& i ' ffi is fi i I kv . Bv "SSrZW5WtefWBa iK "'.in7 .- Hf"V"' MANY MINERS DEAD RESCUERS BRINGING OUT DEAD FROM ALABAMA MINE. Over One Hundred Men Are Still Entombed on the Lower Level and , All Hope of Saving Any of Them ' Hag Been Abandoned. Ulrmlnghnm, Aln., Feb. 22. The bcciic at Virginia minus, whore a tor rifle after-damp explosion Imprloancd 300 men 700 ft'et below the surfaco, la the moat gruesome and Borrowing that hab ever been witnessed In this Beet ion of Alabuma. Of the miners who entered (he mines Monday, so far only fifty bodies huvo been recov ered. The recovery already of so many dead bodies precludes the idea that any living men remain among the unfortunates still In the mine. The corpses are frightfully mangled and disfigured and identification is ill most Impossible. Many of them arc o badly bruised and twisted and dis colored that negroes cannot be told from white men. AH day long, at the mouth or the mine, waiting women and children whoso father was- in the mine Iiub been most heartrending. Ono hun dred families and .100 children arc left destitute and without means of hup port by the calamity and they aro the best clnsH of the mining families in Alabama. As the bodies of the victims, which, in many cases, havo been gathered to gether a piece at a time, are brought to the surface they aro placed in rowfl on a rough plntrorm, and am bulances began the removal of those so far recovered to Bessemer. Tho excavation of the debris has been handicapped. Tho foul gases which had collected in the slope made necessary the use of safety lamps, and it was found that less than a scoro of safety lamps were avallablo in tho district. Union miners went to tho scene from practically every mining camp within a radius of twenty-five miles of Virginia City to aid in tho work of rescue. Out of the fifty bodies recovered up to this time, one was found which was barely alive. The body was carefully takon from the mine and heroic meth ods resorted to to bring the man to consciousness. He is still alive, but scant hope is held out for his recov ery. President Flynn of tho Louisiana United Mino Workers said to the As sociated Press: "I shall bo surprised If a single person escapes alive from that mine. Ventilation Is very difficult and If the men were not killed by the explosion they have certainly been suffocated by tho gases. 'The bodies eo far reached were In the main slopt and it will bo several days before wc can got to the rooms which branch off from tho main slope." Ono of tho most gruesome sights witnessed was a man's head being carried out of tho mino in a dinner basket. It wns found in this position and the flesh was almost entirely burned away from the skull. Leg? arms and mangled trunks were brought out in succession. Aftei nightfall the entrance to the mine was converted into a veritable clmmber of horrors, the awful'ness of which was intensified by tho flickering of tho lamps as tho feeble rays fell upon tho mangled and bleeding fragments of human flesh Btrewn about tho en trance. Many stout .hearted men, who had been assisting In tho work of res cue, wore forced to give up the task, and numerous porsons have falntcu upon seeing the array of bodies. Mine Boss Reed is confident that more than 100 of tho men in tho mines were white and believes all perished. Ho knowB the rooms In which each man was working and this Informa tion, In many cases, is the only means of identification, so horribly are tho bodies disfigured. FOUR DEAD, SIXTEEN INJURED. Boiler in Coal Mine Near St. Clalrs' vllle Explodes With Fatal Results. St. Clnirsvlllo, O., Feb. 21. Four men are dead and sixteen injured, three of them seriously, ns the result of an explosion of a stationary boiler at No. 1 mine of tho Provident Coal company, near here. Tho dead: William Adams, presi dent of tho local branch of tho United Mine Workers of America; Eli Minti, engineer; Michael Melll; unknown Hungarian minor. Seriously injured: James Loftus. skull crushed, log and nrm broken; William Davis, leg broken and body lacerated; David ThomaB, arm broken. Thirteen Slavish miners were cut, bruised or scalded, but none of their Injuries are considered dnngerouR. Tho day was wot and cold and tho men had congregated In tho boiler house, a temporary structure, equipped with an old boiler. Without a moment's warning the holler ex ploded with a terrific report, hurling the men In nil directions nnd blowing the building into fragments. inn streets, .Inckson placo and the Union depot sheds, wns menaced by n fire, which started in tho wholesale wnrcrooms of the Knhnloy &. McCrea Millinery company. Three general alarms brought into action every de partment in the city and suburbs. When the fire was brought under con trol eight buildings, among which were threo hotels, had been complete ly destroyed, cnuslng n loss estimated at $1,500,000. One fireman waB hurt by falling walls. rlage, haa dushed' off maddened with pain, to sink dying beforo they renched the gate. Tho assassin was thrown to tho ground nnd stunned by tho force of the explosion, but ho quickly nroso and rnn toward tho gate, attempting to escnpe. His haste and the blood streaming from his face whore he had been wounded by fragments of the bomb, attracted tho attention of a ser geant of police, who seized him before he could draw a revolver. Assassin Glories in Deed. BOMB KILLS SEltGlUS u Tho man n- W crltno. I but on tho contrary gloried in its suc cess. He expressed his satisfaction lhat ho had been able to kill tho grand duke without Involving tho duchess. He avowed his membership in the social revolutionary organiza tion, but refused to give his name and at the Jail his papers were found to Ijo forged. The assassin's Injuries are not serious. The grand duke's coachman, who wns severely injured, was removed to a hospital. 0OiaraU(Uavua4raaiaiaiAkVatbvkUU(kbkbuuAaui4iaiU(i( UNCLE OF THE CZAR ASSASSI NATED AT MOSCOW. Missile is Thrown Beneath Carriage) Which is Completely Demolished oy Force of bxplosion urand Duke Duke'Scrgius' Head Torn Off. Moscow, i'eb. 18. Withiu the walls of the fur-lamed Kremlin pa'ace, and almost underneath the historic tower from which lvun the Terrible watched the heads of his enemies lulling be neath the axe on the red square, uud within a Btono'a thrown ot tno great bell of Moscow, Grand Duke Sorglus, uncle and brother-in-law ol Hmpcror Nicholas nnd the chief of the reac tionaries, met a terrible dcnlh. The deed was committed by a single ter rorist, who throw bonoatn the car riage of the grand duke a bomb charged with the same high-power Indianapolis Has $1,500,000 Fire. Indianapolis, Fob. 20. For four hours last night tho wholesale dis trlct, bounded by Georgia and Morld- Grand Duke Serslaa. explosive which wrought Minister von Piehve's death. Tho missile was packed with nails and frngments or iron and its explosion tore the im perial victim's body to ghastly frag ments, which strewed the snow for yards around. Every window in tho great, lofty facade of the palace of justice was shattered and bits or iron were Imbedded deeply in tho walls of tho arsenal, 100 yards away. Assassin Belongs to Fighting Group. The assassin belongs to tho noted "fighting group" of tho socialist revo lutlonary party, which has removed other prominent officials and long since passed sontenco of death upon Grand Duke Serglus. The grand duke know that he stood In tho shadow of death. He wus the recipient of nu merous wnrnlngs nnd elaborate prep arations were taken to ensure his safety, but all tho resources of the gendarmerie, secret pollco and sol diers proved unavailable against an attempt almost exactly duplicating the procoduro that caused tho death of Minister of tho Interior von Plehvo last July. It was tho Irony of fate that Serglus, after taking refugo in his country villa during tho strlko troubles of a month ngo, and later seeking oven more secure sholter in the palace within tho Kremlin walls, should be killed while proceeding to tho governor general's palace beyond the walls, and which he had aban doned to enable tho police to better protect him. Details of the Crime. Tho scene of the crime wns the great open triangle within the Krem lin. A fow minutes before tho bell of the gato sounded tho hour of 3 the equipage of tho grand duke emerged from tho gates of tho palaco and pro ceeded, followed by sleighs contain ing Bccrot police. It swept at a smart pace towards the gate. In a mlnuto tho carriage was in front of tho courts of JiiBtlce. There a man, clad in work man's attire, stopped forward from the sidewalk and threw a bomb which ho had i concealed beneath his coat. A terrible explosion followed and a hall of iron pelted the grim stone walls of tho arsennl and courts of jus tice. A thick cloud of smoke, snow nml ilnlirln nrnnn AVIinn If hn.l ilin,nl a ghastly sight was presented. On the snow lay fragments of tho body of Grnnd Duke Sereins, mlntrlod 1 with tho wreck of tho carriage. Tho grand duke's head had been torn from his body and reduced to a shapeless pulp nnd tho trunk nnd limbs were frightfully mangled. Tho coachman lay moaning with pain besldo n deep holo in tho pnvemont. Tho horses, dragging J ho front wheels, of tho car- HOUSE PASSES NAVAL BILL. 'Carries Total of $99,914,359 and Pro vides for Two New Battleships. Washington, Fob. 21. The noust after a seven-hour session passed tin navnl appropriation bill, carrying o totul of S'J'J.OH.HoO. The prov.Biot for two battleships, as reported b tho committee on naval affairs, was retained. Both the mnjbilty and ml nority were badly divided over the proposition, at least forty members ol the latter going over to tho ltopub licans, while about an equal number of Republicans voted In opposition. Several times during tho debate, the assassination of Grand Diue Ser glus was referred to, the subject be ing brought up by Baker (N. Y.), who condemned the action of President Roosevelt in sending a message ol condolence to Russia, expressing the sentiment that the government nn'd American people viewed the act with abhorrence. The people, ho declared, did view with abhorrence the massu cro in St. Petersburg on Jan. 22, but tho president, ho said, had not seen fit to send a message of condolence on that occasion. The cmax came later In tho day, when Baker read a resolution on the subject, which he subsequently intro duced, and which, in effect, wns a re iteration of his remarks previously made. Ho explained that it had been suggested that in the event of his of fering such a resolution, a motion would be made to expel him. He Bhouted defiance to any member of tho house to make tho motion, as he deposited the resolution, and took his seat amid the confusion which the in cident had created. SAY, niSTER! Do you know that it will pay YOU, as well us US, to buy your HuildiUK Ma terial and Uoul at ouryurds? Not only that our prices avehaob lowor, or at least as low, as those of our competit ors, but ukoausk wo take ospoeial care of and protect all can bo classed as REGULAR C U S T O M E R S . PL ATT & FREES CO. Coal. Lumber. wmwifiimwipwmwpiyw fntPinnnnnnfifmtimnnifjn.pmmvii c- f- f TRADERS LUMBER CO. DEALERS IN Lumber and Goal, BUILDING MATERIAL, ETC. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. GRAIN RATE WAR UNSETTLED. Conference of Railway Presidents Un able to Agree Upon Differential. Chicago, Feb. 22. An ineffectual attempt was mado to settle the grain rate war. At a conference of the presidents of railroads Interested, the fact developed thut a certain gulf road has contracts for carrying grain at tho reduced rates and cannot get them cleaned up beforo the latter part of March. After vainly trying to reach some point of agreement, an adjourn ment was taken until next Tuesday. Some of the roads were in favor of restoring normal tariffs as soon as this could be done, while others ob jected to doing so until tho question of gulf differentials should bo settled. The gulf lines, however, are not unit ed on what differential they desire, Some of them Insist that the differ ential from Omaha and from Knnsas City should bo the same. The old differentials were 4l cents from Omaha and 5',. cents from Kansas City and tho other lower rivor points Tho western lines wore not willing to offer tho gulf lines more than Z cents as a differential, and to this tho gulf lines would not agree. Some ol the gulf lines were not, they declared, in position to agree to anything until they had consulted with their eastern connections. TWO CHEMISTS FIND POISON. Coroner's Physician Talks of Examlna tlon of Body of Hoch's Last Wife. Chicago, Feb. 18. Drs. W. S. Huines and O. W. Lowke, who havo been ana lyzing the stomach and liver of Mrs. Marie Walcker-Hoch, the latest al leged victim of Johann Hoch, declared definitely that tho woman's death was due to arsenical poisoning. Dr Lowke, who is the coroner's physi cian, said tho arsenic in tho stomach Indicated an intent to murder. "With the evidence of four analysis beforo us," Bald Dr. Lowke, "there is no doubt left that Mrs. Waicker died as tho result of work which would have dono credit to a Borgia." Tho Chief and tho wookly Stuto j mrniil, $1 a year. BEST 15c MEAL IN THE CITY in Any Style HALE'S HESTAUR.ANT Damcrcll Block. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE ISc Meals, Lunches and Short Orders v. Candles, Nuts, Pies, Cakes, Fresh Bread. The Bon Ton W. S. BENSE. Proprietor. CATARRH &M && M m&xti mJSmPx W$ lot Hh1? rUAV-rafr3'(ft JWUft n Ms? 3?jFa r,V3 yv Xa2V M Ely's Cream Balm This Romody Is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. OIVE8 RELIEF AT ONCE It cleanses, soothes, henls, and protects tho disonsod mombrnuo. It cures Catarrh nnd drivos ftwav a Cold in tho Head quickly. Restores tho Sensos of Tasto and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into tho nostrils nnd absorbed. Largo Sizo, GO cents at Druggists or by mail; TriulSizo, 10 cents by moil. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St.. New York. ESUB BhmFsJI PARKER'S HAIP BALSAM CltuiKi and bciutlflei the hair. i romuief a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Bcitore Qray nntr to lta Youthful Color Curci (falp illwtiri fc hair iiMnk SOcamUltJUat DmrgiiU UNITED STATES Importing Canadian Wheat la Now a Pact. Oct a FREE Homestead Hi i z- 9i"nmJnrrfP. In Western Canada or buy eomo of tho best wheat lands on tho continent, and bo como a producer. The nveriiKc yield of wheat thl yeur will be ubout SO buahela to the acre. TbO oat and barley crop will also yield abundantly. Splendid climate, frood school and churchee, excel. ent marketing facilities. Apply for Information to Super I ntendent of Immigration, Ottawa, or to w; V.BENNETT, 801 New York Life BUr, Osaka,!?. Mention tmi pnper. ML Amprrt"my m ySwEfKTi - ANL.Y BOYS MEAN MAMI.V MT?WI Equip your boy with a "STEVENS", and let him enjoy nature and the Invigorjiiiic sport of shootlnc. '"d'ojS'eat "out ol doon." bTU'KNS I IKE ARMS ate Ilollublo, Sufc, and Accuruto: uiey have had these qualities since xbfi. We manufacture a complete line of RIFLES, PISTOLS. SHOTGUNS. For Sale by all dealers. 'I here are a few ol them left, llctter send in NOW Ijr that ingenious Puzzle which wc forward on re rcipt of 4 cents In stamps. .Send for Illustrated Catalog, com .lining detailed ilescnpiions of entire output. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO., 1 0, 15ox 3093 Clilcoiiro 1'iiJN, "1 ., r.s. A. In the District Court of Webster County, Nebraska. J. O. llamel, Plaintiff, 1 VH, I Chnrlns I.. Snylnr and LEGAL NOTICB. MukrIp M. Snylor, j Defendants. ) Charles L Suylor and MbrrIo M. Baylor, dc fondantK. will take notice that on tho and dar of January, A. I). UW5. tho nlHlntlff lik-d lita petition In tho district court of Wchnter county Nebraska, tho object and prayer of which are to recover tho hum of 70o.oo upon a certain promltsoiynoto dated October 17th, lira, and duo fourteen montliH after date, together with Interest oi 1 thOMuno at 6 per cent from date K ven by tho defendant), to tho plaintiff: anrf at tho name tlmo filed an atlldavlt for attach" rneiit and an allldavlt aKalni,t Alex Monla CharlcH Norrls and tho Dank of Guldo Hock ; as Rartilehees. Plaintiff alleROH In Bald affidavit BKalnsUald Karnlahtea, among other Ihlngi thaualtl Karnlshees therein named havo dVod erty and money In their possession bolongliie to you the said defendants herein. That 011 m and day of January, A. D. I00S, the clork of tho ?'f ir,cLc.0Utt .ald ro"my ot Webster on .aid affidavit ol plaintiff (or an attachment Ibsued an order 0 attachment for lliokumdue on Buhl pro-.lssory nolo, principal and tercTt R,Y,iC08,,,8nfRU,t-. You aro required to an'wcr fciild petition, order of attachment and garni, cheo process and came of action of the plaintiff on or beforo thoiiutb day of March, A . D . 1 0 5 11 pn J; " hamkl: Ily E. U. Overman, his Attoruoy. To Cure a Cold in One Day LA VJ VUI 1 JJAM All W11V JLM1 Take Lavative Bromo Ouinine Tablets. j& srs I Seven Minion koxes sold in post 1 2 months. This Signature, & SffTCfrVxri JJqx. 25Ce Cures Grin in Two Days, on every mlr-ir 'vtfV tmwwwrmm taggrmaeEauuwjw wmmnwowm mimn.iwKi. zzxszmmismpi I y O ., t WWIW1I)"- " .,,-'-gMU 1 -H..I.JU. MM