The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 18, 1905, Image 6

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Man From Massachusetts Would Give
Advice on Matters of Government,
but Is Turned Away by Detectives.
President Returns to Washington.
New York, Feb. 15. For the first
time b'.ncc the days when he wan gov
rnor of New York, President Itoubiv
rck revisited the heart of the East
side, where, as guest of the Hungarian
Hepunllcan club, ho dined and spoke
at the "Little Hungary" restaurant.
Gum (led by mounted police and sett tit
service men, through streets cleared
and cordoned by patrolmen, he riiove
irom upper Fifth avenue Into the
crowded district which lien atound
Second avenuo and East Houston ,
street, u region of umalt shops and
tenements and largely populated by
Jorolgn-born citizens. f
From the moment niB carriage en
tercd the district, ho received an ova
tion. Never before has n president
of the United States visited this little,
known part of New York and never
before has n fraction of the thou
sands that cheered him soon a na
tion's ruler. The great East side
allowed its enthusiasm In every ining-l
inablu way. Acroos Second avenue nl
Sixth street a huge electric device
blazed forth I lie single wen! "Ue-i
Lighted," n word frequently usotl in ,
tao decorations. I
The district through which the
resident drove mid in which he dined '
is not the safest In the great rity rit.d
the police took no chances. So sti!n-(
Kent were the precautious that not n
flashlight photogrnph was allowed to t
be taken nud uniformed police, plain '
clothes men and detectives fairly ,
twarmed Inside and out of "Little
Hungary." They were stationed or. '
the roofs nnd fire escapes In the neigh
borhood nnd for two blocks on either
jidc of East Houston street a cordon
ef police cut off the crowds.
The president left the Hungarian
Iub dinner nfter making a brief
speech, In which he told of the duties
of an American citizen as he saw
them, and was driven dliectly to the
Dosbrossos street station, accompa
nied by a bquad of mounted police.
The ferryboat arrived In Jersey City
at 11:50 and some minutes afterward
he boaidcd his train for Washington.
A crank who called himself William
Waldorf Jackson. Jr. of Lowell, Mass.,
en'.Ied at the home of Douglas Robin
on, where the president stopped for
the night, nnd nsked to have his card
SMit to Mie president. The secret
service men and policemen on guard
about the er.ttuiico infotmed the man
that the president had not yet arisen
and nsked him to call again. He was
ot arrested. In answer to questions
as to his identity and why he wanted
to see the president. Jackson said lie
wished to confer with the president "5
to reforms in government nnd that
he wns a self-nominated candidate for
the presidency in 1S96. 1900 and 190-1
Massachusetts Congressman Says He
Was Convicted of Manslaughter.
Washington, Feb 15. The second
chaaor of the cpUodc between Sul'.i
Tan (Mass.) and Hearst (X Y.) oc
curred In the house when Sulllvat.
again took the floor on a question ol
privilege and rtlated the circum
stances lending up to the indictment
and conviction of his father and him
self for manslauchter. In decided
contrast with the remarks of the pre
vious day, when the two men heaped
upon each other epithets and charge
ef a serious nature, Sullivan's stu'.O'
ment was devoid of any further at
tark on his colleague and was a
straight recitation of the occurrence
inferred to by Hearst. Sullivan ad
Biitted Mie charge, but said that he
himself had been technically guilty
and was permitted to leave the court
a free man without serving a days
Imprisonment or being subjected to o
fine. His father had been Imprisoned
a year and a half, but on the Introduc-,
nun m new evuience, wnicii presented
a grave doubt of guilt, his father hau
been pardoned.
Sullivan's statement was listened to
with marked attention and at Its con
clusion he wns warmly applauded
many members leaving their seats
and shaking his hand Hearst was
not present during the time ho spoke.
The bnlaiico of the day was devoted
to consociation of the naval appro
priatlon bill, Llttlofkld speaking nt
length regarding the necessity for
keeping appropriations within the
limits of the revenues of the country.
Senate Passes Agricultural Bill.
Washington. Feb. 15. The senate
passed the agricultural appropriation
bill and began consideration of the
till making an appropriation for the
District of Columbia. The Hans
brouuh amendment to the agricultural
bf.1. relative to drawbacks on wheal,
""as agreed to after an extended de
late, in which tariff questions figured
i considerable extcr.t. The usual
three hours were given to the trial or
The impeachment charges against
Judge Charles Swayne. In cpnuec,tiou
with that case the senate decided to
take no testimony on the point of the
Inconvenience In the Judge's resi
dence outside of his district: also
that Judge Swayne's statement to the
house committee should not be used
as evidence In the trial.
Kansas House Passes Railroad Bill.
Topcka. Feb 15. The house unani
mously paEsed the Carver railroad
bill, which Is patterned after the
lown law. It will go to the senate.
Thinks President Takes Wrong Posi
tion Regarding Treaties.
St. Paul, Fob 13 William J Bry
an wns in St. Paul and called on Gov
ernor Johnson at the capitol. Whilo
here ho gave out an interview on the
recent co
dent and
the treaty-making power.
."I believe the senate is right In re
fusing to surrender lis right to a voice
In making treaties and I think the
president In error in making the ac
tion of the senate a basis of criticism
The veiy fact that he icfuses to recog
nize the right of an opinion so over
whelmingly expressed Is In itself ovl
thcrp, J-l.TOfjOuO; nntlvc Inmbs, 5.6iQ "ua0kUU(Vfciiu,wkra(uU(a(Aii,uaiavU(fcukAv,4i4(UtiaUfctk(iii,uiiiU(a(U(a(ku.
8 00, wvntcrti Imnim, s.i.i.t'us.oo.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omnlin, Ken. 14 -Cnttk Kecelpts,
l.r..V); 10c li!?licr: thtre nere no choice
cattle mi .'nil' ur.d ne Mcli i J 1. 73 was
paid for conn Juct fblr cuttle. Iloj.'s-ilc-celii,
J.100 Mvndy; the saint nc e?ter
diiy, the Uirhturlphtg wi-nt from J4.SO
don: medium ntnl mixed Uopi, $1 SOfi-1.85,
nnd the choice litf.vlc, from $1.83 In 1 M).
Sheep-lucc'lptc. 1,320; active nnd truly;
some vislem Initios hCid for t" 73, which
msm n poo I ttoiiK price, cctildeilrix
(lur.ll'y, r.tid .outdo ewc of fnlr quunt.v
hrocifht to 10, which wad also n strong
Kansas City Live Stock.
KnniiK City, Feb 14,-Cnttle-ltccclptn.
0.5O0; Uror.jr: choice rxpnrt and drened
liipf 'tec'."", $3O0fif73: fair to pood. $.' 73
fjil7ri; western fed teerH, J.'I.733 25:
(ncherp nnd feedris, S'JMYS4 -'.'; cowh,
$17.73-110; l.elferv, $3 "O.W). built ?: 23
c,j4IW, cnlvi-M, Si Win W. HoRi-Itoep.'piH,
ntroversy between the presl-i -.jon-' 'tead.r: top $r-r.'4: bulk of -n'ec,
the senate with regard to $4 pofn :G; lmj, C.ooji." l- pucker,
Mr Uryan
$4 &'C If'. I B"
Mil p-In "" -v, ,
$4 Mrfj.VJO.
rind Unlit. $-1 1.VH4 0Ti(,.
$!. vlendj ; Iftiiili, $7 00
JKXXUofcO, fed ewe,
Fix Boundary Line.
Washington, Fob. 14. The senate
committee on Judlcinry authorized a
favorable report, on a bill fixing the
boundary line between South Dakota
nnd Nebraska. It provides that the
dence of the danger of delegating to boundary line south of Union county.
him the power which he asks. Thoic South Dakota, shnll bo in the mnln
is, however, a basis upon which he ehannel of the Missouri river as now
and e senate might reach an agree- existing. This was agreed upon in a
ment, and I hope that a reconciliation compact between the legislatures of
may take place upon this or some bet- the two states and was made neces-
ter basis. The basis to which I refer Bnry by the frequent shifting or the
Is that the president bo authorized to channel of the river.
submit to The Hague court for investi
gation tiny and every question involv
ing an International dispute, the pir-
House Censures Omaha Reporter.
Lincoln. Fob. 10. In the house n
t!es to the dispute reserving tho right icsolutlon was adopted requesting the
to take such nctlon as they deem Omaha Woi Id-Herald to retract a
proper alter the facts ato ascertained, statement appearing In that paper
This would be a broader power in one ,mm ltf5 legislative correspondent and
respect than the president asks for. demnnding that tho correspondent
because it would enable him to put , "con line himself to the truth under
on foot an impartial Investigation and Penalty of expulsion from tho legls-
this Investigation by removing and do- latlve lml1-" T,'e article to which
fining the issue would remit in l"e house tanes exception says, in ef-
the settlement of many questions
which we might hesitate to Ftibmlt to
arbitration in advance of investigation."
Mrs. Edwards Is More Composed, but
Negro Associate Is Dumbfounded.
Reading, Pa., Feb. in. Mrs. Kate
Edwuids is more composed than at
any time in two weeks and it is be
lieved she is nerving herself for her
execution tomorrow. Sho walked
with a firm step from her cell to the
office of the Jail, where she mot her
lawyers for tho preparation of further
affidavits to be presented to tho board
of pardons today. Sheriff Snssamnn
has made every preparation for the
execution, and in the event of an un
favorable decision from Hnrrishnrg
the erection of the scaffold will be
commenced. Mrs. Edwards and Grea
son will be hanged at the same Time
Greason Is almost dumbfounded.
He. had confidently expected a new
trial and his ultimate freedom and he
apparently can scarcely realize his
terrible situation. Mrs. Edwards lias
given up all hope and has selected the
text for her funeral sermon and the
hymns to be rendered.
Fire In Brevort House.
Chicago, Feb. 15. Fire partly de
stroyed the Brevort house, causing a
lobs of $100,000 to the building nnd
hotel furnishings. Three firemen
were injured, one probably fatally.
The l.'iO guests who were in the hotel
at the time all escaped. Louis W.
Weil, a salesman for a jewelry firm in
New York, reported to the police that
$10,000 worth of jewels had disap
peared from his room.
feet, that Speaker House, before ap
pointing the special committee on tho
maximum rate bill, conferred with
members of the railroad lobby.
Receiver Has No Power.
Lincoln, Feb. 10. The receivership
case of the Lincoln Traction company
was carried to the supreme court and
tho court ruled that the receivership
should be set aside until the case can
bo decided upon its merits. Mean
while the traction company must give
a supersedeas bond for $1,000, with
the understanding that If the supreme
court finds that the appointment of a
receiver was proper the company Is
to pay the $50,000 in back taxes,
which has caused the trouble between
the city and the company.
Another Mrs. Hoch Is Found.
Lincoln, Feb. 11. Police of Lin
coln claim to identify as Johann Hoch
of Chicago a man who, about eighteen
months ago, under the name of Alfred
Hecht, married a widow, Mrs. Mary
Goetz, in this city. The couple wont
from here to California nnd at Los
Angeles, Mrs. Goetz asserts, she
trusted with the man her savings, $2,
800, after which, she says, he deserted
her. Sho returned to Lincoln and gave
the police a picture of "Hecht," from
which the identification was made.
Sammls is Asked to Resign.
Washington, Feb. 15. James U.
Sammis, internal revenue collector
lot the northern district of Iowa, has
been requested to resign. It is slated
at the treasury department that the
basis for this request is the fact that
Sammls permitted one of his deputies
to divide his salary contrary to law
with Sammih' biothei, who is also a
Rush for North Platte Land.
North Platte, Neb., Feb. 15. Two
hundred applicants for land formed
in lino in front of tho land office.
There were dozens of women in the
crowd, for whom the men gae way
ns a rule. The police force numbered
the applicants as they stood in line
and then the crowd dispersed, each
applicant to return as toon as his
number was called. Anthony Reeve
of Elm Creek, Neb., got the best sec
tion in the whole district. On ac
count ol the extreme cold there is not
so large a crowd as otherwise would
have come, but more are arriving on
every train.
Pure Seed Potato Special.
Omaha, Feb. 11. A pure seed pota
to special is the novelty promised by
the Northwestern to be Bent through
the Western part of the state about
the last of the month. The Idea was
Do you know that it will pay YOU. us
woll us US, to buy your HuilditiK Mil
torinl and (Joul tit. our yards I Not only
that our prices avumoe lower, or at
least as low, as thoso of our competit
ors, but iieoause wo take ospoolal euro
of and protect nil eati be olassed as
Coat. Lumber.
4tqi4i44t444Wfln4M'nTWrlWP wnrmWiiTimwr "WMW ' " "P "n1,"r
Lumber and Coal,
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
Any Style
Damcrcll Block.
to the Acre
Is tlio record on tho
KRKB Homestead
Lands of Wostcra
Cnnndn for 1!H)1.
Tlio 150.000 Farmers
from tlioUnltudStntep
who .during tlio pit
f-uven yours huvacono
to Can.uln n.irtlclnnta
In this prosperity. Tlio UnltoH
Status will soon become nn im
porter of Wheut. (Jet a
or purchase a farm in
and become one of those who
wilt help produce it.
Apply for information to
Superintendent of Immigration,
Ottawa, Catiuda, or to
W. Y. BENNETT, 801 New York Life Did, Omtha, Nt.
Mention tills pupor.
15c Meals, Lunches
and Short Orders v
Candles, Nuts, Pics,
Cakes, fresh Bread.
The Bon Ton
W. S. BENSE. Proprietor.
BIWMuB Red Cloud, Neb.
rilAV-rnM-2'(ft orUJ
11. JOE
S'l. LOUIS and
'ill points cant and
and all point
No, 13. I'liM-uiiKer dnlly for Oberllu
and bt. KnuiuiK brunchei.. Ox
ford, McCook. Dcuvcrtuid all
points went - 7 05 a.m.
So, 14. PamcUKCT dnlly for St. Joo,
KiitihHt) City, Atchison. St.
I.ouIk. Lincoln vln Wymnre
and nil points east and south 2-10 a.i
15. l'uMieiiKur. dHlly. Donver, nil
pomiH in uoionuio, utuii and
lulnts I
tl!(ir, n nt
no. id. rHhMJiiKer. uniiy mr m. .IOC,
Ktinsiib City. Atchison, St.
Louis Hud all points east nnd
south io:3ft a.m.
Nn 174. Accommodation. Monday,
Wednesday mid Friday. liaht-
t Incfc, Grand Island, lllack
UIlls nud all points In the
northwest l -30 p.a.
Sleeping, dining, and reclining chair r.arm,
(eats free) on through trains. Tickets sold ana
hHggace checked to auy polm lu the Unite
States or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps or ticket!
call on or address A. Cnuover, Agent. Ked
Cloud, Nebr. or I.. Wakcloy. General Pa
s ' KB' Airnnt Omaha. Nntirasm,
Features of the Day's Trading and suggested by. the seed corn specials
Closing Quotations. I which were sent over the state recent-
Clilvnuo, ivi. in.-liljrhiT prices for ly by the railroads. The potato spe-
wheut a: Liverpool nnd nn excellent de- clal will carry out plans similar to
mnr.d ti, An.eritn for cush wheat caused tne corn specialB. A train will bo
Sir nW ayU0?.!0". tted up with lecture coaches and a
iiffl Tut.. .. k. .. . . .. rtf i Htm. itii'tic! nt tint ft in cnlpntltttu will nppnm-
bbouvd .. mm. of ihc Oats were up V. pany the train and make addresses, l"?,?" "i 5i.lto"d,1,2cklX-
Bint' rrK .n ,.,m i,,1,i, , " , ui xo uu oinuii.
Elvs Cream Balm
This Romody is a Spoclflc,
Suro to Civo Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, nnd protects tlio
diseased inombruno. It ctireH Catarrh and
I'rovlsiori!) weie
uncnniureu. Th traJn wlj, Q thr0UKh the Potato ; ' . V.o" n" ;.:". T. 7..:"' ".",
riees i , , in i . -j uo. uuiimuuo uu nguuuua uruga,
Wlieat-Mny. $L1S; July, ?1 0: Sept.,' "" "' "" uuutun.- Appnoa into tno nostrils una absorbed.
Corii-Mny. ITiJi.-: July, 47T.c: t'lH., c
The train will go from Harrison to ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warnn St.. New York.
O'Neill on the Casper division and
will stop at all tho small stations.
Outs-Miiy. ailic: July, Jile Si: 'Mh,
loik-Muy SVJ.IK); July. ?ia.()0.
Lurd-.Mit.v, $0.O7V6: July. J7.07V4-
, farmers in picking out seed which Largo Rizo, CO cents at Druggists or by
...111 Imnrnirn o n .1 nnlnrnn nmrya llinil- Trllll RlO. 1 (1 IV1I in 1V Tllflll
VTIII IU)JIU1V HUM VUIMI(U IIIV.II blUJOi . .. w, Aw wuw j ....m.
ltlb!.-Miiy SO.tO: July, ?7.024.
CIiIcuko Cash lrlci' No. '2 hnrd wheat,
$1 IMd 'JO; No. 3 hnrd wheut, fl.Ofe'jii Id;
No 'i jelinw turn, M:J4fei-irie; No. '- white
oats, aClJ'ti-.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chlcngo, I'tb. ir.-C'ntth UccelptH, 10,.
000: btpndy; k"'1 to prime strerB, ?ii.80(f.J
(! a.1: poor to medium, 4.00tf.7rt; stoekers
mill foedeis, Jfli.ri054.3.'i5 eows, ifl.'J.llii-l.tiri;
heifers, , $ 2.1 ttfj "1,005 eminerH, l.It.-ii'-'.tUi;
hullH, ?2.(KHi 1.0O; enlves, ?3.)f8.00. Hoga
Iteeclpts, 'Jl.tKKi; htendy; mixed nud
hutihers, I.SKriS.O.I; good to cltoleo henvy,
$.1.00513.105 lougli henvy, 4.75Q-1.W); light,
$l7.Vijr..O0; htilk of Hitles, Sl.SS'iio.OO.
Sheep-Ilerelpls. 1:I,0XX); strong, inmhs
easy, good to eholee wet hers, J5.U3fiO.00;
full- to eliojeo uihed, 51.00(25.105 western
The Chief anil the weekly
Journal, $1 n year.
elfin! and iK-autlflci the hair,
rromotei Imutiant irrowth.
Never Fails to Iteitore Qray
llulr to ita Voiithful Color
Curti icalp Uiwt.rt hair lalllng.
JOc.nHllat llniggliti
Referees' Sale of Real Estate.
Notleu la hereby Riven thst the uiiderhlKiied
referees, uppolnteil hy tho Dlhtrict Court of
w elmter county. Netirnitlcn. In the nctlon therein
pending, No iKti, wherein Jonoih -reuden-Ktel'i.
ct h1., It. plHltitlir nnd HhzcI (Inrber do
fendnnt. for tho partition of Hie mil estate
lierolunfterdCKPrllicd. will, under tlio decree of
snld eourt niade and 10 dered nt tho Hdjouriicd
Deeeiutier. 10.U, term thereof. In nnld aotlou.
hi thn east front door of the court houto in nod
Cloud In UHld rotinty. on the 2ldavof Koliru
nry. 1WX',. nt U o'eloek . m.. oiler for mle nt
inihlli-niiriloii nud (.ell to the hlnhoht bidder
forcMsh. ns directed by mid deeno and order,
the following described real estate lu nnld
county, to wit: tho east half of the northeaHt
jimrter of teellon 12. lu towtiKilii 1, uurth.
ram: 0. west of the 0th V. M. ' '
Dated Jnuunry SO, 10. o.
L. II. Fout.
A. li Skllaiib,
nfeb7 Itefercei.
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Modiolne for Busy People.
Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. y, for Constipation, Indigestion, Lire
nVJ?'in,0lVoul)l08;t,mP,e', EcSenw, Impure
?i?P?i'j i0"5,11!' S?uBfl8 Bowels, Headache
fildficnSLm- u " R(loky Mountain Ten In faa-i
5. Em' cent a box- Ocmtlne made by
UOLMSTEIt Dni-n Oompany, Mlldllll, Wis.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Vfc 0 . ..
Take laXaUVe DromO limine Tablets. JS (7J&
Seven Minion boxes sold In past 12 months. This Signature, S?'jyr
Cures Crip
In Two Days.
on every
frnri0 box. 25c.
"Hwft -..: -tN.i- ' - r" ' ..... i -. - t
MflBHBk. . - -., mmiiwwwiwwwi"'- ' . ". ..u.iiMii.aai. r.i. ...r""l",""" niwnwi" - -, i ., ,,.,
- - " . . -- 1-- - . . .W.p-..I.MW'.W..IHMfta.WWB-.- ..n ,., ..-.-vs.. .,u. ..