The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 18, 1905, Image 8

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I flemsy flotes prom
(From tin-Journal )
Vitrno Rostdter in quite ill with lung
J. M. Silver had u thumb pulled out
of j tint yostewlay.
11 S. Nuneo and family have r'
turned from their southern trip.
Hastings parties havn opened n skat
ing rink in the Mullet & Long hull
Miss Craig of Hontili'o, ettito chief
telephone operator, who in tho citj
tils week.
Will Akors nnd Hurry Roilly, who
lwvo boun working i St. Joe, Imvo
roturned homo.
E'l Bull titiH bought n hnlf interest
in n groceiy tit Boulder, Colo , find litis
resigned his position with tho Builing
ton. Rov Groer has gono to Now Brigh
ton, Ph., having niwlvod word fiom
thoro that his two Bisters nro in very
bad health.
Nonrly nil tho Western Union busi
ness in this town is now handled by
O. Q. Jolim-on, cashier and operator
nt tho Santa Fc-N'irth western station
Ho is fin old limo Associated Press
operator and turns out his message on
a typowritor.
Sam Weaver has been released from
the insane asylum at L'ucoln. No one
who knows Sam woll will believe that
he was insane. Liquor and mug may
have had him doliiious for a time, but
he was all right when ho reached the
Esvliiin and theauthoiities Ihero kep'
him only long enough to confirm their
Dr. L II. Beck has beon sick foi
cveral days with an at tick of tho grip
Krnest Springer was arrested Satnr
day uigiit, charged; with being drunk
Hi) stood trial and called in a woman
for a witni s-i whom he felt sure w mid
t'stify in his favor, but her testimotiv
wiiHJnst tlio opposite, and ho was tux
d 117 40
tieoigo Foreman, better known as
"Bootblack Gootge," died at the
otinty poor Initial) January 30 II
pent his boyhood days in this town
but from the ago of 15 or 1G until tin
lime of his death ho was almost con
tantly on tho go. Drink and expo
are to till kinds of weather undei
minod bis health and cnusump'iou de
Teloped in him.
(From the Advootte.)
J. B. Sumner now sports a new cut
Aa B.ackledge of Alma was in towi
Win Gilmore has opened his new
meat m.trket.
Attorney By rum was down to Rivo
tou on business.
Mrs J W Deary died Monday morn
ing, Hgn 08 years.
Mis Mmoiva Monk of tho Advociti
h visiting in Kuimis City
C. J Hupp died at Orleans Tunsdii
morning (mm heart failure.
The Fat merV Institute will ho held
Mt Friiukliii Friday and Saturday.
Mrs H. II W.irring is onj ying a visit
this week from her mother, who lives
in Idaho.
Mrs W. L. Hayden and tho children
have been at Holdrego tho past week
visiting with Mrs. C E. Harman.
Mr. and Mrs Geotgo It. Cole give a
reception in honor of their nephew,
W. S. C do, last Wednesday night.
L M. Grigsbv left this morning for
Indiana on receipt of a tehgiam an
nnuueing tho sudden death of lib
mother, who was 00 yems of ago.
Tito free lunch Honda were in full
force tit Del Groueo's sulo tho other
day It is said not even mustard piast
tor will out draw a free lunch at a bale
(From tbe Sontinol.)
Tho Franklin Telephone Co. is pro
paring for soma big iuipiovomonts in
its equipment.
Lind Nelson shipped seven cars of
first class fat cattle Sunday. Ho ac
compained tho shipment.
Rov. G. W. Mitchell, formerly of
this place, has accepted tho pastorate
of tho Congregational churuhoi ut
Oiarks and Silver Creek.
A. Jones of llihtreth, who wont on n
visit to tho Big iioin country a few
weeks ago, returned Sunday night ac
companied by Mrs. J W. Dull.
O.scur E. J iluiBon of Cherokee, Iu,,
Neighboring Towns !
miiveil hi'ii l ichUM ix hi. night to
wmk for miihieal Clmrley
AdiiiiiH, uhinii lie chums to know.
(J A Cumming", a resident of this
place fni- ag), collie down from
Ooei'lifi, Km, "his week and made
;n rmigt inents 1 1 iiain make this place
his home.
Ciiu'le.s W oldell has hoen offered a
lucrative position on tho road as buyer
for m hide and prod uru market and
will piohably sell his nn. '. lent and ac
cept the Millie.
Mrs Geoigianunh dnoo died very
suddenly Tuesday morning fiom heart
failure. She had heen in good health
up to tho limo of her death, and wits
up town (.hopping on Monday. Tues
day morning her son Leo heard her
arise to build the tiro, and, not hearing
any more noise, got up to see what was
the trouble, and found ti i -t mother lying
dead by the kitiehen stove. She was
the mother of four sons and two daugh
ters, all of whom but one daughter arc
still living.
(From the He view.)
Horso buyers are uumerouo in town
B. Jackson shipped a car of bogs to
St. Joe Ttusday.
Jacob Alien has rented his farm and
will move to town.
Hev. H L Burg has returned from
his trip to tho west.
John Wuester shippod u car of hogs
to St. Joo Wednesday.
Mrs Robert Ctimmings went to Red
Cloud Tuesday norniug.
J. M. Carnahan shipped a car of
stojk to market Wednesday.
Hunter & Son shipped two cars of
stock to K.iiiMi City Sunday.
Mies Anna Hobart and Miss Bessie
Sullivan visited at Upland this weok.
Hugh Culley drove to Riverton in a
sleigh Wi-dnisday iu an hour and a
Mix Hobart and By Sheplierdson
transacted business at Rod Cloud
F.uir rounds of fast sparring and two
fulls iu wrestling at the opera houso
tonn now nimit.
A. L Winker and son Ed loft Mon
day for a few weeks' visit ut their old
home iu Illinois.
Fred Hunter returned from Kansas
City Wednesday, where ho was on tho
muket with stock.
D. D. Hunt departed for Denver
M unlay night. He oxpectes soon to
return for his family.
II B. Siel today put in tho day haul
ing the iotlo children around on their
s oils behind his cutter.
Mi-s Overman, who was visiting with
lis Agnes Leonaid, lvttuned Satur
day to her heme in R.-il Cloud.
(From tho Times.)
Ji Hep Cx of in in On u, is very sick.
Miss Cid Adams left lat night lor
Joe Wiight returned f re m Iowa S.t
in da moining.
Will Kimsoy shelled 2000 bushels of
corn litis week.
Lebanon will have a new bchool
house in the near future.
John Bunker has rented his father's
farm three miles north of town.
M. Suhemmerhorn bought u spun of
mules Monday from Roynl Burgess for
The mother of Mis. John Smith
southwest of here, is very ill with pneu
monia. Elmer George enmo down from
Omaha last Friday for a vibit with his
Nearly u'l the male population and
a few of tho ladies wont out to view tho
wreck Sunday.
Lust Friday a box fell on Mrs A.
Cminian's hand, cutting two of her
lingers severely.
An eight pound barber arrived at tho
homo of Mr. and Mis. Charles Lull
M.mday morning.
Landlord Weaver ofjtho Weaver hotel
has a had hand, caused by burniug a
wart from his hand.
Mra Babcock, who has beon sick for
s one timo with pneumonia, U not re
covering very rapidly,
Georgo Duckor is building an loo
houso back of his restaurant and will
put up about 100 tons of ico.
Manning Suliummerlioru shelled
about 4,000 bushels of corn last week,
of which ho sold 2,000 bushels for a
good prico
Miller Brandon of Eshon was Injur
ed on left arm, hip and side in the
wreck that occurred two miles west of
Lebanon Sunday morning
Mr. Sutton lost a yeailing steer.
Mr. and Mrs. W rren Sutton are vis
iting with relatives.
The loss of stock during tho recent
storm was not very noavy.
Mr Robinson lost twelve hogs, sup
posed to have been smothered.
J C and 11. S Holcomb marketed
two loads of fat hogs last week.
Mrs. Arneson has been spending sev
oral days with Mrs. John Sutton.
Tho roads south are so badly drifted
tho mail carrier has been unable to get
Tho pupils at No. 3 enjoyed them
selves Tuesday by (ending each other
We bear of somo ponons who had
their noses nipped by Jack Frost, and
others their fingers.
Items of Nows Found In The
Chief of Twenty Years Ago
This Week v
Donuvnu's Tennesseeaus will bo horo
on March 10.
Miss Cono nieco of Mrs. Ormsby, has
arrived from Now York.
'I ho B. & M. pay car gladdened tho
heart of tho boys on Monday
Tho comrades of Well- past G. A. II
will hold u camp (lro on tho 23d.
Tho manugors of tho rink will givo
another musquortido on tho 28th.
Dr. Donney, who is now in Ch'iiu, ro
ports u largo practice iu Poking.
Hiram Hicks and wifo will celebrate
tholr twenty fifth anniversary next
S. F. Spokesflold has sold his rest
aurant uud will embark in some other
busiuos.s. '
Joseph Graves has bought Hurry
Feight's residence aud wi 1 niovo to
Rod Cloud
Mr. Brown, who has boon sick for
somo timo pust, is still in u critical
F. E. Goblo and wifo and Charley
Remsberg loft Saturday night for tho
sunny south.
Several of our businessmen wont to
Lincoln this week iu tho interest of
tho Stale Normal school.
Rov Mr. Meokin of Iowa has boon
called to tho pastorate of tho Presby
torinn chucrh in this city.
W. J. Orchard, wifo and baby, of
Dorchester, Nob., tiro visiting his
father, W. K. Orchard, near Inavalo
Aladdin council G O. O. initiated
T. O 1 lacker, M Blruoy, Ed Beokor
and John Young at (heir last meeting.
Postmaster MoNitt has beon In
structed by tho postofllco department
to prohibit loafing around tho post
Tho Red Cloud Odd Follows will ut
tond a mooting of their brothren in
Blue Hill on tho first Monday iu
L. II. Beck, formerly of this city,
and at present ustudont in tho Keokuk
Medical college, has been elected pros,
idont of his class. tho visitors to tho capitol
during tho past few days wore Sheriff
Wnrren, M. S Maish aud tho editors
of tho Argus and Chief.
Mrs. Botsy Wilson, tho aged mother
of W. J. and Thos. Wilson, living on
Hull crcok, reached her 8."th milostouo
iu life's journey last Tuesday.
On last Tuesday night -'Lo, tho poor
Iiidlan"gavo tho palofacos of Rod Cloud
a grand war dance at tho rink. Tho
uffair reminded the oarly settlors of
tho time when tho Red Man hold nl
most undlsputod sway in tho valley.
Thoso wore tho times whou tho. boys
took to tho stookado at sight, for fear
that if they remained outsido of Its
protection their scalps would ornnmont
tho belt of soma bravo boforo next
Tho Webster Oonuty Agricultural
sooltv met at tho olllco of Kaloy Bros,
lust Saturday for tho purpose of de
ciding on the now location for tho fair
grounds. Propositions wore received
from Ed Purkos, John Kellogg and
Mollors, all living west of town After,
considerable dismission Mr. Mo lors' i
ofror was accoptod. Tho land consists'
of 'JO aoi os, at $50 per aero. Tho old
grounds east of town will bo sold and
it is hoped to retilizo enough from
thorn to pay for the now grounds and
erect suitable buildings, and a com
mitteo, consisting of W. N. Richard
son, J L. Minor, R. B. Fulton, B T
Reed and E. B Smith was appointed
to look after this matter.
From tho Bluo Hill Times wo learn
that tho hatchet with which Leonard
Rail was literally butchered on tho
night of November 1, 1884, has boon
found. Tho hatchet was found Friday
of last wek by Mrs, Rail, lying about
eighteen rods north of whero tho body
was -found It was loft lying whoro
found until Monday, when it was pick
ed up and taken to Bluo Hill Hair
and clotted blood is plainly visible all
ovor tho hatchet
Batik Miss Nellio Arnold has
recovered from her sickness and has
roiiimcd her school at Cowles.... Fre
mont Arnold of Rawl ns county, Kim.,
Is visiting hi- father on Elm creoK ....
Miss Ella Beat of Bluo Hill is visiting
friouds horo
Judkon Wm. Hyan is papa to a now
boy. . . .Albert Kolloy and Miss Carrio
Ford wero married Thursday.... J
Armistead is tho assessor for tho com
ing your. . . . M rs. Humor and C Stoffon
Imvo been on tho sick list. ...Wm
Hosper's fam ly is on tho sick list
CATHEivroN Tho Plaluviow Enquior
Is now in churgo of W.B. Ilousohould
or and Miss Ida Britton .... Cathorton
wants u first class storo and physician
....Elius Lockhart gavo"tho young
folks a hop.... Burt Cure says its
girl.... Miss Brown of Wells attonod
tho literary Friday evening.... Sleigh
bells tiro again hoard.
Prairie Homb Mr. Pitnoy's young
est child has boon sick with diphthoriu
....Miss L A Halo is visiting hor
brother, F. Halo . . . . C Cathor brought
somo hogs of Honry Pooro this week. .
..Mr. Walkor lost somo cattle last
wook....Mlss Lizzio Mcintosh is to
teach at Mount Hope another term..
..The shining school at Now Virginia
is out.
Cowles Mrs Busick has returned
from hor visit In tho east. . . .Miss Paul
has almost recovered from her recent
illness. . . . Mr. Mioldon is u happy man.
It is a girl, u-iial weight. . . . Mr. Wool
lier, tho cnttlo mini, is in Juniata this
week buying grain.... Mr Linoburg
or's family have recovered.... Mr
Waller sold his firm to Mrs Shorman
lor $3,00 J. I
Walnut Creek Thomas Kennedy
has roturned from Summer county,
Kansas, accompanied by James Vaughn
.....T D Allbtiugh and Ben Prico ouch
shipped a car of sheep to Chicago
recently They receivid 51.80 por
head above tho frei 'ht....C. P. Rink
or has rented his farm to Andy Fen
iiimore....Mr Blankonbaker's lambs'
aro dying of scab
Blue Hill Miss Garbor of Red
Cloud visited in this city this week. .
. . R. A Simpson has roturned from
tho World's exposition at Now Orleans
and reports tho Nebraska exhibit n
grand one... D P. Newcomer arrived
from Lincoln Saturday.... A W.Cboot
and wife have- returned from a lsit in
Bassott, Iowa. . . . We now have another
dector, Dr Heed of Liborty ....The
Central hotel has again changed
hands Mr. Adams of Minden is the
uow proprioto' .
Kansas City Market.
(Continued from First Page.)
surplus stun" conies iu
Tho altitude of tho present mutton
market has never beon equalled at this
market, but tho market appears to bo
on a solid foundation and shows no
outward signs of weakening. At tho
same time, this is one of tho times to
look out for u break Tho lamb supply
today, although they woro light weight,
Goto 72 lbs, sold quickly at $7 05 to
7 75. Choice heavy lambs bring more.
Top on yearlings today is G 85, weth
ers S5 80, owes $.') 20, and bulk of sales
In ouch class doesn't run much bolow
those figures.
J A. Rick art,
Live Stock C irrespomiout.
President Roosevelt Is prompt in his
rospouso to tho demands for investi
gation of tho trusts.
The good book says, "Suffer little
ttalldi'Pii to come unto me and rorbld
them not, for of such is tho kingdom
of henven." I, a workin' man, without
much education, wouldn't 'a' known
wlmt there Is In this except for a cir
cumstance I'm goln' to tell. And I
wouldn't have known It anyway If I
..-... ,. ., -... . ""in ' i"i ...'. mtjDrji -'- i.i .- -.' .
Lndn't been a mnn ns m-cocd some thin'
to keep me from takln' a plunge InU
the ocenn o wickedness that would 'a
drawed me under.
I wns tbejinppy husband o' my wire;
Mabel, and the father o' my boy, Tom
my, and wafftearuln' good wngo3 In n
safe and "company. One day I wn
ecnt to n bfmk to flx the snfe lock. The
next day a big Bum o' money wns miss
ed from the Bofe, and I was accused
tnkln' It. They couldn't prove nothln',
but I wiib discharged, and tio other
compnny would employ me.
When I was turned out o' my home
and saw Mabel and the kid starvln' I
grew de.sperntc. Ilavln the name of a
thief, I concluded I might as well be a
thief. The president and cashier of the
bank I was susplcloned o' robblu' had
safes In their homes, and the cashier'
I'd put In myself, and It would bo
easy opcnln'. I went to the house one
night about 10 o'clock to get the bear
ln's, Intendln' to rob the safe Just bo
fore dawn. While I was standin there
a carriage drove up, and a gentleman
and n lady got In. I was thlnkln tho
cashier and his lady was golu' out to u
ball or some'rs, and I made up my
mind to do the job beforo they got
I had no trouble glttln' into tho
house, picklu' the kitchen door lock
with it skeleton key and cxploriu' tho
main floor. I found nobody there. Tin
gas was turned low iu the hall, and as
I went up I turned it out. I know
where the safe was, well enough In a
little room off the main front bedroom.
I skirmished around awhile and mudo
up my mind there was nobody homo
at all. Opcnln' tbe safe room door, I
flashed my dark lantern about and
found from the furniture, toys and
bucIi things that I was in the nursery.
I wasn't long bcln' continued in this.
for Kitddeuly the light fell plumb on
the face of a sleepin' babe.
I knew at once that there was some
body at home with the baby, though k
might have been left with the nun)
and she gone out with her feller. I
was goln to git out when the baby,
bavin' the light in its eyes, opened 'em
and looked about. Fearln' the chili
would cry, I made up my mind to a
bold stroke to prevent bcln' given
away. I shut the door and turned tnt
the gas. which was huruiu' tow. As
Boon as the baby's eyes got used to tlte
light it smiled at me.
That Millie took me back to my Tom
my at home In his little crib beside hU
mother, for my Mabel wouldn't have
no nurse for her boy even if she bad
loads o' money to pay one. I went up
to the little tiling and put out my fin
ger. It give me the same grip Ton
was used to glvin' me. It seemed t
me It was a grip o' welcome, und whew
It said, "Goo, goo, goo!" I was certain
It was sayin: "I'm glad you've come.
My nurse has left me lu the lurch, and
I'd 'a' been lonesome."
Well, the little chap wonld not go t
Bleep till I put my cheek down besldit
hls'n and kept perfectly still for awhile.
I was anxious to get him off my hands,
for he'd saved me from what I was
a-goln' to do, and I was hot to escapo
from the house without belli' caught.
As soon as I knew by his breathlu' bo
was asleep I went on tiptoe to the gns
Jet, turned it low and, opcnln th
"Hands up!" said a man in drcssln
gown und slippers, polntln' a revolver
at me. I recognized at once the cash
ier. "I haven't opened your safe, Mr. Ste
vens," I said. "Your baby saved me."
"I know you haven't. I've been
watching you through the keyhole."
"I made a blunder," I muttered,
crestfallen. "I thought you went out
with Mrs. Stevens."
"Luckily there was no one but mi
to stay with the baby, and I am very
much at home, as you see. Who nro
you and what are you doing in my
"I'm the man as fixed the safe lock
at the bank. I haven't had a Job since
and come here intendln' to help my
elf" "You that man?" he exclaimed, turn
In' sort o' pale.
"Yes, but I didn't tnke tho bank's
He hung his bead and seemed to bo
thlnkln; then lie looked up.
"I know you didn't," he snld.
"You know? How?"
"Come In here."
lie took me by the wrist and led me
back into the nursery and turned ui
the light.
"My child has saved you, and It has
made a man of me. Promise mo over
this bit of innocence to keep my secret,
and I'll set you right."
"I promise."
When you were working at the lock
I went Into the safe and took the mon
ey. I needed it to make good my ac
counts, which wero short. I'm all right
for funds now and will send tho money
to myself ns cashier tomorrow from an
unknown penitent. Now go. I will sco
thnt you get back your old Job, and
you shall be under my wing ns long as
I live."
I have prospered since then, nnd
we've never given each other nwav
No, there's nothln' nearer to heai
tnnn an Innocent child.
in I i i iimiii ml. ulllii figlWrnTtii irtinnnTirr1
1.J . ' i. 'i! Jk