rVV': " 'wm1 ,na ''iBPvnrpfjv ?V $ww lH "H'V J f. f M - it: Is: 'W- 'J 'A 9444444jfttttt(ttc, f LOGALETTES Hay and toed nt Plumb's. Plumb litis Ited Cloud Hour. Try that calf meal at .(laid well's. Go to Fred Piumb's for Hour or feed. Hon. C. V. Kiiloy spent Sunday at homo Dr. K. A. Thomas, dentist, Duineroll block. Bert Eliott was down from Campbell Sunday. Mrs. Hort Holdiege of Inavalo is in the city. O 13 Calkins of Oxford was in town Tuesday. Jim Mitchell whs in town the first of the week. Miss Hose liunehcy is liome from Fninklin. I'M. Burr was up from Guide Hock Siturday. As good as any coal in town at J .0 Cildwell's. Frank Smith, 1 10 shoe man, is still seriously ill. For Sale Male calf. Inquire at New b. use's store. Clarence Hcevo was up from Guide Rook Saturday. (Jirl wanted at Halo's restaurant, l.lmerell block. Dr. C. R Cross of Franklin was in the city Tuesday. "Esmeralda" next Monday night at the opera house. Dr. Heck was up from Superior the lii st of the week. Mrs. A. J. Waskom was down from lnavale Tuesday. Will Mitchell has returned to bis home in Lincoln. Oliver Hedge departed Thursday for North Platte. L. P. Albright was in Lincoln the Napoiiee, out missed them at the do pot J. L Miner is recovering slowly from hts recent -dekuess although he is yet unabln to cat sol d food Will and Grant Bailey leave today for Lincoln, where they will attend tho Lincoln business college. A. K. S-rohm of Uiverton is working for K It Maudcvillc. while tho latter is laid up with a lame hand. Mrs ,1. T. It iiu ford and her trimmer, Miss May S'llurs, returned from Omaha Wednesday evening. .John Tompson and Nello Itusoy, both of Cowlcs, woio married Wednes day by County Judge Keenoy. Prof. Hodgeman of Lincoln, state inspector of high schools, paid a visit to the Ited Coud schools Thursday. Fok Sai.k An excellent fenced pasture; running water. Inquire of D It Spatiogle. Mch. it Don't, forget to insure your property agitinst lire, lightning and cyclones with L. II. Fort, agent, Dninerell block. "Itilh" Perry left tho first of the week for Kansas City, where he will be with Van Ainburg's bill posting squad Jjike Noll of Wib'ox, Nebraska, an old resident of Ited Cloud, wascirculat ing among friends here the first of the wvek. Crooked creek got out of ita banks Thursday morning and it is reported that tho Itepubliciin river is rapidly rising, S K Whittakcr Inn returned to St. Lou. s lifter a visit with relatives here. His wife and children will remain for a few dajs Dr. Johnston, ono of the government veterinaiy surgeons stationed at Mo Cook, visited with Dr. Ashor the first, of tho week. The family of ,J. S. Whito will leave the first of next week for Lincoln, where they expect to make their home in the future. first of the week. J. E liutlor nnd John Storey were down from Cowles. J. V. Thompson was down from Cowles Wednesday. Fred Newhouse is suffcriug from a severely si rained leg. Face massage and ladies' shampoo, at Hayes' barber shop. Dwight Wilson of Superior spout Sunday in Ited Cloud. Take your poultry and hides to Plumb. Top prices paid. Mrs E. M Crone and daughter are guests of Wrs. C. It. Crone. William Hiove, the Guide Heck hotel man, was in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Huubell were over from Lebanon last Saturday. George Overing was in Blue Hill on business the first of the wecK. Win. Ueiher, stock buyer at Itladon, was in K.-d Cloud this morning. Mrs. S. ltuckwith's mother died at Three Rivers, Michigan, Tuesday. Mrs. Peter Conover is home from Mc Cook, where she spent tho winter. Mr. and Mrs. George Cuter loft Siturday for tho'r homo in Juniata. "Esmeralda" will appear at tho opera bouso Monday evening, February 27. Mrs. Gcorgo Morhart anil son return" aa Sunday from a visit in Guide Hock. Julius Wilbor and Bert McNitt ex pect to leave for California next week. Mrs. Hoy Zint and Mrs. Hervey Con over of McCook aro visiting in Red Cloud. Miss Mary P. tersou is homo from an extended visit in the eastern part of the state. Mrs. Will Greenlee of Guide Rock visited at tho homo of J. 11. Bailey Tuesday. L. H. Rust and wife canio ho.uofrom thoir trip through tho south last Fri day morning. F. 1 Hadloy for wallpaper and paint. Tainting and paporhanging $3.50 per day. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle of Bladon aro visitiofc with Mrs. Kyle's parents, Her man Feis and wifo. C. W. Roush, representing tho Grand Island Business college, was In town the first of tho. week. J. It. Gosson, the Pawnee City borso buyer, shipped a car of horses from Red Cloud Thursday. W. W. Chinnock of Falls City, tho Burlington lineman, was in Red Cloud the first of tho wojfc. Onu Robb has resigned his job as Jriver of tho street ear and returned to (lis homo in Mt. Clnro. John W. Tulloys came down from Lincoln Friday night to see his mother and broihor before their departure for W. E Rife has purchased an interest in tho Blue Valloy Fruit Company of Beatrice and will soon g on tho road for tho company. Juke Cohn, ono of tho burglars who robbed Poto Shea's storo at Orleans and gained his liberty through the in sanity dodge, was again lodged in the Red Cloud jtil last Sunday, where he Get N N N Satisfaction By trading with us for the year 1905. We have the largest and most complete as sortmentment of hard ware in the Republican Valley. Come in and see for yourself. Right Goods at Right Prices Our Harness stock is complete in every re spect and we have the goods to prove it. Our New Year offer ing is a first-class iA inch Work Harness complete with collars, for Get Right. Trade with Us - MORHART BROS. Hardware Co. will remain until taken to 1 111 peniten tiary. Mrs. F. It. Hale and children, who have boon visitii.g relatives in this county, loft Tuesday for their homo in Nevada, Missouri, Charloy LeuzUir and John Wilson li'ivo formed a partnership ii the car pouter business mul are building a shop for themselves. George Smith went to Woodlake, Nobraska, Thursday for a vi-it with a brother and sister whom he has not seen for many years. C. S. Quick of MeCook, brother-in-law of Win. Parkes, was in Red Cloud Saturday on his way home from St. Jno, where ho had been with cat'le. There's a orotty girl in an Alpine hat, A sweeter gin with 11 sailor brini, But. the handsomest girl you'll evnroo Is the seuible girl who uses Rocky mountain lea. J. I, Citling. Too Ciiikk bus an almost (nmpleto life of the senate nnd house rolls, fut nished by Cdonel IC.iloy, which those interested aro invited ti call and in spect. Charles Hodges, Harry Vaughn, J.S Drake and 1 B. Colvln came up from Guide Rock Friday night to assist, the Masons of this city in conferring de grees. The building formerly occupied by ltusheo's saloon has been condemned by the city council, notice to that effect being posted on the door Thursday morning. Will It. Lovo of Lincoln, Grand Keeper of Records and S-als of the Nebraska Knights of Pythias, was in Red Cloud Wednesday night on lodge business. R"v. Win Huiiptumnn, former pastor of the Congregational church in this city, lias resigned the pastorate of tho church at Alma and will take up the practice of law. Frederick O. Garvin and Fannie A. inner 01 uiverton wore married at the Congregational parsonage in this city Wednesday afternoon. Riv G, II. Rice ofliciatiug. Next Sunday morning at tho Congre gational church the pastor will present tho theme: "Life Abundant." Evening: "Absalom: A character study " Everyone cordially invited. Tho lecture oiven bv William S. Battis, the Dickens impersonator, at the Congregational church last Friday night, was ono of the m-ist enjoyable entertainments of the season. Sherman Rupard and family of Paw nee county, cousin of Clarence Lewis, arrived in Ited C oud Wulnesday even ing. Mr. Rupard will farm the old John M. Chapin placo this year. Remember tho come d y-d r a m a "Esmeralda, or North Carliny Folks," will bo given by homo talent at tho opera house Monday evening, Febru ary 27. Get your tickets a Grice'd. Drs. Weirick & Riddile of Hastings will meet eye, ear, noso and throat patients at the ollico of Dr. Creighton in Red Cloud, February 24. Do not get these doctors confused with Dr. J- E Warrick. Beautiful eyes and handsome face at eloquent commendations. Bright eyes aro windows to a woman's heart. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes bright, eyes. .'15 conts, Tea or Tablets. C. L. Cotting. J. H. Bailey is now ready to make farm loans in Webster, Smith and Jewell counties at tho lowest rates and best terms ever given in these counties. Oytional payments with all loans. Call on or write to him. Mrs. Al. Slaby, who was opctatcd upon in Denver last weok for a severo case of gall stone, is recovering from tho operation. Tho surgeons removed one very largo stone and more than ono hundred small ones. It makes no difference how many medicines have failed to euro you, if you are troubled with headache, con stipation, kidney, liver troubles, Hollis tor's Rooky Mountain Tea will make you well. C. L. Cotting. There will be a meeting of tho stock holders of the Red Cloud Creamery association at the courthouse tho first Saturday in March, at 2 p. ra. All members aro urged to bo present. Wm.Enqles, President. E. B.Swift, astronomor and scientist, will give tho fifth of a series of lycouin entertainments in the Congregational church on March G. It will ba a dem onstrated scientifio lecture and will bo of especial interest to students. Mrs. J. 11. Walsh left Thursday for her homo in Helena, Montana, after sponding tho wiuter with her parents, J. A. Itoid and wifo. She was accom panied as far as Grand Island by hoi: sister Delia and Miss Grace Andorson. Attorney A. B. Riteuey, Roy Garbor aiul Arthur Roby wont to Franklin' frV-V FARMERS See this Great Mill Grind Flour on March p, 10 and 1 1 James Peterson 1. UWA Am'Am-'WAm AatSW ArA 'W'W AaAa AmtWAm 4UbiliUviiUil(UiUtttibVl(UliUtbkiWiakJ(Ut4kiUJvtbaUvitt4(UtilbUU(U4(. I 3AlT Wl nufammmm awww? awww '18 IhhhhhhH ill $m M. A. Albright, 'She Grocer I -SELLS- c. First ' Quality ' Goods AT Reasonable 3 Prices Red Cloud, - Nebraska if(piiii(((iT'i'!'in'pT'T''P'r!r'ri'i'i'!riii,Ti,i''i''rv!ri'v!fiTi,Tt Wednesday evening to bo present at the hearing in the suit against the members of tho Red Cloud football team to recover a board bill contracted last fall. Hon. Charles Besse has been suggest ed as a candidate for mayor. We understand, however, that tho only ollico which ho is willing to accept is that of ninht watch. If there over was a "heaven-born" night watch, Charley Besso is that man, and ho should be given the job. During tho time the heavy snow war on the ground many persons dumped their ashes.and garbage noar tho curb ing and as a consequence tho gutters aro badly choked, making tho drainage poor. There is an ordinance against this practice, and property owners and occupants should bo notified to remove the rubbish from the gutters and give the water a chance to drain off. Notice Hoiisemkn l'hn C. E. Ship pen sain at Moon ranch, 2J miles west of Red Cioud, will tako placo March 2. I wish to stay to my patrons that this i absolutely the host lot of horses that I have over bad tho pleasuro ot soiling; and further 1 will guarantee that every purchaser will bo treated on the square as I know Mr. Shippen to bo strictly honorable. A description of these horses is unnecessary; they aro simply first-class. Ciiab. Winkukv. New Show Window. Tuesday afternoon a now pinto glass window was put in the storo room of tho Cowden-Knley Clothing company to replace tho one cracked by fire during tho holidays. The window was afterward broken by n boy falling through it while dodging a snowball. Tho loss on tho old one was covorod by insurance. Tho new glass is about a quarter of an inch thick, Farm Loans iii both Nebraska and Kansas. To make suro that you can got lowest in terest and best optional payments of mo, got tho vory best terms you can of others, and then como and soo me. I am suro I will mako your loan. C. F. Cathkb, Rod Cloud, Nob. The Chief and tho Wookly State Journal ono year for $1, till March 1. Insurance Agency The German Insurance Co. of Freeport, HI., and the Farmers Mutual Insurance Co. of Nebraska have over nine hun dred policies in force in Webster County. Look up your policy and see me. O. C. TEEL, Phone 08. Red Cloud. To the Public Having purchased Chas. Wadoll's meat market, we extend to you a hearty iu vitation visit us and becomo bettor acquaintod nnd also, when looking for good first class moat, wo ask you to give us u trial. Wo are satisfied wo can wo can pleaso you. Yours for business, FEIS & SEARS I c- C-. c-c- fr . il 1