county
colony in tho Big Horn this spring.
Dock Fire In Boston.
Boston, Feb. 21. A loss estimated
at $500,000 was caused by a fire that,
breaking out in pier 4 of the Hoosac
Tunnel docks early today, destroyed
piers 3 and 4, damaged pier 6, burned
the upper works of the fairness-Ley-land
lino steamer Philadelphlan and
damaged tho steamer Dalton Hall.
An immense grain elevator adjoining
was saved. The crews of tho two
steamers escaped with somo difficulty
and the firemen and chief steward or
the Philadelphlan wore badly injured.
Ends Steamship War.
Paris, Fob. 22. Tho Compagnlo
General Trans-Atlantlquo has signed
a convention with tho Cunard Steam
ship company ending tho tariff war.
(Continue lorn I'ngo Tbioe.)
said tho Journalist cordially. "And
also, If you are running with the cir
cus nnd calculate on doing business
here today, I'll have you llrcd out of
town before noon. How are you?
You're looking extremely well." I
"Mr. Ilarkless," answered Watts. "I
cherish no hind feelings, and I never
aid but what you done exactly rllit
when I loft, three years ago. No, sir;
I'm not here In a professional way at,
all, and I don't want to be molested.
I've connected myself with an oil com-,
pnny, and I'm down hero to look overt
the ground. It beatH poker and finnan
all hollow, though there ain't as tunny
chances In favor of the dealer, nnd In
oil It's the farmer that gets the rakeoll'.
I've come back, but In an enterprising
spirit this time, to open up a new Held
and shed light and money In Carlow.
They told me never to show my face
here again, but If you say I stay I
guess I can. t always was sure there
was oil lu the county, and I want to
prove It for everybody's bcnellt. Is It
all right V"
"My dear fellow," laughed the young
man, shaking the gambler's hand again,
"it Is all right. I have always been
sorry 1 had to act against you. Kvcry
thing Is all right. Stay and bore to
Korea, If you like. Did over you sou
such glorious went her V"
"I'll let you In on some shares." Watts
called after him as he turned away.
The other nodded In reply and was
leaving the room when Cynthia detain
ed him by a nourish of her tly brush.
"Say," she said she always called him
"Say" "you've forgot yer Mower."
lie camo back and thanked her. "Willi
you pin It on for me, Cluirinmu?" .
"I don't know what call you got to
peak to me out of my name." she re
sponded, looking at the lloor moodily.
"Why?" be asked, surprised.
"I don't see why you want to make
fun of me."
"I beg your pardon. Cynthia." he said
gravely. "I didn't mean to do that. I
haven't been considerate. I didn't think
you'd be displeased. I'm very sorry.
Won't you pin It on my eoatV"
I lor face was lifted in grateful pleas
ure, and she began to pin the rose to his
Inpel. Her hands wore Iare and red
and trembled. She dropped the Mower
nnd. snylim huskily. "1 don't know as 1
could do It riaht," seized violently upon
a pile of dishes and hurried from the
room. i
Ilarkless rescued the rose, pinned It
on his coat himself, with the Internal
observation that the red haired wait
ress was the ipieerest creature In the
village, and set forth upon his holiday.
Mr. J.lgo Willetts, a stalwart bach
elor, the most eligible In Carlow, and
a habitual devotee of Minnie Briscoe,
wns seated on the veranda when Hark
less turned in at the gate of the brick
house. "The ladles will be down right
off." he said, greeting the editor's cool
finery with a perceptible agitation and
the editor himself with a friendly shake
of the hand. "Mlldy says to wait out
There was a faint rustling within the
house, the swish of draperies on the
stairs, a delicious whispering, when
light feet descend, tnpplng, to hearts
that beat an answer, the telegraphic
message: "We come! Wo come! We
are near! We are near!" Llge Wil
letts stared at Ilarkless. He had never
thought the latter was good looking un
til he saw him step to the door to take
Helen Sherwood's hand and say, in n
strange, low, tense voice, "Good morn
ing," as If he were announcing, at the
least: "Kvery one in tho world, except
us two. died last night. It Is a solemn
tiling, but I am very happy."
They walked, Minnie and Mr. Wil
letts, a little distance In front of the
ethers. TIarkless could not have told
fcfterward whether they rode or walked
or floated on an airship to tho court
house. All he knew distinctly was
that a divinity In a pink shirt waist
nnd a hat that was woven of gauzy
cloud by mocking fairies to make him
stoop hideously to see under it dwelt
for the time on earth and was at Ida
side, dazzling him In the morning sun
shine. Last night the moon had lent
her a silvery glamour. She had some
thing of the ethereal Avhlteness of
night dews In that watery light, u
nymph to laugh from a sparkling foun
tain at the moon, or, ns he thought, re
membering her courtesy for his pretty
speech, perhaps a little lady of King
Louis' court wandering down the years
from Fontalnebleau and appearing to
clumsy mortals .sometimes of a summer
nlgJit when the moon was In their
But toduy she was of the daintiest
eolor, a pretty girl whose gray eyes
i twinkled to his In gay companionship.
Ho marked how the sunshine danced
across the shadows of her fair hair
and seemed Itself to catch n luster
rather than Impart It, and tho light of
the June day drifted through the gauzy
hat to her face, touching it with a deli
cate and tender tlusli that came and
wont like the vibrating pink of early
dawn. She had the dlvlnest straight
nose, tip tilted a faint, alluring trille.
nnd a dimple cleft her chin, "tho dead
liest maelstrom In the world!" Ho
thrilled through and through. To had
been only vaguely conscious of tho
dimple In the night. It was not until
ho saw her by daylight that he really
knew It was there. i
(to in: continukp.) '
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable,
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
cures tniuic oy ur.
Kilmer's Swamp-
t 0"iTi II Kool llu- Krcnt km-
I k-jtvTfy I- ,IL'J'' "vcr mu "'ml
- Hi WCj r dor remedy.
fQ It is the great med
ical tiiumph of the
nineteenth century ;
discovered after years
sg of scientific research
by i;r. ivinuer, me
eminent kiduev and
bladder specialist, and is wonderfully
successful in promptly curing liunc back,
uric ncid, catarrh of the bladder and
Hright's Disease, which is the
form of kiduev trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have
kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be
found just the remedy you need. It has
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work and in private practice, and has
proved so successful in every case that a
special arrangement has been made by
which all readers of this paper, who have
not already tried it, may have a sample
bottle sent free by mail, also a 1ook tell
ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to
fiudoutifyouhavekidiieyor bladder trou
ble. When writing mention reading tins
generous offer in this paper and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co., liinghamtoti,
N. Y. The regular
fiftv-ccnt and one-
dollar size bottles are Homo of Sirmp-noot
.sold by all good druggists. Don't make
any imstaKe, out reniemoer me name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, lliiighaniton, N. Y., on
every bottle.
In a watch chain that adds nothing
to the chain's looks or the quality of
Us workmr.nshlp ? 7 he outer sur
face of pure gold and all the details
of workmanship and finish are
identically the same In
Watch Chains
and in the costly gold ones.
For Sale by
Newhouse Bros..
Jewelers 6 Opticians,
Red Cloud,
Good People !
I'm glad to be inter
viewed on the subject
of Alcoholism, its treat
ment by Rational Rem
edy and my own happy
experience as a result
of that treatment.
Consultation ftee.
Call on or write me
for for full particulars.
Rldgway Legtfetti
Chas. L. Winfrey
The Auctioneer,
RED ( L UD, - - - NEB.
Will cry your sales and
guarantee satisfaction or
no pay.
I know the value of ycur
stock and your interest.
Stock and farm sales a
specialty. Will attend sales
on short notice, and make
the price reasonable. I pay
all telephone expenses.
against Klro, Lightning, Cy
clones and Windstorms, sco
agent for tliti Farmers Union Jnyur
uni'o Co,, Lincoln, Neb,, tlio bust in
Hiimueo company in tho s'vto
1. i(. w
Ktn PS?
The Ghief
one I year for
M- T
Morton I.. Hill, of I.cbnnon !u1 nyn; "My
wlfo liml Iiillntnrantorv ItlioumntlHin la every
miiKcIn and joint; lior miircrliiK vtah terrible
and iiur body mid htco were hwoIIvii almost be
yond recoKiililon; had been la bod six woe kg
nnd Imd olKht phyMclniiH, but received no
benoflt until nlio tried the My title euro for
Khi'iimRtlHm. It kvo immediate relief and
Mio wax ablo to walk about In thrco dnyii. I am
Hiiro it khvimI her life." Sold by II. E. Grloe,
DnigglHt. Kcd Cloud.
Toledo Blende
The Chief
$1.25 PER. YEAR.
Thu Toledo IMado is tho best known
newspaper in tho United States. Cir
oulatlon 171,000. Popular in every
The Toledo Blade is now installed in
its now building, with a modern plant
and iqiiipmcnt, and facilities iqual to
any publication baiwion Now York
and Chicago. It is thu only weekly
nuwspaper edited expressly for every
state and territory. The News of the
World so arranged that bUHy people
can more easily comprehend than by
reading cumbersome columns of the
dailies. All current topics made plain
in each ishtie by special editorial mat
ter written fioni inception down to
date. The only paper published espec
ially for people who do or do not read
daily newspapers, and yet thirst for
plain facts. Thai this kind of a news
paper is popular is proven by tho fact
thai the Weekly Blade now has over
170,000 yearly subscriber, and is cir
culated in all parts of ihu U. S. In ad
dition to the news, the Blade, publishes
short and serial stories and many de
partments of matter suited to every
im in bur of the family. Una dollar a
year. Writo for free specimen copy.
Address THE BLADE.
Toledo, Ohio.
A Guaranteed Curt Ftr Piles.
Itching, blind, bleoiling or protrud
ing Piles, Druguists refund money if
Puzo Ointment fails to euro any case,
no matter of how long standing, in 0 to
14 days. Fiist application gives ease
and re'.t. fiOu. If your druggist hasn't
it send uOo in stamps, mid it will bo for
wauled post-paid by Paris Medicine Co.
St Louis, Mo.
I 4