The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 18, 1905, Image 5

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lny and teed at liuuibs.
I'lutnb Inn lU'd C.uud 11 nir.
Try tnnt calf ni.'iil it Caldwell's.
io to Fred Piuiub's for U.iur cir feed.
J. W. Wuii'un v,is in Lincoln iliis
Mis Lois Pope iB Imino from St.
Dr K. A. Thoinan, ituntitit, Dana-roll
Wnltor Kuluy was up from Chester,
J S. White was down from Lincoln
M. W. Speer of Superior was in town
Foil Cayer was up from Superior
Ah good as any coal in town at J O
Jolm Storey was down from Cowlcs
For Salcr Malu calf. Inquire at Now
house's store.
Girl wanted at, Hile's rt'staiirant,
Daincrell block.
.J nun's Dtvis of Minden was hero tin
lirtt of tin- wiM'k
Ttiiriv-etght degrees below zeio
Moiii'ny inoniinir.
Pilink l'l'lei.soli left, TllesdllV for n
tiip -tst and si.utli
J l'.llal- w s in C iltiiiibus tho firs'
till' I'llSt of till! Wl OK.
W S. Himim! and vifo returned Tues
la fioni IVcuuiM-li.
W T Auld was down from Lincoln
the fust ol (lie wei k.
Henry Waller and wife ilmvr
from Cowlcs l'm-Mlay.
Face massage and ladies' shampoo,
hi llai us' barber shop.
Horn, Tuesday, to Mr. and Mrs
Henry llallijin, i girl.
C. L Tibbotts was down from Cunp
bell tho first of tho week.
Tnko your poultry nml hides to
Plumb. Top priees paid.
Otto Popo of Lincoln was in IV d
Cloud tho lirst of tho wi ok.
Adair Galusha down fiom Lin
coin the fust of tho week.
Wanted Girl for general housework.
Apply at Nowhouse Bros
llev. J M Hi es has gono to St.
Paul, Neb., for a week's stay.
Wo still insist that O d hoi's rays can
not bo seen on a dark night.
Miss licronieo Higby has gono to Be
atrice for u visit with relatives
(reorgo Henso is homo again after
spending the winter in Denver.
William Parkos is able to bo om
again after a two weeks' illness.
Charley Hushee has moved his saloon
into tho old F & M. bank buildiiiK.
T. E M. Call has rented A. Gain
Hh'i's house in tho west part of town.
Miss Graco Anderson is homo from
Suiorior and will probably remain
F R. Mandovilluhas a bad cut on hi
left thumb, caused by a piece of niokei.
Tho rural carriers wont out on th ir
routes yesterday for tho first time since
. Inst Friday.
Felix Killough and Olive Parsons of
uido Hock wore given a license to
wed Wednesday.
Mrs. Anna Tullnys and son Allen
leave tonight for Naponee, where thoj
will reside in tho future
Cutis Zeiss, foreman of tho west sec
tion, fro his face Saturday while out
working on bis section.
Mrs. Will Hifo entertained a fow
quests at tea last Friday oveniug in
honor of Mr. Kifo's birthday.
Hnrry Cramer was called to his homo
near Bladen ibis week by the illness of
bis mothor, Mrs. A. H Cramor.
Last Friday a marriage license was
is.suod to Cnarles K Kinoaid and Misa
Jo nio Heaton, both of Inavale.
C C Cowden, who has boon spend
mg the winter in St. J d, returned to
Red Cloud Wednesday evening.
John Griffeth loft Tuesday morning
for a visit with his aged mothor, who
is ill at her homo in Rochello, III.
Don't forget to insure your property
against lire, lightning and cyclones
with L H. Port, ngent, Ui.nieron oiock.
Will Mitchell was down from Lincoln
tho first of tho week. lie, recovered
about a f 100 worth of goods from the
J. W. Rowson of Philadelphia, who
has been visiting with his son George,
left Sunday for a trip to Seattle and,
othT western points, litis was tho
H -t time Geoigo bail s-cii nts father
in eight years.
Lester Kiontz of Kiowa county,
Oklahoui'i, w io has been visi lug lis
iioiliei, Wudo Koontz, lift for home
Kdgnr Oowden ho lie from Chicago,
where he nml an operation pei formed
lor appendicitis. He is .mieli iiuprov
"d in health.
Will W'S i amo down from Naponee
the lirslof the week, called hero by the
eilniH illness of bis father, Judge
Suiiiuol West.
Kay Frame, erstwhile druggiot, bar
her and plumber, left Thursday for the
neighborhood of Blue Hill, where ho
will try fanning for a while.
Mi-s Kli.a belli Marker will attend tho
meetingof the National Educational as
sociation, which convenes at Mil
waukuo, Wis., February 28.
A boy babv was born Sat unlay night
to Mr. and Mrs. James Moranyille.
The child livnl hut a f-w hours, how
ever, and wn burii" Sunday.
I h-re's a "fettv go I in an Alpine hat,
A sweeter cin wiihn sailor brim,
lltn the hamlim"' uirl xou'll cver.o-'
Is 'he seiuble u'ul who nes Rickv
M-iiiiitain '1'ea ('. L C-t iny.
At the ('oiigrega ional church Sun
d'iv morning Die pastor will preent
in outline sillily of the Kowiln to the
It om ih Evenings sermon theme,
Om of Chnrlr-v Wolf's line driving
li -r-ex was baitly kieked bv its mute
list Sunday and it was necessary to
b'ingii to :own for veterinary treat
uient ill Have.' express team 'o 'k a spin
lorth on Webster street Vednosda
'Horning and ran as far as Whitakei'
olaeo nor beast of town No damage
uii-i done.
.Our county correspond nts have
"passed us up" this week, but. one lone
orrespondeiiee reaching this olliee.
Mad roads and uncertain mail service
ire the primary causes
Tho rural mini carriers have been tin
tblo to make their deliveries owing to
he lieavey drifts. If the fanners want
their nnil delivered they must keep
the roads in passable condition
Word has been received by Mr. and
Mi's Joseph H'-rhurger that thei niece
M s Lulu L uirhaeh, died at the
Get vg n s
By trading with us for
the year 1905.
We have the largest
and most complete as
sortmentment of hard
ware in the Republican
Come in and see for
Right Goods
Right Prices
Our Harness stock is
complete in every re
spect and we have the
goods to prove it.
Our New Year offer
ing is a first-class iA
Work Harness
complete with collars,
Get Right. Trade with Us
I j
HarriunfA Pt
iiuiunuiv wi
home ot net . hi., A l.aoletliiich
and wiff.ii.iC lby, Kan., last Saturday.
K'gnliir pioiehiiig services at tho
Christian ci urch next. Sinday. At
night the pastor will pieach on "'I ho
Characterof Esthei," tho second in tho
seiiesof soini ms to the young laoieg.
Drs Weirick & Riddilo of Hustings
will meet eye, ear, nosn and throat
patients at the olll.-i! of Dr. C-eighton
in Red Cloud, February 2-1 D not
cet these doctors confused with Dr. J
K. Warrick.
Elmer Ricker, a brother of S'unrt
Rickor.who has been in tho hospiinl
corps of the United States army for tho
past three years, serving in the Phil-p-pines,
returned to his homo in this
county last week
Beautiful eyes and hattdsomn face
ar oliqoent commendations. Blight
eyes are windows to a wom-in's heait.
Hollister's Rook. Mountain Tea makes
bright eyes. ,T cents, Tea or Tablots
C L. Cutting.
J. 11. Bailey is now ready to make
farm loans in WclMer, Smith and
Jewell ci hi nlie.s at tho lowest rates and
heM. terms ever given in these counties.
Ovtional pigments with all loans.
Call on or write to him.
It makes no dilierfucn how innii)
medicines have fulled to cure you, if
von n-e troubled sith headache, con
siipiiioii, kidney, liver troubles.Hollis
o'o ltnuy .Mountain Tea will make
ou well ('. L. Cutting.
Win S Bultis, Hit) ilMinguislied im
personator, will ho Inn d at the Con
giegniional chinch tonight. The lecture
i- n of the Ijeeiini course scries, 11 l
M. it'ttlis is said 10 he one of the tin
st impersonators on the Mage.
Coiintv Clerk E. S. Gather received
a letter Moiula from his son Anson,
who recently went to Prcsoott, An,
for the hem lit of his health Anson re
ports thai he is f-i ling much heiter, and
hopes for a speedy lecoveiy The cli
mate is warm and dry, and the grass
has already begun growing there.
The second quarterly meeting for
Inavale and As 1 Creek charge will he
held Pebruarv 'J5 and 2(5 Quarterly
conference will be held at Red Cloud
Saturdav, February 25, at '2:30 o'clock,
in Daineroli's hall The preaching and
communion service will bo nt Innviile
Sunilav evening, February 20, at 7:110
W. T. Taylor, Pastor.
Mrs Suio VV Jennov, sister-in-law
of Mrs J.M Ch'illii, who has been
visiting in R-d Cloud for the past two
weeks, returned Tuesday to her home
in Oberlin, (). Mrs. Jenney was a near
neighbor of Banker Bockwiih, who
was financially ruined by the schemes
of Mrs. Cassie Chadwiuk. Mrs Jennoy
says that Mr. B -ckwith was one of tlo
most highly respected citizens of Ober
lin. 100 A, 100 under plow all under fence
20 A in tinnier, 10 A alfalfa, 8 A alfalfa
land not seeded, 4 wells, 3 windmills-,
creek I mile, house 28x28 with 12x20
addition, 4 hen Inui o, granary 14x18,
corn crib 10x10,2 good cellars, 2 caves
out side, straw b'irii 1 A orchard, price
$1200 One mile from town. 100 A,
IdO A in cultivation, tine farm no im
provements, but a bargain at $1800,
half down. 1C0 A, good farm no im
provements, pi ice 80OOO Write for a
Special list. D. W. Grant, Almena,
Kamus, Norton Co.
It is said that one of the teachers in
the high school has threatened a boy
pupil chat she will cntiso him to fail to
"p8," nnd in pursuance of her object
has begun to give him lower markingB
than other pupils vho have learned
taeir lessons no better, if so well, ns he
has. Teachers who vent theit spite
upon pupils in this manner seldom
last long anywhere. There is too
much of this kind of work going on in
tun Rod Cioud schools and a stop
should bo put to it. As a sample of the
teacher's plan, it is said that one day
this week the teacher gave the boy a
grade of 43 in one of his studies. An
other boi's lesson, which was copied
almost entirely from that of tho first!
mentioned and did not contain the'
answers so fully, was graded above 80.
I; seems that we have something be
side discrimination in railroad rates to
contend with.
Advertised Letter List.
List of lottors remaining unoslled
for ut postofilco nt Rod Cloud, Ni b.,
for the week euding Fob. 10, 1903:
Robt Disluud, Dr Proehling, E. J.
Harris, Carl Schatio, Minn Vert..
These will be sent to tho dead letter
nfllco March 1005, if not called for
before. When calling for above please
say "advertised."
T. C. Haokkk, Postmaster.
That Settle's It.
When a Colorado mum! stone walk is
laid that settles it. Sue Overing Bro.
& Co. for prucs.
Corsets V
Wear one thirty days and if defect
ive in material or workmanship will
either give you a new one or return
your money.
(, Laces and
We have a large number of remnants
and short lengths of Laces and Em
broideries that will be sold at less
than half their usual price for a few
days only. Too many to enumerate.
"Bvister Brown"
for Children arc THIi
EARTH. Try them.
(Uiiiikiilil(kll(Uibii'ititilil(U(UitU(lUUkiil(ViibUii(UUiUaaiktiiliiiiiiiU(iiU)ifcai)bifcakl(bili fc
Red Cloud,
Resolutions Of Thanks
At u meeting of the board of trua -
tees of tho Methodist Episcopal
church of tho city of Rod ( loud, Nob ,
the following resolutions were adopt
ed: Whereas, Wo, the Methodist Epis
copal church, luivo uocomo tho recipi
ents of u generous gift, tho sum of flvo
hundred dollars (500), from Mrs.
Elizabeth Foot of Milwuukoo, Wis , u
sister of Mrs. K L James, mothor of
our enterprising citizens-, tho Turnuro
Bros., and Mrs liollo Taylor, all of this
city; and,
Whereas, She did this to erect ii
momorial to hor father, Mr. Stephen
Cotnpton, and tho desire to help us in
our now church enterprise; now,
therefore, bo it
Re&olvod, That this committee, on
behalf of pastor nnd church, extend
to Mrs Foot oursincuo and heartfelt
Resolved, That wo will ovor hold hor
in grateful remembrance, that wo will
petition the All Wiso and Denoflcont
To the Public
Having purchased Chas.
Wadell's meat market, we
extend to you u hearty iu
vitation visit us and become
better acquainted and also,
when looking for good first
class meat, we ask you to
give us u trial.
Wo are satisfied wo can
wo can pleaso you.
Yours for busluoss,
M. A. Albright,
15he Grocer
First ' Quality ' Goods
Reasonable 3 Prices
Father Abovo to grant hor u long life
' wth ,loy and satisfastion in tho be-
htowal of this gift which wo so fully
appreciate Ho it futhor
Resolved, That a copy of those roso
lutions bo forwardo to Mrs Foot, also
published iu our Red Cloud papers.
Rev. E L. Hutohinb.
Dh. E. A. Thomas.
Mayoii Ross.
Mrs E J. Duckkr.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Tak Laxative Biomo Quinine tab
lets All druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. K. W. Grove's signu
ourt is on each box. 25c
The Chikk and the Weekly State
Journal one year for $1, till March 1.
MyMlc Cure for KlienmntlHni and NcurnUI
radically rnrcN In I in 3 (b)'h IIn action upon
the n)teni Ih remarkatiie ami inyntorioun U
removes at once- tliu caiiKo and the dlfeano lm
mcillnicly dlxiippcHrn. Tho lint rtoi-o Krcailr
bono II ih 76 cciitK and li 00. held bj H.K
Once DriiRKhit. Itcd Cloud
Insurance Agency
The German
Insurance Co.
of Freeport, 111., and the
Farmers' Mutual
Insurance Co.
of Nebraska
have over nine hun
dred policies in force
in Webster County.
Look up your policy
and see me.
Phono 08. Red Cloud.