zbWGXSB. I l.'B at XiftX&xti!&?tom,itGk,GKK 9 t tr ) r I ' . I 1 fl k B Subscription i $1 a Year 1 in Advance THE RED GLOID CHIEF Eight Pages All Home Print ' I gm?jp;m3mwwKw.x 'jmivmwjmw5iBi VOLUME XX XI I r. RED CLOUD, X IS Hit ASK A. FEHRUAKY 2-1, 1!M5. NUMllHR 8 fm- r1 K Lu. Miner Bros. Miner Bros. Advance Showing r u TWENTY YEARS AGO j New Soring Goods '.'Magnificent showing new goods, lowest prices," and many such phrases are always heard at the be ginning of the season. We might add, "Never before have we been so well prepared." We take it for granted that the buying public of Red Cloud ex pect us to be better prepared with each succeeding season, evidenced by something more than mere words. We cordially invite an inspection. Items of Novvs Found in Tho Chief of Twenty Years Ago This WeoU V V V S l"'W'WWWAr'W''V. 'W''W'W'W- Thore'll bo very 'ittlo liomo sowing on Muslin Underwear in Red Cloud if you nppreoiato our as. .sortment as wo do And there Is littlo occasion for homo sowing, too When it was a choieo of buying poorly made, sweat-shop goods, or making them yourselves, perhaps tho homo wok was the cheapest; anyway, tho safest and host. In buying PEERLESS goods you tako no risk nothing is loft to chanco. Theso Under muslins are orisp from tho hands of well paid workorr whose busi ness hours are spent in America's brightest and cleanest factoties. Ml goods cut full and in good, generous sizes. Now Effects tn Ginghams for Spring 1905. 7.1 patterns I oilo do Nord Ginghams just placed on sale. Stripe, Checks, broken Checks Fancies, a grea- ratigo of patterns For tth it Waist Suits, Waists, Dres.ses. toon's Shirts, Boys' Waists. 12e. Corset Covers, 15c to SI. 75 Night Robes, 50c to $2.25 Skirts, $1.00 to $3.7 S Drawers, 25c to SI. 7 5 EMBROIDERIES. Tho now Embroideries aro now icady and coinpri o the daintiest originations wo have over shown. We have gatheiod thorn with lavish hand, yet with a discriminating eye as to tlioir usefulness and pi ice worth. Embroidery dainties from 3c to $1.25 I'K'jjiil feSSsiJ iJ'Ja. s MINER BROS. Kansas Cltv Market. Special to Tub Ciiikk. Kansas City, Mo, Feb. 21. Buyers began to pound cattle prices last Thursday, more on the prospects of heavy runs this wook than thoy would have done- with tho same upply under normal conditions. Prices accordingly droppod rapidly from tho high point last Wednesday tip to and including yestorday, as a run of 10,000 yesterday hero and 111,000 at Chicago looked like tho big runs wore bore. Today, how ever, supply is only ,000 here, and moderate at other points, and tho mar ket is steady to stroug, as buyers real ized they would have to got out and got some cattlo quickly, or homo of their orders would not be filled. A good many stoors sold last weok at S3 2) to r.7i, whilo top yestorday was $5.50, and today S5.5J5. Tho decline is not this much, though, on tho best cattle, as stoors of tho same quality as tho J5.G0 to 85.73 cattlo last week have not boon otforod this week. A good many stoors sold above $5 last weok, but prices aro 2.' cents undor host titno last wook on fair to good onos, and bulk of steors now soil at 8-1.25 to $5. Cows and heifers lost only a part of their gain of last wook, and aro still 10 to 15 cV,s above tlioir prico noloro tlio 83.90, canners $2 to $2.00, bulls 8250 to & 75, veals 85 to 7 "Trado in stookors and feedors has been light for some time, and except fof a slightly en la god demand for good heavy feedors, at $1 to 84.10, prices drift along at $.'$ to 81 25 Stock calvos soil at 8 25 to 84.25 for stoors, heifers 50 to 75 conts loss, stock, cows and hoifors 82 to 82 81. After dropping down 20 to 25 cents fiom tho high point last week, hoir market is 5 to 10 cents today, most of the advanco on medium and light ' weights. Moro hogs wore oxpectod at ' all points than materialized. Ton price today is 84.01. mixed weight packing hogs 84 75 to 8-1 00 best under 200 pounds 84.80, pigs 83 95 to 84.15. Lambs began losing last Thursday, and both sheep and lambs aro lower yestorday and today. Markotis23 to 30 conts bolow high point last weok, when 88 was paid for lambs. Top lambs today 87.05, yearlings 8090, wethers 85.75, owes $5.25, and most sales in each class within 50 or 75 conts of those flguros. Heavy runs this week aro main cause of tho decline, 24,000 in two days. J. A. Riokaut, Live Stock C HTcspoiiiioiit. rocon' ' ul o Good to choice heifers sell at 81 to 81.10. Best heavy cows $3.80 to 81.20, bulk of she stull' c3 25 to That Settle's It. When n Colorado 8am) stone walk is laid I hut hi t'lns it. dee Overing Bron. & Co. 'for pricco. George Holland was in Hastings this weok. The teachers' association will meet March 7. L II .Wallace has been on tho sick list thi weok W H. Way has been on tho si--k list for a few days L. II. Host has been on the sick list for tho last ten days Minor Bros, lost eleven head of val uable cattle this wook. Sam Temple is out with a petition for the postmastership L. II. Beck has returned from col lego a full-iledged M. 1). Watt Chambers is rejoicing over a little girl at his home ft John Wilhelmson sells .'8 gallons of milk a day to the B &. M Out on Indian creek tho people are wiestling with tho mumps. Miss Mollie Ferris bought tho M L. Thomas property this week. I)r Smith and family left Thursday for their now homo in Trinity, Alii S. H. Motcalf has sold his drug store at W ells to John Storey of this city M. Tj. Thomas and family have moved to their now home at Holdrcgo t Nathan McCronry, formerly of Inn valo, was a visitor hero last Saturday. Milton P. Guy and Myra E Smith wore married at Guide Hock on tho 25th Bov. Georgo W Hummell has been holding a seiies of revivals on Penny creek. Elder Gallagher has been assisting in tho revival meetings at the M. B church. A. G Stonebreaker and wife or Shell Rock. la . aro visiting with C. L Cot ting. D. S. Ilelvei n icturned Wodnes day from tho World's fair at Now Orleans. Fred Durrie, B. & M. agent, is rejoic ing over tho at rival of a baby girl at his home. Andy Means is now ready to receive bids on tho now house which ho is soon to build II. W. French, near Cowlo, has bought 1000 pounds of barb wire for fencing purposes Tho Gardner houso bus was over turned Tuesday inoining and u lady passenger was injured. Nathan T Fitzgerald and Mary Z. Fogel, both of Smith county, Kuiihhr, wore married on tho 31st. Fred Lutz has resigned his position on tho Argus and has gono to work in tho Stato Journal job rooms. Tho heaviest snow that has over boon known in Nebraska fell this weok. Sovon inches on the lovel is reported A polo club was organized Saturday night with Anson Higby as president and'Charloy Piatt and L. II. Wallace captains N. D. Downey, formerly with J. O. Chamberlain at Iiiuvale has about completed arrangements to start u chooso factory at Guide Rook. Tho funoral of J. B Brown, an old and respected citizen, occurred on Wednesday. Ho was 70 years of age and served in both tho Mexican and civil wars Catherton Frank Rood lost a val uable horse last ' week Tho mail route from tills place to Konesaw has clfangod hands E. W. Tuttlo has a new orgau. PiiAUUK IIomk James Hal" of Iowa is visiting his brothers and sisters hero Relatives of Mr. Pitnoy aro visiting hore The Stevenson property has again changed hands. Last Thursday u crowd of Penny Croekors gave Rev. Huinmoll a dona tion surprise, btiiigiug with them all kinds of good things to oat. 11. B. Simons made a speech and presented Rev Hummell with 8.'i2.50 in cash Faumkiih' Ckkkk-TIio farmers are losing many cattlo lames Camp bell and mother will mow on the Me- Minn place near Red Cloud Mr. Bon and daughter, Mrs Hatton, aro on the sick list Bill Waldon has caught eight wolves so far this winter. South Sidk Brooks Fearn has moved to town R Turner killed thteo jaokrubhits and twenty-three cotton tails the other day L. A II ickins is still selling liny.. . A. II MaskiiiH is on the warpath because somoonqdd ho could travel fourteen miles in thiitcou days. Matin J. Reynolds has lost 28 largo hogs with quin-y and over 00 young pigs Irom tho extreme cold.... While crossing Elmcieokon the way home from visiting Mis. Fieczo last Satur day, Mis. Sharp' wagon overturned CORRESPONDENCE Interesting Items Gathered by Our County Heportors AM BOY Jmnes l)o Ic shelled corn Tuosday. CI use Jncksnn was on our snoots Tuesday Fri'd Kiiiick and lady were out driv ing Sunday. Mr and Mr John ilolcmnb visited wiih Julia Sitlndcu's Monday. Tom Swnity, ace mimnii'tl by his sil ler c nihil at Mr. Mtllci'.s Monday night. C. 11 Fsisl i went to Kiinsns City Wednesday with two cm loads of cattle. Mr. mid Mrs hrc Cox and Mr. and Mi". Jnc.ib Kllingcr look dinner at A It Saluden's Tuesday. Miss lllttnche Kciiroson of Guide and threw her and her infant child Uek in m nur village fur the pnrpoie of oigaii'zii g a musical class. ' The Union society met with MrftI. out, but they wero not injured. Judson- C. SlofFcii shipped 21 head of cat Ue to Chicago Friday. ...Thomas Krlsbic UVdniuiliiv iivimliiir iiml nil Urn Ryan -sold 00 head of hogs which L,,.iitleim.i wire' invited in honor of averaged .J.J pouiKis lie lias over iuu vs ington's birihday. They nil head or cattle .... Wm. Barrett has VV(lr.. garments icpresoiiting Wishing been on the sick list with a bad leg toh's ,j,m, j ,!,,. j,, w, H (l vry .uoorgo MountloiU Is tlio Happy . ij,,,it nlluir .mil luncheon was served father of a 10 pound boy. ScOTT-Tho quarterly meeting of tho Bod Cloud circuit was held at Walnut creek Rev M. E Grover and Mrs J. W. Noble of Middle tv four i'f i he Indies. Llojd II n - wussi'verly hi. rued Sun ilnv. He lud nmviniM'il s"inc pints. horns for experimenting, not knowing ll ivnti (lii tiiii.i iiiim. Hit iiIiikiiiI It. In lua .uHvur.niiH.wiii.un.'ir iiiiiimiw, imvu ,,,,,,,,,, ,, lf.r ,.HITyillK t lhnro been vlsi lug hero .....Mrs. Mary ft. ,, tin,e it caimh: tireand the en Arnoson learned that her husband ,ln, ,, , okl., IW ,f lt HR ,,nzo ()f had boon injured by fallitu from u ri Ho WH Vf oonsi.lerato how plow, mid roturnod homo before her. ,.,.,. an(, ,, (uon ,,,, ,hn)W niln. visit was competed .... O F roiiiH-l ,,, Ul( Hmw wh(,h )t oul u,e more surprised tho pooplo horo by his ,j m reappearance, ttioy having supposed him to bo dead. Inavale- Frank Ilolcomb has ro turnod to Iowa, where ho will try to disnoso of his property, intending to go into"busiuoss horo Mr Wulkor has lost four or flvo head of two-year-old cattlo Ned Gray is stopping at Mrs Arneson's now ... Nathan McCrary of Falls Cily was liero Friday and Saturday Chits. Hunter ship ped a car load of fat hogs to Kansas City this week .... Ryland Y'oisor of Rod Cloud is sojourning hero a, pros out Miss Lidn. Halo and Miss Hat- tio Lutz wero at A. C Halo's this wook. Land Sales. If you want to either buy or sell land, write or see C F. Gather. No charge if no sulo. Plumb the feed man will pty you the highest pi ice for pi-ultry, eggs and hides. STATE CREEK George Alotuilfoid sold over forty In ad of fat hogs hint week. We understand that our popular young bachelor will not fat in this year. He expects to sell oul and go into other business. Tim Lebanon-Red Cloud phono lino is at. a Hliind-lill siiicn the storm, as tho workmen could do nothing. The coin pan v expects soon lo resume work, however. Tim snow is leaving rapidly, anil also lenving ma plenty of mud, which is much better, however, than bring drowned out, as is the case in most sou) hern states. Oiirmnil route earlier, Mr. Wascom and his worihy assistant, Win. Norris, have done well during the bad weather. At times they have been unable to get (Continued on Last Pago.) A Matter of Health There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesome. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and they accord ingly endorse and recor -mend it. ROYAL DAKINQ POVDER CO., NEW YORK. A' J r. i '. 51 v rii tmim i gfc.'w mmM iiiWM imMimrsamSSi mmimwrnmrnsffisemtr EETS!1 iHBUICHW , I . . . t .' .' apnji, 'M&kCK , ".,i ..'.